Showing Posts For Gillysan.1962:

there is really no love for turrets huh?

in Engineer

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


Well my comment was meant to be sarcastic and seems some missed the point: my turrets lasted for well over 30 mins, I even afk’d to use the bathroom or root around in the kitchen.

Currently I’m mainly in wvw and not using turrets too much. Working for the rifle slayer achievement. However, I still use the thumper turret. Lay it down, send a bunch of bodies flying in the air and then blow it up for more damage. It’s saved my butt many times while getting chased by a mob of angry foes. Use the thumper turret as I’m running away, trigger it’s attack, Elixir B and I’m gone.

there is really no love for turrets huh?

in Engineer

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


Leveling up I also farmed for crafting mats and found a bug that after 30+ minutes you lose the special attack of the turret, although you get back the toolbelt skill instead of being able to explode the turret. Only thing can do then is to manually pick up the turret(for the CD reduction) and put the turret back down. After 30+ minutes! Darn.

Played to 80 + Dungeons and karma farming - thoughts

in Engineer

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


IMO regarding all this proselytizing for grenades….
Spock: He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two-dimensional thinking.

How to kill thief in pvp?

in Engineer

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


LOL at the “trade secrets”, we all have access to the same things and playing with builds is not rocket science.

The note about equipment does indeed help quite a bit. Remember exotics are max stats, don’t get side tracked by Legendary gear, just a different skin but same stats as crafted exotics.

Get superior runes, you can find reasonably priced ones in the TP. Doesn’t have to be the popular expensive ones right away.

Experiment with your builds freely, it’s not that expensive to respec, only 3s at level 80.

At this time (like I said, I change from time to time) I’m using a rifle to get the weapon achievement and have found it fairly effective in wvw.
(change roman numeral as you see fit)
20 Firearms: Rifled Barrels/Kneeshot/? + Go For the Eyes
20 Invention: Protective Shield/Cloaking Device/Energized Armor + Energized Armor/Elite Supplies
30 Alchemy: Self-Regulating Defenses + Cleaning Formula + Automated Response

Elixir B
Utility Goggles/Personal Battering Ram/Net Turret/play around with this
Thumper Turret(love the knockback)

If the battle goes long I’ll rifle net my opponent and Overcharged Shot(#4) them back my Thumper Turret and fling em in the air again. If a thief doesn’t kill me right away, usually with help, I find them running for their lives. Thieves really don’t scare me at all, pretty much nothing scares me 1v1.

PvE noob - constantly dying

in Engineer

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


Experiment, respec at the trainer every now and then, there are actually several different ways of making an engineer very survivable as noted above.

Consider a Razer Naga or Logitech G600. They can take a couple of weeks just to get used to them somewhat.

Good advice here and all I can do is add my leveling up experience for pve. I found that turrets helped a lot against many mobs, they are like other classes pets. Lay them down early and mobs aggro on them, then you can start shooting away. I preferred going Captain America with p/s. I liked Invention trait tree early on but have played with moving trait points around. I now never run around without 30 points in Alchemy.

Knowing how/when to use dodge is very important, although this doesn’t mean you can’t sometimes outright tank mobs. I mapped dodge to my G600 mouse button. Also learn when to run away, keep an eye out before a fight for an exit route. Especially since there are so many bugs still in the game, like the instant respawns. No point fighting there unless your using it to your advantage to farm crafting mats.

When it comes to Elite skills, Supply Crate is one of the best for survivability. In the water Elixir X is also killer.

Siege weapon questions, wiki missing info

in WvW

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


Checked the wiki and couldn’t find the answer.

There is a despawn timer on them?
How long is the timer?
Siege weapons that are a part of a tower upgrade are exempt? (Canon, Mortar)
There a siege weapon cap? Per map?

Repair your Armor in WvW Really ?!

in WvW

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


This is just an opinion piece that is missing any actual facts or data. +1 Wildclaw’s post above, someone who is actually thinking things out instead of reacting.

Make a spread sheet and start categorizing how you participated in wvw. How much coin for escorting, any minor DE’s like repelling an NPC attack on supply camp. How much coin you had when you started. Was your sever holding any ground during this time or getting beat up, something to get an idea of how this week’s match was going for your server. What level gear. Tracking k/d, you can do it manually if you have to.

Personally repair costs aren’t bothering me too much at this time. If I think I’m dieing too much I quit following the zerg and find other things to do. Supply run to repair walls, gates, mortars, you always get one of those timed bonuses that occur around a tower. A day in Orr and little crafting funds me enough I have even begun upgrading keeps and putting down siege as needed. I’m probably laying out 3 – 8g over a couple of days of wvw. Then I have to stop until my reserves build up again.

I think they need to take a look again at escorts and maybe give something for it, even if it’s just a few copper. Dunno, wouldn’t bother me.

Think of EVE as a solo player. You can go romp around doing some pvp in lowsec/nullsec space then when you have lost enough ships(GW2 repair costs is peanuts in comparison) you flip back to highsec mission running, mining, manufacturing, trading, etc. Build up resources and ships and go at it again.

Learn to survive or die trying.

Spies, Commander Badges and You

in WvW

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


The paranoia on EVE is so thick it takes a long time to make friends and even then….2 years later, misappropriated corporation resources raided and go missing. Beware <.< who you call friend >.>

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


Already the accusations are flying? Can’t we wait until Monday at least?

21 Bots in one place, Ehmry Bay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


Don’t know where to post this and takes forever targeting them when they are bunched up on one spot. About a month ago it was only 9.

Server: Ehmry Bay
Zone: Frostgorge Sound
Location: Yak’s Bend waypoint, almost directly due south

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


I actually saw a hylek I just killed, forgot where, as it fell to the ground it respawned! Literally, it’s death animation was running and it respawned.

I agree with everything being discussed here and all I can think is that the launch of this game fooled me into thinking it was working well. I think it had more to do with the initial mob of new players in the starter areas, there was safety in numbers. I also didn’t get disconnected much and rarely ran into a login issue. That was the bright spot early on. The seams in the fabric started to show as the population spread and we got into the higher level personal stories. Some days I don’t even bother doing /bug reports.

The truth is that this game is broken and incomplete. Just like other games it was released too early and bug ridden.

Legendary weapons no longer an option for most players?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


The stats on Legendaries are the exact same as Exotic weapons, it’s just the skin right?

FOV on 3 monitors Demonstration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


Well, I dusted off my Ti-86 to find it’s batteries had died. I’m just going to wing it. Thanks anyway.

Use a spread sheet!

My WishList:
FoV slider
Vertical position of character slider

Bravo on handling spammers.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


What was your character’s name at the time of this incident?

I really never get Black Lion Keys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


It’s the second tab on the Trade Post window. lol The big thing that looks like an advertisement, click it, opens to a window where you can enter how much silver you want to spend.

Price droppers kinda ruining the economy completely

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


Where do you get these bronze coins? Sorry, couldn’t get past the first post or two.

Having to pick up loot bags is incredibly annoying

in WvW

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


+1 this one.
Strangely enough I recall some challenges in GW1 where the important item(Sunspear armor) appeared in your bags.

Karma should be account not soulbound

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


+1, this makes almost too much sense.

Superior Rune of the Pirate(4) not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


‘For great justice’ is the might, correct, but this rune says your supposed to yell ‘Yarr!’. So it’s not working as it is supposed to. However, he never came back to say whether might was being applied or not with the other emote. I’m going to assume he was looking at his buffs.

Unable to enter dungeon with party.. or enter same dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


I did a bug report and I wonder is this is related to the issue in this thread (or I’ll start a separate thread), story mode Caudecus:

1- could not see each others called targets(no message, no target icon, T not working)
2-no guild influence reward, all 5 from same guild.

Possible cause: one party member was invited while in another zone then changed characters. Also everyone was in different zones at time of party formation.

Do not use healing turret for regeneration.

in Engineer

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


Problem with placing the turret and picking it up is that the CD is not shortened if you do it right away. You have to wait X seconds or you do not the quicker CD.

Also the water blast is hard to time and just plain weak. At least at 80 it has yet to save my butt.

Do not use healing turret for regeneration.

in Engineer

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


Problem with placing the turret and picking it up is that the CD is not shortened if you do it right away. You have to wait X seconds or you do not the quicker CD.

Also the water blast is hard to time and just plain weak. At least at 80 it has yet to save my butt.

What is the AoE Combo Heal discussed often?

in Engineer

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


Works with F# Shockwave, from the Thumper.

My gripe is that it never has saved my butt. The 1500 heal just doesn’t seem to be enough spike healing at 80. Also the field from the turret lasts such a short time that I can’t even plan for it. I found that comboing the toolbelt heal and Shockwave was fairly reliable in combat. One tick of your weapon shooting when you intended the shield and I totally miss the field from the turret. The rangers healing spring is far more useful.

How to make the Flamethrower work in PVP

in Engineer

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


The Smoke Vent range is extremely frustrating. Have been toe to toe with a mob and no effect at all. Your other comments I’m liking.

I like to use 3 then 2 together, seems to work fairly well. The FT really needs a finisher of some kind.

Engineer Elite

in Engineer

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


Asuran Engineer here.

Mortar: sometimes a blast in wvw!
The range is horrible if you ask me even if you trait for it, at least allow it to be picked up to vastly reduce the cool down. I would take a range boost any day over a damage boost to this.

Supply Crate: pretty dam good, not so sure about the flame thrower though.

Elixir X: rarely used it, still making my mind up. I know in wvw I was not impressed by it.

The 2 Golems: not too sure about them, they suffer from melee AI just like the melee AI for Heroe’s in GW1 made them useless. If this were fixed I would take a look at them again. At this time I would prefer if they were changed to purely ranged instead of melee.

Golem Suit: never used it in actual combat, only jumped in it while in a safe place. Cant jump with forms. 1 needs to be auto, always, or make the suit last longer so we can kitten around with getting it auto casting. Are there any traits that even help with this thing?

Face it, the naga razer is the only thing that makes this class bareable

in Engineer

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


G700 pretty much on default.
Disabled the ring finger button on top, I just can’t deal with it.
Mouse wheel click for dodge.
Mouse 4 ‘swap weapons’ for other classes.

OK, now if you don’t want a fancy mouse, here is my suggestion going back 12+ years.
Left hand is for controlling movement, right is camera and…

Create second binds for 1 – 10 using the numpad. Took me awhile but I completely ignore the actual numbers on the numpad, set it to 1 – 3 along the top starting with num7, etc. You can rebind all the keys on the numpad to suit your evil purposes, I used to redo every single one of them.

I think the tagging system ruins Dynamic Events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


I had to skip to the bottom, but I did read some comments…

Would like to see a dev response, is damage to the mobs the only thing that will lead to rewards?

Other things need to be included for getting rewarded in a DE, not just direct damage.
Heals should count as direct damage
Damage from others using your fields
(feel free to add to the list)

Once fixed, make sure to show us how we contributed with stats in the events result, i.e. amount of heal put out.

As far as the comment for level 80 zones, there coming for sure, have to give them some time to put out a new expansion. I’d rather see all the bugs in this one squashed as a priority, let’s not even get into that in this thread. rolls eyes

I can see DE’s can be tricky to get right and not open them to abuse. However, Anet really needs to get these down long before any expansions come out.

Where to craft in Harathi Hinterlands?

in Crafting

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


Never found stations and I seriously looked and asked in /map. The wiki is wrong stating that all explorable zones will have stations. Seems like the starter zones got it and Field of Ruins. Although the merchants in FoR have no items to sell. They don’t even have a merchant window open. This screams incomplete & rushed to release the game.

Temple of Balthazar [Strats of Devastation}

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


Same thing on Ehmry Bay. Cleared out entire south area and stuck on “Pact forces are awaiting additional reinforcements from the southern invasion.” Lone Post keeps cycling the minor DE to go to the Conservatory, the escort quest for the reinforcements never starts. Must have defended Lone Post half a dozen times and searched between there and the Rally Point but nothing at all.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


I finally got through this mess! I did what SlimGenre suggested above. Also I skipped some spawns by climbing some fallen wall before that first arch you fight under. It’s on the right, next to that Asuran you can revive. Talk to Trahearne then take a few steps back on the path and you should see it.

List Your Good Farming Locations and Mobs

in Crafting

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


Sorry, but your wall of words was too much to bear. Here’s a better list:

Tier 3

  • Harathi Hinterlands / Arca Waypoint — Harpies(39)
    Notes: East of the waypoint


  • Blazeridge Steppes / Tail of the Star God waypoint — Grawl(44)
    Notes: careful of the harder DE, out front of cave NW safer
  • Blazeridge Steppes / Kinar Fort waypoint — Skritt(45)
    Notes: north a little ways is Skritt cave
  • Dredgehaunt Cliffs / Theign Kenning POI — Jotun(42)
    Notes: veteran spawns at skillpoint, mostly Totems[/list]


Radiant Dust


  • Blazeridge Steppes / Tumok’s Last Stand — Salamander Drake(41)
    Notes: poor drop rate but continuous spawns[/list]


  • Blazeridge Steppes / Tumok’s Last Stand — Salamander Drake(41)
    Notes: poor drop rate but continuous spawns
  • Dredgehaunt Cliffs / Wyrmblood waypoint — Barracuda(41)
    Notes: fairly easy Champion Barracuda every 15 mins[/list]


  • Blazeridge Steppes / Tail of the Star God waypoint — Grawl(44)
    Notes: careful of the harder DE, out front of cave NW safer
  • Dredgehaunt Cliffs / Theign Kenning POI — Jotun(42)
    Notes: veteran spawns at skillpoint, camped on ledge[/list]

Venom Sac

  • Bloodtide Coast / Remanda Saltmarsh — Firefly(48)
    Notes: these are all over the zone
  • Blazeridge Steppes / Gastor Gullet Waypoint — Wind/Breeze Rider(42-45)
    Notes: NNW off the road

PS OMG I can’t stand textile formatting!

Give us a butter merchant.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


The only logical explanation that I can come up with is that the loot drop tables are really screwed up and need some balancing. I can’t believe how much butter them dredge’s drop! They must have found a butter vein deep underground.

Level 80 raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


This is the first issue of GW2, they have to work out the newly created systems before they can work on expanding it. DE’s have the potential for being raid-like but “without all the bureaucracy” as someone stated above. Maybe eventually 8 man dungeons but other than that I certainly don’t ever want to see EQ-75-man raids again(what is this thing called wow everyone keeps bringing up?).

WvW is probably your best bet for now. It can be addicting.

Elite Supplies Trait Bugged

in Engineer

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


How did you test it? (I have my own idea but wanted to hear your methodology)

My opinion: Turrets - So Much Potential - yet so broken!

in Engineer

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


Soloing I rely on turrets, I die a lot less even go so far as I rarely die as opposed to not using any turrets at all. I got used to blowing em up/picking up when moving. I don’t pvp much so I can’t comment there, still experimenting.

Minor Turret Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


Also add, underwater, the rocket turret often can’t be exploded. Only thing can do is “pick up”.

After farming a location for a period of time(crafter supplies), control over the turret is lost. They keep attacking nearest foe but you can’t fire their specials. Have to lay down another turret. You do get back the toolbelt kit instead of exploding. Some may see that as a bonus but I think the turrets special attacks are more powerful. Time period to lose control of the turret? Haven’t timed it, maybe 15 – 20 minutes.

Healing Turret & Water Field

in Engineer

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


It’s extremely hard to time to the point I just gave up. Randomly helping me and my group is about all can be hoped for. I questioned whether it existed off the turret and thanks for answering that mystery.

The toolbelt kit is really hard to time as well but I found I could more reliably get it to fire by keyboard macro. It still fails sometimes even with that step taken!
F1: press/release
4: press/release
0.750ms delay
4: press/release

Weapon Kit - Auto Attack

in Engineer

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


Hooray! It’s going to get fixed.

(Video) Engineer maximum survivability build

in Engineer

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


The link to your build shows an empty build. Please fix.

What's the point/purpose of the bomb kit?

in Engineer

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


I’m slowly going through all the things we can do, grenades I just found a bit annoying but I’ll get back to them soon.

Bombs with a little bit of heal spamming makes for a fairly survivable option in PvE. You can either choose to stand your ground or run around/ pass through and avoid their special attacks. I have no fear running into a cluster of 5 or 6 with Big’ol Bomb. Then start running them around a turret or two. I can farm a spot where I have seen others run for their lives.

Haven’t taken it to wvw or pvp yet.