Showing Posts For Gospel.7630:

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gospel.7630


Nice topic. I’ll contribute.


Jade Quarry

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Gospel.7630


JQ full throttle!

Jade Quarry

WvW is headed in the wrong direction.

in WvW

Posted by: Gospel.7630


Remove the swords and don’t flag towers/keeps/camps when they are attacked. This sort of stuff should be left up to us to report. If you want to keep your keep, keep your eyes on your keep. They should remove the contested way points feature from WvW as well. If it’s unfair for your enemy to be able to pop in to protect. then prevent them from getting one.

& make way points destroy-able.


Jade Quarry

(edited by Gospel.7630)

Idea for improving commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gospel.7630


I like this idea. Are there limits to how many people can click on a commander and join squad? If not, then only people in that commanders squad should see the commanders objectives to avoid 100 commander objectives on the map

Jade Quarry

Scenario: You are the lead WvW map designer.

in WvW

Posted by: Gospel.7630


I’ll add to the other suggestions (for EB)

when dredge are friendly and you contest a tower. The dredge will borrow up through the ground inside that tower and attack the closest siege equipment until all siege is down or all the dredge is killed.

Quaggan’s when friendly will attack all your enemies underwater doors until they are at 50%.


Orge’s will have small camps near all supply depots and when friendly they will attack ALL your enemy’s supply depots.

Jade Quarry

Extremely unbalanced profession

in WvW

Posted by: Gospel.7630


I truly hope they don’t Nerf thieves. I’m a Toughness Guardian and I kill thieves 7/10 times if they stay and fight. But as soon as they go stealth with low health I take that opportunity to run until a few cool downs are gone or close to gone and repeat until I’m where I need to be. That’s if I don’t kill them before I get where I need to be.

Jade Quarry

Red Guard vs. VOTF and HB GvsG and Wvwvw.

in WvW

Posted by: Gospel.7630


I remember encountering what I thought was 5 members of VOTF at Umber clustered together next to that hill. As soon as I got in range I saw a swarm of 10+ players & my character fully dead in less than a second.

I’m still not afraid of yall!

Jade Quarry

Respect please.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gospel.7630


Less QQing, less XoXo, less hyperbolic language and more details?

I gave up on details several MMOs ago; developers at best just ignore them, or at worst they implement some sort of frankenstein version of the details being discussed.

From their end, they want yays or nays, and going beyond that, a simple description of your most basic reaction to whatever changes they implemented. Anything more complex just gets lost in translation, or becomes subject to demands players may not be familiar with and developers won’t freely disclose.

So yes, random QQ does end up being valuable feedback. It’s actually more valuable than 99% of so-called constructive criticism, because it’s rarely bogged down by details that will just be ignored anyway.

And surely the developers are capable of wading through the kitten. I would hope most of them have a background of playing MMOs (sadly too many don’t, I fear), and understand that it’s just par for the course.

The question now is (to the folks who only complain) what is keeping you here?

Couldn’t help yourself?

And the discussion was going so well.

Anyway, people have hundreds of hours invested into the game; you’re surprised that they would make an effort to voice their concerns? Or that they’d be satisfied with making one post in one thread that will probably fall off the front page and be forever ignored?

What exactly was wrong with the question? The question was directed at people who only complain. You’re talking about people that actually enjoyed the game until a change was made for which they have a valid grievance.

When all one does is post complaints I can presume one enjoys the game but that would be a presumption without evidence.

What I mean is when you (Ansultares.1567) consider why you play games, does it not make you wonder why someone would play a game they’ve only had negative experiences with? I’m sincerely interested in what keeps them here. The ones that only complain that is.

And to to topic. I’m not saying people should not express their opinions, I’m saying there is a more effective way of getting your point across.


Jade Quarry

Respect please.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gospel.7630


Why the players that are now giving lessons of “bon-ton”, are not asking why we are at this point?

You are happy with the game, good for you, im just wondering what will you do when some modification that break the game for you will come out, and (if you decide to it) when you go to ask clarification, you receive only:

- silence
- pr made stuff
- explainations that are deliberately incomplete or vague.
- thread locking

now do this for 10 or 100 times, and in the end look your first post, and then the last.

attack poeple with anger (like sadly im used to do sometime) or totally ignoring them when they have payed for your service… are the same thing, no respect on both side in the end.

I’d stop playing.

For example I stopped playing The Secret World because I disliked their attempt at WvW. I expressed my opinion. Their (the developers) vision for the game was different from mine so I left. A large amount of others did the same to the point it went from subscription to B2P. <—Something a large portion of the population was asking for.

For some people that was a deal worth returning to. Not me though, I still haven’t returned because I did not like the games WvW (my personal point in playing it). I find it hard to see the point in playing a game you do not like. The point in playing a game is enjoyment.

The question now is (to the folks who only complain) what is keeping you here?


Jade Quarry

Respect please.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gospel.7630


So far I like all the input on the topic. It seems there lies (albeit obscure) a general agreement. Less QQing, less XoXo, less hyperbolic language and more details? Does that sound close?


Jade Quarry

(edited by Gospel.7630)

Respect please.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gospel.7630


The run their mouths comment made me laugh. But I’m sure someone out there will be angered by it. Maybe saying they like to burst fluff would be effective yet inoffensive. It would probably make them laugh too (seeing as it is a term they are unfamiliar with but still receive the meaning due to the context).

Just saying

Jade Quarry

Respect please.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gospel.7630


Frankly, the brown-nosing is even more obnoxious than the complaining.


I’ve seen a lot of valid complaints getting shoved aside by people in this forum because “lawl it’s optional” or “the ANet team is perfect and cannot make mistakes” or “the devs don’t have to communicate with their players” or even “the devs said one thing years ago and another thing entirely now, but that doesn’t mean they’re contradicting themselves”. I’m not even kidding, these are actual things that have been said at one point or another in this forum.

Respect should be given, absolutely. I agree. But the people who need to be given more respect right now are those “QQers” that all of you keep ignoring or attacking with personal slander and insults, calling them “crybabies” and telling them to “go back to WoW”.

The defenders of ANet are far, far worse than the detractors.

The QQers and the slanderers of QQers are both being addressed by the OP. It’s simply a matter of using better words when expressing your opinion. For example:

A: This game sucks! I feel totally ripped off by Anet!! I spent hours in FotM just to watch them make these lame changes to dailies and offer lazy players the same rewards!


B: I’m disappointed in Anet’s decision to make Fotm rewards available by other less difficult means while not compensating me for my time & effort spent.

Not the best example but I hope you get it. Anyway, IMO I can deal with the forums as they are because it is only words. It’s on you how they make you feel. However, I see no error in requesting what the OP has.


Jade Quarry

Respect please.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gospel.7630


A commendable attempt at civilized discourse. Keep up the fight. The forums and WvW are similar in a way. The more areas you invade with this sentiment the higher the probability of a total take over. In this we are on the same server!

Jade Quarry

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Gospel.7630


Great battles. I’ve seen the best come out of JQ while in 3rd place. Proud to be a part of the team. I’m sure others feel the same about the folks they war along side with on thier servers daily. It’s what we bought the game for. Lets keep at it.


Jade Quarry

Shadaran Hills guards bugged or as intended?

in WvW

Posted by: Gospel.7630


Thank you MikeFerguson and forward my thanks to the team.

Jade Quarry

Disappearing Siege

in WvW

Posted by: Gospel.7630


Here’s an idea. Make it so that after 30 minutes siege weapons can be broken down into supplies that are automatically added to the nearest ally controlled supply depot. Of course there must be other things taken into consideration, but that’s what this forum of whiners is here for so I’ll leave it up to y’all to scrutinize.


Jade Quarry

Unable to login

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gospel.7630


I’m able to log in.


Jade Quarry

Party / ally support: Warr vs Guard ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gospel.7630


Guardian. While, say, shout warriors can add some benefit to a party, the guardian can be a boon factory. Guardian would have to win here. Though I sometimes wonder why killing an enemy quickly is not always considered group support.

There is offensive support & defensive support. Guardians are excellent at defensive support.


Jade Quarry

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Gospel.7630


I vote WvW Server independence from PVE servers!! NOWZ!


Jade Quarry

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Gospel.7630


For every change to the game there is an effect. Sometimes that effect is negative at times positive. Look at portals for example. They changed WvW from chess to checkers. I doubt the developers saw that one coming.

Just saying

Edit: It would be nice if all the WvW zones were one zone with the eternal battles grounds in the center and all three boarderlands connecting at the foot with the walls blocking the way to our main bases. And the WvW battles ends when someones base is taken after which all servers are randomly matched up.

Peace again,

I’m never very effective at articulating my ideas.

Jade Quarry

(edited by Gospel.7630)

In my opinion, portal is ruining the game

in WvW

Posted by: Gospel.7630


Prior to the discovery of portal bombing, I distinctly remember being in a group of 30 players that was completely and totally wiped out by 40 invisible players. I could not see these players until after I was downed and then defeated.

HOW is this the fault of portals?

You take away portal bombing at all, you restrict it like this, you’re going to end up going right back to culling being the only problem. You want to fix culling but you’re pointing at portals.

Fix the exploits, not the skills that work as intended and actually contribute to group strategy. I don’t want to go back to roving groups of 40 players murdering everything in their path by spamming their 1 button and moving forward. That would not be progress.

My Opinion has Changed.

Jade Quarry

(edited by Gospel.7630)

In my opinion, portal is ruining the game

in WvW

Posted by: Gospel.7630


My Opinion has Changed.

Jade Quarry

(edited by Gospel.7630)

Portal is the best anti-zerg in the game

in WvW

Posted by: Gospel.7630


Yeah that’s nice. But tell that to people who work hard for every tic only to loose tics to portal bombing. Oh, I forgot portal boming is easy to defend against. For get the points right?

How is this an argument?
You can say the same for anything else in the game.

You must not play WvW if you don’t know what I just said. I could care less about an argument here with you (whoever you are on the other end). You’re not important. ArenaNet will address what I’m talking about at some point in the future. When that happens (AND IT WILL) you can search back in your short term memory bank and be like, yeah I was a fortblossem.


Jade Quarry

Portal is the best anti-zerg in the game

in WvW

Posted by: Gospel.7630


Portals are only good if used by good players. Bad players will fail at using portals, just as they failed at using the turtle tactic.

You can still kill 3-4 times your own numbers trying to portal bomb you. In doubt? Then watch this video:

Yeah that’s nice. But tell that to people who work hard for every tic only to loose tics to portal bombing. Oh, I forgot portal boming is easy to defend against. For get the points right?

Jade Quarry

Portal is the best anti-zerg in the game

in WvW

Posted by: Gospel.7630


Two people are enough to check a tower, five will do for a keep. If you leave defenders, it’s to deal with the speed zerg. Ten people is enough.

I’m curious. What trash server are you playing against? The Zergs I see show up with rams, balis and cata’s. At times they even use arrow carts from the ground level. They smash any siege weapon cannons in the tower/keep to bits. It’s practically suicide to stand on the walls most of the time.

But yeah, the severs you play against must not be serious. I’m talking JQ SOS SBI attacks bro.

Jade Quarry

Portal is the best anti-zerg in the game

in WvW

Posted by: Gospel.7630


“I’m certain a lot of players don’t mind spending hours hanging out in towers/keeps twiddling fingers waiting on a Zerg they can’t stop without a Zerg of there own just to avoid portals”

This is a facetious argument. You spend 5 minutes and find a mesmer. Two people are enough to check a tower, five will do for a keep. If you leave defenders, it’s to deal with the speed zerg. Ten people is enough.

Honestly, the number of zergs I see where 10 out of 30 are naked people spamming auto-attack tells me that a lot of people play WvW hoping to brainlessly farm badges / karma. Please don’t support that behavior.

Portal bombing is why I’m play Planetside 2 right now. Call it Facetious until your face turns blue but Portals are a problem in WvW.


Jade Quarry

Survey: Cheesiest Behavior

in WvW

Posted by: Gospel.7630


Cheesy Scale:
1. A little Cheesy. 2. Cheesy 3. Very Cheesy

1: Players who run from 1v1 encounters.
2: Thieves that go stealth just before dying 1v1 repeat, repeat & repeat.
3: Any player using Portals as Siege weapons

Jade Quarry

Portal is the best anti-zerg in the game

in WvW

Posted by: Gospel.7630


I thought the enemy at your (reinforced) door with flame rams was enough to force defending. Portals forcing strategy? Cool man. I’m certain a lot of players don’t mind spending hours hanging out in towers/keeps twiddling fingers waiting on a Zerg they can’t stop without a Zerg of there own just to avoid portals. What fun game time that would be! AreaNet knows us gamers man! Word.

Jade Quarry

Run Like Hell [NA] WvW

in Guilds

Posted by: Gospel.7630


Guardians popular? When did that happen? I herd thieves are it right now.


Jade Quarry

Is this what WvW is coming down to?

in WvW

Posted by: Gospel.7630


ArenaNet may as well add an achievement bonus for switching servers x amount of times.


Jade Quarry