Showing Posts For Estes.3107:

Cultural armor, stats based off race.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Estes.3107


Well imagine you dont have a transmute and your never going to buy them off the gem store and you have no idea when youll get one from a chest would you rather be stuck with the stats it gives or would you rather have the cultural armor as a skin that way you could just apply it to armor you already own that benefits you.

Cultural armor, stats based off race.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Estes.3107


Hello i wasnt sure where to post this topic so i figured this was a spot.
Anyways so as the title says this topic is about cultural armor.
So according to the wiki cultural armor has a specific stat set for each race (i.e. Sylvari is con/per/tough and asura is con/vit/power) and i was wondering if anyone else is disapointed in this decision?
I was hoping that each cultural armor would have more then 1 stat set (i.e. a set with power/tough/per and a set with con/per/vit) so that way since im paying so much for the armor in the first place id atleast have the ability to make a choice that would benefit my traits.
As a Sylvari guardian all my cultural armor is set to con/per/tough and as a guardian i almost have no to little use for the condition stat since all i can do is burn people and the majority of my attacks dont apply burn besides the virtue (every fifth or fourth attack if traited).
I could apply 1 burn from judges intervention and i could also apply a burn from the consitration utility (forgot the name) so you could see why condition is not really big for me.

So as i asked earlier does cultural armor being specific in what stats you gain based on what your race is bother anyone?

here is a link to the wiki that i mentioned above

Screens of your Sylvari

in Sylvari

Posted by: Estes.3107


my lvl 47 Guardian in tier 1 cultural armor.


Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Estes.3107


My lvl 47 Sylvari Guardian in cultural tier 1 armor hoping to eventually have a mix of all 3 once im lvl 80 at somepoint.


(edited by Estes.3107)

Glow and character creation

in Sylvari

Posted by: Estes.3107


I noticed the glow off the bat because when i made my sylvari i happend to click the light bulb and noticed im glowing.

However when i made my guardian sylvari i went with a blue/white tone with her because of the guardian attacks all being blue but, after being blue for so long im tired of it.
I also didnt know that when i decided to become a female that alot of the armor was going to make her look like a prostitute (should of seen it coming) and with her blue skin peeking out of every end of the armor looks ugly and has become an eye sore to me and wish to completely redesign her if i could. A redesign would be one of the only things id be willing buy with real money for gems and after reaching lvl 47 i dont really want to reroll my amazing guardian.

Guardian Role. Is it "Support Only"?

in Guardian

Posted by: Estes.3107


The way I see it is the guardians are better at support then all other classes however does not need to be specced in support if the player does not want to support others. Just like a ranger and all other classes can be specced into support but does not provide as good of a support as the guardian.
But have their own area of expertise where we would otherwise as guardians fail at, like rangers having range and we do not or necros laying down conditions and at best we get to burn people.
And if you dont want to support but cant figure out a way do damage as a guardian there are many other fine classes out their to play.

pet (f2) skills.....

in Ranger

Posted by: Estes.3107


Ive never noticed if the F2 skills were being used by my pet.. I roll with a pig so his F2 is kinda useless in a fight because im not going to run up to the mob to pick up an egg or a tree or whatever it is that makes a healing tree sprout up, my hawk has a bleed condition but since im using a shortbow i never notice if its adding to the bleed stack or not.

Players completely invisible post-update (Oct 7)

in WvW

Posted by: Estes.3107


So is there any update as to when they might have a fix? within the week?
Next week?
Anything other then were working on it, not complaining im just wondering how long it might be, gives me time to do some PvE.

Account Roll-backs/Replacement Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Estes.3107


Sorry to butt in on another thread but due to a lack of official acknowledgement (but plenty of sympathy from players) on a thread I created last week, I thought I may as well see if this thread can help me.

My account was not hacked. It was the victim of a bug missed by the devs causing me to lose over 3k gems. I’m not that rich in game. I spent all my time since I got it trading anything I had for gems in the hopes that they would appreciate in value. This took me almost 100 hours from the start of no crafting etc just to save enough gold fast enough. Then one day it just said I have 0 gems left; no purchase record, no transfer, no illegal account log in.

GW support sent me in circles for days eventually saying that they don’t have the power to do anything so they send me to the suggestion forum because apparently regardless of a bug they can’t do anything (I’m glad I abstained from putting real money in, although I was planning to). So I left a thread a week ago that has been getting player comments most days, all disgusted that this kind of thing can happen. Moreover, that I am shown no official sympathy or even acknowledgement of my problem. Instead I’m left every day checking my emails and these forums hoping I would at least receive a message saying “sorry but we aren’t going to help because…”. To be honest right now, that’s all I want. A public acceptance of fault so that at least people will know not to waste their time looking for help as I have. Of course, a solution that restores what was stolen from me would be ideal but from what I hear on this forum, the new service that will probably never even be released won’t even help me. How can you people have so little control over your own game? I guess as you already have our money, you really don’t need to help us.

For anyone interested, here is a link to the aforementioned thread.

If you could possibly leave a comment I would greatly appreciate it. Maybe someone with some power will eventually read it.

Thank you.

Looks like they’re still giving you the run around.

Apperently your last topic (which i posted a comment of disgust and suggestion towards) was considered “pointless to post lengthy complaints that lack any information that would allow us to assist you.”

even though i thought you gave every bit of detail you could hand them.

Not to mention you apparently e-mailed them of your complaint before you even made a post to the forums, even though they say.

“We just ask that you try working through the tickets and not posting immediately in the forums, as that can be a real waste of resources, with multiple people reviewing the same issue.”

Although in my opinion that redirecting complaints to another complaint department instead of doing what should really be done and seeing they should have full control of their own game they should easily refund your gems.

If you ever do draft a petition i will be glad to sign it in support.

MAJOR issue for all guild leaders. Please read this/give feedback

in Suggestions

Posted by: Estes.3107


did you even read what he said Nels? He recruited just fine its the fact that they can join other guilds which kinda kills the whole point of a guild, because if you were to join a street gang would you be able to join another? not with out getting your kitten killed first.

Compensate players for devasting bugs (i.e. all my gems disappeared for no reason).

in Suggestions

Posted by: Estes.3107


I say sue them!

Remember that kid that got robbed at knife point from kids so they can take everything from his Runescape account?

Although this is not the case but if i remember correctly, he had a real case because of all his time spent earning everything he got in runescape was conisidered time invested and there for was robbed of as if he was actually working and was robbed of real cash money.

Seeing that you invested your time earning gold for gems and were “robbed” (not by actually people but maybe a game glitch?) you should there for be compensated for your time invested earning gold for gems.

Guardian scepter needs some SERIOUS HELP

in Guardian

Posted by: Estes.3107


Id just like the slow blue orbs to be a beam of light everything else is fine, i guess #2 could be a symbol for the trait bonuses.

As for the auto attack animation i think its funny looks like a tennis player on crack, yes this is a bad thing which is why id rather have a beam of light, better to point at my enemy then swing my specter like a crack head.

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Estes.3107


Mail the money to who the commander designates to be the guy spending it. Everyone contributes, one person spends. Moving on.

If a commander i never met told me to give my money to another guy i never met im never going to give him anything, moving on.

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Estes.3107


how about if you want to upgrade a keep you select what upgrade you want to be upgraded then a upgrade “bin” appears and somebody tells everyone that wants to contribute to that specific upgrade to donate to that bin?

I'm a number and I feel it.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Estes.3107


im number 3107

but seriously dont drink and post topics.

Ok Please turn off World transfers...

in WvW

Posted by: Estes.3107


Hahah did we really just do that to you guys?

Well im no spokesman but im sorry, the free transfer being used for that is rather annoying i know, but it is needed for server balance like Ryner has stated.

Edit: plz note im not from the guild doing this to you.

Focus or Torch with Scepter

in Guardian

Posted by: Estes.3107


well ive always liked the torch, yes its more for melee but it has very good damage although i like condition damage so thats why i like the torch.

as for what AlphaDuck said, i think thats about right if you prefer to keep them a range since your attcking with range the shield is a great secondhand. so overall it depends on what your build is and how you prefer to fight.

Give us A rifle or bow

in Guardian

Posted by: Estes.3107


use the scepter it has good range (1200) just a rather slow auto attack (#1) what would be nice if the staff #2 attack was not slow and lame i actually never use it because most of the time i do it just floats into the ground.

the reason im saying use the scepter is because you have no argument for why you want the rifle or bow and im assuming its because you want more range

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Estes.3107


You guys act like how somehow your contribute less because you don’t play at an overnight time. That’s complete bullkitten.

No it’s not. When I plant 40 voice communicated men on one map at 9PM, with a good organization we can capture and keep half of the map for 2-3 hours.

If I plant 40 men on the same map at 5AM we can capture whole map in less than 1 hour (thx to golems and mesmer portals). And we can move to next map and do it there also. And then the next map. And all those points will be ours for at least 3-4 hours.

Same amount of people, huge difference in contribution.

so using your example which sounds about right from my experience in WvWvW.

It would be like for example (not actually happening).

Lets say its prime time playing time in NA and at that time in EU its sleeping time (less players on EU) and lets say it was a NA server vs 2 EU servers (not possible so dont slam my example open your mind a little) since its prime time in NA and sleeping time in EU the NA server will have a effortless domination of all borderlands (not very fun but fruitful with the benefits earned from that time dominating the entire map).

Now its sleeping time in NA and prime time in EU and the same exact thing will happen but in the benefits go to the EU server. this is what is wrong with night capping its not the night cappers fault they are just playing when they can thats not my issuse.

My issue is the benefits of the easy domination of the map there needs to be an adjustment of the benefits recieved and there needs to be a adjustment of how easy it is to dominate an empty map.

The outmanned benefit from being outmanned is not enough, and the benefits of taking/defending a keep is not scaled to how easy/hard it was to do the accomplishment.

Once again this was just an example so please be open minded to what i was saying.

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Estes.3107


Why do I think the main solution to this is for Henge of Denravi to lose? Because deep down, that seems to be what the main complaint is, that Henge of Denravi isn’t losing and SBI/JQ/ET aren’t winning.

I have a feeling of henge loses, that these complaints will magically drop off.

Because the number 1 rule of MMO’s is

“1. It’s never my fault as a player, I’m not a terrible player, if I lose, there is something in the game working against me”

I could give a rats kitten about HoD winning or losing the problem i see with night caping (and im not saying its unfair to night cap) is when i go on to WvWvW with my server on a losing end is that nobody wants to go on and i can rapidly switch between all borderlands with no Queing going on

which ends with me going to any borderland with never enough people to have enough fun in a WvWvW situation other then defending from a giant zerg or a always failed attack on a tower or keep due to the night teams upgrading the kitten out of a keep or tower and not having enough people to set up a successful attack (not to mention the idiots who dont know the meaning of the word strategy)

so when people see theyre on a failing server they switch to a server that is winning (big failure on guilds being able to be on any server and the free transfers)

I love steal, but I wish we had F2-F4 too.

in Thief

Posted by: Estes.3107


how about besides steal we could for range have maybe a trick shot kinda like the engineer with the belt shot or whatever it is and maybe a trip for a 1 sec knockdown and another speed boost 2 sec’s too much? i know we already have alot of speed but 1 more cant hurt of course this can all either share a cooldown or atleast have the same cooldown time just my thoughts

Stealth: Attacking consistently while totally 100% stealth....?

in Thief

Posted by: Estes.3107


that would not be fair! are you high? the entier point of stealth is being unseen, damage numbers above your head? you mine as well be targetable too

if a stray bullet hits you, you’re gonna lose some blood on the floor

ah the realism argument, in that case a warrior cannot swing a greatsword as fast as 100 blades

magic isnt real therefore necros/elementals shouldnt exist outright

my skill headshot should probably oneshot people


Not so much realism as common sense. If someone’s spraying projectiles in an area and one hits something invisible, they’re probably going to notice that. If we were going to go with a realism argument, you could just say that if someone looks directly at the thief they lose stealth. especially if they’re in spiky, colorful armor.

in this case they are the same, common sense a warrior cant swing a weapon that fast, common sense magic doesnt exist, etc…

my point was, trying to use common sense and/or realism in a game that has to be balanced is rediculous and shouldnt even be mentioned.

common sense dictates that magic is not real nor is the ability to be 100 precent stealthed walking around people..atleast the stealth part hasint happend yet..and idk about you but ive never seen someone shoot magic out of there hands nor people raise the dead so the guy who said "in that case a warrior cannot swing a greatsword as fast as 100 blades
magic isnt real therefore necros/elementals shouldnt exist outright

my skill headshot should probably oneshot people" is indeed right and you just failed to show common sense.

Anti mesmer tactics?

in Thief

Posted by: Estes.3107


well from a mesmer standpoint aoes tend to weed out my clones since for the most part they tend to bunch up if the mesmer activated the clones close together but an easy way to see a mesmer besides the icon on the target health bar on top which will have a butterfly mask on the real mesmer because sometimes its hard to shuffle through the clones and the real mesmer when the fight gets alil chaotic is to look for the only mesmer thats running around and doing more then the default 1 auto attack since clones dont really do damage you can let them be unless theyre charging you in which case youll want to dodge or kill them so the shatter effect misses some people will target the phantasms because they can do damage or other effects depending on the phantasm my recommendation for thieves is to use your short bow poison the area and bombard the area with cluster bombs if your chasing the real mesmer and close to them cluster bombs can do some real damage to the mesmer i recommend using cluster bombs when your close to the mesmer because the arc of the cluster bomb can be time consuming..also your number 1 attack on the shortbow bounces between i think 3 maybe 4 enemys so you can take out some clones if they are close together too.

Edit: when mesmers are in a downed state since they can create a clone and teleport to another location the only way i can think of killing them on the ground is to nver stomp because you might be stomping a clone which is time consuming and the real mesmer may beable to heal themselves in time also always twist your camera angle around so you can see if there is another downed mesmer if there is hes your guy/girl to kill if you cant see another mesmer lying around and you killed a clone most likely he teleported behind somthing so you can either try looking for him/her run off and look for somthing else to do or wait around to see if the mesmer is willing to go round 2

(edited by Estes.3107)

No point in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Estes.3107


and all this time i thought it was my lamekitten computer idk if this is on there (anet) side or on mine but it is rather annoying when im running to catch up with my team and the next thing i know im next to a mob of enemys and stomped dead in seconds

Server alliances ruins WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Estes.3107


oginization lacks in my server theyre so stupid when the go for AB or DB (the keep on the west side) we will get in the outer gates and everyone will zerg to the outer gate on the other side instead of actually going to the inner keep gate..and they seem to not even know there is 2 entrances to the keep istelf (the docks and the back gate north west) its so lame i want a server change but idk what servers have actual orginization and not to mention everytime i try a server change usually the server is full

Server alliances ruins WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Estes.3107


well idk how the servers can have a unoffical alliance since they cant talk to eachother and the server matches change everyday but when your server or an opposing server is generally weak both servers gang up just to clear out the weaklings but um best way to solve this is to have a 1v1 match up instead of 1v1v1 or another way i suppose is to have the map that the server with control of the northern territories has a higher pop cap and the 2 invading servers have a slightly smaller cap but actually work together in a 2v1 match up and since each server has a map where they control the northern territories everyone can have the feel of either working together with another server or defending an attack from 2 servers..of course this will require the defending server to actually work together instead of zerging all around like dumb kitten and since there is the elemental map? i think thats what its called (the only map that differs from the other 3) that can be your 1v1v1 server for people who like to have 1v1v1 situations

just my thoughts

Camera control issues - a documented list

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Estes.3107


Not sure if this has been mentioned because there was so much to read but i find the camera angle very annoying when your in a map like the sylvari jungle style because sometimes while adventuring i end up falling off a cliff or what not and end up in a small area with a mob of NPCs and tree branches everywhere and i cant see where im going or what im attacking and being attacked by for a moment and get disoriented.

Talking to NPC priority over Looting

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Estes.3107


Aye, very annoying happens all the time to me whats worse is when the npc is not even important and just says some stupid comment.
Not sure if its a bug but would be nice if loot was always the priority over talking to a npc mostly because the loot option will disappear after you have looted.

Obstructed range attacks when not obstructed?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Estes.3107


And, is it a bug that a bow range is identical regardless of whether you’re attacking or defending the tower?

In reality, an archer on top of a tower will have a MUCH greater range than one standing on the ground. But if I’m on a tower wall, I can be hit by arrows by other players that are at my max range. That should never happen. They should be well inside my range to be able to hit me at all.

It would be nice if we had more range while on a tower wall it would also be nice if we didnt have to jump on top of the ledge just to not be obstructed mostly because i feel like im going to jump to my death by falling into the middle of a blood thirsty zerg.

But speaking of range i have also noticed sometimes when im not even in range i can still pull a hit with my bow even though my skill has that tiny red bar that’s suppose to mean im out of range.

I understand the game is new and has some kinks to be ironed out but this is rather annoying since it makes me feel like while im playing a range attacking character my attacks are either a hit or miss.

Just saying would be nice to not have my arrow hit someone in the face and it say obstructed because he was behind a pebble on the ground…

Obstructed range attacks when not obstructed?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Estes.3107


So ive been playing the game since its release and for the most part i have no complaints although ive noticed in WvWvW alot of times when im attacking with range i will be in range and have a no obstructions visable but it will say im obstructed im not talking about when im defending a tower or keep from above but while im out in the open field alot of times i notice this happens when they start running away and i chase them or if im on a small hill attacking.

So im wondering if anybody else who attacks with range is also getting obstructed with no clear reason why?
It has happend alot to me and makes me have to get too close for comfort.