Showing Posts For Fingolfin.2568:
As a TxS member i want to thank the alliance leaders for theyr effort and awsome job, i spent the best time in game with you! I do hope that we’ll find a solution, but until then with the new timers i almost surely won’t be able to do tequatl, karka queen or the 3 headed wurm anymore. TxS alliance allowed me to do these bosses in a very organized and coordinated way with a healty community, and that’s the pve i like (no ignorant zerker dungeons or meaningless champ trains). If the goal is to make tequatl and the 3 headed wurm only a dps matter, for players that are just there when the event is starting but that dont’t want to be on ts or listen to commanders in my opinion you are offroad! (and i fear that’s where we are headed). Don’t take me for an elitist player… on the contrary i am a very casual player… until I applied for TxS i wasn’t be able to do tequatl, even when i joined them i could be online everytime, but when i was, i knew there was a spot for me too… and representing the guild during the event, being on ts and listening to a commander are things that a casual player can surely do! Communities as TxS are actually good for casual players and healty for the game!
I hope this thread won’t be ignored and a thank to the supporting replies we got
Right now i just log for the dailies… and tequatl once per day if i can i do the 3 headed wurm with my guild…those bosses are the only thing that need coordination ond an organization… the rest of time i’m not online or afk, and the RNG system makes doing bosses not worth at all of the time i spend in game! What brought me to gw2 was the idea of dynamic events and living story, yet it was not my idea of ls… i hoped in a story made by us players as in a full rpg…where we could actually change the world around us with our actions…and the war between guilds or between 2 factions (like one that wants to awake the elder dragons while the other wants to protect Tyria) could be the role playing scenario…
Are you sure it isn’t the ‘medal’ rewards you get from completion the event? Maybe you hit event DR.
He’s talking about something like this
Yes… but hey in a year i get 3s65c XD
I don’t know if devs are already looking into this, anyway no matter which boss i kill from dungeon ones to tequatl or karka queen, 98% of the time i got a single copper as loot in the chests… getting always 2 blues and 2 greens is awful enough… but that single copper is really frustrating and feels more like an insult… pls no more single coppers from boss loots
Just a question: where is the sense in spending tons of golds for jc when I can get ascended rings for free, trinkets and amulets with laurels are not so expensive, (and almost everyone already has those)? Will Anet put new ascended accessories (or more powerful)? Right now the only thing we cannot have are some ascended backs (like the cleric)…
I don’t really like the trinity system as a forced choice, but i would like to have some utility skills that can get me into a defined role if i want… for example, in wvw, when i use my ele i’d like a strong healing spell that i can cast on a single member of my party or my commander; or if i’m in a dungeon i’d like a taunt skill and get the aggro of a boss for my tanky warrior… my tank or my healer wouldn’t be fundametal, but maybe more useful, and i could really play as i like
With Nov. 26 patch we can drop ascended weapons from lvl 10 fractal daily chest; and we will be able to get more daily chests, one every 10 lvls or so (lvl 1-10; lvl 11-20; lvl 21-30 and so on). I’ve been playing since launch and i didn’t get a single precursor or a 100g weapon to sell, so my hopes to get an ascended weapon form frac’s chests are not really high… hope anet will let us to obtain ascended armors not only through craft, 6 pieces for each character will be really a pain to craft…for me at least, or rng drops!
I won’t say that i’m missing the trinity as it is in other mmos, but in gw2 exping a new character and getting full exotic gear now is relatively easy fast and cheap that it could be introduced (a mitigated trinity anyway), since almost everyone can have a dps a tank and a healer character without much trouble. At least the dungeon game could be balanced in another way letting every kind of playstyle to complete it in the same amount of time. A full zerker party should know that he can hit hard but can be hit hard aswell and so should have to dodge more, or try to switch the aggro between the party members; 4 zerkers should know that having a tank or a healer is a good thing since a tank could take the aggro letting them to do theyr dps or know that the healer is there to keep them alive to do theyr dps and not someone to avoid because the dungeon would be slower… aggro shouldn’t be so random, mobs and bosses could try to kill whoever hits harder so that the other party members actually cooperate with him not just spam attacks… what i mean is that every playtyle shoud be enhanced and promoted not just zerker.
And what if a mesmer used a portal in midair to drop a zerg from above?
well i’m not saying that all skills could be used in mid air… but at least space bar + skill 1 is not unreasonable
I would like to use my skills while i’m jumping… for example in wvw if i’m on a higher spot i should be able to swing my gs on my target while i jump…or shoot him with my pistol
- There are still dragons around, let’s attack them. Move forward into their territory
= new zones.- Zhaitan is dead, let’s clear the rest of his Risen. Move forward in time
= permanently change old zones.
I’ll start with #2, I totally agree, in my opinion even if Zhaitan is dead, there is still it’s corruption effects in Orr; so in a living story we should fight and cleanse this corruption. How? There could be a monthly content, so let’s say that 1 week this corruption starts to expand outside Orr, 1 week we help the order of whispers infiltrating Orr’s corrupted HQ, 1 week we help the scholars finding a remedy and 1 week we help the vigil to conquer and cleanse Orr with the instruments we have found. Arah dungeon could be a waste (or a quarantine zone) left from this fight… but Orr would be free at last, and Anet could start preparing us for a new and more powerful dragon to fight (Handalf #1). Another idea could be that we’ll be lead to free other dragons ourselves, mislead by a traitor npc. (btw sorry for my bad english)
I may add let us take multiple queues (one for each border)… so that at least we can do some wvw while we wait for the border we wanted to join first…
Without renovations a game becomes a matter of grinding anyway… everyone is full exotic? Then it’s wvw pvp or grinding for the legendary… i welcome the ascended new weapons and gear… but as i said in several other posts (and someone could say well just stop talking then), Anet should keep the previous system to get top stat equipment… dungeon tokens, or maybe fractals tokens and gifts of ascension and crafting…btw if i have lvl 500 weaponsmith i can’t really start artificing without using mats i’d need for ascended ingots or planks! How much grinding should a player do?
I have done all the map… almost everyhing alone with my first character (elementalist)… and btw there are the spykits u can buy for karma wich make u invisible and u can get your vistas sp etc. And if there are no people in that region this game has the word “Guild” in it… if your guild mates don’t want to help you that’s a guild’s problem not a matter of difficulty in solo gaming…
a 10% better could do difference in some situations such as wvw…anyway Anet politic was that grinding and farming was not the way, or the only at least, to have top equipment (and it was announced loud and clear at launch). Anyway i think a lot of people could feel like me.. i have my characters full exotics so i have not real interest in doing the same dungeons all over again for a loot that can be just green or blue stuff…i find farming and the grind boring as hell (a game should be fun) and if i have just one or 2 hours each day to play i’d like to do something fun (and rewarding). I’m not saying that who has the will to get to 500 crafting shouldn’t be rewarded, on the contrary he should have exclusive stuff (i was making the example of cool skins like the legendaries have), but that should not affect the entire system that Anet was so proud of and that brought me in this game… all others MMOS are pay to win or almost pure grinding… please don’t make that mistake with GW2!
Not anymore! That was before ascended weapons… which you can get only through craft, and are account/soulbound so crafting is the only way to get them. One of the best things of gw2 (i haven’t played the first) was that everyone could get top stat weapons or armors, in different ways… I knew i could craft a certain kind of items (and only if i wanted) through one job and for other characters i could do something else besides farming mats! now if one has 3 different characters, he has also to get 3 different jobs up to 500…and when ascended armors will be introduced, would be 6 jobs! This is slowly becoming an elitist and/or grinding game, not what Anet said it would really be…
We can buy starter kits for laurels for a crafting job… why don’t you put master kits for lvl 500 crafters too?
That would be a suggestion for elementalists… eles (i have one too) can switch between 4 attunements (so 20 skills that can be properly used) while other professions switching weapons have 10 so for the combat I find reasonable the current options… i’d like more a lateral bar where i could “put” stuff from the bags for a quick use without opening the inventory, look for the thing i need, double click and close inventory…
I consider myself a casual player, i can play only a couple of hours everyday. Before the ascended weapons i knew i could get top stat gear in different ways besides collecting mats and crafting, and i could do it with my guild and so having fun with them (an mmo should be a social thing too not just a continuous grind). With fractals ascended rings and backs were added but still i could get those doing fractals with my guild (1 ring 10 days at lvl 10+); when ascended amulets and earrings were added jewelcraft became useless (dungeon tokens couldn’t buy accessories so crafters had a fair business i think). Now with ascended weapons (and i suppose we’ll get ascended armors) i’d have to grind if i want them…and i find it alienating (as champion trains are), so i’d like some way to ascend exotic gear let’s say at the forge with a gift of ascension and a certain amount of fractals relics or dungeon tokens (and i would like to do dungeons again, wich i don’t since i have to chop wood and mine ores). Since who has a job at 500 should be fairly rewarded i’d say that they could craft not only weapons or armors but also cool skins (or something like that that only they can have without affecting how other players feel toward the game). As for having always different contents and rewards i have suggested in a topic (title is two ideas) treasure hunts…
During the siege of a keep why attackers cannot use the defender’s resources? it feels more real that attackers would pillage those resources and use them against the enemy, while the defenders would try to defend them or take all they can inside the inner walls! Maybe the resources could be split in 2, like 50% inside the inner walls and 50% outside…
1) Treasure hunts: The general idea would be getting a map from a loot or maybe lion chests; that would lead your party to a certain point in the world map (so 100% world map would be useful). There the party would enter an instance, like the personal story ones (those with the green star) and, lead by the map, would have to do differet tasks, like puzzles, solving riddles and of course defeating mobs, and finally would have to defeat a boss protecting the treasure chest…Everything should be totally random
I was thinking to something like that cuz dungeons and events are almost always the same (besides patches) and i find champion trains kinda alienating, and with the external guides everything is really simpler;
2) build or buy your own house and furnitures
World Nation is a small international social guild in Far Shiverpeaks world.
We are looking for new friendly members to join us.
We do mostly pve – dungeons and fractals, bounty missions have been just unlocked.
Every member in World Nation finds help in leveling and gearing his character.
If u are interested in joining us and for any question contact me in game via mail box (Fingolfin.2568)
See you in game!