Showing Posts For HarryHellspawn.6519:


in WvW

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


not the first time in the last 2 weeks they’ve done this earlier it was to take all our towers and keeps


in WvW

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


and Don’t forget the rest of em



in WvW

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


Whats yas think of these screenies?


Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


Stormbluff is the server that was chosen ty for your interest.

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


If you preview before posting, you will be able to post another attachment after each preview.


Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


Doing something wrong or is it the way the forum is set up?


Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


per post in here am I


Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


More than 1 attachment


Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


it won’t let me do


Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


and another for some reason


Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


Heres where the siege begins


Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


Here’s a few screen shots of how we siege this is sw towerNotice guild emblem some that have faught us i’m sure remember these towers..


Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


Mostly NA est but got some oceanics atm

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


OK heres the deal we’re really tired of our present server that does nothing but flip and trade stuff back and forth all day. We like to claim, Buff, upgrade and siege our towers and Keeps and grind the zerg when it comes knocking. Our server doesn’t. We want to grow but with Like minded Gamers that want to win and have fun doing it. Our server doesn’t so we don’t grow. TeamSpeak is mandatory for our guild and we use our own and the servers TS but very rarely do you see others from our server on the public 1. So we’re ready to move but want it to be a place where we will fit in and have the opportunity to grow to what we once were before the free server transfers killed us. as a side note we do like to roam for small group tactics.

(edited by HarryHellspawn.6519)

[FOCK] Is looking for more members

in Looking for...

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


Hiyas I’m Harry From The Focking Party Animals [FOCK] on Devonas rest. We are interested in filling our ranks back out and adding some new members to our Guild. We are Basically a small Guild That believes in being a close and tightknit group that does things together as a guild. We use TeamSpeak 3 for voicecom and it is required that you use it to remain in the guild. We do a little bit of everything But I spend most of my time in WvW. We are open friendly and have a lot of fun when we play and are welcoming all players of all levels Message me ingame for more details. Ty.

[FOCK] Is accepting new members.

in Looking for...

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


Focking Party Animals [FOCK] is looking for new members to fill our WvW Ranks we mostly focus on small group Tactics , Roaming, And setting up towers for Zerg Busting. Message me ingame or here for more info and to chat minimal Requirements but TS3 is mandatory all levels of players are welcome.

(edited by HarryHellspawn.6519)

Will we ever see rewards for Defending?

in WvW

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


Ok I know some people have asked it in one form or another but can never find anytype of a decent answer from Anet So I’ll ask again and hopefully Get a straight answer. Will we ever see a decent reward system in place for defending against enemy servers in Towers, Keeps and Camps in WvW? As it stands all the rewards are geared towards just taking it all and nothing much but some reg XP for defending. Ok its few and far between to find people that will defend with the present system just because they get more for losing it and retaking it. Which kills the work that others of us put into upgradeing and sieging. Personally I have fun setting up towers for defense and defending them and smashing the zerglings that come. But we need something to encourage other players to want to do the same and get some tactics back into the game.

08/09 - AR/DR/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


it seems that’s all the whole server can do is hack yarr especially they just took out all the superior siege in a fully fortified tower with zoom hacks although I know I will get infracted for this and all that other happy horse$hit tell me something to all you hackers out there what do you get out of it. How in anyway does it make you feel good to know that the only way you can win is to hack your way to victory because you don’t have the skills to win legitimately. Sad is all I can say you are truly sad and loathsome.

Balance changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


You think you got issues Play a Eng theres a ton of issues there and asusual nothing here for them be nice if they could at least get a reliable speed boost in either trait or sig like all the other classes have.

Balance changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


Two of the game’s strongest duelist gets exclusive access to the new condition , punishing those who make a subtle attempt at movement whilst they’re insanely mobile and potent in trickery.


Yeah agree. I think warriors should have gotten torment instead of thieves and mesmers. Arguably maybe guardians but they are already in a good place. Thieves have no issue getting to a mobile class and jumping them from behind so I’m not sure why torment was added to their arsenal.

Because all the Devs play thieves so they will be OP no matter what and never nerfed.

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


Lots of Fun in Eternal today Started off with knocking down all the walls in anz then turned trebs on SM walls just to annoy and bug Emry Next thing I know people rushing into SM and a nice battle ensues. Which off Course BP had to try to thump they’re chest and rush in after we breached inner so DR and EB both stomped em and sent them packing. after 6 hours of this we finally got tired of it and moved on to other things. Kudos to Emry you guys did a good job defending today. And Thanks to all who participated I wasn’t looking to invade SM was just doing my usual and looking to annoy the other server buit instead it turned into one hell of a fun fight and afternoon. Kudos to all involved from DR and EB.

Window Mode should not be an option for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


OK Now for those that wanna argue against this look at the attached pic now it took us 3 weeks to figure out how a server we are fighting was able to hit us in the center of out towers with attacks and in other places that you can’t normally reach with attacks unless the walls and gates are down until one of my guild members found the info guide on how to do this on the wiki?


3/1 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


Respect of the other servers nah You’ll get non specially since ya resorted to doing what ya did today to take our map from us because we was whooping you without really trying all that hard even with your superior numbers.

Supervisors buff & supply camps

in WvW

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519



So small 5 man WvW is officially dead as of this patch.

5 man groups are not dead just not used enough I always run with a 5 man group occasionally might get up to 10 and very rarely ever more than that and I am still taking sup camps towers and keeps and will continue to do so on a daily basis. Personally I prefer the small groups like that and even better when we are on My guild or the server TS and co-ordinating with the other 5 man groups as we take multiple targets of opportunity.

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


See picture one, notice IoJ has the outmanned buff in ETERNAL and we cant even get our keep

Then see picture 2
What is the strategy for Devona’s Rest? Try and get as much points in before SBI come for them? Thank you DR, for kicking us why we’re down, i wont be trying for Wildcreek anymore, Durios it is.
This isnt just a one off thing, DR have hit us the same time SBI have a lot of times, and we’re still in second?

Fight on IoJ!

Actually we’ve hit you all week long our selves whether Sbi was around or not since on reset we left you alone at first so you Zerged our map instead of SBI but that don’t count Right. Or Last night your 40 man zerg on our BL at Redbriar after SBI hit us with they’re zerg again but that don’t count neither does it. only reason your in second place is because SBI is camping our map and your riding they’re coattails into our map everytime they zerg us. But w/e to each his own opinion as I believe everyone should be entitled But getting tired of reading here and all I see is complaining that DR has such high numbers and outnumbers you. If that was so We would be in first and Be camping all the maps with our 30 man groups on every map like SBI presently has on all of them right now. So go ahead and make your snide remarks about my post but facts are facts and you know the kitten truth so stop with your kitten pity party Attempts and start to fight On your own and not using SBI’s coattails for cover.

(edited by HarryHellspawn.6519)

Engineer Deployable Turret!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


Ok I’ve gone through the forums and found lots of threads on this but no answers and I’d like 1. Deployable turret only works on rocket and Healing turret but also changes tool belt into healing turret. ok Both of those issues are a big prob for engineers that made their build with those things in mind. OK I submitted a ticket asking for assistance on it and hoping to find there was something I could do to fix it but instead was told that from now on not to submit a ticket through suppert but only post here or through the game. That’s not what the support section of the site is for. So here I am!!! Any help?

Guild Halls

in Suggestions

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


OK this topic has been touched on but not really discussed to much they would be great to have yes. But not as a personal instance Myself and a lot of players I have talked with would rather have the hall like it was in GW1 where the guild could meet pvp each other and other guilds and stuff like that then add a personal instance area in the Hall for players own stuff and achievements. The guild Halls being kinda like it was in GW1 would really be great I think I miss the guild being able to meet up there from wherever we was in the world and being able to leave as a group. We miss our pvp scrimmage matches against each other and other guilds to test builds and tactics And Having a hall that the guild can setup together instead of a small instance would be more fun. Just my thoughts on the subject..

(edited by HarryHellspawn.6519)

Focking Party Animals [FOCK] (Devona's Rest) recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


Visit our new site although it is still under construction for most of it the application to join process is active there

Focking Party Animals [FOCK] (Devona's Rest) recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


Hiyas we’re a fun laidback friendly guild Looking for more members. We are mostly a PvE group but we are moving into the WvW and would like to go PvP. Our only Reqs are that you use teamspeak and log into the guild server and you represent the guild. Other than that lets team up and enjoy the game. Message me ingame to talk or for more info Harry Hellspawn.

(edited by HarryHellspawn.6519)