Showing Posts For Etna.1634:

08/09 - AR/DR/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Etna.1634


LARP is back in full force
looking forward to seeing you guys at fight night

Moobs! (Mobos!) <3

I’m working thursday so I’ll miss it unfortunately.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

08/09 - AR/DR/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Etna.1634


servers that dont win a match in many weeks will continue to die, starting with the lowest ranks and moving upwards. evolution scores don’t keep players around, winning does. PvE has more loot potential. If a server keeps out of 1st place long enough they will lose players plain and simple, and end up with a handful of queued servers where nobody really makes any difference because as soon as they log off someone takes their place.

Orbs or atleast a new form of them are making it back and Devon’s been saying they’re looking at rewards for match-up wins. I’m certain it will just speed up this process.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

08/09 - AR/DR/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Etna.1634


I see things have changed for Fergs.

I remember you guys… you are those roamers who I always see in our border. maybe we got tired of it and finally wanted to kick you out? But of course if You run into a zerg it is mindless and will want to kill you, soooo… this only proves you ran into a zerg. Which was probably the zerg that came to flip back our border after DR zerged it.

So is the circle of of WvW life.

QFT but I look more on the circle as a downward spiral slowly killing wvw.

For the roamers there really is a limit on how many you can take on on a regular basis and come out on top. The way the game works (downed state, being able to rezz stomped players, ae limit, defensive siege) it really promotes numbers as the easiest and most comfortable solution to any wvw situation. I was hoping this game would evolve into more and more people looking for the small-man action but during this year it has moved to quite the opposite. My feeling is that small roaming groups is alot fewer and far between than a couple of months ago. Eventually and rather sooner than later there won’t be any, just solo duel-specd roamers and the zergs.

Now the biggest problem for the future of wvw isn’t that the zergs will destroy small-man roaming but eventually they will destroy this whole part (wvw) of the game. When the solution to any wvw problem is numbers, it will lead to bigger and bigger zergs and the servers with less people and coverage will slowly stop wvw:ing. Since server pride went out the window months ago (with free transfers) there’s nothing ( I dont see the minimal fee you have to pay for transferring as a hindrance) that will stop people moving to the greener and only grass. Then you’ll have a couple of powerhouse servers dishing it out with humongous zergs, queues to wvw etc and all that to gain nothing, since you don’t gain anything winning a match-up. A year from now wvw in zerg wars will be dead.

That’s my wvw judgement day sermon and I’m very bored at work.

TLDR; WvW will be dead in a year.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

(edited by Etna.1634)

08/09 - AR/DR/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Etna.1634


Well that wasn’t nice AD/BSTY charging me like I’m your last meal as I casually jump through you all. Less frothing at the mouth more good times.

Implying jump around casually equal good times.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

08/09 - AR/DR/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Etna.1634


Good Job Fergs!!!

You guys are really good. Had some fun battles with you this afternoon.
I can see myself in that screenie!

Had some fun battles for sure.
I can see myself in that screenie to!

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

* 7/26- DR/AR/HoD *

in Match-ups

Posted by: Etna.1634


In noway do I approve of what you did but I gotta hand it to you; you really [Mend]ed this godawful boring thread.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

* 7/26- DR/AR/HoD *

in Match-ups

Posted by: Etna.1634


Here’s a sneak peak at the NOTHING we do as a guild. It was a fun week Mon / Tues night and now its dead because the horde of HoD decides to leave LA when were winning by =148958293059.

Special Thanks to Stickkid for running as our 5th.

PS: watch it in 1080p


Sucks I’ve barely been able to play this week would’ve been fun fighting you guys.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Etna.1634


Hey guys can you give me a score update? Who is in last place now?

Evolution: GoM last, IoJ second and DR first. Happy to oblige.

Are you sure because i heard DR was in last place. Confirm/deny that DR is in last place?

Asking the same question with other wording does not result in a different answer.

Happy to give you some pointers, ARM.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

* 7/26- DR/AR/HoD *

in Match-ups

Posted by: Etna.1634


This thread is like watching paint dry. Oh please lord give us BP/NSP or SF/ET next matchup.


Supreme Commander!

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

* 7/26- DR/AR/HoD *

in Match-ups

Posted by: Etna.1634


This thread is like watching paint dry. Oh please lord give us BP/NSP or SF/ET next matchup.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Etna.1634


Best matchup thread in months. Keep it up!

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Etna.1634


Hey guys can you give me a score update? Who is in last place now?

Evolution: GoM last, IoJ second and DR first. Happy to oblige.

Are you sure because i heard DR was in last place. Confirm/deny that DR is in last place?

Asking the same question with other wording does not result in a different answer.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Etna.1634


Hey guys can you give me a score update? Who is in last place now?

Evolution: GoM last, IoJ second and DR first. Happy to oblige.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

Consolidating 5 mans into one tier

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


Supreme Commander Number One Skarllok if you get this going send me a pm and I might just have to reinstall.

PS. Camelot Unchained, look it. PSS.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

Jan 11th 2013: Maguuma/Borlis/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


I’m very happy that Guild Wars 2 came around so I could play with all my e-friends again. No matter how the score ends I would like to say that I’m happy and proud to be in this bracket, competing against such admirable servers as Borliss Pass and Maguuma. Everyone I run across, everytime, all the time I’m online impress me and are doing an awesome job at what they’re doing so if you just see me or I am in your vicinity, kudos to you. This needless to say goes for the red named friends aswell!

I also hope the moderators can keep up their awesome work at keeping the threads clean.

Good luck to you all and God Bless!

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


Saying everyone else is making excuses about fighting a set up 5v5, but there seem to be a whole lot of losses in open field. Saying “You didn’t beat us because it wasn’t frapsed” or “You didn’t kill us because screen shots can be edited” or “You obviously didn’t beat us because you don’t wanna 5v5 us” (all excuses btw) doesn’t change the fact that you got outplayed tactically.

WvW is about situational awareness, monitoring enemy troop movements, harassing enemy reinforcement and resupply lines, and setting up kill zones in locations where you can effectively change the WvW fight. If you are roaming around aimlessly trying to ‘gank’ you’re just taking up server slots, I’m sure theres another 5 people in the queue that would love to hop in the zerg and surf.


No wonder AoN didn’t want to come to this Tier, its just full of people who make up excuses for everything.


- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


.. but wait i think our mesmer smashd LARP ele leader in a duel.. if im not mistaken..

You’re not, he did. Twice.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


This thread is honestly exhausting all these guilds claiming they can beat us, yet they never step up and take the challenge. When we try to 1v1 or 5v5 LARP they say we don’t do organized fights which is why no one respects you. Anyone can mesmer portal into a group of people you outnumber and spam skills.

thats funny, because anyone can pick the next attunement and spam whatever skills are recharged too!

This is the thought process of most FOTM elementalist which I why I beat them so easily…if only you knew there was a greater meaning.

Funny thing about portals, if theres an enemy one you can call it out and ‘spam skills’ and kill them. Or not and let them come through and destroy ya. Way to get outplayed. Actually Bunzy theres a lot of life lessons you can learn here:
“Situational Awareness! Stay Alert! Stay Alive!”
“You ain’t gotta lie to kick it!”
“Communication is key.”

If you mesmer portal for no reason, as far as im concerned you are only doing it to abuse culling issues. Not a great way to prove your skills.

Funniest about it all is that we didn’t even use a portal.

If you make mesmer portals up for no reason, as far as im concerned you have no clue what’s going and just make random newbreasons up as to why you suck. Not a great way to prove your skills.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


hey, some of us ( LARP ) xfered to dev. Looking to small man with some people we don’t have many people left.

How many and who is left? AD is already running maxxed most nights, but maybe you could fill out NAME and BSty groups who are often running with just 2-3.

You do realise the reputation of LARP right?

Well, I’m not aware of what they did on EB. They were on Kaineng and then FC where they did not have a bad rep.

Some of the EBs was having a go away party for Mag the last night before reset. This party meant that people was just standing around emoting eachother. The three of us thought the party was pretty lame and started killing people. That’s the only thing I can think of that would give us bad rep from our time on EBay and i guess that’s what Bunzy is referring to. If not, plz Bunzy enlight me.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

Name 3 "easy" improvements for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


1. Make an option to show your name to your enemies – hide/show.
2. Limit rezzers to one person – both for downed and dead.
3. Disable the option to build trebs inside towers, keeps, SM and safe zones.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

Ferguson's Crossing / Kaineng / Devona (7-12)

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


Not sure who was talking to you about transfering and joining PRO, wasnt me. I’ve talked to 2 guild leaders on both Ferg/Kain and we discussed them transfering to DR and/or joining PRO…neither was you or your guild. So dunno who was talking to you and please refrain from stating a “guild” want’s you when you’re talking to someone from a guild. Short of Phiz, the guild leader, talking to you about it, everyone else is a one v one conversation, not a guild v one. Understand?

I understand and it makes me abit disappointed. I thought PRO ran a tight organisation, especially since you’re only 8-10, but I guess not.

Anyway with Devona moving up and a dead server moving down we just don’t see the fun in staying in this tier and therefor are moving to EBay. I’d like to especially thank Envy, The Moobs, Chris [NP], TRx, CnB, KAIN, WAR, iSpy, AD, FIST, SoCo, Dark, RED, WP, EDGE and of course PRO for making this tier to what it’s been for us. I know I’m forgetting alot of guilds and individuals, these are just the ones that first comes in mind, so thank you all for the fun times.

Have fun and good luck in the future!

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

Ferguson's Crossing / Kaineng / Devona (7-12)

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


Dredknight, you still haven’t answered my question I asked last week; Since you think we don’t do anything to help why did your guild want NoQQ to move to Devona?

You’re like Goebbels and Baghdad Bob in the same person, you constantly just make stuff up as you go.

We [LARP] moved to Ferg cause Devona wasn’t an option and we wanted to fight some new faces and guilds (read Kainengs) since the tier been the same forever. We moved before everyone else, we had no idea WAR and iSpy was gonna move and it wasn’t certain NoQQ was gonna move. That’s all there is to it, I’ve said it before but since you love to just try to hammer in your agenda it got lost on you.

We get nothing except love from the guys on Ferg so what you’re being told is just another made up story trying to promote your agenda. Baghdad Goebbels try to stick to the truth for once.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Etna.1634


Add names atleast.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

Ferguson's Crossing / Kaineng / Devona (7-12)

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


A deal with FC meant nothing last night. We had a DR zerg attacking our keep for something like 2 hrs. They trebbed the lower part from SM, came around the east side of the inner keep, and put 2 holes in the wall with well guarded cats. I joked it was a conspiracy in chat and to my surprise, I got agreement. I hope DR goes after FC, cause we need a break….

Putting DR on the defense is something we can only achieve working together but since we’re all fighting for ourself it’s easy pickings for DR to chose what they want to focus on and steer everything ecactly like they want it.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

Ferguson's Crossing / Kaineng / Devona (7-12)

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


Look I can only speak for myself on this matter.

Do not get me wrong. We love playing against you guys most of the time. NoQQ, Envy, LARP, and many more guilds. But I personally am tired of the matchups. I am not scared of the higher tiers. I am not worried about getting my kitten kicked by higher tiers either.

We all know each others strats by now, we have played against each other for so long that it is kinda meh..

Literally the only thing that matters to [PRO] is this

That is what we base all of decisions on. Who we attack and how we choose who gets second place on this server. That might seem a little bit of a bold statement, but for the past two weeks we have chosen who is going to be second on the server. And that server is the server that will benefit us in this whacky kitten points system that Anet uses.

Bottom line is we want to move up and play different servers. LARP, NoQQ if you guys switch servers to keep playing against DR. More power to you. Hopefully that server will have more coverage then the last one. Hopefully it will have more WvWers then the last.

Many battles and much respect between all three servers. But we just wanna move up!

We just want to stop you from moving up and if I was some kind of commander I would make a deal with Kaineng right away; defend your own BL and go offense in EB or DBL and we’ll keep the offense in the other. Tbh that’s the only way one of Ferg or Kain can win this tier also we don’t have a clue what’s commin down if you guys move up. A speculation but what does feel like a logic one is that the server falling down will be pretty much dead, if people hasn’t left it already they will when they finally get moved down to last tier and PvD isn’t much fun. There is no lack of targets on Devona also I like the rivalry this constant matchup provides. It’s true that you guys decide who takes the 2nd place but that’s also alot depending on that Ferg and Kain constantly keep fighting eachother.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

Ferguson's Crossing / Kaineng / Devona (7-12)

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


…2 of our biggest Guilds leaving for Fergs…

What guilds?

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

Ferguson's Crossing / Kaineng / Devona (7-12)

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


I hope we can get a moderator to post the last post this week aswell!

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


I’ve had sex with 37 chicks

How many of them did you rescue from dragons and such with your boffer sword?

Seven. Two of them threw out their long blond hair so I could climb up and defeat the evil in the tower before the happy ending.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


Seems I hit a nerve with my little musing.

I only have two comments to respond with.
A) Mistakes happen. The important thing is owning up to them, which this guy did. Even if it was in a slightly hysterical manner. Being a newbie is a poor excuse though, it’s not like he’s wearing a bloody nametag that says “HI! I’m NEW! PLEASE TAKE EVERYTHING I SAY WITH SOME ADDITIONAL SALT!” The forums are a public medium for commentary. One should expect comments on their comments. Especially if they’re full of it.
B) Your post has an awful lot of crying and whining in it for a post about how people are whining and crying too much.

hit a nerve? no. not at all. I come here while I’m at work to play. My post is free of crying. I’m mockingly pointing out what you and so many others sound like. I’m sure you would enjoy if I were mad or crying, but i’m not. I’m far to awesome A human being to let a stranger with a chip on their shoulder upset me. I am also better looking than you. I am willing to bet I have no less than a quarter inch more than you, and I am way better at not blowing my own horn than you. and if you actually played with females who are hott, cause I know you don’t, my accent would make them all start filling a river. I am modest and awesomely awesome at being modest.


You’re crying. You just used speculations about real life on the internet and you’re trying to be serious about it.

I’m 6.5, from Sweden, I’m 1 IQ point of Mensa (yes I did the test once). I’ve had sex with 37 chicks, I work with homeless people, I have 17 friends that I would call close and would come visit me if I ever ended up at a hospital. I have an accent and I’m a really nice and funny guy.

You mad?

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


Agreed StormWolf…

Pushing cats with a rope is like a commander trying to lead a zerg.

My running mates went back to 5 mans last night. God that is so much fun Had 2 groups with about 9 total running together. Seems to be a good number….Enough to take towers at times, easy to coordinate, and still able to take on uncoordinated zergs.

I am really not sure from reading the forums that the higher tiers are any better at controling their zergs, they just have more people getting them coordinated. It seems almost every bracket is complaining of the same thing.

It is alot of fun and hope to run into you some during the week/s we’ll still be in the same bracket. Nothing compares to going up against another “small man”.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


So even LARP employs exploiting thieves that continually vanish like in the video. And here I thought you were actually trying to bring a good fight.

Would I be correct in assuming you were one of the many Dev’s we just repeatedly rolled in EB.

Just stop before you embarrass yourself.

EDIT: It’s an issue beyond our control.

Hi, just wondering if your that LARP Char Thief.

That’s Regime Change, he hasn’t completed the forum access challenge so he’s not allowed to read or post here but he has completed the mad skills tacticalz challenge, as you may be aware.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


Hey guys just wondering how do you deal with so many things on your bars? I mean i just don’t see how it is possible to click so fast.


Fricker you have not yet completed the forum challenge and are therefor not allowed to post on these forums representing the fellowship. Basically this means you are never allowed to talk OOC or atleast your OOC concerns will have to be answered elsewhere. See LARP guildrule 26 §2 for how to gain access.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


NoQQ/LARP – i like u both, always fun fights. Lil disappointed at you bouncing right after WAR/iSPY. If those small group/solo fights are all you’re looking for, then youre not really helping to advance your server, sPvP or pPvP might be better for you?

Just to clear some things up.
We [LARP] moved on friday before WAR and iSPY announced their transfer, we had no idea they where gonna do it. When we run just [LARP] we are normally 5-7 people and we try to fight anything, be it small man, middle man, zerg man or burning man. The not helping advance your server is laughable at best since your guild was trying hard to get [NoQQ] to move to Devona.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


Do not worry, Archon Moros, we will remain on Fergs and we shall fight many more 100% challenging battles, for you.
Since LARP guildrule 156 §13 section 3 clearly states that we may only talk OOC on these forums I will tell you why we have come to this decision.

  • You’re allowed to autoattack doors here without someone thinking it will be more noticeable if you do so.
  • The warm and fuzzy welcome from everyone, especially from different Great President CEO Chairmain King Lord Leaders.
  • The Moobs.
  • LARP never having the real commander material we always have to look for this outside our little gathering and have found;
    Commander elect Skarllok, this man is not a man he is a walking myth from the deep caverns where Supreme Commanders spawn. His lightning bolt skill is at an astonishing rate of grand prelude wizard fury warlock mage commander in chief and obviously he do lift. Problem with Skarllok is that he does not have a commander book and after emptying our pockets + a hefty donation from Elvis Presley we are still some gold short. If anyone could help us with this and send a coppar or two to Skarllok LARP will never forget you. If you guys on Devona or Kaineng really want the challenges you are talking about you could donate towards this aswell. I would advice against it tho since it will most likely unleash a beast so fierce that being a tourist in a brazilian favela will seem like a session of Hello Kitty Online.

PS. Thx Shanagigans and I wish you and your guild the best of luck and alot of fun in your future endeavours! PSS.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

(edited by Etna.1634)

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


lol human female LARP d/d ele running to npcs :P I’d be scared of fotm backstab burst thieves too.

was that a bunker build? felt like I was still hitting hard, curious

No idea what situation you’re talking about but you probably caught me after I have rtl:d into some 15+ random scrubs, dropped everything offensive for like 10 seconds in the middle of them and because of autoattack and autotargetting + one or two persons among them just being semi scrubs making me burn all my slot skills to get away/get all the offensive stuff of (downing probably the 5 that the game allows ae to hit for only to see them get insta rezzed by 3 others in there or get rallied of a squirrel). Yes, then a burst specd 2-mashing thief makes me scared along with a burst specd bola throwing/bulls charging 2-mashing gs warrior.

It’s a somewhat mixed build with the required 30 water and 20 arcana.

EDIT: Since it was Grimpi; No, Im not scared of anything! GL and HF on Dragonfag! <3

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

(edited by Etna.1634)

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


I love your 3 man squad LARP. I can never kill one of you because the other always shows up. Thats probably because i run solo…I can never kill your Ele either. We had a good 1v1 going until someone started attacking me and killed me but it was fun too! I’ll get my kill yet you sly thief :P

But really props to LARP they know the power of a 3 man squad and how to be reallllyyy annoying with thief stealths lol. No but really props lol. Great teamwork.

Thx man and I’ve noticed you aswell, you’re good.

And LARP ok you guys are now KOS. You want a fight? Your gonna get it now.


- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


And you know what? I’m not going to deal with it anymore. Not my problem. Not my guild’s problem. You want our borderland? Fine, take it. Go make it green and pretty and whatever. Hell, why not sprinkle some red in there with LARP helping you anyway since they went to Ferg and want to break everything of ours when you’re attacking our points.

I understand your frustration, Darxio, but I don’t really understand what you’re trying to say about us here? We aren’t going for ruining anything specific, we just roam around and hit what we find or what finds us. It is of course situational but it’s not like we make up our minds to just try to disturb one team all the time. Like 90% of our time on the first night on Fergs was spent in Devonas BL.

Half of LARP is on FC bc some random dude trolled them?

We went to Ferg mainly cause this matchup has been the same forever and just wanted to fight some new guilds and people. Also fighting guilds and players that you actually have some connection to makes it more interesting. It’s nothing personal it is just a game.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

DAoC RvR felt epic, GW2 WvW feels arcade

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


I agree with you.

You should be able to see somewhere what your guild has claimed. Maybe you can in history but it should be more obvious and say somewhere on the guildtab. Also it would be cool if they implemented the same thing that DAoC had where it said how many enemies was in the area when a guard got killed like [A veteran guard was killed at your tower with 10 invaders in the area].

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

Enemy Teams Me

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


Actually, in the last patch, ANET made it impossible to get the username of an enemy WvW Invader via report.

I doubt you’d get in trouble for talking to them but I’m curious how they got your name to pm you.

Got it from before the patch, from the forums, had the name of someone else on the same server that also was present etc etc.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

Devona's Rest/Kaineng/Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


Since you’ve made up your mind about the facts I won’t argue them with you but sometimes, just sometimes, it’s not everyone elses fault that things go bad.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

Devona's Rest/Kaineng/Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


Some Devonians enlighten me pls (maybe Dredknight since he seems to be on top of things). Do the average Devona player know the buttons on the siege equipment better than their classes?

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

Devona's Rest/Kaineng/Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


Wanted to give my thanks to Etna and LARP for the Ele 1v1 yesterday. While our match was cut short first by a suicidal Devona’s thief, and second by the game wide crash, I think it was pretty obvious that it would have gone on a LOOONG time, and the loser probably just would have been whoever got tired first lol.

Thx to you to! Yea, we wouldv’e needed coffee breaks if we wanted to just go on until someone dropped.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

Devona's Rest/Kaineng/Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


To be honest, the wrong people seem to be getting up in arms here. I enjoy fighting NoQQ and LARP and I have no ill will toward them. Only respect. I believe they are highly skilled players. Each of the elite guilds has their own play-style at which they accel at. Just because someone isn’t the best at 1v1 or defending against a 10-man blitzkrieg doesn’t mean they don’t have a place here to be considered “good”. Some people are specialized to synergize with groups much like Revcornelis has said. I can’t tell you how difficult it is for the average guild to synergize properly with their fellow gorupmates and having team players on your side is critical. ENVY is a small group of guys who excel at 1v1 and small-group attrition warfare that is set up to battle zergs. I feel LARP is similar in this respect. LARP and a few members of WAR have been the only ones to participate in friendly 1v1 with us for fun and that was great. NoQQ is amazing at small/medium-scale guerrilla warfare and I’m commonly quoted as saying “Don’t even bother trying to split them up, they run as a tight knit group too well for that”. NoQQ is also the only group i’ve seen that knows to flank properly.

Personally, I only have animosity towards bro’ish guilds like PRO because i find their name to be highly ironic. But then again, zerg guilds too have a place i guess.

My strength lies in my guardian, but let me say that anyone that thinks being good at mesmer is easy is dead wrong. Many people just dont want to put the mental effort into tracking the mesmer much as people do the same for thieves. Sorry if beating a skilled player takes mental effort my friend.

Ferguson’s Crossing—-
The Spirit of Life – ENVY / Moon – 80 Asuran Guardian
Wispy Woods – ENVY / Moon -80 Sylvari Mesmer

Totally agree!

All my respect to Envy.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

Devona's Rest/Kaineng/Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


We absolutely farm Bsty and ENVY never leaves a 500 foot radius of the zerg. We will beat any group at 2-1 odds guaranteed. Not bragging, just stating facts.

Haha. We’ve only run with (mostly led) a few zergs in about the past week because we have a couple commanders and all we’ve been fighting is zergs. We also don’t lose to LARP, as far as I can remember. Fun fights though. Just wish we saw more of you.

We’ve never really had a fight out in the open with somewhat even numbers. We’ve killed some of your guys and you’ve gotten some of us but it has never been on terms that I would come here to brag about.

That wasn’t my intention, but the beating us 2-1 thing was a little too arrogant to ignore. Now can everyone just CALM THE SMURF DOWN? :P

You’re right.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

Devona's Rest/Kaineng/Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


We absolutely farm Bsty and ENVY never leaves a 500 foot radius of the zerg. We will beat any group at 2-1 odds guaranteed. Not bragging, just stating facts.

Haha. We’ve only run with (mostly led) a few zergs in about the past week because we have a couple commanders and all we’ve been fighting is zergs. We also don’t lose to LARP, as far as I can remember. Fun fights though. Just wish we saw more of you.

We’ve never really had a fight out in the open with somewhat even numbers. We’ve killed some of your guys and you’ve gotten some of us but it has never been on terms that I would come here to brag about.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

Get rid of Tuna/Moa Mesmer Skill

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


Since it’s so worthless they might aswell take it out then. It’s interesting when people defend useless abilities.

It should break on damage or atleast a certain amount of damage.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

11/9 Devona's Rest/Kaineng/Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634



About arguing with the commanders, that’s obviously a bad thing. It’s better to have one bad general than ten good ones making different good calls. But having a commander not listening and acting on information can be very frustrating.
I want to apologize to Sbullet who we had a little dustup with the other day and say that I respect anyone running around with that commander thingie trying to make a difference. We love being on Kaineng and we’re not going anywhere.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

(edited by Etna.1634)

11/9 Devona's Rest/Kaineng/Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


I think killing enemies in the jumping puzzle should be encouraged. Altho I guess this forum was to much to tolerate for some, server rivalry is a good thing and hindering your enemies from completing an objective builds that rivalry.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

Add a personal progression sytem: AKA Ranks

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634



An Error Prevented Saving:
Message Body length must at least be 15.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


Hmm. I think you might be the one I named my “arch nemesis” Did I fight you and 4 or 5 others (including a siege golem) at a camp in Kaineng BL? That was a fun one. Lots of badges

Haha, arch nemesis…

No, don’t think that was me, I would’ve remembered a fight like that.

I did however have an epic fight with one of you ENVY mesmers a week or so back that lasted for a good 3 or 4 minutes, starting at the south east supply camp goin all the way back to your spawn. Unfortunately 2 of my fellow Kainengs added so you, if it was you, had to retreat into safety and we never got to finish it. That was the best 1v1 I’ve had so far in WvW so was really sad it got interrupted.

Hmm, that WAS me :o I had that other fight right before that though, so I wonder if you have another ele with a lot of skill too… I was actually just waiting for whoever it was to show up again before I got off. Also, those two died very quickly after you left

I was the only ele in iGod so I guess I spoke to soon about remembering a fight like that… and I should’ve just stuck around then and we could’ve picked things up again.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist