Showing Posts For FupaVirus.1502:
Phase Retreat isn’t really a stun breaker nor is it OP. I just think most people don’t understand how it really works so they don’t see the weakness. The mesmer still can’t take action or move until the stun/knockdown or root duration concludes after retreating, despite his or her skills no longer being darkened. It’s really only a small leap backwards while stunned. While I agree it is nice for avoiding a lot of damage while stunned (maybe a tiny bit OP but just because ppl don’t realize the mechanic, typically), it doesn’t really break the stun and therefore if the mesmer is followed quickly, a lot of damage can still be done. Remember that if a mesmer, like a thief, didn’t have tools to avoid damage, he/she would probably be pretty laughable.
(edited by FupaVirus.1502)
The pets doing more damage (shorter activation times)
Eh, what? A shorter activation times = more damage? It’s still the same amount of damage dealt within the cooldown of the skill. This claim = fail.
The dps pets weren’t a threat before because they were so easy to kill. You guys must not run with a decent team in Tpvp because anyone that does knows that a big part of the game is control. Whereas a player used to just blow the ranger pet up while he was immobilized or whatever, that’s no longer the case.
Let’s take a look at the popular jaguar, which would be classified as a dps pet. The jaguar belongs to the family of cats. Cats got NO increase in armor, and got a whopping increase in health from 13,000 to 14,868, an increase in health by 1,868 points. Wow, just wow. I understand that they are unkillable now, I really do… (sarcasm).
This claim = fail.Rangers are too rewarding for nothing
For nothing? This claim is insulting
The fact that a ranger is now the biggest offensive threat to a team fight and must be focused on or controlled before almost any other target is what makes him OP.
That is NOT a fact, that’s your extremely biased view of things. You’d rather see the ranger class so kitten that they can be ignored completly, and a free kill to cash in as soon as you see one.
Say whatever you want to defend your class, but at least be honest and acknowledge the fact that they did get buffed and are stronger.
They got an increase to health and/or armor across the board, yes. They did not get an increase to damage dealt.
Faster activation times= more DPS and overall damage, not damage with that single attack. Claim is not false. Your thinking is just too narrow-minded.
Cats got a small increase in their base hp, which equated to a noticeable increase in their survivability as their base stats are increased by percentage through traits.
Rangers are currently too rewarding. There is a reason why most people rank them in the S tier.
The HUGE influx of rangers into Tpvp and their current rise to the highest tier attest to the fact that most people, at least most people offering their opinions here, agree that rangers are now the biggest threat to a tourney group. That is the reason why they are now S tier, correct?
Guys, you should play ranger before putting it hight tier, nothing changed on the BM build i was playing a month ago and sundunly i’m tier S.
Nice but still, pets are dumb, only do damage to the ones not kitting (low ranks), still half of them have F2 that do not hit or you have to hit 10 time your key for it to go, because players are smart enough in Tpvp to kite.I’m glad to see more rangers in game but get this “nothing changed”, so why would I be OP now and not before then? i’m really curious.
The pets doing more damage (shorter activation times) and being more tanky is a buff. The dps pets weren’t a threat before because they were so easy to kill. You guys must not run with a decent team in Tpvp because anyone that does knows that a big part of the game is control. Whereas a player used to just blow the ranger pet up while he was immobilized or whatever, that’s no longer the case. Say whatever you want to defend your class, but at least be honest and acknowledge the fact that they did get buffed and are stronger. Pets can do decent damage to a good player if your team sets you up for that situation. This game is about group play and rangers shine just a little too brightly in group situations currently. It isn’t hugely overpowered but it does need a very slight modification because, as is, Rangers are too rewarding for nothing. Just compare a ranger’s auto attack (talking about short bow here especially) to any other ranged auto attack in the game. Then notice that the pet is also attacking (although not hitting 100% up time) and you’ll see that even a bad player can do some serious damage if not dealt with appropriately. The fact that a ranger is now the biggest offensive threat to a team fight and must be focused on or controlled before almost any other target is what makes him OP.
Why ranger so hight? Any videos to see or special builds involved on it?
Read the patch notes or play a tpvp round. It’s the new FotM profession. I’ve played at least 15 tourney rounds since patch and the least amount of rangers I’ve seen in a game was 3 out of the 10 players. It’s usually 4, though, and sometimes more. Not saying lots of players= OP, but even a bad Ranger can pose a serious threat in any semi-large fight by just auto attacking and sending in pets, which are no longer easy to kill and do more damage now. They aren’t super OP, 1-shot kill, infinite bunker gods or anything, but they should be toned down just a bit for balance. As is they are too rewarding for how easy it is to play them. And no, I’m not talking 1v1’s. They still aren’t the best 1v1 class but this game isn’t supposed to be balanced around 1v1’s.
About builds, check out signets. They are the way to go now for survivability/ good damage but even spirits are viable in most teams as they bring a huge damage bonus to group fights now.
And finally, I think, with the exception of rangers being a bit over-the-top and warriors still being a bit below (although they are getting there), this is the most balanced the game has been in a while. Great job, Anet.
(edited by FupaVirus.1502)
Tier S:
Tier A:
+ Elementalist
Tier B:
Tier C:
(edited by FupaVirus.1502)
“-Points will now decap while Distortion is active and the mesmer is alone on point”
Let’s hope this doesn’t effect blurred frenzy. Perfectly understandable that this would effect F4 but it would be horrible if it hurt blurred frenzy. I hope this doesn’t get overlooked.
You probably just don’t see it applying because your target is attacking quickly so its probably applied and used up b4 you notice.
I would rather doubling, or tripling, the health instead of making it infinite. Without a DPS meter, it’s easier to get a good read on your damage if your actually killing a target.
troll . . . obviously lol.