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Living world season 2 buy

in Living World

Posted by: Excell.1687


The actual price varies dependent on how many episodes you have already bought/unlocked. Each episode on the pack is currently 160 gems(down from 200) each. If it costs you 480 gems, that means you were only lacking 3 episodes.

GW2 leveling is way too fast.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Excell.1687


I’m probably in the minority here, but I actually dislike most forms of progression. The only kinds I don’t mind are ‘bragging rights’ like pvp/achievement ranks/titles in this game that don’t affect gameplay or the kind built into the flow of the game, ie metroidvanias and the like. As I mentioned earlier, simply getting more powerful just annoys me.
If the game had been leveless, would there still be content gates? Probably, though I’d like to think they would have been based on completing specific challenges designed to test a players skill up to a certain capacity. Or just replace levels with ranks ala fractals.

GW2 leveling is way too fast.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Excell.1687


The leaderboard definitely needs to be touched. I like WvW and PvP leaderboards. I never look at AP leaderboard, although I don’t mind it being there. Guilds leaderboard is NEEDED, now. WvW rank/kill leaderboard is a MUST too. I hope Anet can award top ranked players (even though I will never be one) too, probably by giving some special effects when they are in the open world. Players who do not look at the leaderboard have no way to know a player is a top ranked player. Some cosmetic effects like a big floating crown on top players head (so everyone can notice) will be so cooool.

I enjoy GW2. I am just pointing out something I am not used to.

I agree the game would benefit from leaderboards, though I’m not sure what metrics would make for the best system. Best times for dungeons? Some kind of arcade point system? Number of kills? Kdr? Points scored for your world? I don’t know, but a more competitive angle would be good I think.

I feel like the levelling is way too fast. I don’t even bother to use all of the boosters, tomes etc. that I received over time because if I make a new character i would be level 80 within a week of casual play anyway, and within days of hardcore play.

Another problem is, the levelling curve being so shallow means that players never need other players help to level. I’m not talking about grinding here, I am talking about killing mobs and doing events in a party so that you get the most benefit. The current system enforces soloing because it is not difficult enough to warrant partying.

I know the system has alot of positives, but it also has alot of negatives, and I hope that eventually ArenaNet (and players) will understand those negatives.

This as more a symptom of the game being easy than any issue with leveling. Simply put, almost nothing in open world requires you to use even a fraction of the tools available, so a lot of the people that play there never actually learn to play the game, because they never have to.

As for boosters being useless, that’s purely Anets problem in the gem store, not the
players, and I’d rather Anet kept the gem store focused on selling hats than anything that effects gameplay.

GW2 leveling is way too fast.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Excell.1687


Just to throw in my $0.02, I used to enjoy level grinding and watching my characters produce bigger and bigger numbers. But after a while, that appeal pretty much vanished. At this point, levels are, at best, an inconsequential thing that get’s taken care of passively through the normal course of playing the game.
Which leaves me wondering what purpose they actually serve? I’ve heard that they are supposed to act as a tutorial, but while I would hope that you would have figured out a few things about the game after playing for a few hours, what part of that process is actually tied to levels in any way? It’s not location, open world is easy across the board, dungeons don’t scale difficulty to level at all, and fractals are all level 80 with their own difficulty scale.
What what are levels actually for in this game? If they don’t do anything, would it be beneficial to remove them entirely for GW3?

Life Transfer bugged?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Excell.1687


I’m pretty sure dark path also fizzles if you leave shroud before it connects.

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Excell.1687


Underwater combat doesn’t really exist in pvp unfortunately. I just thought a condi transfer twice a second would be a little over the top, especially since martyr has an ICD itself, 5 seconds iirc?
Still, I can’t really claim to be good enough to make serious balance suggestions, so, as I said, just for fun.

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Excell.1687


About resistance, I’ve heard that it was going to be a boon, which, if that’s the case, will just be another to corrupt. And If current condition immunities get reworked to apply resistance in the form a boon, that I would call that a defacto buff.

Any way, this looks like fun so:
What: Life Blast
Suggestion: Change to Plague Blast with the condi transfer on a 7 second ICD. Has Piercing by default so Unyielding Blast would remove the condition transfer and gain +50%(I think that’s the right number) under 600 range
Why: Plague Blast would provide synergy with Unholy Martyr, something death shroud in it’s current state doesn’t seem to deal with well, and provide more utility for condition builds, while the faster cast times would allow better usage of Reapers Might for power builds.