Showing Posts For Farothion.7604:

:C Bye Bye GW2... for now.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farothion.7604


Somehow my computer has worsened over time and GW2 has become all laggy for me. It wasn’t like this for me at first. My PC runs other games pretty well so I was planning to fix my PC so I could go back to GW2. Then I thought… why would I want that?

I haven’t played for around 4 weeks now. I logged in once or twice but I had no clue what I was coming back to. A game where you have 5 level 80 chars but know nothing to do isn’t really worth coming back to no?

Some of GW2’s features are enjoyable. And overall I really like GW2. Otherwise I wouldn’t be posting here. But with all the oppotunities to PvP/ WvwvW I am still very upset no work is being put in rewarded 1v1 PvP. Sure you can BUY your own PvPserver so you can do 1v1 games. But it’s nothing like an actual 1v1 Arena with achievements/ rewards/ armor based on that. Not everyone feels like claiming forts all day long and listening to a screaming leader while being r*ped 5 to 1 by a different server.

Untill that is introduced. I don’t think I’ll bother coming back. Which really bums me out since I love the GW2 community over most of the other games I play.

Please Anet… get working to content and platforms that people are ACTUALLY waiting for, use your imagination instead of letting the ship of the last living story crash and create a whole new story around that… it’s rather boring.

Hope to come back in the future. X

That sucks to hear about your performance in-game. Maybe your system needs some looking at or is it -only- happening with GW2? Maybe a clean re-install of your OS. Who knows?

Anyways, I’ve bolded the part of your post that is most interesting to me and I’d like to offer my view of this.

You say you want something akin to a true arena PvP mode, something akin to what is in Wildstar and World of Warcraft I’m assuming. You then tell Arena-Net to “use their imaginations”. The Living Story -is- them using their imaginations. No other MMO does something like the LS, but nearly every MMO under the sun attempts to create some arena type “e-sport” wannabe PvP game mode that leads to nothing but cheesy meta-games and balancing nightmares for the game overall.

The game has WvWvW as well, which is something -most- other MMO’s do not have. Again, something different than the norm, at least as far as “mainstream” MMO’s are concerned. World of Warcraft has never come close to having any kind of feature such as WvWvW. DAoC was it afaik, and now ESO, which received fairly negative press and reviews upon its release, unlike Guild Wars 2 which was very positively received.

I just find it interesting that you ask them to use their imaginations, yet your suggestion is to implement a game mode that is rather myopic and common. I’m not trying to attack you, just pointing that out.

Living Story, at least as a concept, is far more imaginative for the theme park MMO than an arena PvP game mode could ever be or will ever be. Just something to consider.

You’re absolutely right That’s why I said I find some of the features in GW2 enjoyable. They do have unique things in GW2 like WvwvW and LS. They put so much effort into making it a fun game for everyone and I see that. But the things they come up with to fill the living story, this unique way of playing, is rather upsetting when you see you get to play another few months in the wreckage of the last Living story. That is where I find they are lacking imagination. WvWvW is a great platform and although I don’t always enjoy it. Many others do. So great

MMORPG’s have evolved over the years and in my oppinion there are some basic things every MMORPG should have. If you make an MMORPG lacking features as 1v1 rewarded combat (I’ve never played either of the games you mentioned, WoW and that other one, so don’t know if that’s any good :P) you are ALWAYS reliant on other players. While I want a platform to show individual skill and get rewarded for it. Sure it is hard to balance these kinds of things. But should the player be the one to pay for that? You mention e-sports. It’s not growing this hard for nothing. People are interested in playing this kind of matchmade combat. Guild Wars 2 is just one of the games that have the actual potential in making a graphically amazing 1v1 rewarded combat system. GW2 would be the only game I’d trust in making such an experience really amazing BECAUSE of their imagination on those fronts. I mean… how awesome are some of the sceneries in GW2?

The Living story content is just not cutting it for me at the moment. It’s a sequal on a repeated living story. Since I don’t lagg in other games, yea, that will be where you can find me for now. I really hope I can come back to GW2 (Without lagg) one day and say they implemented some things to give me the amazing GW2 feeling back.


:C Bye Bye GW2... for now.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farothion.7604


Somehow my computer has worsened over time and GW2 has become all laggy for me. It wasn’t like this for me at first. My PC runs other games pretty well so I was planning to fix my PC so I could go back to GW2. Then I thought… why would I want that?

I haven’t played for around 4 weeks now. I logged in once or twice but I had no clue what I was coming back to. A game where you have 5 level 80 chars but know nothing to do isn’t really worth coming back to no?

Some of GW2’s features are enjoyable. And overall I really like GW2. Otherwise I wouldn’t be posting here. But with all the oppotunities to PvP/ WvwvW I am still very upset no work is being put in rewarded 1v1 PvP. Sure you can BUY your own PvPserver so you can do 1v1 games. But it’s nothing like an actual 1v1 Arena with achievements/ rewards/ armor based on that. Not everyone feels like claiming forts all day long and listening to a screaming leader while being r*ped 5 to 1 by a different server.

Untill that is introduced. I don’t think I’ll bother coming back. Which really bums me out since I love the GW2 community over most of the other games I play.

Please Anet… get working to content and platforms that people are ACTUALLY waiting for, use your imagination instead of letting the ship of the last living story crash and create a whole new story around that… it’s rather boring.

Hope to come back in the future. X

(edited by Farothion.7604)

Think out the bounds! Mr.Offmap New Video!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Farothion.7604


Dear Tyrians!

Always wanted to break out of the bounds of the ordinary maps? Do you enjoy beautiful en unknown sceneries in GuildWars2? Discover Tyria in a whole different way. Check out my Youtube clip!

Don’t wait another second, Check the clip here!

This link redirects directly to Youtube. Trust me, take 5 minutes to watch it. You will be glad you did! I put some sneak previews in the attachments.

((Forum moderator: Please, leaving this post as a standalone topic will benefit Guild Wars 2 as well. More people will see this post and see the beauty of GW2 and start sharing with friends. I ask you kindly to leave this post in the General Topic. And not to place it somewhere else, or combine it with previous posts. As for no-one reads linksville or any other thread more than this one. Thank you in advance))


Looking for GW2's most beautiful locations!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farothion.7604


That’s the plan Lil Puppy! I want some nice amount of viewers for my next video. So I will unveil 2 ways to break out of the regular map and see the beauty of offmapping yourself. But I also want to shoot a lot of places without showing people how to get there. The other day someone came up with maybe making some Wallpapers out of the most beautiful spots.

Looking for GW2's most beautiful locations!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farothion.7604


This has turned into a nice competition. Though I still didn’t get an answer to my question.

What place would you like to see in my next youtube clip that you HAVEN’T managed to get to?

Looking for GW2's most beautiful locations!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farothion.7604


That’s a good one Maybe I’ll clip the Tequatl fight from up a mountain!

Looking for GW2's most beautiful locations!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farothion.7604


You just posted this… Please don’t spam the forums.

New post is here because people didn’t get what I meant. So added Images.

Looking for GW2's most beautiful locations!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farothion.7604


Dear Guild Wars 2 friends,

See the images in the attachments? I need some good places just like that, to shoot some video’s of the most amazing locations of Guild Wars 2.

If there was ANY place you could teleport to in the current GW2 maps, where would you go?
(No dungeons or maps that don’t exist yet)

Please comment below. And let your location shine in my new Youtube video!


Discuss: PvE GS Warrior's second weapon set!

in Warrior

Posted by: Farothion.7604


I would love to hear everyone’s oppinion on how they use their 2nd Weapon set next to their Greatsword. My goal is maximum DPS.

How I see it:
1: Axe-Mace
Great direct damage, 2 vulnerability skills (8 stacks of vuln), knockdown & cripple for CC, Eviscerate (Especially nice with Burst Crit Trait or Intelligence Sigil), “Dual-Wield” trait (5% damage on offhand wielding a sword/mace/axe)
2: Axe- Warhorn
Great direct damage, a vulnerability skill (4 stacks of vuln), cripple for CC, Swiftness-Weakness and Vigour for survivability.
I place this second because the only way a warhorn is equally/more viable is when you have traited “Cull the Weak” (+5%Dmg vs Weakened targets) and “Quick Breathing” (Warhorn skills convert condi to boon). You lack the extra 4 stacks of vulnerability on warhorn, so you NEED Cull the Weak or lose a lot of DPS. Also warhorn doesn’t pop “Dual-Wield” which will make you lose 5% damage on your 2nd set anyway. The only real upside I see to warhorn over mace is the blast finisher and better survivability. But the lower DPS makes it fall to 2nd place imo.
3: Sword – Mace
Decent mobility with leap, fast autoattacks (goes well with on crit sigils), Very good CC with cripple, knockdown + AoE Immobilize (Burst skill), a vulnerability skill (4 stacks of vuln), “Dual-wield”, Final Thrust.
DPS-wise probably even better than the Axe/Warhorn combo, although what you gain in mobility and CC you lose in burst skills with sword. The only skill you can use to REALLY hurt your enemy with this setup is with Final Thrust, and that’s only when your enemy is under 50% health. Bleeds are not that great in zerker builds, which makes the burst skill and autoattack less viable than those of an Axe. You lack 4 stacks of vulnerability vs. the Axe/Mace setup, which means 4% less damage on your target.
4: Sword – Warhorn
Very good mobility with leap&swiftness, fast autoattacks (goes well with on crit sigils), decent CC with cripple + AoE Immobilize (Burst skill), Swiftness-Weakness and Vigour for survivability, Final Thrust.
I place this fourth because bleeds are not that great in zerker builds, which makes the burst skill and autoattack less viable than those of an Axe. You lack 8 stacks of vulnerability, which means 8% less damage on your target, warhorn doesn’t pop “Dual-Wield” so that makes you lose another 5% damage on your 2nd set. Final Thrust(FT) is your Awesomesauce Sword skill, but is less usefull than Eviscerate imo. This is because the high end damage is only dealt when your target is below 50% health on FT. All the downsides of a warhorn over a mace I explained before go here as well. Therefore I wouldn’t use this combo.

Sure, use it in ranged fights. Other than that you will not dish out the same DPS ranged than you would do in melee with the top 4 listed above.

Sets I don’t even hold in account

Other – Axe: Offhand axe is bad in my oppinion. You can get Fury from so many other skills and the Axe 5 skill makes you unable to use other attacks for a while, and the damage that you deal is not even that impressive.

Other – Sword: Condition build? Sure. But bleeds and torment have nothing to do with a zerker build. You’ll just lose too much DPS compared.

Hammer: Just too slow, Hammer has no actual super burst skill like Eviscerate or Final Thrust. You’d need a very lucky crit to even get near those 2 skills. Maybe by wasting 2 trait slots for “Cull the Weak” AND “Merciless Hammer” (+20% Hammer damage on disabled target") you might get close.

Longbow: Again too many conditions for a zerker build. Also less DPS than a Rifle in ranged fights.

Other – Shield: Stuns and Blocks don’t make you deal more DPS

Mace – Other: Mace is like a small hammer. Just too slow for me DPS wise. Also a block, stun and daze will not make you deal more DPS.

Looking for GW2's most beautiful locations!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farothion.7604


Thank you guys! If you happen to know anyone who is into this kind of stuff. Try getting him/her to contact me! I am making a new video soon on cool new locations and I would LOVE to get to know some new Offmaps/Voids/Undermaps.

Looking for GW2's most beautiful locations!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farothion.7604


That’s right! I am on that same location in the video haha I am looking for people who know more places like that though. Divinity’s Reach is becoming a bit too populated on the roofs imo :c

Looking for GW2's most beautiful locations!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farothion.7604


[b]Ever seen people standing on top of Vigil’s Keep? Or the roof in Divinity’s Reach?
Do you know how to get to these, or any other Void/Offmap/Undermap? /w Farothion!

I know over 14 Undermaps and 30+ Offmaps and I wish to share with YOU![/b]

If you are unsure what I mean, check this out: Farothion’s Offmap Teaser!

(Don’t move this topic to Linksville plz :c )

Mr.Offmap out on Youtube now!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Farothion.7604


New sceneries all over Tyria for you by Mr.Offmap!
Don’t waste another second! You’ll want to see this:


You'll love this! Call me Mr.Offmap :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farothion.7604


That’s under Rata Sum. At the portal to the Polymock Arena’s

[Suggestions] Compromise for harvesters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farothion.7604


Bump! This is the closest to a solution for what I’ve seen. Megaservers ruined the purpose of my daily Ori and Ancient wood runs on 5 characters…. How am I supposed to get a good income of t6 mats now? salvage? as if I earn ~120 T6’s with that each day. So far the Megaservers have been a big downer for me. Hope this problem gets fixed REALLY soon.

You'll love this! Call me Mr.Offmap :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farothion.7604


Nice places!

I also like to go off the map exploring sometimes. I know a very easy one, which i’m suprised you haven’t found it yet.

I can show it to you if you like, It’s a nice mountain climb.

I didn’t post “All” the places I know here. Just the ones with an extraordinary view

You'll love this! Call me Mr.Offmap :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farothion.7604


A wonderfull new place I discovered today together with my 2 Off-map buddies.
Hands down the most breath-taking place I have ever seen. Please go take a look!

Most breath-taking place in GW2- Mr.Offmap :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farothion.7604


First of all I want to thank everyone for the positive reactions on my previous post.
I have to say some of those beautiful Off-map pictures wouldn’t have been possible without player Trixie Mayu and Zakk Pendragon.

I must say I have found a place today that took my breath away. Of all the cool locations I’ve been, this one outclasses them all.

All the places I have shown you in my previous Forum post look pale compared to this one. (Click here for my last post, you won’t regret it!)

A 360 degree overlook from the highest reachable point in Straits of Devestation!
Take a short moment to watch the screenshots below. I promise you it will be worth it!

Know that I have reached these places in a legitimate way. I did not Glitch, Bug or Distort the game in any way to get to these places.
Also, these places do not give me an advantage over any other player. I can’t reach or complete objectives/achievements/quests/events faster through using these places I like to call “Off-map” locations. My sole purpose of reaching these places and placing this post is to make screenshots for myself and everyone else to enjoy.
I see these places as Extreme Jumping Puzzles. Game-Masters, if you think of punishing me for this in any way. Please contact me in-game first so we can talk about it.


You'll love this! Call me Mr.Offmap :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farothion.7604


Cool theres a few in there i havn’t yet been to. Have to check them out you can get higher on the reactor and look at the fire ele from up top

You mean as in like… Picture 10? Don’t try Mr.Offmap son. Haha.

And Erick Alastor, I finally get you. Sorry I am not into the Lore that much. It could or could not be him. I don’t know. But there is a little kid on there yea. If you want me to take a closer picture send me a whisp!

You'll love this! Call me Mr.Offmap :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farothion.7604


I’m not quite sure what you mean. I am not Rahn and GoogleBrendon most likely isn’t either. As a side note. If we wanted everyone to get on that ledge or anywere else on one of these pictures we would have posted a detailed explanation. I didn’t because I don’t want all these places blocked and fixed within a weeks time. Hope you understand.

You'll love this! Call me Mr.Offmap :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farothion.7604


You are not the only one Miss.Offmap! xD

P.S. Seriously, if there’s any problem with the video, i’d appreciate if Anet can contact me in a private message :P

Nice video! I might try that out sometime!

I am not claiming to be the only one practicing the art of “Off-mapping” though. I am claiming the title though for I only know 1 player in the entire game that knows as many places as I do. (Xiem/Trix – We play together sometimes)

You'll love this! Call me Mr.Offmap :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farothion.7604


Why is it Mr.Offmap when your toon is a female?

Miss Offmap*

Hahah well… My character is Female. So then it would be Mrs.Offmap. But since the person playing is a Man. I named it, Mr.Offmap

You'll love this! Call me Mr.Offmap :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farothion.7604


I wanted to but I noticed I didn’t put my quality up high for those pictures. So they looked like I was in a Minecraft world Sorry buddy!

You'll love this! Call me Mr.Offmap :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farothion.7604


Both 3, 5 and 7 are in Caledon Forest Just on different sides of the map. I’m glad you are enjoying the screenshots. Put a word out for me will you? I’d love people to know there is more to GW2 than meets the eye!

You'll love this! Call me Mr.Offmap :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farothion.7604


Before you any read further. Know that I have reached these places in a legitimate way. I did not Glitch, Bug or Distort the game in any way to get to these places.
Also, these places do not give me an advantage over any other player. I can’t reach or complete objectives/achievements/quests/events faster through using these places I like to call “Off-map” locations. I do this because I love the challenge and enjoy how the scenery looks from places you don’t ordinarily get to. My sole purpose of reaching these places and placing this post is to make screenshots for myself and everyone else to enjoy.

I see these places as Extreme Jumping Puzzles. But Game-Masters, if you think of punishing me for this in any way. Please contact me in-game first so we can talk about it. No harm is done by leaving these places open to enjoy for enthusiasts like me. It is one of the things in the game I enjoy the most. And I bet I am not the only one.

Other than that. I hope everyone enjoys some of the most beautiful locations in Guild Wars 2!

New Aetherblade Air-Captain?

in Living World

Posted by: Farothion.7604


Just as a little heads up for the people who didn’t notice. The person on the Aethership is me… So don’t worry about actual new Aetherblade Captains. As far as I know of Arenanet has no new Aetherblade content coming out soon.

New Aetherblade Air-Captain?

in Living World

Posted by: Farothion.7604


New Aetherblade Air-Captain spotted!?

(Arenanet Game-Masters, I came here in a legitimate way without using glitches or bugs. I see it as an extreme-jumping puzzle. Before thinking of an eventual ban please contact me ingame)


LF Guild- Main focus PvE & some WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: Farothion.7604


Farothion, that’s me.

I’m 24 years old and am a proud Dutchman!
I main a Thief but also have a level 80 well kitted Warrior/Guardian/Mesmer and soon Ele.
My AP is around 4300. I hope to get this up in your Guild!

What I expect from my new Guild is:
- To play on Gunnars Hold.
- A team that wants to take me through (low and high level) Fractals and harder dungeon paths (Arah etc.)
- A friendly and social community with players helping eachother out with getting professions to max, gearing fellow guildies out and helping on completing achievements.
- Sharing usefull tips to get further in this game (Sharing tips on how to get gold faster, earn easy achievement points etc.)

Do you feel you can live up to my standards? Then I will be your next loyal Guildmate!
Send me a whisp ingame if you are interested.

Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Farothion.7604


I thought I’d post a picture of my Guardian – Farothion
Please critique


Scavengers Chasm Jumping puzzle Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Farothion.7604


I’ve sent over 5 tickets stating I have a bug in Scavengers Chasm Jumping puzzle.
But there is no reponse from anyone on the other side.

I went to do the JP. Followed a Youtube vid on how to get all the orbs and where. Even then it still took me and my crappy jumping ability’s around 1,5hours to first complete it.

I get to the final orb and pick it up wich got me to the total amount of orbs I needed to complete the JP.

So I run up to the chests… I insert all the orbs and open the 3 chest… all looks clean right?

So I get into my Hero pannel. And the achievement is still incompleted!
I took a screenshot in the “Send Ticket” pannel so I don’t even have that on my own PC anymore to prove it.

I feel screwed over and would like a Game Master to lend me a hand with this.

Thank you for reading and hoping on a quick response.

(edited by Moderator)