Showing Posts For Haptic Repulse.9437:
This is not news. This has literally been like this for more than a year. This post title is pure cancer though, I would consider changing it.
Just press 1.
Dude has extremely high quickness uptime, get your cancer posts out of here.
Keep QQing, but Thief has been bottom tier for over 6 months. We finally are viable again, and after years of complaining about ridiculous aftercasts they actually get fixed. I’m happy Thief can actually do what it was meant to do, ie high damage burst. And it seems like a pretty terrible build choice if you have zero stunbreaks, but maybe that’s just me.
6 k backstabs and 1-2 auto is lower than the damage we already have – just saying (lower than what other classes dish out as well). But yes, more nerfs coming in – I agree on that. but hey, thief traditionally doesn’t go past a nerf in whatever patch and there’s nothing left to nerf, so they had to buff things to carry on the tradition.
4-6k backstab on bunker build and 8-9k backstabs on zerker build
1-2 auto on bunker and maybe 3-4 on zerker build class
base from PvP
in WvW you can reach 12k-15kcorrect me if im wrong
You’re wrong. Also damage is completely variable based on the opponent. And these high backstab numbers that can only be achieved through a full signet full zerker build against a light class with zerker are nowhere near indicative of the normal backstab damage. As a Thief main for 3 years I can tell you that I average, with a full zerker maraurder armor build, 8k backstabs in WvW. If i get really lucky I’ll hit a 10k on a mes with +250 power buff and I get lucky enough to crit.
Your #3 point makes no sense. You want the uppercut to knockback so the final skill in the chain misses and the downed player lives? Personally I don’t think it’s bad but it feels pretty mediocre like basilisk venom. It is cool to stomp with but serves little purpose beyond that, landing a good interrupt with it is tough because of its limited range and slow speed + travel time. I find in 1v1’s it tends to be a waste of a skill and provides little to no benefit. If I had to change anything on it, I think a stun on the initial hit rather than daze would be beneficial as it would be more difficult to evade the continuing chains. Beyond that it really lacks a purpose in dueling scenarios which is rather disappointing. I still run it often however due to its great usefulness in group fights being able to secure a kill more quickly. But it’s not without drawbacks, for example you are a total sitting duck while running through its animations and often find myself hard cced while doing and then poof the chain is gone. I don’t know, personally I find it disappointing overall and feel like it has potential to be so much better but it was pushed out as a half baked idea.
15% dmg increase on Heartseeker isn’t even that much, you act like its 150% dmg increase. Are you heartseeking for 10k everytime or something?
Auto-attack is almost as strong as heartseeking above 50%
I’m only heartseeking around 5k at the golem below 25%
15% increase would be a wooping 750 dmg extraToo OP!!
“I’m only heartseeking around 5k at the golem below 25%”
Only… Considering that most targets are below 50% HP after a well executed Backstab, Heartseeker is already more than fine as it is now. It’s a spammable skill with a fast execution time that hits like a truck, it also has its “homing” effect and ground targeting isn’t needed… And it’s not even a D/D Thiefs primary source of damage! Heartseeker doesn’t need buffs and anyone who thinks even a 15% dmg buff is fine, is a complete moron.
There isn’t a single skill on the D/D set that needs a damage buff. The only change that’s considerable is adding blind to C&D. It’s the traitlines that need changing to get D/D competitive again.
And yes… We all know True Shot is broken as sin. ANet <3 their Guards & Messies though don’t they.
Edit: Sorry if I come across as douchy, but I’m just sick of hearing people whine about Vault. I’m assuming were all loyal Thieves here so I find it bemusing how anyone could want to see a skill of ours potentially nerfed (I’ve actually seen other thieves suggest as much through jealousy). D/D itself is a great weapon set, it’s just a shame they have screwed the trait lines over that much that its become a pale imitation of its former self… They could rollback Thief to what it once was and it still wouldn’t be as strong as some of the current meta builds on other classes. That’s how far behind we’ve been left.
Nobody here is trying to get the skill nerfed. The skill is fine, the point is the degradation of Backstab over the years and the sheer level of disparity between the two skills. And the argument against Backstab about how vault is much easier to predict is kind of one sided. I mean, everytime a thief goes into stealth the opponent knows exactly what they’re going to try to do. IE Backstab. A decent opponent can use good positioning, intelligent about faces, and prediction to avod the Backstab or at least a make it land frontally and do much less damage.
Scrappers with Stealth Gyro are very annoying to duel. If only they didn’t have a ton of ways to reset fights… Especially the low downtime of Stealth Gyro, chained with stealthed heal, and you’ve got yourself an impossible duel.
I constantly duel against my guildie (who I think plays really well) and I’m doing everything right (dodging reveals, restealthing, stun breaks, timed bursts – you name it). Result is a stale-mate until our food wears off… God forbid if thief/daredevil actually sucked, it would be a swift and easy win for the scrapper. That’s how much of a counter they are to our class. No arguments.
Personally I find the stealth heal to be incredibly annoying when combined with gyro, it seems nearly impossible to kill them and with that combo you can’t even interrupt their already very high healing potential.
I run pack but mainly because I ran it before the elite specs so I could have perma swiftness. Now I’m considering moving into a more offensively oriented sigil set. I would be worried about sacrificing too much damage with sd but it might be worth it, I’m not sure.
At this point I usually don’t even bother with engis, 9 times out of ten they aren’t worth the trouble.
Because Engi must hard counter thief no matter what, for Anet tells us so. Thief must work 3 times as hard and be two times as good as the Engi to win, especially scrapper. As if ranger and revenant reveals weren’t enough…
So what’s the deal with vault? Honestly there is no reason to ever even try to use Backstab when you have vault. For simplicity here is a list that goes over all of the benefits to vault over Backstab.
1. Does more damage – I hit harder with vaults than I do Backstabs, that alone makes me cringe.
2. Will never cost as much initiative to use than a Backstab setup in any situation – With Black Powder and Heartseeker combo costing nearly double at 9 initiative and Cloak and Dagger costing 6 initiative (as well as being a very risky skill anyways) it costs less initiative with more damage.
3. Is a 1/2 second evade on top of it.
4. Hits 5 targets instead of one.
5. Is also a leap finisher.
Backstab literally brings no benefit to the table at all, in any form. Honestly Anet, who on your design team thought this was and still is a balanced skill? Does anybody at Anet even play thief, ever? Although I feel like this really puts into perspective the number of nerfs to the Backstab skill over the years which honestly wasn’t ever really an overpowered skill except for maybe when there was no reveal debuff. But honestly people just cry countless times on the forum because a full burst, glass thief was able to one shot them while they were not paying any attention to their positioning or surroundings clearly.
It’s just sad to see how unbalanced and seemingly unplayable this game really is for thief right now. Thief is in such a terrible spot for PvE, PvP, and WvW. Nobody wants us in PvE or PvP because they all know how useless the class is, it’s really sad when you join a match and get told to switch characters and then insulted for the whole match when you don’t. Honestly, why am I even playing? Why am I fighting the odds every single fight I have against classes that do everything better than me except for mobility. That’s the one single thing thief still has left, but now mobility in general is higher across the board for everybody except thief.
In conclusion, I really hope Arena Net takes a look at the thief class and how it matches up with other classes and fixes it. And I hope this pay to win playstyle of HoT, you know, the one where elite specs are way better than base classes, ends soon. Because as much as I love Guild Wars, I will find another game before I support the pay to win mentality that has begun to form. You guys may really want to consider the repercussions of your actions because more gem store items won’t make you much money when your entire player base leaves, despite how successful it has been so far. Take your eyes off the money and turn them to the game again please.
Me engage 1v1 vs other classess be like :
Great post.
are you kittening kittenting me? Thieves are the most overpowered class on this patch along with mesmers and you want 50% dmg reduction in stealth which is already the most kittened mechanic in the game by far.
stealth has no counterplay in this game and is the cheapest and most overpowered and certain disengage and a thief/mesmer/scrapper can just reset fights forever until they get a good opening
thief gameplay in a nutshell: get a bad opening? Stealth, reset fight, repeat until you get a good opening, spam 3 if you;‘re d/p or s/d or spam 5 if you’re staff thief with some dodges inbetween
thief is currently so kittening overpowered and braindead i have no kittening words what were arena net thinking ? oh right, they weren’t. They have more condi removals than elementalists , do insane dmg, unhindered by any kinds of slow/immobilization, the most stun breakers (steal isnt a stunbreaker but it does just the same thing, shadow step is 2 , infiltration signet if you run it is 3) with low cds huge kittening joke
same with mesmer except they have more dmg and less condi removal but in general are the same cancer and easy mode kitten
You might have downs syndrome.
It’s an elite, it wouldn’t be broken as hell really :o
Especially considering that with every patch, there’s more and more talents/traits to apply revealed on us, which would obviously override the elite here since the effect is that we do not get revealed for damaging stuff, not that we don’t ever get revealed.
But it might be too soon for that. In a year or two once everyone has it’s two “reveal thief” talents it’ll be the right time for such an elite.
Erm… what? Wouldn’t be broken? You could get 32 backstabs off in those 8 seconds. 18k x 32 = A broken amount of dmg.
You people really need to stop exaggerating the damage from a backstab. Nobody hits 18k backstabs. In pvp I’m lucky if I even hit an 8k most of the time. In WvW an 11k backstab is kitten good, and I’ve mained thief since shortly after launch.
If you think beyond the obvious ridiculousness of this idea there is actually a really good idea in there. The thing is, thief doesn’t have a really good elite skill. Daggerstorm is very situational and the only decent thing it even has going for it is that it’s a reflect, but it’s on a very long cooldown. Thieves guild is not really that good and lacks any kind of enjoyment, and again on a huge cooldown. Basi venom is the only decent skill which is now nerfed in most scenarios due to the reduction in time paralyzed for each use and stone duration not stacking. What we could really use is an elite skill with some legitimate value and I think an elite with some kind of stealth and maybe an additional bonus would be pretty good with it. Obviously not something like attacking without reveal, but you get my point. Thief at this point really needs some ability to diversify builds and I think a new elite and a fix for the nerf to basi venom would help that some. Of course it won’t fix the disparity between d/p and every other set but that’s another issue of it’s own.
They can’t merge servers because the servers can’t handle the influx. Sure WvW pop is small on certain servers, but the other PvE population is not. Their hardware systems just won’t allow for it as the systems used, from the start, couldn’t handle huge populations all at once without performance issues.
Server transfers non paid just don’t exist, yes someone might claim it to be, but unless they had someone on the inside who knew them, it is doubtful. So just don’t expect that.
Normally, I throw my tag up in WvW for ET and for about the first 2 hours I command myself only and that is being literal. Generally, if I stay on about 4-5 hours I can manage about 4 of us (myself included), and never see another soul come out or even send a message in any chat. Anyone who knows me from the old days knows I am no slouch at commanding; fact is there just isn’t anyone.
Anyway, you are just screwed unless you pay the gems, plain and simple. You can look for me when I am out there <gilkin> or any one of my 7 other similarly named characters and you are more than welcome to run with me. Then we can get steamrolled together
Also, at least SF isn’t borlis pass; BP would camp every single exit from every single rez area on every single map the majority of the day with lots of people. That was the final nail in our coffin.
Oh I remember some good times following your lead. You may not remember, but not so long ago I was one of the 5ish people trying to defend our keep in Eternal Battlegrounds and I recognized you from way back when ET still had some players still actively participating in WvW.
Do not compare AR with ET, two completely different beasts. I was on AR for the trip down to T8 and back up, it is not even remotely close to the same thing. AR still had people playing in WvW, it wasn’t huge numbers but there was activity, ET has literally no activity. You can’t pull water from a well that is dry.
That’s bullkitten, AR was dead during the last tournament, then the few guilds started running events, making sure to tag regularly and getting there pve players into WvW. Once the ball started rolling more and more pve players started hopping in.
We still loose a kitten ton of fairweather players on bad weeks but on good weeks we open recruit and train our new players, and those players stick around.
If you haven’t played on ET, you clearly don’t understand the severity. The fact that you probably haven’t ever even been on ET makes it rather easy for me to discount your opinion. Thanks for adding to the discussion though.
Ahhh commander Gilkin, one of the great commanders of ET’s " good " days. I remember when there were actually people to lead, now you’d be lucky to group with 4 people that weren’t guild mates or friends. WvW in ET is a disgrace, the least Anet could do is acknowledge there’s an issue. I’m just another guy trapped in a dying server with no way out except to donate more money to Anet…
They haven’t done it because doing so means their population has dropped and they can’t deny it. Merges aren’t a bad thing, 24 servers if you have to merge 3 after 3 years that’s nothing to be ashamed of.
I feel like this plays a part, they want to have enough players to keep these servers but the way they are going about it is killing off their player base even more quickly.
The problem is all those ppl in denial. No don’t take our servers away, we like being the only one on the map. I say merge them and if all 5 of those players quit so be it.
I agree completely.
In all honest they should just merge the bottom tier servers into more mid tier/mid pop servers. Especially if the experience is as dead and devoid of life as you say it is (I’m not doubting you btw). This way you would get more WvW participation out of the mid tier servers, and you can simply take those old bottom tier servers offline, or Reallocate them to some other task.
This would be a really good solution in my opinion, I would be more than happy with it. And the majority of the PvE’rs probably wouldn’t even notice the merge. I don’t get why it hasn’t been done yet. I doubt any Anet players have to live with not being able to ever play WvW. They need to empathize with their customers and put themselves in their shoes. Every day I go without being able to play WvW, my desire to continue playing diminishes…
Hey ET guy, I can for sure understand your frustration. A bunch of us in DR are also fed up with T8 and are casually grinding SW for gold to pay for transfers to a more populated server. Yeah its PVE and kinda a bore but when you get a group together thats dedicated in doing something proactive in order to find better fights it’s kinda fun. Just do like us and have a beer and pretend the mordrem are SF Whisper me in game if you are ever down to join us That goes for any ET (or heck any SF we love you to) tired of T8. Best of luck!
I knew I couldn’t be the only one, clearly there are a few of us out there in this situation. Anet needs to realize this and get it together. Thanks for the offer though, I may take you up on it someday although my time is limited and I don’t know if I could manage the grind but I wish you the best of luck and hope you guys enjoy your time in a real WvW environment.
Hello everyone, this post was made to bring to light an issue that has been hampering my enjoyment of this game for some time now. The bottom tier servers, specifically Eredon Terrace which is unfortunately the worst of them all. This post is located in the WvW section which is ironic considering the lack of WvW activity on this server. I have had a GW 2 account for over 2.5 years now and have been playing it off and on throughout that time. I remember the days when Eredon Terrace actually participated in WvW, sure it was after it’s tier one days when I began playing WvW but I could still at least hop in and have some fun during prime time. These days the server is completely dead. I don’t know how we have any points at all to be honest, every single time I get on and check WvW there isn’t a single map with a commander in it and if I had to guess the total population of the world is probably in the single digits, and mind you most of the time this is on weekend days in the early / mid afternoon.
My point is that I love playing WvW and participating in the battles that occur. But I don’t even have the option to anymore, I have been completely gated from enjoying WvW, a feature of the game that I have more than paid for not only with my initial purchase of the game but also with occasional gem purchases over the years. Now I’m willing to bet I’m not the only one, in fact a similar thread had popped up just a few days ago expressing the same exact concerns. This just does not seem fair, money is tight these days and hours at work are long. Guild Wars 2 is one of the few things I still have to help me relax and enjoy myself. I know, I can just spend $20 and transfer servers, but it’s not that simple. Not everybody has $20 they can just throw away to a video game, I have bills to pay and food to put on the table. That aside, it simply isn’t fair to force players to either pay to transfer worlds or simply miss out on arguably, 1/3 of the entire games content.
EOTM isn’t the same, it’s a karma train run by commanders that want to run in circles and uplevels trying to hit 80. I contacted support and wrote off how I felt which can be seen here.
1. Transfers = profits
Sadly I feel you are probably right because of this reason mainly. Anet needs to realize that running a company while driving profits doesn’t have to be independent of respecting and catering to your player-base. All things in moderation. The sad part is they’ve probably lost more money from players quitting of sheer boredom that would be buying gems and such, than they have gained from people transferring out of these lower tiers.
So, according to Anet free transfers would be unfair because there are currently people paying for transfers.
GM Khal (Guild Wars 2 Support)
Jul 6, 16:31
Hello Matt,
Free transfer is something we simply don’t offer. It would be unfair for all users who are currently paying for a transfer to support a different server in WvW or deleting their characters for a free transfer.
We would truly appreciate your comprehension towards this matter, let us know if you need further assistance.
GM Khal
Guild Wars 2 Support Team
So, you’re telling me that because somebody else has paid $20 to simply be able to experience the full game, I should have to pay that too?
Is there anyone even on ET at this point ? That’s a problem in itself, no one wants to roll the dice on a transfer to help command only to find out you have no one to command.
I don’t even know, PvE just is not for me. It is just so boring to me, the only thing I have even been doing is playing in EOTM overflows for just that tiny semblance of WvW. It just sucks being stuck, unable to participate in WvW and experience arguably one of the best parts of the whole game.
Unfortunately, I highly doubt they will allow already dead servers to be more so by allowing people to transfer off. Perhaps server merging for the WvW zones is an option at some point.
They screwed their own system by allowing paid transfers in the first place.
True, WvW is non existent though. If you get on Eredon Terrace right now and try to find a single commander you won’t be able to. I mean, there is really nobody in WvW anyways so as far as a temporary solution goes, I don’t think transfers would be that bad. However at the end of the day the issue goes much deeper than that, and I agree there needs to be some kind of alternative to prevent this in the future.
Hi, I have been playing on Eredon Terrace on and off for nearly 3 years now. 931 days to be exact ( thanks /age ) and WvW has completely gone dead. I have been trying for the past month at least almost everyday to find a commander leading in WvW, in any of the borderlands and I have not yet found a single one. I go into every borderland as if there are any groups roaming because that is my next best bet and I am rarely if ever answered. I love WvW, It’s the single best part of this game for me, I love how dynamic it can be and the insane battles that happen there. Unfortunately I never get to experience this anymore, so all I’m left to do aside from standardized PvP is EOTM which can be fun sometimes but is just so stale comparatively. The battles are almost always far more lackluster and the only thing the commanders want to do is lead a karma train, which is fine it is its own thing, but my point is that it lacks the allure and pure fun that comes from huge WvW battles and epic siege defenses and massive siege assaults. There was a time when Eredon Terrace was top tier and excelled in WvW but that time has long passed and the population of WvW players in Eredon Terrace is practically nonexistent. All of this was said for a reason, and that reason being is that I would like a world transfer. I don’t really care what world as long as it is active in WvW and from my understanding all the servers are except for the bottom tier which I am unfortunately stuck on. I would prefer a transfer to a middle class tier, I am not an extremely good player so I don’t think I would fare that well in a Tier 1 or Tier 2 server. But honestly, any server where there are active WvW guilds, Commanders leading in the borderlands, and or roaming parties existing would be amazing for me. I’m beginning to grow rather tired of EOTM and while I am loving the trait changes despite some minor hiccups, EOTM just isn’t that fun for me. I really would just like one transfer to some kind of active WvW server, it would make huge difference in my enjoyment of this game and I would be extremely grateful. I would love to have the same kind of enjoyment from this game I had several years ago.
This was met with a simple and somewhat cold response.
Hello Matt,
Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team about transferring your account between game worlds.
At this time, we are unable to fulfill your request. However, If you would like to change game worlds, please use gems to do so.
please feel free to contact us in the future if we can help you with other issues or concerns
GM King
Guild Wars 2 Support Team
It goes on in a similar fashion of me bringing up rather valid points and receiving responses that have no regard for the real issue at hand. I’m not trying to belittle Anet in any way but I feel that this interaction with support is important to the underlying issue. There is a clear lack of empathy here and what’s even worse is that I have very good reason to believe that there have recently been free world transfers from support for reasons as minuscule as a desire to switch worlds.
As quoted by psizone.8437 5 days ago
" Hey, my guild of 4 was in FoW and transferred to Piken a few months back to get some variety in our fights!
We had one of our guild members ask support if they could transfer us all since our matchup was broken and we had been being farmed for months with no change to the matchup and they transferred us all for free.
If you feel strongly about your server not being the place for you, OP, ask support nicely, they may transfer you. "
This is all fine and dandy, but how is it fair that support will transfer some and not others? Bottom tier server players that request it should be given one free transfer, we are stuck here in Eredon Terrace with no way to enjoy WvW and who knows if It will ever get better, I can’t see any logical reason why it would. I’ll end this by requesting any other Eredon Terrace players to speak out, hell even the other two tier 8 servers probably have similar issues. Anet needs to address this and do something, we have been gated by real world money to experience part of the game that we already paid for. It simply isn’t fair to us, and trapping the people that either refuse to pay or who can’t even afford a world transfer is not going to help your bottom line at all. I can’t even imagine how many people have quit over the past few months due to this alone.
Bottom line is that something needs to be done, be it server merging or whatever. It does not matter. I don’t care if my server is called Flappy Wars as long as I can finally enjoy WvW again.
Hello everyone, this post was made to bring to light an issue that has been hampering my enjoyment of this game for some time now. The bottom tier servers, specifically Eredon Terrace which is unfortunately the worst of them all. This post is located in the WvW section which is ironic considering the lack of WvW activity on this server. I have had a GW 2 account for over 2.5 years now and have been playing it off and on throughout that time. I remember the days when Eredon Terrace actually participated in WvW, sure it was after it’s tier one days when I began playing WvW but I could still at least hop in and have some fun during prime time. These days the server is completely dead. I don’t know how we have any points at all to be honest, every single time I get on and check WvW there isn’t a single map with a commander in it and if I had to guess the total population of the world is probably in the single digits, and mind you most of the time this is on weekend days in the early / mid afternoon.
My point is that I love playing WvW and participating in the battles that occur. But I don’t even have the option to anymore, I have been completely gated from enjoying WvW, a feature of the game that I have more than paid for not only with my initial purchase of the game but also with occasional gem purchases over the years. Now I’m willing to bet I’m not the only one, in fact a similar thread had popped up just a few days ago expressing the same exact concerns. This just does not seem fair, money is tight these days and hours at work are long. Guild Wars 2 is one of the few things I still have to help me relax and enjoy myself. I know, I can just spend $20 and transfer servers, but it’s not that simple. Not everybody has $20 they can just throw away to a video game, I have bills to pay and food to put on the table. That aside, it simply isn’t fair to force players to either pay to transfer worlds or simply miss out on arguably, 1/3 of the entire games content.
EOTM isn’t the same, it’s a karma train run by commanders that want to run in circles and uplevels trying to hit 80. I contacted support and wrote off how I felt which can be seen here.
(edited by Haptic Repulse.9437)