Showing Posts For Gatsu.8430:

Berserker Stance change sucks

in PvP

Posted by: Gatsu.8430


OMG a warrior can kill me! NERF!
Move along, QQers.

Why doesn't shield block reveal a thief?

in Warrior

Posted by: Gatsu.8430


I totally agree with the OP, even more with Paavotar.
But this discussion belongs to the sPvP forum :P

Post Patch...Weakest Class?

in PvP

Posted by: Gatsu.8430


I strongly agree with exactly what Geff and Empathic Fighter said.

Warrior is actually how all classes in GW2 should be. No cheap moves, no cheap AoE, no 1 button miracles. Work for the kittening kill!! That’s how true e-sports should be like.

Tone down aoe, tone down stealths, illusions and all the crap that’s poluting the game, and we might just see some playable spvp then.

I so agree with this. I can’t +1 you enough.
PvP in this game has gotten out of control: blinds all over the place, free access to vigor, low CD on demand invulnerabilities/blocks/evades, etc.
The Warrior is the best designed profession, with well telegraphed skills that allow for counter play and require good positioning, offer a good measure of risk vs reward, they have to balance their traits to have good damage and/or good defense, their weapons have a clear and defined porpuse (ex. every Mesmer taking sword mh due to an OP invulnerability), so do their traits and utility skills.

The balance in this game has already gotten into the Whac-A-Mole way, sticking new stuff out of nowhere (Torment), overbuffing Necromancers, not tunning down certain things enough… instead of balancing what’s already there.

I agree on AoE damage, which has been a little too much for some time now, this includes Warriors as well.

This, this, this, over 9000 times this.

A-net please read THIS.

Warrior is amazing

in Warrior

Posted by: Gatsu.8430


I agree with you.
Adrenal Health should not be based on Adrenaline, atleast. Just change its name.

Go home Guts, you are drunk(spelling your own name wrong!!)

On another note, hows Griffith?!

And yes the Warrior traits are weirdly thought out, now its more of a tradeoff than was before ^^

No, I’m not drunk (yet)!
Gatsu is the italian name of Guts, I always used that for my warriors in any MMO! :P

Warrior is amazing

in Warrior

Posted by: Gatsu.8430


I agree with you.
Adrenal Health should not be based on Adrenaline, atleast. Just change its name.


in Warrior

Posted by: Gatsu.8430


Where is it?
We waited an entire month after you said “we agree that warriors need better sustain”, we were all looking to the new patch, our best hopes have just been crushed by you this time.
I mean, when I read the leaked patch notes, I was not that happy, but ATLEAST we had an improvement with our healing skills, with a reduced cooldown.
Nvm, it’s not in the official notes.
You went even worst than expected.
I know this is not the first post about it, but I’m really kitten ed.