Showing Posts For HenryChinaski.4732:
Because in this game , you just waste time in a vrtual world and waste real money for virtual item who will make you happy maybe 30sec.
You shouldnt do that! Get a few keys from maps, maybe a few for gold and if you are lucky you get an contract and be happy. If not….. try to find joy in playing the game, you paid already money for it, enoy it
The normal Condition PS Warrior and change Arms to Defense, you lose a lot of damage but get a lot of defense and heal.
Use them, you get 5 boosters (only way to get the karmabooster), colors, mats and 5 exotic pieces you can put in mystic forge.
I had more then 1000 of them, now i push my keychar every week to 80
Its 600 until a 6th person show up then it goes up 180 per Player.
So 5 People is the best number you can have.
If you have trouble with the breakbar try to bring Mesmers with Signet of Humility and Mimic, they are Breakbarkiller, take 2000 down when they use Moa twice.
….. for that. for dungeoners. Instead of that…..
Thats for the Dungeoneer
A Title an 10 Points are a good Reward i think.
Use that
A Pocket Mystic Forge
I also dont think using better kits bring you something more then less gold cause they are more expensive.
(edited by HenryChinaski.4732)
I think every other player from another Guild who also do the trek can activate the target for you.
So you never be save until all Guildmembers run together as a point to the destination
Not to mention the fact that MORE people will be buying Sigils if you made this change. Right now, I NEVER replace the Sigils in my Legendaries. If I could swap them for free, I’d be on the market for a whole new batch of them.
I think Player who want to optimize there build change it now and Player who dont care about will not change it after .
The meta event chest (the one you have to manually loot on the little bonus island with the merchant) has a guaranteed drop for a random unlocked machined collection. In order to be elegible though you have to have the collection unlocked before hand, meaning you must have entered the map (or final fight, not sure) with the collection unlocked.
I am pretty sure not, worked that way for my fist collections but i think there was a patch, after that i get the other weapons random from the pods on the map (And for some i really opened a lot of them)
Frost Fan+Ice Field it’s pure love <3
Hm never be careful about that, 42 bleeding?
I think 3 is the thing for the necro cause of the 21 bleeding he do if all projectile hits.
I don’t understand why experienced players would waste time on this, but apparently some do.
The thing is, you don’t waste time. Especially not in pugs. In pugs you gain time with that because you won’t have any downstate at all compared to other group composition where it’s most likely that one of your temp will go down several times or your mesmer has a bad rotation/not optimal gear or your ps is not able to hold 25 might stacks…because it’s pugs.
Don’t make necro so bad because you don’t like the class or the playstyle or the brainafk method behind it. Necro is in a good spot when putting “pugs” and “fractals” together in one sentence.In the past. Since Nightmare was released I had very few bad pugs by just going for “cm+t4” power groups. So yeah, you definitely waste time doing the pug-proof meta.
A Pug for T4 is different to a Pug CM
For normal T4 Pug, no matter who come, Necro are really nice and it lasts just a few minutes longer. In fact nobody dies when 4 or 5 Necros running no matter how bad they are, when you go for fastest Meta 2 bad wannabeplayers are enough to get problems.
I also run fracals with different classes but when i just want to get daily Necro is my Choice, i even run CM with him a lot of times
But as has been said, its his last place to shine….
When you have 9 armors with wvw infusions and not willing to use one armor for
Agony just stay in wvw….
And when you dont have enough +1 to craft the 150 for your armor dont play t4 fraks, you will need people who carry you, practice the lower one.
Use them
You get 6 Boosters (hard to get now since there are no more in Chests), Exotics you can throw in mystic forge and Mats worth gold. Then delete Char and repeat.
The whole room is amazing but the “Cat Power Plant” really made me laugh
Also had to laugh every time when i hear the little angry, thrustful quaggan at Coil Waypoint in Timberland Falls. At the Heart there, she is upset about the Krait
(edited by HenryChinaski.4732)
On a long term it seems you get out 0.875 ecto/rare with masters kit. Some crafting materials too, so round up to the value of 1 ecto.
Staff and Greatswords are worth the most, you can sell them all i think (they are used in mystic forge i think)
Personaly i salvage all rare, less effort
(edited by HenryChinaski.4732)
I like it that some things are really rare (hate the fact that you can buy the fractal tonic now)
If you really want it, farm gold and convert it to gems, for the gold you pay for invisible shoes you will get a lot of keys.
Can still harvest 3 Guilds (and have 3 different Guildtraders)
One of your Guilds has upgrade there nodes.
• When defeated, if you have an orb in inventory, you will receive a UI option to ‘Consume a Revive Orb’ alongside the usual “Return to Waypoint” option.
Sarah Witter
Just to be sure, you dont have to be outfight to use an orb?
When everybody of my group is outfight the orb is not real an option for me….
If you dont mind when fights last a bit longer and dont want to press any buttons then 1 and maybe the other weaponskills, thats a wonderful build for you (Necro). You will survive almost everthing and can kill allmost everthing.
If you want you can damage the breakbar with Warhorn, Fear in Shroud and two Skills from the minions, when you wield a dagger you also have 25% more Speed.
(edited by HenryChinaski.4732)
When you say its dead cause you have to join an organized group then the event never lived.
Dont saw a succesfull unorganized TT ever.
just try it and you will see…….
, i have 3 WVW Infusions in every Ring,
Infused and Attuned
for Example
But remove your Infusion before!
Edit: Ok for now its seems you have to do fractals for this, maybe they change it for only WVW Players….
(edited by HenryChinaski.4732)
Did i miss something or….
You can put your Infuisions now in the Rings, i have 3 WVW Infusions in every Ring, it also should work with every other Kind of Infusion
Actually… they screwed it up with amulet infusion changes… Now it have just useless infusion slot that doesn’t help at all… Karma/xp/mf/gf?! WHY?! Now I have infusions that… I can’t put anywehre and lost laurels to buy em + I can’t get anything good into amulet’s infusion so…
May I add a brand new emote
/facepalmWvW players got kittened.
Max AR Fractal players got kittened.Compensate the players for their loses.
You can put now more WVW Infusions in the Rings, thats good for the WVW Players……
Just buy 16 tradeable skins, unlock them and get 7 tickets for this skins…
Bought the 16 balthasar skins for 280 gold two or three weeks ago.
Edit: Also one key per week can be made easy with story (less then 30 minutes when fast)
(edited by HenryChinaski.4732)
That work if you want metabuilds, but most people (especially those who join in lfg grps) playing something else and thats totally ok if they know what they do. You normaly see it after a few minutes of the run. Or you let them explain what they play etc. but it will need a few minutes too
AP you see when smby join grp. And also when its not perfect ist not useless, 1k people with 1k AP and 1k people with 10k AP, there are more exp players in group 2.
AP is not good but is there any other (better) kind of Selection?
The most people i know dont like kicking people, so its sometimes hard when you try to carry a total noob in a hard t4 frac.
I dont even search for AP but i understand when people want some kind of minimum from people they start with.
When you have problems anywhere in the last storyparts this will help you for sure (not as much as skill and the right tactic but… ) or the powerful for level 80 or Mango Pie for Level 80
both you get for a few copper at the tradingpost.
Game is easier with the right food, anywhere except pvp
Does doing this really make any money?
Maybe if you are a child and dont have to pay for the power. Its better to save the elctricity and buy gems for the money.
Think its just hyped now a little bit and more people notice rangers and necros which doesnt move , i already got reported while i was waiting for the Dredge Commisar with my minionmaster
CC is not visible to players, and not intuitive enough. It doesn’t help that you can pretty much coast through the game without ever using it or that the CC functions are written in this light gray font that screams “useless mechanic you can ignore”. Why even have it ingame in that case?
In their ever wonderful wisdom the devs strived to make CC “complex” and “deep”. Which, much like a lot of features, was left half done.
“look all these fun, interesting and different kinds of CC, this is so god kitten ed fun!” they hope you would say. Instead players just say “durrr, is bleed a CC??”
that’s the problem. What the heck is CC to a new player?
Just get over this fascination to make a simple mechanic annoyingly complex and stop pretending it’s some sort of deep aspect of the game. consolidate it into one easy-to-understand function that doesn’t have to sacrifice a build for CC, and that doesn’t leave a new player saying “I bleeded the enemy why is bar not down???”
Its not new, the system that you have to use a number of cc for an effect (bring down stacks and then the next cc worked) was here before. It was more difficult to handle, especially with randoms and no communication. They make it easier and expand it to more bosses in open world. Now just a lot of people seems to notice it the first time.
I would like if there is something like a training mode.
Easy enough that you can make a few mistakes without wipe and maybe no timelimit.
There should be rewards like the tenth of the normal mode and one shard for every boss.
(edited by HenryChinaski.4732)
1. Head Butt (maybe fear does more to some enemies but Head Butt with the other benefits and the cooldown is more effective)
2. If the enemy is not immune, instant a lot. The 3 freeze and damage it over time.
We would want that it show “Ineffective” if we use a CC Skill that doestn work cause of immunity. Non CC Skills will just show no blue nummbers.
I understand break bars in general but in the wyvern patriarch fight for instance I never see one go up, it’s just fighting on the ground, then becomes untargetable and flies up to do it’s fire field thing. Am I missing something about this particular fight?
He gets his breakbar after he flies up, then you have to pick up a wyvern egg from somewhere under the platform and throw it on him to break the bar, then you can fight him again.
Didnt you have a “immune” if an attack doestn work?
A lot of Enemies are immune against some CC, especially hard CC.
The Abonimation before you reach the Eye is immunity to most CC for example.
Dont know if someone posted it yet, here you can look outgame how much your skill damage the bar if the enemy is not immune.
You can also look at the scaling on this site, so 5 people are the best number to break the bar and have the shortest cooldown.
Edit : With the last update they removed some of the immunity from bosses
(edited by HenryChinaski.4732)
Also, for a lot of casual players in big boss events, so long as the boss is losing health, and they are winning, they are probably not aware of doing anything wrong by not CCing. “Was the event successful? Then I must’ve been doing it right.” That also furthrs the “I don’t care about CC” attitude b/c they didn’t need it last time. They end up getting carried by everyone else and don’t realize there’s more to learn. Only by repeated failure will they finally stop to figure out what’s going wrong.
The vast majority of the time, people are actually right when they think they don’t need to break that bar. Most encounters are easily winnable without ever putting even a slight dent in the bar. That sure doesn’t do anything to educate people, and after fighting dozens of enemies with useless break bars, running into one where not breaking it has major consequences, they’re still clueless.
I agree. The only place where breaking the break bar is even relevant is in raids.
You have to use soft CC to kill the Regeneration Crystals from the Shatterer and there are a few events on the new map where you have to bring down the breakbar if you want to succeed (calm down the mushrooms or the gold Guzzler for example). And i am sure there are more that i am not thinking about yet.
Edit: But i think most people doing that accidentally and not cause they know its necessary
(edited by HenryChinaski.4732)
I have done some slayer achievment this way, but you really got more loot/gold when you save the electricity costs and buy gems
You really need a lot of luck to make money with the keys, opened about 500 and got two items was worth more than 50 gold, almost trash in it.
Gold is easy to get so dont waste your gems for, if you find nothing keep them.
Things i bought for gems and really would miss are the shared Inventoryslot and the copper-fed-salvageomatic.
(more bankslots and more bags for my mainchar are also fine.
They sell it already, see allmost daily that someone offer or search a guildbank.
The price for 250 slots is about 250 and 350 gold. Would never sell mine for that price….
Whoever did whatever please do it also for the fused Skins! Thx