Showing Posts For Ferawyn.6542:

A sick 2v1 clip. Please check.

in Warrior

Posted by: Ferawyn.6542


Cool vid, I wouldn’t have expected such a burst from a hammer myself. Much more threatening than gs actually…

Gunnar/Piken/Riverside - 31/5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ferawyn.6542


@Cameirus My post related to the riot post only – really a perfect deja vu
And yes not really fair to paint a whole server black (is this proper English?) because of one guild, I should have been more specific.

Gunnar/Piken/Riverside - 31/5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ferawyn.6542


Gunnars, keep up the good spirit and make the best of it!

btw: RoS who got finally their highly desired T6 matchup are already complaing about blobs in their Thread

5/24 Dz-RoS-GH

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ferawyn.6542


such a shame I can’t convert all my infraction points into ascended gear… they need to set up an infraction point trader in LA.

I see, you’re really a cool rebel…
And I will stop feeding the troll now, obviously pointless.

5/24 Dz-RoS-GH

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ferawyn.6542


Well, if some of them have been even deleted by moderators you should question yourself even more…

5/24 Dz-RoS-GH

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ferawyn.6542


How RIOT can not be ashamed of making such a forum troll their “communication officer” is beyond me. Very weird sense of humour indeed, perhaps a british guild?

Also without doubt the poster with the most self-deleted messages in the forum (hint: think before post)


in Match-ups

Posted by: Ferawyn.6542


lol… I spend 90% of my time soloing the map… I am not the most skilled player by a long way but I hold my own.

Hey don’t be so modest suddenly. We know it takes four from us and some camp guards to take you down

Does S/S + LB work with a Power build?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ferawyn.6542


Longbow works well with a power/crit build. Here is the link to defektive’s build:

The longbow burst field ticks for around 1k damage in his setup in addition to the burning.
He uses greatsword mainly for mobility, I guess main hand sword would be ok as well (good mobility using leap). But offhand sword won’t do in a power build, use either shield or warhorn.

Sword+Sword Bleeder: Feedback Wanted

in Warrior

Posted by: Ferawyn.6542


its not like other classes can`t use sigil of earth.

True, but warrior can get 33% chance for bleed on crit with a trait. With longbow autoattack you get the change twice per attack and there is no cooldown as far as I know.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to recommend a condition/bleed build for warrior at all. – Personally I use longbow in a power/crit build as I stated above but even then the bleeds will tick for 65 or so (300 condition damage from 30 arms, 165 from signet of rage) which is a nice bonus.

Starting to doubt my Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Ferawyn.6542


lol, you nearly got me Gathsaln but your signature gave you away

Very nice video – makes me feel embarassed though, thinking how I roam with Thief/Mesmer with all their stealth/teleport safety nets…

Sword+Sword Bleeder: Feedback Wanted

in Warrior

Posted by: Ferawyn.6542


I agree with you with the bow. But that is one bleed attack on a 25s cooldown.

Longbow autotack has two shots, longbow 2 has three . If you use a high crit build, the arms tree bleed traits and a sigil of earth you get nice bleeds from lb 1 and 2 (use point-blank) as well.
Still, I think longbow is stronger in a power/crit build using the conditions as bonus. If you go 30 deep in arms and trigger signet of range you get 475 conditon damage without sacrificing anything in a power/crit build.

Riposte: Yea, meele-only sucks. How about using the reflect-on-block trait? Then you could use sword offhand from some distance. Then jump in with 2 and 3 and if he evades and tries to kite, you can already switch back to longbow. (Just throwing in the idea, I didn’t test this).

@OP: Why do you use Berserker’s power in a condition build? If I’m not mistaken it only apllies to direct damage.

(edited by Ferawyn.6542)

Starting to doubt my Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Ferawyn.6542


In case you want to try something different than meele:
I had some fun with this longbow/gs build in wvwvw (longbow is primary weapon, gs for mobility or zerg pushes):

Only thing I changed is 10 Power => 10 Tactics for the better longbow range and the combo finishers.
The build got recently buffed a bit with the bleeds on Longbow 5 and the combination of the old grandmaster discipline traits.
Longbow is not really a ranged-only weapon. Some abilites are best used point-blank or from a short distance making IMHO for fun gameplay.
Sadly, it’s really the only build I enjoy on my warrior at all (most of the time I’m running mesmer/thief/ele…)

(edited by Ferawyn.6542)

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Ferawyn.6542


Yes on Dzag, my guild has sadly left GW2 for good though some time ago and I haven’t joined another since. Still a bit undecided if I want to go back with them to middle earth or not.

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Ferawyn.6542


Nice fights on dz border yesterday, i was commanding when we lost half of us and many riot when you tried to take down inner bay when the login servers crashed but we still wiped the german zerg over and over again, you guys never give up!
Also lots of fun with fire, i was the mesmer quaggan buddy
Ps.: If all the forum whiners would go into wvw, you would be in t1 lol, keep the fights off here !

wow, this arrogance.
It’s not enough that you enjoy the wipe orgy, you also need to inform them that you only need half of your t1 mob for it.

A story of football and Guild Wars

in WvW

Posted by: Ferawyn.6542


@Caliban: Sorry if my post sounded rude. It’s not that I think bad of you or something, I wanted to say you probably don’t have really a feeling for the typical mindset of low tier players hence you missed imho the point of the op.

A story of football and Guild Wars

in WvW

Posted by: Ferawyn.6542


It is a very amusing story. However it does not relate in any way to RoS as the transferred guilds do not care about winning as your fictional Ferguson does.

So it might be very entertaining though it is does not make a strong point or case about anything about these guild transfers.

Keep writing though.

omg, you so don’t get it.
Are you the incarnation of Ferguson?

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Ferawyn.6542


I am glad I’m on Dzagonur, so the nightmare from T1 will hopefully be gone in a week and we can enjoy the game again.
Now, if I had been playing on RoS I would be really mad by those transfers…

A story of football and Guild Wars

in WvW

Posted by: Ferawyn.6542


Soooooo true.
I am a T7 EU player and I approve this message.

Also very well written.

[Guide] Overpowered PvP Phantasm Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ferawyn.6542


Hi Pyro,

I’ve been experimenting a lot with sets with two offhand weapons after I first tried Gaiawolf’s Lone Mesmer build and this one is indeed incredible powerful 1:1.
Backstab Thiefs usually die from the two blocks and a phantasm hit. Makes me cry though when I play my Warrior alt because his blocks are sooooo weak in damage….

If I join a zerg I will swap one set for greatsword though

Also again thanks to you and Gaiawolf for pointing out that the scepter is a really decent weapon in a power build. Now if we only had a good mainhand condition weapon beside Staff…

[Build] Lone Wolf Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ferawyn.6542


Hi Gaiawolf, thanks for sharing this with us.

Somehow, I always thought Scepter is only viable in a condition build (and even in those MH sword is not a bad choice either), but it is really not that bad in a power build. It’s so refreshing to be able to run around with two offhands….

Also those two heavy-damage blocks in scepter and sword OH seem to be really bad news for glass-cannon thiefs…

(edited by Ferawyn.6542)