Showing Posts For Griff.9302:
Hey there! My wife and I (and possibly 2 others) are looking to find a PvX guild before expansion. I’m a gw1 vet, played gw2 since release, and spend much of time in WvW/PvP…I do, however, enjoy running some dungeons/fractals and PvE content. She is more into the PvE side of the game, but will run in WvW when it’s more than just herself.
We prefer to stay on DB. We started on CD, but our guild moved almost a year ago…and has since pretty much disbanded. We prefer a guild that is active in TS…website nice, but not a dealbreaker…size isn’t as important as it at least feeling personable and tight-knit.
Anyways, feel free to message me back or leave your in-game info so one of us can contact.
I’m having the exact same issue. been going on for 3 days.
What are you trying to say?
Definition of ‘Acquisition’
A corporate action in which a company buys most, if not all, of the target company’s ownership stakes in order to assume control of the target firm. Acquisitions are often made as part of a company’s growth strategy whereby it is more beneficial to take over an existing firm’s operations and niche compared to expanding on its own. Acquisitions are often paid in cash, the acquiring company’s stock or a combination of pvp is right now, “skill” is less useful than strategy.
Its not about who ever gets the most kills its about siege, towers, points of interest.
Definition of ACQUISITION
: the act of acquiring
: something or someone acquired or gained
Funny you found the most complex definition possible and ignored the simplest. The point is that even in your version of “PvP” those stats would make a difference. Your examples are simply too overpowered, and, personally, would hate to see any battles decided by gear rather than strategy. Anyways… to each their own.
Seems like your suggestions start moving the game towards item acquisition rather than skill… especially in wvw/pvp. I would rather see no upgrade slots than massively overpowered ones.
As a CD vet I would like to see Ebay again. To answer why to the post above…… You have a select few that like to talk about how you guys would thrash us. I would welcome the rematch as I surely don’t remember Ebay destroying us in any coverage zone before they dropped back down a tier.
Had a fun time on SoS BL last night. Us from CD were trying to play our best smoke and mirror games. Actually took Bay and held it for awhile. Hoping the rest of the week is as much fun as reset was.
Welcome to the CD family, KWBH! I look forward to sharing the field of battle with you and seeing where our WvW future lies with your addition. Happy Hunting!
Can anyone else not wait until CD drops a tier so we actually might have a chance to take the lead, instead of being pwnd every week for the past few months
Sorry… we’re not dropping anytime soon. There is a pretty big point gap between us and Ebay. Unless we just don’t play at all for 3 or more weeks we’re locked into this tier. I personally stop watching the points and focus on the fights and strategy at the times I play.
No.. stop with the games. It’s quite obvious these days. No worries… leading to some goods fights.
Is there any particular reason why SoS and SBI are avoiding each other to clear us off a map? Before somebody cries foul and says it isn’t happening let me point out that we are outmanned on EB, were attacking a tower held by SoS that they were defending, SBI comes in from behind and wipes us, then proceeds to move off in a different direction… namely chasing a few stragglers with a zerg. Have seen this at least 6 different times over the last week or so. Odd… very odd.
I would recommend checking out My current guild is active during peak NA times, but on the community site there is a list of several of the oceanics that I know are active during your playtime.
Ty for the responses, guys. Looking forward to chatting with a few of you to see if we’re a good fit.
Ty for the link. yes, i’m NA.
I am a long time commander on Crystal Desert since launch looking for a guild that is WvW oriented. My current guild tends to be more dungeon/PvE focused and looking to find a group that is geared more towards the WvW/PvP side of things.
Hey, Corin.
Why we are not a “gay guild”, we are a very open and friendly group to play with. We are a pvx guild on Crystal Desert with an emphasis on dungeons, wvw, and, now, guild missions. Feel free to drop me a message here or Griff.9302 in game.
I haven’t had the chance to play with CYN since server transfers, but if you are looking for a good group of people to play with on TC I would highly recommend giving them a shot.
Cheers, Sin… shout out from Griff and the pDyn crew on CD.
Primeval Dynasty [pDyn] is a pvx guild on Crystal Desert. We have a presence in every aspect of the game, and are currently looking for small guilds or members of small guilds that will have problems queuing and completing the content for guild missions. We currently have many of the upgrades unlocked and bounties, etc ready to pop.
We are looking at this as a community building endeavor where we can use our resources to partner with players that may not have the ability to experience the content otherwise. We are a relaxed and fun group to play with, and have a great reputation within our community. Like others, we have website, Teamspeak, etc… more importantly, we’re not asking people to drop tags and merge, blah, blah.
If interested or for more info please message me here or message Lord Griff of Nix or Vincent Von Demetri in game.
Happy Hunting!
Idk why diminishing someones acomplishment enhances anothers game enjoyment… when they said it was diing a diservice it hints to the kid who refuses to shake hand after a game because they didnt get any runs. Aside from exploiters a win should be craciously congradulated or silently scorned. Its as poor taste as winners saying the other team sucked to diminish a win.
If you were referring to me, I don’t recall ever saying or implying that IoJ sucked. On the other hand… congrats… but the rah rah about how even things are or how ET and CD never quit coming at ya blah blah blah. ET never really showed up to the party after the reset and CD had checked out of the game by mid Sunday. The thread is celebrating taking over the entire map…. never said IoJ sucked, but, once again, since early Sunday afternoon we have had the outmanned buff in every single area… at least on my screen. I know there have been some efforts to organize some, but all in all most of the guilds went to do other things until reset.
Anyways….. enjoy your victory. Well played.
^ You do your servers a disservice.
They fought hard and well over the weekend. It was intense.
At the very least acknowledge ET and CD did a good job and fought back well.
Last I checked, ET and CD players weren’t doors, they were formidable fighters and powerful guilds.
PS: when we took the majority of those during the weekend and Monday, I’m sure there were hordes of defenders (unless I’m imagining the spells and arrows dropping on our guilds’ heads). Don’t go making these silly PvDoor comments. Before the battle grounds emptied out, we had to take most of those tooth and nail from ET and CD.
That’s actually pretty funny…. We are a WvW guild on CD and since Sunday morning we have yet to go into EB or any borderlands and not het the outmanned buff. I guess I’m confused as to what hordes you are referring to…..
Have all of the “pride” you want, but IoJ has owned 80% + of the map since Saturday morning…. and if you say different you’re either a liar or pay zero attention to the maps.
I have a fever… and the only cure is… more cowbell.
Also looking to add like-minded guilds to current alliance.
You can also pm me ingame at Griff.9302
Hey there! Sanguiphoria is currently looking for like-minded people to be a part of our family. We are a PvX guild that truly plays in all realms of the game. We have regular in-game events with several guild/alliance events coming in the very near future. Understand that we aren’t looking to add a number… we truly are looking for players that want to be part of the group and experience the wonders of Tyria with brothers-in-arms. We offer a website, 500 slot Teamspeak3 server, great attitudes, and a fun atmosphere. You’re welcome to check us out at or pm me for TS info. You are always invited to catch us in voip and run with us for a bit while you make a decision. For more info pm me here..
Thanks and happy hunting.