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Disconnect Timer and Rating Loss

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


Hi folks,

Previously, if you had someone on your team disconnect from a match for 2 minutes or more, and your team loses the match, only the person who disconnected would lose rating.

We’ve decided to lower this timer to 90 seconds.

If we have a teammate who DCs for the said amount of time and comes back do we still lose rating? Having someone DC for ~90 seconds thus losing a match(pretty much every DC above 30 seconds in plat) then have that person come back and cause us to lose rating really hurts moral.

Roamer meta

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


What times are you playing? I’ve noticed(high play, NA): All the revs I’ve seen are either running vent, or just end up being eaten by thieves. The only revs I’ve seen make any impact this season are the usual suspects. I’ve only seen a handful of good eles, and they were never solo. Good thieves are a dime a dozen on NA, mesmers arn’t quite as abundant. I’ve only seen 3 good engis. Most druids play druid incorrectly, the good druids (See; Kraalle) are an absolute pain to play against.(No but pugs, don’t 1v3 kraallee on home.) I’ve seen a bunch of good warriors, I think a lot of people play that to try and counter condi theif. I’ve seen more bad condi thieves than anything else though. The necros I do see have all been around for a long time. (rendys, tabar, frost etc) This might not just be the meta though. Some classes (See; Thief, Rev, Guard, Ranger) Are much better at carrying bad teammates than other classes so players tend to gravitate to those roles in hopes of increasing chance for success.

Deadeye lacks damage. 107k isn't high enough.

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


So basically any class that doesn’t have reflects is screwed. And for the ones that do, the Deadeye can just…you know…not shoot until the reflect’s over? This is the same class that can jump you, run off and reset any damage they take and still come back fully healed while the target is still recovering.

So nothing changed after. PvP is still only good for reward tracks and dailies, the classes that were already strong got stronger, and the ones that needed something got a few flashy things, that look neat at first until one realizes that they don’t really work.

Except Deadeye loses a lot of its mobility to even setup the Burst and you know there are other defenses besides reflects…… bronze must be hard…..

And again it’s not like there aren’t 3 large tells to it…….

It doesn’t matter how many “tells” there are. Having one skill do more damage than some classes’ entire health pools is simply bad for the game, especially in a video game with tons of crowd control and visual noise, and especially on a class that already has plenty of access to stealth.

I mean, let’s be real here. It’s just not fun or engaging to fight against those kinds of mechanics. It either comes across as really low-skill cheese or completely unfair.

It’s the same reason why Holosmith and Scourge need some major damage shaving. TTK needs to be long enough to make combat engaging. I am not interested in returning to 2004 where rogues globalled people in World of Warcraft.

Spellbreaker is very close to vanilla wow’s rogue. The build I run can completely lock down most classes.

Deadeye lacks damage. 107k isn't high enough.

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


Honestly, it’s just becoming increasingly obvious having two people design eight of the nine specializations ended up being a mistake on ArenaNet’s part, at least not without having more feedback from the community in the design process.

No matter how talented Gee and Huang are at designing these specializations, there are severe issues with multiple specializations that need a lot more work before they’re truly ready. Obviously Deadeye is one of the more apparent examples, but you can really look at most of these specs and say there are fundamental design issues with most of them.

Dropping these specializations into the middle of a PvP season with the expansion launch will be an unmitigated disaster. They’re giving themselves so little time to polish these specializations, and I think the expansion and the game overall will greatly suffer for it.

None of the devs understand thief very well; at least not in pvp.

Deadeye lacks damage. 107k isn't high enough.

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


This post needs to be removed by the mods.

This post has done nothing but try and maliciously overstate the possible damage that can be done in order to have a class that is actually fairly underpowered already, nerfed.

Please read Sly’s post above. With this setup, an auto attack from almost any class would likely crit for around 30-40k. It’s a scenario that is entirely impossible to replicate in actual play. If I had done this exact set up on my warrior with Thousand blades I likely could have pushed around 250k damage.

Can you do math and show how for example, Ranger, would hit for 30-40k with this stack with 1 ability?

Prove your point.

Doesn’t need any setup from other players with all buffs. And was one ability…

1. It is not normal and any Ranger will say this, and this will be fixed.
2. You say ability with 107k dmg is normal .

No 107k isn’t normal and required a ridiculous amount of setup, thatas where reading comprehension comes into play, 2 you asked for proof of Ranger doing over 30k on one skill I provided the proof which didn’t require any setup, you try to claim that doesn’t count claiming it’s unrealistic but hey the Ranger didn’t need 4 other classes to buff them to achieve those numbers and it’s not like Rangers aren’t capable of locking people down with immobs or knock downs to almost guarantee those types of attacks from landing……. funny.

The thing with the Thief damage that to get any large numbers from that skill requires the highly visible marked target to be marked for over 14 secs, blow a few CDs be in a highly visible kneeling position that is essentially completely immobile and the skill has a large highly visble glowing beam tell connecting to the target before damage is ever applied on top of the player having to run a build solely dedicated to being glassy with none of the normal utility to do anything else essentially like D/D signets making it useless outside of that one Burst every 30-40 secs…… and let’s not forget it’s a projectile that is easily negated

The average Deaths Judgement hits for 7-12k with under the most realistic scenarios.

And like said Anet has a month and a lot of these skills will most likely be changed…

just correcting your last statement; I can get 20k with 1 stack of malice on this build with the correct setup. When I say “Setup” thats against a full hp target with close to no vuln. This is Deadeye’s mark > kneel > DJ > boom 20k; most targets die. This skill hits much much harder than gunflame ever could have hoped. Yes even with that old bug where gunflame hit twice.

Deadeye lacks damage. 107k isn't high enough.

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


As the screenshot show; deadeye obviously does too much damage compared to other thief builds. I recommend making trickery baseline and increasing backstab’s damage so daredevil can stay competitive.



in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


Finally, a list we can all agree on.


in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


My rev is listed but my thief isn’t o.O………I barely play rev anymore……wat o.O

NA July Monthly Tournament Investigation

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


tfw when naru’s last big play was getting 1v2d by zorh. lul.


NA July Monthly Tournament Investigation

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


“press F to pay your respects” doesn’t press anything at all

3 accounts in the top 250 ( its not luck)

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


Toker has 4 accounts in the top 25. (was top 10 for a while)
7,8,9,10. See attached screenshot.


Thief Role H.O.T (ANET requesting response)

in Thief

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


Yeah as a thief who almost exclusively plays tournaments, i’m hoping at this point that another class gets the mobility a thief has, so I don’t have a reason to play thief anymore.

[NA][TPvP] Teef Teef Teef Teef LFT

in Looking for...

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238



He’s frandly, Don’t hate.

Woo more Llamas

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


I do like the idea of titles.

And based on these posts… I am glad to see i’m not the only one dissatisfied with llamas.

They can give out the Arena titles again. EG: Soilder of the arena etc.

There's still too many evades

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


nerf evades I can not kill dat cheaters with autoatack >_<

Hint: Immob screws over most theives.

Thief Fashion

in Thief

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


My thief is from Tron, much better than T3.
Most fashionable teef.

Wow you look terrible. Reflects your skills though

Can someone give me good thief streams?

in Thief

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


Whisper Snuffles in game, watch him duel. Snuffles > Caed

The Last Pride [EviL] - Reborn

in Looking for...

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


Will be sending an ingame mail, over 2k games on thief, geared, r80 spvp, knowledge of all other classes, and ability / aptitude to change if needed.

The Vee Wee Document

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


+1 Vee wee. Frandliest Doc NA.

There's still too many evades

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


Can we stop listing S/D thieves as too many dodges? It’s not just S/D. It’s Acro thieves.
Check: Snuffles, Me, and a few other D/P acro thieves that dodge almost as much as S/D thieves.
@Lopez: Agreed. Can we also get rid of your insta fear from DS? :P

Top 15 North America

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


Personally, I would put Vassangel from dueling arena into Top #1 in my list of 1vs1 duel ranking. if you have had any chance of watching his play, some of you would agree with me. His play is just martial arts and his reaction and extraordinarily fast ever. Well, I saw and dueled many people in this list that OP posted, but I felt Vassangel is a bit better than most (cuz some Idk) of them in OP’s list. (if you don’t care class and build unbalances becuz it is anet’s fault but look at just personal skill & reaction, I would say he was best in those factors) idk. time has gone a lot since this guy don’t play. probly now people in OP would play better. Sad he doesn’t play in these days.

Vassangel? LOL.
@Backpack Funny thread +1. Why u no snuffles 1v1. Snufflez> Caed

Creative challenges

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


Yeah bump on /age.


in Living World

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


Now that Belinda is dead, can I please have her greatsword? Thanks in advance marjory

Ls2 achievements

in Living World

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


for the chase grab the purple jump buff before kas makes the first portal. Go to the right side and attack the sylvari and you should get it. Hidden spot seems buggy, some of my friends havn’t gotten it, others have.

Ls2 achievements

in Living World

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


I was hoping the LS2 achievements would be hard.
They arn’t :*(
If anyone has any questions i’ll try my best to answer them though!


And they thought 1 shot backstab was nerfed.

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


He had 25 stacks of bloodlust, I did not. I should have used bloodlust

And they thought 1 shot backstab was nerfed.

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


Traits 66002 with 3 signets all giving 5 might each and exposed weakness triggering off the previous attacks conditions and dagger training with revealed training.
The target had no armour/amulet but covered that by wearing the costume and you attacked from behind.
Am i right?

nope. Partially right, but you have to name all the traits etc.

Inventory Suggestions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


That screenshot hurts to look at.

Ranger Spirit Elite

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


Hi welcome to GW2. AI is op when it works…..if it works. GG anet.
Snarky response aside, think of it as a useless elite(since it’s unreliable / broken). Just run Rampage or Entangle, both of which are nice elites too. Be glad your not guardian. Renewed focus…….or…….renewed focus. (Which also has bugs.)

Where is the multi-admin custom arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


Its the same place as the other game modes, class balance, and our esports.

balance: how can you think about tourneys?

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


Because in the original GW using blackout on a monk to pretty much nullify a teams healing was balanced.


That^. Also as soon as you used blackout it would be very obvious, and that mes would get shut down the rest of the game.
Topic: They did this for pax too remember? Balance doesn’t matter to anet; they’ve showed us that. Ironically there seems to be a slight balance of the imbalance. Enough things are OP that they counter each other. Team Comp > everything else.

What kinda necro he is?

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


Hao is a hybrid minionmancer. Not the zerk or condi build. I’ve faced him a bunch, and im almost 100% sure hes hybrid. Might be power/bunky though….

And they thought 1 shot backstab was nerfed.

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


A prize to the person who can figure out the exact conditions I got this hit? Yep. No hints

And they thought 1 shot backstab was nerfed.

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


This was done by a thief(me) without help, against another thief. anything about about 30K you have to have help for.

And they thought 1 shot backstab was nerfed.

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


Silly saint, they cant do anything to me while they’re dead

And they thought 1 shot backstab was nerfed.

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


Silly them.
26K. Not even on a light armor.


1-80 World record?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


My question is, if you hate sylvari and rangers, why not delete your level 1 sylvari ranger, create a character you wouldn’t hate and then use the ToK’s and Experience Scroll on that? Some logic is missing here….beyond the obvious.

I’m planning on using it as a bank character. Only reason it’s 80 is because I don’t like having a non 80 on my character select :P

1-80 World record?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


yeah 5-6ish minutes.


1-80 World record?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


birthday gift + 60 ToK = lvl 80 in under 5 minutes (considering the character introduction cutscene bullkitten)

Think i’m going to try this. BRB with results.

1-80 World record?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


Experience scroll and 60 Tomes, less clicking.

Exactly. I still have 5 of those scrolls, and every class capped. over 100 tomes leftover as well. and Yes it could be done faster, AFAIK nobody has yet.

1-80 World record?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


60 seconds. I’d like to see that. Character existed, not ever played. Play time is 10minutes. I didn’t craft, if you want me to upload a screenshot of that as well.

1-80 World record?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


As per title: I think I broke the record for fastest 1-80. (Maybe 80 with the least world completion as well?)10 Minutes is my time, as my first screenshot conveys in the chat box. Character was made about half a year ago, when I decided 1: I needed a bank character 2:I hate playing rangers 3: I hate sylvari. I hadn’t come around to actually logging into him (hence him being 180 days old), and figured i’d just power level him to 80, since I hated seeing a level 1 on my character selection.

Interesting side point: because he had been created so long ago, when I looked at traits, I had already unlocked all but the new grandmaster traits.
1st screen shows age.
2nd screen shows world completion %


How full is YOUR locker?

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


once patch hits i’m fairly certain i’ll have 70-85% of skins in this game, which i’m looking forward to I’m still curious how full martin, OE, or 5gauge’s lockers are.

How full is YOUR locker?

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


bump. still curious.

How full is YOUR locker?

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


in light of the new wardrobe coming, let’s see how full your locker is! Also: R.I.P my stupid amount of pvp crafting mats I have nothing to do with.


Re: Pistol Whip

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


How’s about you just play an Elemantalist in soloq`s for 4 hours. I am sure you will get a feel for the issue.

Or maybe, just play the game in general xD

This game is officially dead population wise.

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


Bye good friend! Stay in touch :P
For people asking who Jin is: He started decap engi in the NA “scene”

I'm the fourth best team pvper, whats next

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


I’m a special needs decap engi, can I get on the waiting list? Ermagerd Doyourbestbear is my hero!

Champ titles in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


Went and took this just for you. I’ve had them for a few months now. Welcome to the club.

Wtb: “Versatile Champion” title for those of us who have done all 8.


Cleaning up the neighborhood

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Heapheaus.5238


If you had done this achievement before, separatist posters wouldn’t show up anymore. I just went to ebonhawk with an new character and the posters were back. I’m assuming this is a bug, if not can we get this reverted? I liked the immersion this added to the game :/