Showing Posts For Greyskies.2815:

Largest Ranking Jump?

in WvW

Posted by: Greyskies.2815


Our midtiers were very close in ratings with eachother, thats why such a large jump ( and large drops from BT and AR) are possible.
In the US all tiers are very far apart in ratings.

Yea, Blacktide dropped 8 ranks at the end of last week.

Chronicles of Tyria (CoT)
Tarnished Coast (TC)

Trapper/Condition Dmg Build WvW/sPvP

in Ranger

Posted by: Greyskies.2815


I find that I do great 1v1 and 2v1. Even 3v1 depending on whom and what I am fighting. I am not saying I win that fight but can keep them occupied for awhile. For the most part it is defensive/supportive and I seem to be able to hold out for long periods of time until help arrives. I use it mostly in PvP for holding positions. I will drop my traps inside the capture ring and wait for an enemy to attack. I like the cripple and chill abilities because it keeps the enemy slow while I’m jumping around with my sword attacks and throwing my traps on the ground in front of them.

Again this is still a work in progress.

Chronicles of Tyria (CoT)
Tarnished Coast (TC)

Trapper/Condition Dmg Build WvW/sPvP

in Ranger

Posted by: Greyskies.2815


So I am working on a Ranger build, and so far I have had some pretty good success. Now I have only really tested it in sPVP where I test most of my builds prior to using them, but will hopefully take it out to the battlefield sometime soon.

This build is a trap/condition dmg build. I also use a sword main hand and war horn off hand.

Sword: I use the sword for both Serpent Sting and Hornet Sting/Monarch’s Leap to maneuver around the enemy and keep them off balance.

Warn horn: I use for Call of the wild to give me that extra speed boost and Hunter’s Call to distract an enemy target.

For my Pet I switch between a polar bear and white moa which both have an ability to chill an enemy; Chilled (3 ½ s) -66% Movement Speed, -66% Skill recharge rate.

Traits: Marksmanship 20 pts, Skirmishing 30 pts, Wilderness Survival 20 pts


Malicious Training (II): Increase duration for conditions applied by your pets.

Keen Edge (III): Use Sharpening Stone when your health reaches 75%.


Sharpened Edges (II): Chance to cause bleeding on critical hits.

Trapper’s Expertise (VIII): Trap skills use ground targeting and are 50% larger.

Trap Potency (XI): Conditions caused by traps last twice as long and traps recharge 20% faster.

Wilderness Survival:

Shared Anguish (III): Incoming disables (stun, daze, knockback, knockdown, sink, float, fear, and launch) are transferred to your pet. This effect can only trigger once every 90 secs.

Martial Mastery (X): Sword, greatsword, and spear skills recharge 20% faster.

I have also switched Martial Mastery with Hide in Plain Sight (IX): Apply camouflage when you are dazed, knocked down, launched, pushed back, or stunned. This effect cannot trigger more than once every 30 secs.


Spike Trap: Set a trap that bleeds and cripples foes. Pulses three times when triggered. Cripple (2 ½ s) -50% Movement Speed. Bleeding (7s) 1,390 Damage.

Viper’s Nest: Set a trap that poisons foes. Poison Per pulse (3 ½ s): 394 Damage, -33% Heal Effectiveness.

Frost Trap: Set a trap that chills foes. Chill per second (1 ¼ s) -66% Movement speed, -66% Skill recharge rate.

Elite Skill:

Entangle: Entangle your foe. They are immobile until the vines are destroyed. Bleeding (11 ¼ s) 14,553 Damage. Immobilize (1 ¼ s) Unable to move.


6X Superior Rune of the Undead. Adds Toughness and Condition Dmg. Last ability is 5% of toughness becomes condition dmg.

Any suggestions are welcome.

The War Room
(Tarnished Coast)

Chronicles of Tyria (CoT)
Tarnished Coast (TC)

(edited by Greyskies.2815)

does anyone like underwater fighting

in WvW

Posted by: Greyskies.2815


I love underwater combat…I feel it takes a little bit more skill as a player then fighting on land.

Chronicles of Tyria (CoT)
Tarnished Coast (TC)

Badges of Honor in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Greyskies.2815


The only thing that needs to happen is that instead of getting 1 badge every 10-15 players you kill, you should get a badge for every player you kill.

Chronicles of Tyria (CoT)
Tarnished Coast (TC)

Let's Give 'Em Hell, Tarnished Coast!

in WvW

Posted by: Greyskies.2815


I do have to say how excited I am to finally move up into Tier 2. Our brothers and sisters on Yaks Bend, I hope to see you guys up here soon!

Chronicles of Tyria (CoT)
Tarnished Coast (TC)

Good bye Guild Wars.

in WvW

Posted by: Greyskies.2815


I’ve survived against thieves as a lvl 9 Ele…now I die if I stay and fight, but I have lasted a decent amount of time on a lvl 9. So it’s not the class thats good or bad, it’s your ability to play it. Now lets move on to something new.

Chronicles of Tyria (CoT)
Tarnished Coast (TC)

The War Room - Guild Wars 2 WvW

in Community Creations

Posted by: Greyskies.2815


Greetings everyone. I recently started a community page on Facebook dedicated to WvW. It’s there to keep all those WvW fans updated on scores, ranks, character builds, news…etc. I am always looking for more people to stop by and send me videos, pictures, their own build ideas, anything WvW related to be shared with the Guild Wars WvW Community. So please stop by and help me make this something everyone can enjoy.!/TheWarRoomGW2WvW

Chronicles of Tyria (CoT)
Tarnished Coast (TC)

IoJ in T3-All it took was a holiday event

in WvW

Posted by: Greyskies.2815


I have been waiting for this for 6 weeks….Lets go TC!!!

Chronicles of Tyria (CoT)
Tarnished Coast (TC)

WvW by night

in WvW

Posted by: Greyskies.2815


I don’t agree. If you’re a heavy WvW guild and you recruit players from all time zones, I call that good strategy. If you are on a server who can’t compete with this, then it looks like you can either attempt to recruit or move down in rank. The servers that are in the top tiers are there because they have groups that are very dedicated to WvW and worked hard to get them up there, whether through strategy, numbers or both.

Chronicles of Tyria (CoT)
Tarnished Coast (TC)

Remove Arrow Carts.

in WvW

Posted by: Greyskies.2815


Please remove gates as well.

Haha…I like it. But not surprised someone found something else to complain about. There is nothing over powered about the arrow carts. Just play the game and stop whinning.

Chronicles of Tyria (CoT)
Tarnished Coast (TC)

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Greyskies.2815


We are trying…we are positive 5 right now just need 10 more points in our rating to pass their current raiting… Just hold them back a little longer.

Chronicles of Tyria (CoT)
Tarnished Coast (TC)

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Greyskies.2815


BG and SoR can you please double team IoJ so TC can move up. No offense IoJ, I’m just tired of fighting FA. I’m not saying we would even win against BG and SoR..I just want a change of opponent and team color :P

Chronicles of Tyria (CoT)
Tarnished Coast (TC)

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Greyskies.2815


Ok TC 30,000 points ahead…lets keep this up so we can finally leave this Tier. Just need SoR and BG to put the hammer on IoJ.

Chronicles of Tyria (CoT)
Tarnished Coast (TC)


in WvW

Posted by: Greyskies.2815


What’s the score update?

Chronicles of Tyria (CoT)
Tarnished Coast (TC)

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Greyskies.2815


So did FA throw in the towel already?

No, but I find it funny how much people complain about FA posters on this forum, yet all I read is crap like this.

Stay classy.

Wasn’t really talking crap….was curious since the score today had FA with potential points of +20. You only had 2 supply camps and 1 tower. This was unusual since it always seems to be a close match at least on the weekend.

all the signs at the time pointed to you guys giving up. Im glad to see more of an improvement this evening.

Chronicles of Tyria (CoT)
Tarnished Coast (TC)

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Greyskies.2815


Dear YB and FA

I am writing this to inform you that I think we need to see other servers. Don’t get the wrong idea; the both of you have been great. I really enjoyed our 3 server brawl in SM and our constant give and take with towers and keeps. But unfortunately the spark of combat we once shared has grown old and dull and the magic is no longer there. We can no longer be the server you want us to be and we think it’s time for us to move on. Please don’t take this personally, it’s not you it’s us.

Very Respectfully


Chronicles of Tyria (CoT)
Tarnished Coast (TC)

(edited by Greyskies.2815)

Same opponents for the third time...

in WvW

Posted by: Greyskies.2815


I don’t mind having great fights against opponents, but being on TC we have beat YB 3 weeks in a row, this time by 70,000 points, and we have beaten FA 2 weeks in a row where IoJ the server above us has lost the last 2 weeks. At least since I have been paying attention to their match up. I think the servers ranked first and last of each tier should automatically switch no matter how close the match was just so you can get a bit of change going. This is obviously not counting the server ranked #1.

Having been watching it that well, IoJ came second last week…

I apologize…gratz on your last minute pull to second. But you did still lose the week prior which should have dropped you and moved us up. Im just saying that loses and victories should be taken into account.

Chronicles of Tyria (CoT)
Tarnished Coast (TC)

Same opponents for the third time...

in WvW

Posted by: Greyskies.2815


But where is the fun in that…fighting the same people over and over again because you’re so called evenly matched. I would rather fight a superior server with the slim possibility in winning. Cause if you do win the victory is all the sweeter.

I think the system should incorporate victories and losses over just ratings. I mean if a sports team loses every game they are expected to be in last not stay in say 3rd place because all their games were really close.

No, you really wouldn’t rather face a superior server. WvWvW mechanics require appropriate population and coverage, and if your server can’t hack it, you’ll log in to a huge deficit and facing fully reinforced/upgraded towers/keeps etc. Your fairweathers will stop playing, and you’ll have no chance. Then the superior server will get more ahead.

Where’s the fun in playing the same people over and over? You learn their subtleties. You figure out their personal styles and if you put half an effort, you can exploit it. Where’s the fun in fighting randoms that you don’t know with different text before “Invader” or “Defender”? Does that really spice it up at all? If so, how?

You can try to come up with “oh different worlds will have different strategies”, but if your strategies aren’t working well enough to stomp the servers you’re facing, why not start trying new ones in this match-up? Throw a curve-ball at players you’ve seen multiple weeks in a row.

I’d rather develop rivalries with WvWvW servers and recognize people in-game than just fight new servers every week.

Then why even have ranks. The whole purpose is to win until your server is number 1, no matter how difficult that may be. But don’t forget Guilds heavy in WvW jump to new servers all the time if they look promising. So who knows if the number and strength of personnel will change for that weeks match up. Already met a few people from FA who have join TC’s ranks.

The fun in fighting new servers every week is that you have to adapt quickly to win. I won’t speak for my server, everyone probably feels different, but winning every week for 4 weeks against the same opponents at rank 7 is starting to get old. Also the only reason servers use to get stomped so badly was when they had the orbs you needed to capture. Since then scores don’t seem to ever be that high anymore. So I feel winning by 70,000 is a pretty decent win since you will never see those 400,000 to 90,000 scores anymore unless your opponent really isn’t trying. And those servers like SoR and BG beat TC when the orbs still existed, same with the other servers above us.

Chronicles of Tyria (CoT)
Tarnished Coast (TC)

Same opponents for the third time...

in WvW

Posted by: Greyskies.2815


Facing the same opponents means that you are the most closely matched servers. The goal of Glicko is to have as evenly matched games as possible. It’s trying to pair you with servers that you can compete with.

The Glicko rating system works by predicting match outcomes. When those expectations are not met or exceeded, you lose rating. This is why you can go up in rating even if you lose a match and vice versa. It’s all relative to how well the system predicted you would do versus how well you actually did.

But where is the fun in that…fighting the same people over and over again because you’re so called evenly matched. I would rather fight a superior server with the slim possibility in winning. Cause if you do win the victory is all the sweeter.

I think the system should incorporate victories and losses over just ratings. I mean if a sports team loses every game they are expected to be in last not stay in say 3rd place because all their games were really close.

Chronicles of Tyria (CoT)
Tarnished Coast (TC)

Same opponents for the third time...

in WvW

Posted by: Greyskies.2815


Don’t get me wrong…I’ve had a great time playing with Yaks going on 4 weeks now…. but I would really love to see if TC can take on the guys in Tier 2. I’m also sure Yaks and FA would love a chance of taking on someone new instead wondering which one of them will come in second this week :P

JK YB and FA

Chronicles of Tyria (CoT)
Tarnished Coast (TC)

Same opponents for the third time...

in WvW

Posted by: Greyskies.2815


I don’t mind having great fights against opponents, but being on TC we have beat YB 3 weeks in a row, this time by 70,000 points, and we have beaten FA 2 weeks in a row where IoJ the server above us has lost the last 2 weeks. At least since I have been paying attention to their match up. I think the servers ranked first and last of each tier should automatically switch no matter how close the match was just so you can get a bit of change going. This is obviously not counting the server ranked #1.

Chronicles of Tyria (CoT)
Tarnished Coast (TC)