Showing Posts For Goldberg.4831:

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Out of touch.

How many developers on the Raids that everyone one was excited for, said no one ever.

spoiling star wars in map chat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Forgot to add. I cannot believe this thread is even being considered by ANET. Laughable. So much politically correct BS these days. Lol.

Let alone a dev actually responded to it trying to set a ruling. Pathetic.

Pathetic, is a perfect word to described people who have nothing better to do. Or people that actually defend troll behavior.

spoiling star wars in map chat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Pathetic how this thread got even started and is still going on. Like your life is gonna take a dark turn after you hear a spoiler from the new Star Wars movie. Even so, if spoilers from the new Star Wars are okay to be reported, then all spoilers should be. What privileges the new Star Wars movie from other movies?
Sad how this community turned to be a bunch of easily offended whiners.

no it is the community doing the right thing for the right reasons . and yes the same should go for other things too . like i said already in other posts . this is not other company . it is Anet and they call the shots here and make the rules as they see fit . we in turn give them money for that said game to be given to us as they promised it to be and not with other things added into the game by other people like mods and so forth . and talking like that can get a ban as well from what the toss and form rules tells me

Pathetic, is the fact that I have deal with kitten hats, ignore, reported, all is good until the next one comes along.

Seeing how the forum software has to censor certain words in your posts, I’d be motivated too to spoil something if you express yourself like that ingame too.

Did you know that Rosebud was his sled? It was.

Another kitten hat for the ignore list.

I feel deeply offended by your choice of words towards me. I’m glad the word you used was censored, because this is already a behavior against myself and therefore the rules. I reported you and hope to see your posts removed because if not, ANet’s ruling of harassing seems different from what the general view of that topic is.

Hey, just calling a spade a spade. Sorry I ruffled your troll feathers.

Further I don’t see any regret in your choice of words. What have I done to you? I was only pointing out that Rosebud was his sled in the movie Citizen Kane.

Classic Troll

spoiling star wars in map chat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Pathetic how this thread got even started and is still going on. Like your life is gonna take a dark turn after you hear a spoiler from the new Star Wars movie. Even so, if spoilers from the new Star Wars are okay to be reported, then all spoilers should be. What privileges the new Star Wars movie from other movies?
Sad how this community turned to be a bunch of easily offended whiners.

no it is the community doing the right thing for the right reasons . and yes the same should go for other things too . like i said already in other posts . this is not other company . it is Anet and they call the shots here and make the rules as they see fit . we in turn give them money for that said game to be given to us as they promised it to be and not with other things added into the game by other people like mods and so forth . and talking like that can get a ban as well from what the toss and form rules tells me

Pathetic, is the fact that I have deal with kitten hats, ignore, reported, all is good until the next one comes along.

Seeing how the forum software has to censor certain words in your posts, I’d be motivated too to spoil something if you express yourself like that ingame too.

Did you know that Rosebud was his sled? It was.

Another kitten hat for the ignore list.

Reported for threating behavior!!

spoiling star wars in map chat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Pathetic how this thread got even started and is still going on. Like your life is gonna take a dark turn after you hear a spoiler from the new Star Wars movie. Even so, if spoilers from the new Star Wars are okay to be reported, then all spoilers should be. What privileges the new Star Wars movie from other movies?
Sad how this community turned to be a bunch of easily offended whiners.

no it is the community doing the right thing for the right reasons . and yes the same should go for other things too . like i said already in other posts . this is not other company . it is Anet and they call the shots here and make the rules as they see fit . we in turn give them money for that said game to be given to us as they promised it to be and not with other things added into the game by other people like mods and so forth . and talking like that can get a ban as well from what the toss and form rules tells me

Pathetic, is the fact that I have deal with kitten hats, ignore, reported, all is good until the next one comes along.

Seeing how the forum software has to censor certain words in your posts, I’d be motivated too to spoil something if you express yourself like that ingame too.

Did you know that Rosebud was his sled? It was.

Another kitten hat for the ignore list.

I feel deeply offended by your choice of words towards me. I’m glad the word you used was censored, because this is already a behavior against myself and therefore the rules. I reported you and hope to see your posts removed because if not, ANet’s ruling of harassing seems different from what the general view of that topic is.

Hey, just calling a spade a spade. Sorry I ruffled your troll feathers.

spoiling star wars in map chat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Gaile is simply saying you can report abusive behavior, and ruining other people’s fun is abusive.

But where do we draw the line then? That’s the problem with this supposed policy. It cannot be enforced at this moment because there are no rules against it. Sure, people can quote the User Agreement, but what sort of “laws” are going to be written down? Gaile has responded, so this issue is now something that ANet has to spend time and resources looking into.

But here’s the thing that bothers me so much… why is this issue getting more attention than worse problems in the game?

In Orr, players are constantly begging for temple events to fail (because it is required for certain achievements), yet other players will complete the event despite their pleas in map chat. Their progress has just been barred by another player, yet this is not a report-able offense. Perhaps just poor game design… Regardless, is this abusive? Is this ban-able? Someone just had their fun ruined, so why not?

When running dungeons, players will discriminate, ridicule and kick others for not having the preferred gear. Or in even worse cases, people leading the dungeons have been kicked by other members of their group at the very end, so that their friends could finish the dungeon with them and reap the rewards. From my observations, players guilty of the latter issue do not get banned, despite the blatant grief it causes towards others. Is this abusive? Is this ban-able? Someone just had their fun ruined, so why not?

During the horrendous WvW Golem Rush event, players were purposely exploiting the bugs to one-shot-kill other players. This was clearly an exploit of the game, and legitimate players had to suffer the consequences. They were either forced to deal with it, or take a break until the event was over. Nothing was done on the devs side to solve this issue. It was swept under the rug after the event concluded. Was this abusive? Was this ban-able? Someone just had their fun ruined, so why not?

This game promotes so much “fun ruining” by design and yet these are not ban-able offenses despite the numerous complaints over the years. The inaction and silence of the devs seems to suggest that this sort of behavior is acceptable. Why is example one not considered griefing? Why does example two go unpunished despite how common it is? Why did example three not get any attention from the devs, despite causing problems for a sizable portion of the playerbase?

So again, my question is: Why does this topic get special snowflake status when there are far worse issues for the devs to be looking into within their very own game?

(Note: This isn’t an attack towards you Pandaman. Merely what you said got me thinking about how we define the boundaries between other people’s fun, and why spoiling movies is getting more attention from the devs than other rampant in-game problems that are a result of their own design.)


Because not only are we dealing with in-game problems, now add all of the trolls that decided the holiday weekend was a good place to make it even more miserable.

spoiling star wars in map chat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Pathetic how this thread got even started and is still going on. Like your life is gonna take a dark turn after you hear a spoiler from the new Star Wars movie. Even so, if spoilers from the new Star Wars are okay to be reported, then all spoilers should be. What privileges the new Star Wars movie from other movies?
Sad how this community turned to be a bunch of easily offended whiners.

no it is the community doing the right thing for the right reasons . and yes the same should go for other things too . like i said already in other posts . this is not other company . it is Anet and they call the shots here and make the rules as they see fit . we in turn give them money for that said game to be given to us as they promised it to be and not with other things added into the game by other people like mods and so forth . and talking like that can get a ban as well from what the toss and form rules tells me

Pathetic, is the fact that I have deal with kitten hats, ignore, reported, all is good until the next one comes along.

Seeing how the forum software has to censor certain words in your posts, I’d be motivated too to spoil something if you express yourself like that ingame too.

Did you know that Rosebud was his sled? It was.

Another kitten hat for the ignore list.

spoiling star wars in map chat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Pathetic how this thread got even started and is still going on. Like your life is gonna take a dark turn after you hear a spoiler from the new Star Wars movie. Even so, if spoilers from the new Star Wars are okay to be reported, then all spoilers should be. What privileges the new Star Wars movie from other movies?
Sad how this community turned to be a bunch of easily offended whiners.

no it is the community doing the right thing for the right reasons . and yes the same should go for other things too . like i said already in other posts . this is not other company . it is Anet and they call the shots here and make the rules as they see fit . we in turn give them money for that said game to be given to us as they promised it to be and not with other things added into the game by other people like mods and so forth . and talking like that can get a ban as well from what the toss and form rules tells me

Pathetic, is the fact that I have deal with kitten hats, ignore, reported, all is good until the next one comes along.

spoiling star wars in map chat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


re: Why on earth is this reportable? – The OP, Gaile, and most of the other posters in this merged thread are talking about people deliberately spamming spoilers in map chat. (for the purpose of griefing) Not someone who accidentally types in local or map chat instead of whisper or party chat.
Like Gaile said, CS will make individual judgements per report.

Because he is a douch, and I report on kittens. enough said. The context doesn’t matter, if someone is trolling just to be a jerk, report, take the crap somewhere else.

Bring back gold in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


No, first dungeon is dtill rewarding as long as you trade your token and salvage. Second liquid gold hurt gold to gem rate way too much. Third dungeon reward you way too much liquid gold for the skill and effort involved which is nearly 0. Actually I think the current liquid gold is still too much.

Gem rate? No it didn’t. Not all dungeon paths are easy mode like cof 1,2, ac 1,3. There are still quite a few which people don’t even do for the most part except maybe once to get dungeonmaster. If anything they could not get rid of the gold reward but instead make the fights more challenging on the easier paths. Or smarter enemy AI to where people can’t just stack behind walls.

Please support what you say with facts and not useless opinions. Your argument is so bad and poorly worded I’m pretty sure you’re trolling.

He’s trolling or oblivious, I can’t tell. I can tell you most of his post are over exaggerating or just plain made up crap.

Was liquid gold hurting the economy? NO.

Was liquid gold hurting gem sales? NO.
Does Anet think it was, it definitely looks that way. IMO it is backfiring. I ran dungeons because I enjoyed the content, the gold was just a bonus.

Gem store purchases before HOT = ALOT

Gem store purchases after HOT = 0

Gem store purchases during the holidays = 0

Bring back dungeons.

Everything you said, is backed by absolutely no data.

Are you still running dungeons? If not, then gold was your motivation. Sorry to burst your bubble.

I’ll just leave this here:

Now notice that not all of these are still achieveable due to changes, but times close are definately possible with the powercreep that is the elite specialisations.

Only because YOU can’t do a path in under 5 minutes, doesn’t mean others can’t.

Ever heard of dimminishing returns. I dont know anyone running 20 dungeons a day just for gold. I sure there was, but not many. I ran dungeons yes for the gold, also for the collections. Now I’m forced to collect through pvp. liquid gold is a bs arguement. its all about gem sales. God forbid I am able to earn any skins or QOL improvements through playing the game the way I would like too.

Linking speed runs has nothing to do with liquid gold, those guys were doing it for bragging rights.

“Now Everything you said, is backed by absolutely no data.” show me how liquid gold was hurting your economy. isnt converting gems to gold, liquid gold.

How can people be this…

Did you even try to understand what I wrote?

No, converting gems to gold is NOT the same as getting direct gold rewards from dungeons. That gold you convert your gems into comes from a pool of gold. That pool has been filled by players BUYING GEMS with gold.

Same as the pool of gems increases when people buy gems with real life cash and use those to convert to gold.

Here read up:

The total amount of gold in the game economy DOES NOT CHANGE (except for the 15% tax both ways which actually reduces the total amount of gold in the game economy).

Linking speedruns was to show that what the poster futher up said is NOT bs. It is possible and I know enough people who without being super duper speedruners had low times on many dungeons.

There were no diminishing returns on people doing dungeon tours. Clearing 5-6 different dungeon paths per hour was not uncommon. There was a reason why the gold gain was considered only slightly behind SW for speedrunenrs. The difference being that this is gold directly injected into the game economy (the gold supply increases) where as going through the TP does not.

Please, for the love of god, at least try to read up on stuff. I’m not going to repeat this point for a 4th time. This is just silly.

Be like what?

Not buy your argument about liquid gold. Yeah I dont. So your saying once they nerfed dungeons there is no other way to earn liquid gold. bs. Your comparing apples to oranges. Its obvious you were not running dungeons, Yes diminishing returns existed, run the same path for the seccond time in a day, it was not worth a gold.

So you can say inflation, liquid gold, etc etc. All it has to do with is Anet wants you to open your wallet and buy gold. Thats it.

Bring back gold in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


No, first dungeon is dtill rewarding as long as you trade your token and salvage. Second liquid gold hurt gold to gem rate way too much. Third dungeon reward you way too much liquid gold for the skill and effort involved which is nearly 0. Actually I think the current liquid gold is still too much.

Gem rate? No it didn’t. Not all dungeon paths are easy mode like cof 1,2, ac 1,3. There are still quite a few which people don’t even do for the most part except maybe once to get dungeonmaster. If anything they could not get rid of the gold reward but instead make the fights more challenging on the easier paths. Or smarter enemy AI to where people can’t just stack behind walls.

Please support what you say with facts and not useless opinions. Your argument is so bad and poorly worded I’m pretty sure you’re trolling.

He’s trolling or oblivious, I can’t tell. I can tell you most of his post are over exaggerating or just plain made up crap.

Was liquid gold hurting the economy? NO.

Was liquid gold hurting gem sales? NO.
Does Anet think it was, it definitely looks that way. IMO it is backfiring. I ran dungeons because I enjoyed the content, the gold was just a bonus.

Gem store purchases before HOT = ALOT

Gem store purchases after HOT = 0

Gem store purchases during the holidays = 0

Bring back dungeons.

Everything you said, is backed by absolutely no data.

Are you still running dungeons? If not, then gold was your motivation. Sorry to burst your bubble.

I’ll just leave this here:

Now notice that not all of these are still achieveable due to changes, but times close are definately possible with the powercreep that is the elite specialisations.

Only because YOU can’t do a path in under 5 minutes, doesn’t mean others can’t.

Ever heard of dimminishing returns. I dont know anyone running 20 dungeons a day just for gold. I sure there was, but not many. I ran dungeons yes for the gold, also for the collections. Now I’m forced to collect through pvp. liquid gold is a bs arguement. its all about gem sales. God forbid I am able to earn any skins or QOL improvements through playing the game the way I would like too.

Linking speed runs has nothing to do with liquid gold, those guys were doing it for bragging rights.

“Now Everything you said, is backed by absolutely no data.” show me how liquid gold was hurting your economy. isnt converting gems to gold, liquid gold.

Bring back gold in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


No, first dungeon is dtill rewarding as long as you trade your token and salvage. Second liquid gold hurt gold to gem rate way too much. Third dungeon reward you way too much liquid gold for the skill and effort involved which is nearly 0. Actually I think the current liquid gold is still too much.

Gem rate? No it didn’t. Not all dungeon paths are easy mode like cof 1,2, ac 1,3. There are still quite a few which people don’t even do for the most part except maybe once to get dungeonmaster. If anything they could not get rid of the gold reward but instead make the fights more challenging on the easier paths. Or smarter enemy AI to where people can’t just stack behind walls.

Please support what you say with facts and not useless opinions. Your argument is so bad and poorly worded I’m pretty sure you’re trolling.

He’s trolling or oblivious, I can’t tell. I can tell you most of his post are over exaggerating or just plain made up crap.

Was liquid gold hurting the economy? NO.

Was liquid gold hurting gem sales? NO.
Does Anet think it was, it definitely looks that way. IMO it is backfiring. I ran dungeons because I enjoyed the content, the gold was just a bonus.

Gem store purchases before HOT = ALOT

Gem store purchases after HOT = 0

Gem store purchases during the holidays = 0

Bring back dungeons.

Solo Players, Stop the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Thanks for your opionin OP, because thats all it is.

I will play the game how I chose, group or solo.
What the op isn’t saying is there should be separate queues for both. Why there isn’t, not enough so called pro teams playing pvp. So go back to whatever so called competitive esport wet dream you may be having, GW2 is not it.

Colin on esports and combat visibility

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Patronizing, and out of touch is what I came away with after reading this so called official response on reddit forums. Four paragraphs on esports and visuals. It’s pretty obvious which direction this game is going for. I guess everything else about HOT is fine.

ArenaNet, listen to us, and talk to us.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Check out reddit, plenty of responses from Colin on there. Why they choose that over their own forums is strange though.

Read the comments above you, feel the rage and anger and how they are ready to tear apart anyone who has different opinion. I wonder why devs dont respond here.

If you are asking for my money, at least stand behind your product. I am not looking for a lip service, patronizing response on someone else’s forums. Trying to avoid negative criticism is not an excuse.

Worth coming back for HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Its not worth the price. With the amount of great games this season, it doesn’t compare for the price. Now if you can find it for 25, your getting a closer value of worth.

What has happened to your manifesto!?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


There was no real point to begin with. OP has no clue what grinding really means. He also does not seem to understand that end-game rewards do not come easy.

The previous LI system was a problematic system that required RNG drop and tons of actual grinding. Running each and every dungeon every day, doing the exact same thing as fast as possible, repeating it for months and months with your only goal the reward, is the definition of grind.

If you fail to see that, you never played a serious MMO before, and you just cry on the forums because with HoT, you can’t just finish all the content the game has to offer within 3 hours of release while pressing #1. Something you could totally do in the vanilla version of the game.

The core GW2 was not an MMO able to keep players playing for a decent amount of time. It was so facerolling easy that an enormous amount of the total population was taking huge breaks very often out of boredom and lack of end-game content. A big percentage of the population was just logging in to do the daily (or just logged-in since they changed the system to give you rewards for logging in…), and logged out right after because there was literally nothing else to do.
In addition to that every single Living world episode could be completed within 2 hours from release.

Grind is relative.

You’re basing your standards of “grind” off of other games. EQ, WoW, and the like, I’m guessing. They’re basing their standards of “grind” off of the rest of GW2. There’s a rather huge difference between the two, but both are correct from their own point of view.

The problem is, this is not one of those other games, and it is GW2. GW2 was supposed to be different, not just a copy of other MMORPGs. The grind may be small by the standards of other games, but those are not the standards we should be using. If GW2 is meant to stand as its own thing, we should measure it as such.

That model of GW2 was obviously not working out well and that’s why they felt the need to change it. As I mentioned above, the game could not sustain a healthy population.

Also, I’m not comparing the game with EQ/WoW/RIFT etc… I’m just saying that grind means repeating the same content countless times with your only goal the reward.
In HoT you get the rewards by exploring/playing the content new maps have to offer. It’s a different thing completely.

So they chose the f2p route, brilliant.
They went against their manifesto, simple as that. And who says the original manifesto wasn’t working, you? That makes me want to spend more money on gems, now that you have cleared this up for us.

We don’t make grindy games, we leave that to the other companies.

Not only was that their statement, it also had a condescending tone to it.

Now if GW2 is not the grindiest game one the market, please show me one that is worse.

That's enough!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


op, is an elitist kitten, you know everything GW2 wasn’t, oh, how one expansion can change it all.

Heart of Thorn is disappointing!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


[/quote]r/guildwars2 has thousands of users live at a time are people gonna create thousand of bots to compete with them? The fact is bad post can be downvoted to oblivion, and if someone creat endless complain thread you know what people gonna do there.[/quote]

Dude, your fanboi is showing. Stop spreading misinformation, the reddit forums look almost identical, even with the down vote option. Face it, there is a large majority of the player base upset with the direction of this game. Even that_shaman has expressed his disapproval with this expansion. People have the right to be unsatisfied with this expansion. They have the right to also enjoy it. But please stop making kitten up to support your argument.

Guild Wars 2: The Great Depression

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Welcome to ftp, it’s almost like someone is trying to copy TRIONS business model, barf.

No idea which Trion game you’re referring to, it’s clearly not Rift because that is entirely FREE to play all content except for optional and easily ignored Souls (classes, sort of).

IMO Rift is the most generous FREE to play game there is, you have no need to use the Store, at all.

Rift is the exception, Try Archage, Nothing but a blatant cash grab that completely tarnished their reputation.

Will you prepurchase next expansion?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Goldberg.4831



sry, had to be 15 characters

Guild Wars 2: The Great Depression

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


+1 for the OP, spot on.

This expansion has completely done a 180 against everything Anet said they were against.

Increased gold sinks, nerf income, nerf rewards.

Increased the crafting mats needed, nerfed the drops.

Shallow on content, hidden behind an artificial grind.

Completely destroyed dungeons and wvw & guilds.

Welcome to ftp, it’s almost like someone is trying to copy TRIONS business model, barf.

SLOW CLAP….. On becoming another cash shop mmo.

GW2 is No Longer a Refuge :(

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


The expansion is not too bad, Its the direction that sucks. GW2 used to be a game I could play on mine time. I could take a week off for life, log back in and not have the feeling I was missing something or behind the curve. Now I am starting to feel like if I am not grinding everyday I am falling behind. This imo is what made GW2 stand out from the crowd. Now its starting to feel like any of the other grindfest mmos, except with reward vs time being nerfed into the ground.

Guild Raid Testing

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Anet did the right thing. But they also got what they payed for. Why they invited dnt in the first place is what is bothering me. They have had a elitist view since the beginning. I thought that was the type of community Anet did not want to foster. This is what happens when you go against your word.

And here I thought the Casuals were only 1 %

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


I casually play the game a lot, not sure where I fit in??

400 was too many, 250 maybe a little too low, but at least you know they are try to accommodate the player base.

+10 to Anet.

Small Guilds feeling left out....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


GW2 has one of the best scaling systems out there, I don’t see why it is not applied to the guild functions.

Candy Corn adds already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Ah, I was wonder about that, got a whole bunch of those potions this morning from those bags, it just appeared that they were spawing in about three places every time, I was looking for someone throwing those bottles, I could not tell. Thanks.

Candy Corn adds already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


I was try to wrap up my dailies before work this morning, in Bloodtide Coast, in the Southwest quadrant, I came across a group of people farming the little candy corn monsters. I tagged a few, and sure enough was getting trick or treat bags with all sorts of new goodies. Did I miss something, I thought we were still in September. Just curious.

Confirmed by Colin: Dungeons are Dead

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Truthfully I’m okay with this as long as they’re active in building new raids and Fractal content.

This, as long as they follow thru.

Have you ever know anyone who starts a lot of projects but never finish’s any of them. That is Anet. Dungeon concepts were cool, and different, 1 Story, 3 Explore, I think they were on to something, just no follow thru. Lets hope Raids and fractals arent gathering dust in a year, because Anet is chasing the next shiny.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


LFF: Looking for friends, META Raid only, PING Build+ Gear :P

WoW all over again, I didn’t miss it in fact it’s why I left. Completely unimpressed about the announcements this past weekend. Raiding which I didn’t think was necessary or needed c/w content gated legendary armor to boot. I can here the elitism crap flooding TeamSpeak and map chat already.

GW2 already has this in all of its instanced PVE content. Nearly every dungeon/fractal asks for metazerk.

You should have left years ago in this case.

Somewhat true, there is a zerker group, but there is also the other side to that. Thats why LFG is nice, I can choose one closer to what I am looking for, if not, I create one.

inb4 map chat in Lions Arch

“7 zerker warriors, 2 zerker thiefs, need 1 zerker mesmer for time warp, and skipping, ping gear, achievement points, or gtfo.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Wrong, Its the 20th century, any game with out a group finder is just taking steps backwards. LFR didnt do anything to WOW, 1+ yr of the same content killed WOW. Even the cutting edge guilds use it to become somewhat aware of the simple mecanics, and a gear filler for there progression teams. If anything it is the reason some people still play.

Now for GW2, this goes against what this company is about, or so they say they are. (The Elitist Community). Now I know we already have that in the dungeon groups, ie zerker only. After three years still the same dungeon problem. And now they think that they can do 10 man content in premades only. I dont see how anyone else doesnt see the disconnect. They are trying to make Elitist content in a Casual game.

inb4 we see a BETA LFR in 6 months.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Hopefully Anet goes about this in a smart way. There is no problem with f2p accounts, but they need to have certain restrictions in order to maintain a healthy game. Until you purchase the game you should not be allowed to access the following imo:

1. No TP access at all
2. No daily log in rewards
3. No map chat access
4. No whisper access
5. No LFG access
6. No Ranked PvP access

With those simple restrictions they can enjoy all aspects of the game, but without ruining the economy, community, or experience for others.

Anything less than those restrictions will be a death sentence for this game.

I agree, but also throw in precursor drops. I would hate to see Areanet use that as an incentive to upgrade from a free account.

Who remembers Trion and archage?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Trion is a said excuse of a company, never will do business with them again.

Archeage was nothing but a cash grab for Trion, they didnt even try to hide it. It may not be dead, but it is circling the drain. Yes there forms are still alive, and more toxic than ever. They are also one of the only companies I know to be black listed by the banks for shaddy business practices, (ie – uncontested charge backs, I know I charged back every penny I spent with them. In other words no comparison between the two. (B2P vs F2P cash grab.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Thank you Anet

Thank you for not being tone deaf to your consumer base. Just goes to show why you guys are one of the top notch developers out there. I have been supporting you since BWE1, lets keep it going.

Lock, Stock, and one Smoking Dungeon

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


The lack of dungeons (and ridiculous pricing) is exactly why I won’t be getting HoT, probably not even when it goes on sale for half price.

But what kind of content would you want?
Are you satisfied by just doing the same raid instance 4327986 times because the item you want has a drop chance of 0.0000001% ?
That’s not how it should be.
And I’m happy that it’s not how they do it.

Its not about gear, its about fun and challenge. Which makes GW2 dungeons stand out, I dont have to run them 4327986 times. I chose too.

Lock, Stock, and one Smoking Dungeon

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


On top of what you have already reviled, add one dungeon with a story path and three explorables. And you can gladly take XX amount of money. Why you abounded these in the first place is baffling. One of the cooler concepts in mmo’s these days imo. I know I will get flamed for the same old crap, dungeon crowd is elitist (misinformed), stacking and skipping sucks (only a few bosses is this still and issue). I pvp, I wvw, I do random world bosses, but I also like dungeons, sue me. Or better yet cater to me.

I also enjoy dungeons as a subset of what I do and any time we got a new one to play in (such as Aetherblade in LA) I had a lot of fun chewing glass learning it. I’m fine with the ones we have, though. The “challenging group content” could be something that fills the same niche in a new way, who knows? I’ve seen plenty of innovation from ANet in their take on other tried-and-true MMO staples.

One suggestion: You may want to change “reviled” to “revealed” in your first line. The words have substantially different meanings.


Lock, Stock, and one Smoking Dungeon

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


I think the “dungeon” concept is old and overrated. Somehow old MMOs invented this concept of instanced content, and now every MMO needs to have this to cater to the needs of MMO fans or it won’t be successful. Why? All of the MMOs have this same feature, even the leveling up feature on RPGs is old and rusty. Every RPG I play there’s leveling up and a quantifiable leveling up system. It’s like seeing the same game all over again, over and over again.

Why can’t we have open world instanced content for groups of 10 players instead? This takes a lot more advantage of GW2’s system. Or a system that requires to players to do different tasks and be divided throughout the map to complete several types of events that lead to other big events.

Adding masteries was a brilliant move as opposed to raising the level cap, I hope GW2 continues to develop systems like this and distance themselves from “traditional MMOs” even further.

I sincerely hope they stop doing dungeons altogether and start focusing on open world content, which is one of this game’s strongest points.

Open world content has its place, but I don’t go to open world events looking for a challenge. 100+ zerg, and your just another number.

Lock, Stock, and one Smoking Dungeon

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


I dont, and that is why I am on the fence over the price tag.

Lock, Stock, and one Smoking Dungeon

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


On top of what you have already revealed, add one dungeon with a story path and three explorables. And you can gladly take XX amount of money. Why you abounded these in the first place is baffling. One of the cooler concepts in mmo’s these days imo. I know I will get flamed for the same old crap, dungeon crowd is elitist (misinformed), stacking and skipping sucks (only a few bosses is this still and issue). I pvp, I wvw, I do random world bosses, but I also like dungeons, sue me. Or better yet cater to me.

(edited by Goldberg.4831)

I'm done.

in PvP

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


premades (5man) vs premades(5 man). solo queue vs solo queue. how is it hard to implement?

look at your guild wars 1. team arena versus random arena. hard to implement?

I have a feeling they merged queues because of the lack of PvP population and to reduce queue times.

One wonders, however, if this only drives more people away from PvP…

I think in the long run, Yes it will drive people away, show up in a group or don’t pvp. Anytime you limit choices is not a good thing.

So I think that is your best solution, premade queues, & solo queues. It gives your player base a choice, and I believe it would also make for more competitive matches.

I am Beyond Impressed... Speechless

in Living World

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


+1 op

Content is top notch, had a blast last night.

Thank You

NCsoft, get out of my Guild Wars

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Holy kitten… all this is about Wildstar?
Is that conspiracy or is there something to push it further?

Conspiracy, and a slight attempt at humor

NCsoft, get out of my Guild Wars

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Seriously thou, I see no other reason for the changes aside from financial reasons.

The excuse is the new player quits before level 10, 15 maybe. Horse crap. WOW had articles and remedies for this 5 years ago. You can’t honestly tell me any MMO developer is not aware of this fact. This is a huge hurdle which most games take into account.

If this is the road you’re going to travel, be cautious, alienating your current players at the risk of new revenue (i.e. new players) is a slippery slope.

PS, tell ncsoft no matter how hard they try to ruin one of my favorite games. I will not play WILDSTAR.

Areanet, stick to your guns.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


While I may have had my ups and downs in the last 2 years of this game, and may not always agree on the changes within the game or the gem store. I have to say as a consumer and one who has tried a wide range of MMO’s (I get bored easy), Areanet has the best subscription model hands down. Thank you for respecting me as a gamer first and a consumer second. If you don’t believe me check out what Trion is doing to archeage, 15/dollars a month for patron status, and locking crafting mats behind the p2w store.

So let’s hear it for all those happy the b2p model.

You mean this game isn’t p2w with precursors doubling in price from when I left at 600g now to 1200-1400g? lol

You’re pathetically deluded, they just put in a metric ton of gold grinds that are a roundabout way of getting people to buy gems to convert to gold on their store.

All new skins on this game have not come from content but the gem store as well. I’m willing to bet this model makes them a lot more money.

Do you live on some basement? 15 bucks a month is chump change. 2 visits to McDonald’s by yourself will cost you more, and that’s money you crap down in a couple of hours as opposed to a sub game whose content you enjoy for thousands of hours.

I think this went right over your head.

P2W, are you kidding me, and I’m delusional? Show me any content in this game being gated by not having a legendary, I’ll wait.

Any your 15/a month kitten , not sure where you were going with that one. But if I feel the kitten is worth 15 dollars a month is worth it, then I’ll pay.

It’s not about the amount, it about the value. Your right, I can get thousands of hours of entertainment from that type of subscription. I also wait thousands of hours for the next patch while paying 15 a month, that too me is not value.

I’m not saying this is perfect, but it is perfect for me. If I don’t like the content I don’t pay. If I am being entertained, then I have no problem in supporting the game. I like to be able to vote with my wallet, not having it taken for granted by being in a subscription model.

Areanet, stick to your guns.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


You don’t HAVE to pay a subscription for Wildstar either. Nor for TERA. Nor for the upcoming Archeage. What’s your point?

Wildstar is subsciption based, after the initial purchase of the game.

TERA is kiddie porn

And let me know how archeage goes with the free to play model. Enjoy looking at all the subscription based farms.

Areanet, stick to your guns.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


While I may have had my ups and downs in the last 2 years of this game, and may not always agree on the changes within the game or the gem store. I have to say as a consumer and one who has tried a wide range of MMO’s (I get bored easy), Areanet has the best subscription model hands down. Thank you for respecting me as a gamer first and a consumer second. If you don’t believe me check out what Trion is doing to archeage, 15/dollars a month for patron status, and locking crafting mats behind the p2w store.

So let’s hear it for all those happy the b2p model.

How Many people regularly pug?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Our old wow guild got bored and moved on, so its just lonely old me in the guild. So I have been pugging almost everyday for 2 years, and I count on one hand the bad experience’s (GW2=good community if nothing else). Although it seems to be getting worse as of late.

Improvements Galore and the condi cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


When will people finally grasp it, that Feature Packs are not Content Packs.

Many peole are really have a serious missunderstanding about the word “Feature”.
A Feature Pack is nothing else, than just polishing the game and its content, that is ALREADY THERE.

A Content Pack (Mostly seen by really many people as Expansions) is there to add new Content to the Game (which people see as Features).

So Feature packs are only there to modify the game, customize and improve all the kind of things, that are already there to the point, that even existing systems get either removed, to completely redesigned, if needed.
They are also there for Game Balancing, which is why we will see this time again a large part of the FP being based all around Class Balance of Skills and Traits ect.

Everything what the FP added last time, was no new Content
It was everything changes, that were based on something, that already existed in the game and which Anet just modified and changed into a kind of new working system (Wardrobe) to work in its new shape and form better, than before for either more convenience, more comfort, easier understanding, more fun ect. pp.

Mega Servers, are no new content, its just a modified new system that still uses, what was already there,. Anet added nothing new to the Servers, that could be labeled as new content.

Account Bound Dyes, thats no new content, its just a changed modified system, that was already there. The list goes on.

Get first your understanding of the meaning of “Feature” right, before you are talking about Features, because when you talk about new Features, then you talk clearly about new game content and not about improving existing game mechanics and systems, that are features of a game.

Thanks for clearing that up. so to bullet point for you.

So for regular MMO’s

Feature Pack = HotFix
Content Pack = Expansion.

Yeah, that makes sense now. Kinda like Galore implies more than one.

Very disappointing news for you guys

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Wow, just wow, is this some new business model? Or are they trying to commit company suicide. Because when I read the article, and cut out the BS. They are saying making new dungeons is too HARD, too DIFFULCULT. At least they were being honest, Makes my decision easier. Stick with a company treading water, or go with one making waves.

Pacing of LS2

in Living World

Posted by: Goldberg.4831


Is there any word on the schedule of updates for Season 2, ie. 2 weeks, or monthly or??