Showing Posts For Feiyans.8312:
Woah, you are the very first one I admire for his playing skills in a WvW videos.
Here for you
( \ _ /)
( ^ . ^)
( ’ ’ )( ’ ’ ) Take care and have fun ~
(edited by Feiyans.8312)
can we get back the lovely bunny ears please ?
(\ _ /)
( ^ . ^)
( ’ ’ )( ’ ’ )
There is a trait, that nobody uses which is called instant reflexes ^^ 2 seconds of invulnerability
When I started building my thief around sPvP, I’ve made up my mind about the traits and how I should bring fights situations to benefit a maximum from them.
To me, instant reflexes is not viable actually. Because it requieres a lot for few results.
Playing suicidarily ain’t a so bad idea in fact. As we can’t profit from it well enough in other manners.
The time we notice the proc, it’s nearly end. This is enough to proves ours is not good. Notice once again, to use it we must trick here because the trait is weak.
Also I want to bring attention over those who have such.
Warrior & rangers. Both of them own it for good reasons. One because it must survive to assassinate attempts while shooting from distance. The other to survive melee.
About us, it’s blur. To survive in melee ? But we are not supposed to stay in melee. We are thieves. Basically, if you can see a thief, he’s gonna have a bad time.
However, we have not the best tools to success our basic role. So we become duelist, or we are the shadow of our class. (lol)
With equal gear, being forced to assault someone over 1-2mins unable to face anyone, is not a good sPvP end. During that time enemies keep earning points while defending.
Wanna see thieves doing good thief things ? Go watch it in WvW. The max stats are capped in another manner.
Anyone with legendary, ascended gears + food and a good know of the game will kill nearly everyone in few assaults. A cool guy with only exotic stuff ain’t gonna stand long.
Classes are more interessing to talk about sPvP. Their own luggages are more representative here.
Ps : A possibility to allow only thieves to dodge without moving could be great. With “Bounding dodger” it would become famous.
I wonder if it isn’t done on purpose. Because if the thieves are made to be tricky, they have to do things pretty fastly.
However, strong & fast mustn’t be melt together unless to feel something really powerful. Like warriors in berzerk stance, which chains quickly skill over skill with high presence.
As a tricky class we are based on skills combo with 5 buttons for the most developped ones.
As a tricky class we are based on mobility, if the thief stay on a same place, he’s dead. No matter if it means keeping a “safe” distance from an enemy by turning around him.
If the movement is continuous, it’s easily predictable. And a tricky one without tricks, is dead.
What we have every others classes have it.
->Teleportation ? ofc
->Invisibility ? only other 2 classes. Ironically, we arn’t the easiest class to use it.
->Dodge ? lol, yeah
->Interrupt ? Ok, i admit. For the price of initiative. I don’t really count the skill of the 3 knifes. They are hard to land + priority to useful skills.
I wonder why we don’t have a ‘passive’ dodge skill who would allows us to attack while being safe from hits during seconds. Why don’t we have just to press a button to be invisible ? Something must evolve in our gameplay.
With necromancers we are the weakiest class of the sPvP. I challenge anyone to show me a convenient video with one of these two classes taking advantage over the rest of the roster. And i’m talking about good guys, isn’kitten The ones who know, who desire victory and who have the mind for it. I’m talking about both fighters.
Ps : excuse my bad English, please
first of all, signets passive arn’t applied during shroud form because of the empty class skills in Reaper’s form.
It would’ve been useful to own +180power in RF, and kinda bad to drag 3 condis when you get imo or chilled. Without posibilities to dispel them it would’ve been the worse.
We’re already fresh meat enough. (joke joke)
To answer you :
1. Rune of the Traveler work in shroud form? -> Yep it does.
2. it is worth it to trade Strenghts runes for Traveler runes on a reaper power build?
->Depends on what you already have. Still, strenghts runes > Traveler ones because of the obvious damage. However, it can be painful to move like a truck even if it strikes like a truck.
3. Any other ways or tricks to keep up the pace in reaper form?
-> Basically, anything that isn’t the movement signet. You have the spectral of speed & the 2nd skill of the warhorn to begin with.
Either make chill deal damage again or let the chill trait cause burning. Name it “frostburn” or something.
“FROSTBOURN!” I like that idea more than bleeding because of a cold snape.
Bro, I feel you
is it confirmed has longbow and not a shortbow? or these are speculations over the bow type?
I imagine bow being the Smiting Prayers equivalent.
Does anyone remmember the beam of god?
Longbow ? Someone said Hambow ?
Problem of 1+1 vs 2 : communication possibilities.
The potential of each group isn’t the same, right before the match starts. That’s how I see it unfair
(edited by Feiyans.8312)