Showing Posts For Gothdir.8953:
I think you are missing the point of what Anet are trying to do.. either that or remembering wow with rose tinted shades.
While that firelands quest line was fun and well delivered (typical blizz!) it didn’t bring the world ‘alive’ at all.. if anything it just annoyed people trying to play together because of phasing (until everyone had done it at least)
Whats going on in this game has a far greater scope to it.. and while you make some great points about the old !Quest! system, which maybe could be used to ease people into the content better… I don’t think Anet are aiming for that at all, they seem happy for people to not know all the details.. or get them to go and look for it.
This has two sides, some people will really enjoy getting stuck into it.. others will hit a website.. find the spawn/event/item/whatever points and go grab it for the sake of doing new content.
Im not realy seeing WoW with my nostalgia glasses i just wanted to point out that there isnt any depth at all in this story line. So there arent two sides, there is just one the event timer side because the other, dig into the lore side, doesnt have anything to dig in at all.
Well you see yourself in this thread how it turns out for the players if there isnt a solid background or presentation. anet might be fine with it but the players not so much.
I wonder if there is anything to accomplish in this game? Sure leveling an alt takes a while but from a max character point of view? I dont find much.
Grinding for a legendary isnt something you can realy “accomplish” its playing for month if not even years or spending money. The dungeons are so fast to rush that the dungeon gear you want is do able in a few days or so even if you dont play much.
Having more directions go is a good thing but am I the only thinking that no matter wich direction I walk in this game, I end up doing the same? Fotm gear isnt realy necessary for anything so you can easily skip that grind.
I dont even see the real need to do daylis or the month av, the laurels? Sure you can buy nice stuff but for what? It doesnt let my character progress in any way. For me I feel like my character is stale for month. I accomplished nothing new and I even had a few month break.
I had high hopes for the living story but after this patch its crushed.
People playing these kinds of games these days seem to want action/rewards/action/excitement every 10 minutes.. it’s an MMO for kittens sake.. it’s a slow burning experience.
Well action or a decent presentation is the least what you can expect from mmos these days. But here in this living story is none. The story is presented poorly and because of that total anti climax.
And the events are the most standart events you could expect from this game. Spawn some enemys and nuke them asap.
When the first part launched i thought the refugees would be an event where i can follow and protect them and maybe they will halt at some point and a script starts where the npcs tell me a little more about the “living” story. It didnt happen.
I thought ok this is the first part lets wait how this will play out, now the second part launched and they basicly added a nuke`em all event and nothing more.
If GW2 had a classic quest design in !addition! to the event and heart system, they could have added quests where you have to gather informations, to dig in deeper in the story. But simply due to that design flaw its not possible to do this it seems.
I know i hate to say that but when Fireland-raid launched for WoW and you did the quest chain about Thrall, it gave you a better feeling of a changing world.
Just adding a standart event and 2 lines for an npc is just weak.
The basic idea of having a changing world is good but the way it is presented is just terribly boring.
I know its to late for saying this but a normal quest line (like in other mmos, you know ! above head) could have presented the changes way better.
There are 1 or 2 NPCs telling me 2 sentences about whats going on and then i stand at a fix point and grind my av…this event makes again painfully clear that gw 2 is more grind then most other mmos.
Well then they should change the german page because it clearly states 26 and not 26 in usa, what do i care about the patching time in usa, when i live in europe?
I played a lot of mmos but so far gw 2 takes the spot when it comes ot terrible patching or better, patching communications.
Go to Wow, Lotro or DCU theyre allways pretty accurate. I mean there is allways something that can go wrong so that it takes longer but then you can communicate and please communicate the right timeframe for the right timezone, cant be to hard.
You cant have a page say 26 in german (or whatever language) and then expect people to know that its actually not 26 but 27 because they meant US timezone. O.o
Im not that bothered by it since i just brought skyrim dragonborn dlc but it makes Anet look like beginners while they are actually in the buisness like forever.
Wow advertising 26.2. and then just do nothing, not even commenting on it(and no saying there is no time frame isnt an info…). Fail.
Definitly wouldnt. The game suffers to much from non existent or broken content. Its nice to play it here and there because it looks beautyfull but the mechanics are mediocre and there is little long term motivation to keep playing and playing.
Besides legendary are kinda a pay 2 win system wich sucks. I know they are just for visual but seeing them as the only thing to strive when you reach 80 is a turn off. You have either the option to hardcore grind or just pay some money for gold – for me it goes indirectly in the pay 2 win direction.
i never even considered GW1 an MMORPG it was for me allways an Coop online RPG…the world was closed of with citys acting as lobbys, how can this be considered an mmorpg? You didnt play together with a massive amount off people…
I shortend it so the post in so huge.
……….I don’t kill ‘the big thing’ (I hate the term ‘boss’) because I might get something out of it, I kill it because its THERE and presents itself as a challenge. (it may just be there blocking further progress in the game itself)
The reward is knowing I can and did defeat it. The reward is the playtime, distraction and fun involved in fighting it……….
Well i can see your point for “rewarding” gameplay but lets be honest how often can you take down a dragon and still think of it as an archivement?
The thing is doing things more then once, twice or maybe third time removes that kind of rewarding gameplay. You dont have higher difficultys to aim at (for the same event or boss), so many players want another kind of motivation wich can be gear or other rare loot (pets or mounts – if GW2 had them as ex.) and here lets be honest GW2 sucks…my 2 cents about this is in my post before.
Sure if you think about the time spend for 60$ then you can think of it as a rewarding game because it offers a lot and that would be fair to say for a singleplayer game like skyrim (i have more then 300 hours gameplay time there, more then in GW2 i think) but a MMORPG is something different.
In MMORPGs you need to put stuff in that rewards players even after playing through content more then once. Anet hasnt adressed that issue yet wich is a big issue for a lot of players.
Well I think the main problem with GW 2 is simply no reward for anything. Sure the game is fun and you have A LOT to do, just simply dont expect the game reward you for anything.
Some things are just implemented poorly and after release I was pretty sure they would fix the problem realy soon and they tried but the way is just wrong or not consistent enough.
First off, I still dont understand why Karma isnt rebalanced. It shouldnt be area based (low level area 200 Karma and high level 300 karma) but level based so when im level 80 everywhere in the world i do events I should get the same reward.
And why is the Karma reward so low in the open world anyways? Daylies and dungeons hand out way more Karma even through Karma should be used as an open world currency.
Where I get to the next point. The game needs more things to buy from Karma, just one set of unique Armor isnt enough for a currency.
I wish they would overhaul the Karma currency to become the ONLY open world currency and they should add more rewards you can trade for Karma.
Loot in this game is just horribly designed, I realy wonder how that system made it out of alpha. Troves should have less loot but better maybe rare crafting or forge stuff like having killed fire elemental gives you 2-5 Molten lodestones, killing jormag gives you the corrupted lodestones etc.
Im playing since realese and i got ONE just ONE corrupted Lodestone for like having killed 50+ jormags…how rare can something be where you need 50-100 to make something with it.
So my Idea: remove crap items from treasure troves and add other rare materials in it with a chance to get exotic/rare weapons and armor (same chance as it is now). Another thing that could be added are special rune sets that can only drop from some troves wich are also soulbound but Anet has to make sure to place them all over the World and not just orr.
Creating a huge world without any good reason to travel makes people stay where they can get what they want as easy as possible, so you need to spread desireable loot all over the world.
Its highly frustrating to open a chest and get blue crap.
I started with 7 friends the game 3 are left all others quit because of no reward this clearly shows a lot of people want something to strive for and Legendarys are to much of a grind for most people i know.
Wall of Text incoming!
I lost interrest to. Started playing Lord of the Rings Online again after beeing away for a year or so.
I loved the leveling and exploring experience. It was real fun, i cant and wont deny that!
But the game has major flaws when you reach 80. I have 99% completition with my Warrior just so you know that I realy invested time for exploring.
Why Im bored is that you dont get rewards for aynthing besides explorer dungeons. Karma is basicly a useless currency, i never used even one Karma point to buy something. Once you have exotic gear with stats you like there is only one option, doing stuff for cosmetic purpose. Wich is fine, but why is the game making it so hard for me to change my appearance?
This is one major flaw wich makes me stop farming stuff for cosmetics. You cant easily switch between Armor sets with different look, no you loose one look if you decide to change. Wich, sorry to be so bold, idiot had such a terrible idea when “endgame” is all about cosmetic stuff?
There is no wardrobe, no cosmetic equipment slots just those super kitteny Transform stones, wich destroy the original look. For a game wich focuses so hard on cosmetic stuff it surely doesnt have a lot of tools play with.
Another thing wich made me loose interest are those terrible dungeons…super boring bosses with standart mechanics. Trash that is way stronger then bosses, having a HUGE health pool, taking forever to be killed. I played all dungeons once and i dont want to play them again.
The dynamic events can be fun at times but they are repeative and dont give any reward, no matter wich event you played. Karma (as i said useless), exp you dont need anymore, and 1,5s wich isnt even one port.
Some events give you a treasuretrove wich contain useless stuff . Green and blue stuff everyone just sells or destroy. Why even bother adding a trove?
I like PvP but 4 battlegrounds arent enough for me to play all the time, they are pretty basic stuff, no special mechanics involved.
WvW can be fun to but first you allways need to run when you die(mounts or a good speedbuff would be a good thing) and you have repair costs and you have to buy Siege weapons for G too wich makes it a pretty expensive mode to play. You might now say that you can buy Siege weapons with Badges, wich drop random and dont get added to a wallet (like Karma), no they spawn in small little bags you have to loot, i think most of the time i dont even see them.
WvW badges need a complete overhaul. Make them a currency, remove Karma from WvW and instead reward WvW events with Badges that way it might make more fun.
Just my 2 coppers. Nothing that cant be fixed so Ill wait a bit for content patches and then come back and see if it is better.
GW2 has the best “true” questing system we’ve seen so far in the genre.
It’s just a different kind of questing system.
For a lot of players, being able to wander, explore, and blaze their own path… taking part in a personal story and in an active, dynamic world is a dramatic improvement. It’s not a mistake or oversight on ArenaNet’s part… it’s their design philosophy realized in game mechanics. I’ll take it any day over the linear nose-leading from one static field of mobs to another with walls of text that the “traditional MMO formula” has offered us for a decade.
I have yet to see something truly dynamic in this game. Mobs are standing around like in all other mmos, events happen every three minutes wich results in me having as much inpact on the world like in your average questing hub.
Dynamic events were one big point for me to buy this game and i wouldnt say im dissapointed but yet i expected more of it. I realy hoped for them to be longer lasting.
If you now think , Gothdir hates the game so just quit, please read my post from 2 above.
I have to agree with OP but i also agree to the disagreeing Posters as well. I agree that the Hearts arent intense enough to make you feel you doing something special. I have around 290 hours of gameplay(98% of the World map completed) and while the game is a blast for me, when i think back how my Warrior build his Story, the more i realized i was killing mobs allmost all the time.
Sure you go around discover stuff, make some jump n run but its just a small part.I love the Personal Story it was one of the point that made me junk so hard. But the thing is, its the only good implemented Story in the whole game.
After playing so long and much i think the best way would have been to have a system with some classic questing but not hubs more like side storys. I would have loved to do a proffession story line. Where i do warrior stuff with some choices to make or maybe an armor, weapon story line where i get an exotic after a long time with lots of effort wich looks awesome.
I guess the Story mode in dungeons are about side storie but i have to be honest, they were the most dissapointing thing in the whole game. But that has no place in this thread.
So yeah i would like to see some classic quests for side stories while leaving the leveling progress mostly as it is.
(edited by Gothdir.8953)
I would prefer all loot removed from WvW, and get more badges of honor (as a currency would be great), and make all siege purchasable from badges of honor. Separate PVE gold from having such a large effect on WvW.
Wait…I thought siege was purchasable for badges of honor…or am I being silly?
Yes, it is. I would like it to be purchasable only from badges of honor. Not from gold. They can change the drop rate for badges of honor, if they see it is not enough.
I would love to see that to! Make it happen Anet!
I dont think if its more reasonable to fight, wich would be the case if get more for defense then offense, people would trade for a small portion of badges.
I realy miss mounts to much. I would even like to see 3/4 of the Waypoints removed if i can ride through the area instead. They realy remove the feeling a huge world, having to go through a portal to change the region is allready terrible design.
WvW would be MUCH more enjoable with mounts. If there is a fight far away from your camp and you die there, its a fun killer for me to run all the way so super slow to the fight again, sometimes you get killed half way and you have to run again…at that point i often quit WvW.
I dont see any good reason not to have mounts. Lore wise it should be absolutly allright. Asura is a race wich invents Golems (robots), Charr builded tanks, i realy dont see a reason why they shouldnt build machines to travel faster.
Yeah i have to agree, this boss fight was maybe the worst ive ever seen in a MMO game. The first thing i thought was that this fight must be broken there cant be another reason for this boring disaster.
I realized that Zhaitan is still making a lot of void zones in that phase but they arent hitting players or turrets. A friend of mine said that maybe the all the trash that comes before the boring phase arent supposed to come so fast but more spread over the event.
I think that is the most logic way. But even if it is like this, spawning dozens of risens to fight instead of actually fighting the dragon is super anticlimax-ing (if that is a word lol).
First i thought, oh the dragon falls now we land and beat the kitten out of him, then i realized, nope its over…this fight needs a fix or an overhaul or whatever…its terrible.
If they start giving out badges for taken objectives they run the risk of creating another Ilum. I had enemy players in Swtor stand right next to me, waiting for me to take an objective so that then they could take it back and we’d both get all the rewards we needed.
I’m not saying that badge rewards work great right now but at least they’re not Literally broken. Whatever solutions they decide to implement, it has to involve killing players, or people will just abuse it.
If Defense an Objective gives way more badges then seize it you dont end up with win trading, at least i think so.
EDIT: Sorry wrong Forum please move it over to suggestions.
Many might think its about an autoloot function, wich would be a step in the right direction, but i would like to see it completly overhauled.
I would like to see Karma removed from WvW and instead provide badges for completing WvW events. Of course not as much as karma, the numbers should get balanced but i would go with something like 2 Badges for seize an objective and 4 for defending one and of course getting 1 per kill.
Also im not sure how but there should be a way to get Badges if you support.Maybe like every fifth or tenth ally you rezz you get one badge or something like that.
I also think the droprate right now is just to random. Sometimes you get 2badges sometimes none. I think this kind of tokens should be more “farmable” or how should i put it, predictable.
And please remove them from the inventory and make it, like Karma, a currency.
LV 80 Warrior – 8/10
I like the class but ifeel like the Rage bar (is that how its called in english?well bar for F1 skill) is kinda a bit boring and could have been better designed, like more skills getting more efective depending on how full the bar is.
Also im pretty sure the Warrior needs some nerfs or better some rebalancing. Having build completly on survival will still let you deal a fair and good amount of damage.
I would like to see 2H Blade damage reduced and longbow range and damage slightly buffed. But this is more of a ffeling about anet sure have more data on it.
I cant quote but im on point with nachtnebel.9168, class cannon builds arent that usefull in my experience with dungeons so far. Even through most people would go for it because DPS would be much higher if we had a DPS meter.
So please no DPS meter.