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Replaying LS 2 Episode - Character Bound

in Living World

Posted by: Fraggle.1236


Just to report that I just got bit by this, it’s still not fixed. Anet really do baffle you at times…..

200 gems per episode is too expensive

in Living World

Posted by: Fraggle.1236


How does this work for new accounts? Now that my brother has a gaming PC, I’m trying to convince him to play.

Moments of WvW awesomeness

in WvW

Posted by: Fraggle.1236


Just wanted to share a little experience I had a couple of days ago that made me smile.

I don’t WvW much, but I’m determined to actually get a monthly for November, just so I’ve done it – (I missed October’s frantically trying to complete the WvW requirement), so I was playing it a couple of days ago to get it done (which I did. 3 fractals to go!!)

I’m on Vabbi and we suck at WvW, but we were holding our own that day and were assaulting Bravost Escarpment held by Ruins of Surmia I think (we held Durios Gulch). They had a cannon or two I think, and we didn’t have much by the way of siege weaponry, so most of the fight was really them trying to push us away, as we really weren’t getting anywhere with taking the fort itself. It was fun to see the ebb and flow of the fight, and we were starting to get on top of the battle, mostly keeping them pinned inside the fort, but then all of a sudden a DE spawned a champion grub right in the middle of our impromptu staging post!!

I’ll never forget the chaos of trying to damage the fortifications, put down enemy charges AND deal with this grub that kept spawning adds.

Your turn.

Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fraggle.1236


Well, it’s been 10 days since this bug was first discussed in the forums. Not sure how hard it is to fix such a common bug…

Lol, this was reported at launch, and as far as I know this is the first time a dev has actually said it’s a bug. It’s been a lot longer than 10 days….but then considering the other bugs from launch that still aren’t fixed, I think this one’s small fry. It’s better than it was though, this bug was initially reported about the Monthly Survivor track at launch, but the Lifetime Survivor track didn’t used to work at all. I was most surprised when I got the 200k milestone this afternoon, as I’d written it off! :-)

I have the same problem, my counter stopped when i switched to another toon to help my guildie out in a PvP battle.. ( so my other toon died there a few times). Switched back to pick up where i left off with my survivor-to-be and the counter stopped moving. Same login session…different toons seems to “trigger” the “bug”…

Isn’t the point that this achievement just shows the total experience earned without death on one toon in particular ?

Now there’s a question. The thing is, all achievements are account-based rather than character-based, so it depends on what interpretation you put on the rule (well, assuming it’s not bugged!!). One way of looking at it is that you the player have to achieve 500k XP regardless of character switches (so you could get 100k each on 5 different characters as long as none of them die in the process), rather than measuring each characters current ‘surviving’ XP and using the highest. As it is, the bug means that no-one’s completely sure what the rules actually are.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fraggle.1236


Every single thing I tried to do this weekend was broken. I didn’t have a lot of time to play, which ended up being a blessing because it reduced the amount of time I spent watching event npcs stand around doing nothing. Utter shambles.

I get the idea behind limited-availability events, but if you use them they absolutely positively have to work first time. This weekend is further evidence that there is something seriously rotten in your DE code.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fraggle.1236


The Spectral Agony/Infusion mechanic was one of the more annoying aspects of GW1. It was alright the first time because it was story related, but everytime you got a new armour set you had to do a particular mission again to get re-infused. Got old rather quickly.

I have to say I’m not sure it matters if Ascended armour has higher stats or not. Even if they were the same, you would still need it for the infusion slots (I can’t see ANet going through all the trouble to create a new tier without them ultimately becoming a necessary part of normal play). It would make more sense to make the infusion slots separate from existing equipment, but that’s just me.

Boots of Hoelbrak Renown Vendor?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fraggle.1236


My Norn has just reached lvl 30, doing the hearts as I go. I have 100% completion on Wayfarer Foothills and Snowden Drifts. I’ve also done all hearts up to Lvl 30 in Lornar’s Pass. In Gendarran Fields, there are a group of renown npcs that sell (unique?) armour pieces with Minor Runes of Divinity, one for each slot. In Snowden Drifts/Lornar’s Pass, you can get similar armour pieces with Minor Runes of Hoelbrak, but for some reason I can’t find Boots, while there’s two npcs selling Shoulders (Seraph Brian and Aurelio). Bug? Or have I just missed the boots somehow?

Let us see our boons and conditions in death shroud!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Fraggle.1236


While we’re talking about DS UI, how about including DS skills on the weapon skills page? I find I often need to refresh myself on what my skills actually do, and it would be nice to not have to waste life force doing it, or doing it while in the middle of combat.

(The same can be said of all downed skills as well)

Missing Voice Acting Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fraggle.1236


For me, the first line is invariably unvoiced, with following lines seemingly random as to whether being voiced or not. This appears to be a regression, I’ve often lost the first line in the past, but never any others.

Monthly Achievement: Experience Survivor bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fraggle.1236


So this is a known bug?

Known to the players, but ANet are yet to make any kind of acknowledgement as far as I’m aware.

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fraggle.1236


Bought 5x Black Lion Keys on the 2nd September. Gems weren’t immediately deducted, so I thought the transaction hadn’t actually occured. Noticed later my Gem count was now reduced by the correct amount for the transaction. Still no sign of the keys, neither delivered nor showing up in the transaction history (which means the history now cannot explain my gem balance) Sent a support ticket at the time. Heard nothing yet.