Showing Posts For Hesperon.9687:

[EU] Guardian/War LFT

in Looking for...

Posted by: Hesperon.9687


Hi, i’m currently looking for a team playing at high levels, atm i have 5 champion titles (necro, war, mesmer, thief and guardian) but Bunker guardian, any war build and thief are the ones where i’m better at.
I reached top 300 while playing thief and guardian (in two different times of the year)

Contact me in game if interested


(edited by Hesperon.9687)

Daily puzzle jumper

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hesperon.9687


Hi, i’m sorry if this has already been reported but if you complete the jumping puzzle in Dry Top (the one related to “Prospect Valley Crash Site Climber”) does not count torward the daily achievement Daily puzzle jumper


New Game mode: Big Brawl

in PvP

Posted by: Hesperon.9687


Hey guys, i was wondering what i really would like to see/play in this game and i came up with a conclusion: death matches!
This was my idea about it
-One player for each profession (basically 8v8 and more if anet will release new classes)
-The respawn of a player is instant and will cost 1 point to the team
-Players will respawn in the starting room and the portal there will take you in a random point of the map
-Each team has 5 points
-3 rounds with a maximum time of 10 minutes per fight
-No secondary objectives, just killing
-The match can end when there is one of this condition:
> one of the team can’t fight anymore (due to reaching 0 points and having all the members dead)
> time limit for the round reached (the team with more points or players available will win the round, if it’s a tie damage minus healigs should solve the thing)
-Rewards are given only to the winning team (there could be something like exclusive finishers, skins or something like that as well as achievemnts and titles)
-The maximum number of players reviving a downed guy should be set to 3 (or maybe not, i’m not really sure about this since with some rune sets you can basically get a guy up instantly)

Maps should be around 3000 units of width and lenght (not too small but not even too big) with some columns, brigdes, huts or somethig like that to have a bit of LoS
There should also be 2 modes: Premade and Solo queues, leave “hotjoins” away, would only cause a ruckus
Would be good to have match stats at the end of the match showing: damage done, deaths, healing done, conditions applied and boons applied (number of blocks and absorbed/invulnerable hits sounds good too)

+ Different builds from meta since for most classes won’t really need a lot of mobility
+ You wanna kill? You don’t care about capping? This is the mode for you
+ Team party composition is standard so you can’t whine about matchup (ok maybe you can, see 4th con point)
+ A single “pro” player can’t boost the entire group

- Could be boring in the long run
- There could be long queue due to the team formation
- Some professions could be the “meta target” to focus for the win (like thieves, mesmers or elementalists)(this could also be a pro, force players to crate new builds to stay alive as well as doing damage)
- Solo queues could result in a full bunker builds group (not much different from the actual problem of the arenas solo q tho)

What do you guys think about it? Any suggestion to improve it? Lacks of something?

your wow moments in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Hesperon.9687


This was probably the best thing ever happened to me in spvp! we were losing by 50 points, i was roaming like a mad trying to decap and cap our points and in the end we won


WvW Tourney and Customer Support

in WvW

Posted by: Hesperon.9687


Same thing here, ended the meta in the first 2 weeks of the tournament but i didn’t receive the chest

There's something wrong with tracks

in PvP

Posted by: Hesperon.9687


You also can’t just go afk because if you have 0 points scored, you get no points awarded at the end for contribution to the match.

sorry i forgot, they cap in 3 close point then they go afk…

There's something wrong with tracks

in PvP

Posted by: Hesperon.9687


you can’t just go afk while wvw or pve otherwise you would be kicked or the zerg just move. while in spvp you can go afk and still get rewards (finishers and loots), before this patch when there wasn’t any reward except for glory spvp was a lot better, at least people cared about winning

There's something wrong with tracks

in PvP

Posted by: Hesperon.9687


What’s the point of a “Reward Track” if even when i lose i get prizes anyway? i mean, i can keep joining yoloq or teamq and going afk and i still get rank points and rewards.
Due to this fact i saw a lot of player joining especially teamq saying “i don’t care if i win or lose, i just need an arena to finish the track”
I hope anet will remove or at least reduce (i hope at least to 1/10 of what is now) the advance of the tracks when a team loses


in PvP

Posted by: Hesperon.9687


You can buy white weapons from the vendor….

Wrong info on support page

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Hesperon.9687


Hi, i just want to report that you have some wrong/misleading info on your support page:
here is the page:

After a character name is changed with the Name Change Contract, the previous name remains tied to your account for 24 hours. So if you change a character name, you may use the former name for a new character on the same account within 24 hours. Alternately, you may use two separate Name Change Contracts to swap names between two characters on your account, as long as you do that within 24 hours.

seems like this is not true, you actually need 3 contracts to do so

i’ve been told by your Support Team to open a topic on the forum to report, so here it is

How many NCC do i need?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Hesperon.9687


Anet support page

What happens to my former character name?
After a character name is changed with the Name Change Contract, the previous name remains tied to your account for 24 hours. So if you change a character name, you may use the former name for a new character on the same account within 24 hours. Alternately, you may use two separate Name Change Contracts to swap names between two characters on your account, as long as you do that within 24 hours.

This is why i was asking


How many NCC do i need?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Hesperon.9687


I have a thief named Max Parker. She’s female. Named after these two. Don’t get so hung up on names, Guy could be a nickname.

since it’s norn it may be a girl with a huge “surprise”…
joking aside, i prefer to swap the two names without using 3 name changing contract if possible, otherwise i’ll try to search for a workaround even if it wouldn’t really make me happy

How many NCC do i need?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Hesperon.9687


Why would you want to have your characters’ names upside down?

it’s because i want to change both characters’ gender and a female character called “Good Guy Hespe” is just a bitt odd

How many NCC do i need?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Hesperon.9687


Hi, i was wondering if, to invert the name on 2 of my characters, i must buy 3 name changing contracts or if i can do it with just 2 of them. Basically i just want for my elementalist and my warrior to switch the names.


Hey LA, don't you forget something?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Hesperon.9687


He’s in prison on the Vigil keep, he escapes on the Kiel Airship, you can actually see this in game.


It should be towards the end of the event at Fort Marriner. Before the Molten Champion spawns.

oh, that’s why i missed it. this event has bugged 5/5 times i tried it and it’s the only one i miss

Hey LA, don't you forget something?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Hesperon.9687


He’s in prison on the Vigil keep, he escapes on the Kiel Airship, you can actually see this in game.


Hey LA, don't you forget something?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Hesperon.9687


Today i was curious about a character that has made “history” in LS.
I’m talking about Canach. I thought that if LA guys had time to move gates, mystic forge etc. they should have moved their only prisoner too. i was wrong. they forgot him! and the poor sheriff too


[PvE] Need some tips with my build

in Warrior

Posted by: Hesperon.9687


Axe fury is redundant since you already have perma fury with FGJ! and signet mastery SoR. And while Whirling Axe does indeed deal twice the crushing blow damage, but over a very long time. Which makes it deal less DPS than mashing auto. /Axe is inferior to anything you could get.

Dual Strike (is the one that apply fury) damage is twice Crushing Blows damage and has a lower cast time (1/2 for DS vs. 3/4 for CB) plus DS has a lower cd 12vs.15sec

(edited by Hesperon.9687)

[PvE] Need some tips with my build

in Warrior

Posted by: Hesperon.9687


The meta warrior build is 30/25/0/0/15 with GS Axe/Ma. If you don’t wanna swap, youre better off auto attacking with axe than camping GS

why would you choose axe/mace over axe/axe? i know mace has 4 stacks of vuln which are 4% damage while axe has fury which is 20% crit but my point is Whirling Axe to me seems better than Tremor and Dual Strike damage is twice Crushing Blows damage

[PvE] Need some tips with my build

in Warrior

Posted by: Hesperon.9687


pick up 30 str points for zerker’s power. there is a trait in arms that grants quickness it’s a grandmaster I personally use it.

for bosses start off with your rifle try to get a #2 and then a #4. #4 takes priorty over #2 if you can’t get both off. follow that up with on my mark.

if in a team of mostly zerk wars go with banner of disc it will essientally give bonus damage. if in a team with too few (1 or 2) zerks go with banner of power ofc both banners are very good if you can get them.

sig of rage is extremely good but don’t shy away from using battle standard it is essientally a sig of rage for the whole team!.

although I use ruby orbs if you can keep your hp up around 90% use scholar runes.

I also invest in 10 tactics for desperate power as a zerker you do take damage I try to use that to my advantage personally but it also does come with lower survivability and can’t be used with scholars as effectively as ruby orbs.

finaly if you don’t want to go full zerker feel free not too. they are def times when I run full zerk and wish I had a little toughness. this will usually happen in over extended fights and in cc spam areas.

with that said full zerk is the optimal way to do pve but only if your good at dodging and know said dungeon well as well as a big * a team of zerk is the best pve team but when mixed with people who have lower dps you risk over extending the fight and greater risk to yourself which is why a lot of zerk players are horrible elitest.

can’t really offer much more advice other then learn the dungeons well and use what works.

as you can see from my build i’ve already opted for zerk power and as i said, i start pretty much every fight with my rifle.
i dont really think desperate power is good, it’s pretty rare that i’m below 50% in most of the dungeons bosses but, at the same time, it’s pretty hard to stay over 90% as a zerker. ofc i switch banner and sigil of rage in accordance to the group i have.
i have also a PVT equip for arah skips which i combine with Rampage-Balanced Stance-Enduring Pain-Signet of Stamina.
about the quickness trait i don’t really think it’s worth to sacrifice IX or XI trait for it

[PvE] Need some tips with my build

in Warrior

Posted by: Hesperon.9687


Hi guys, this is a build i came up a while ago, what do you think about it?;4NKkO0o-cK-60;9;4TT;0928A049;45;9;5BBGW0-T6;2Vp-wWz12Z8_Ea6Z-870HV8aNX8a;9;9;9;7kkkkkkl
i think that 10 pts in Discipline are better than 10 pts in Defense because, if you consider a full exotic equip with ruby orbs, you have around 80% crit with banner (90% on burst skill due to “Critical Burst” trait which goes up to 110% crit chance with fury) so the 10% bonus to crit damage is actually better than 5% more damage while the enemy is weakened plus you have 10% reduced cd on HB
as a secondary weapon i prefer to use rifle (usually i start the fight with it for the bonus adrenaline on switch)

Any criticism is well appreciated!

Scarlet's Secret Lair *Major Spoilers*

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Hesperon.9687


Some of you may not have noticed this yet but when you read Scarlet Briar’s Journal it says: “I’m trying not to sleep—too scareD to even close my eyes… So scared. Whispers come from the forest all night long, calling me, taunting me, possessing me.”
This plus the dragon painting seems like one and one make two to me… (i still belive it’s Mordremoth)

Scarlet's Secret Lair *Major Spoilers*

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Hesperon.9687


I think there is are some pictures missing from this discussion so far (below).
In my opinion in picture 1 on the left on the table shows that scarlet is indeed searching for something (i think physical) underground.

Also i like the picture lying under the table because it is somehow giving off this sense of dread. It could be a cave/opening or it could be a maw.?
Generally black does not seem to be a good color. Dark vortex in the middle of the writing-spiral anyone? also red seems to confront black on some pictures.

I think there is something to be found if we look at all of scarlets pictures, so here are my thoughts on them:
First there is the (pale) tree strangled by Scarlets red vines (see ‘what scarlet saw’/her dream) although it seems strange to me that the pale tree would be painted as a palm-tree.

Then there is the picture that just looks like scramble but if you look closer the red scrambles are again thorns and the black things look like blood oozing from whatever is stung by the thorns. i wonder why this one exists and if there is more to it.

The eye the red eye in darkness. Now she talks about this in the journal and i think the abyss and the power within was why she wanted to look behind reality, because she wanted to find out what that power is and after she found out (still inside the dream) she changed her name and her ‘color’ to red. So basically what this makes me think is ‘red eye => scarlet’ = she adopted the color/thinking of whatever looms in the darkness and now does its bidding, which turned her against the pale tree.

But what does this mean, is she now a slave of primordius? is she maybe not searching for him but maybe for the roots of the pale tree, which in my thinking could stretch across the whole globe (as the pale tree is a kind of life-tree/mana-tree) and maybe strangle primordius?

I kind of do not want to subscribe to that theory because scarlet to me always seemed more like the “i need to do this to stop something bad (there is no other way) even if it means killing millions of ppl” kind of guy and serving someone just does not seem like her style, but there is something more disturbing that i found while looking around for more subtle hints:

Now this could be complete ‘bs’ but i can not unsee it. It could be a coincidence and i could totally waste your time but if you are willing to bare with me look at picture 3 the ‘dragon’ looks very odd to me in the middle, almost broken, not like a real dragon, to me it looks like the top half is something else something with 2 hands that looks kind of humanoid and also the whole painting is in red, not that red has to mean scarlet but i grew fond of that idea.

Maybe scarlet found out the pale tree is a dragon and turned the minion-master link around and enslaved it (symbolized by entangling it with red vines) which means she now has the power of a dragon/is a half dragon. This would explain why the pale tree did not ask us for help or tell us about scarlet yet.

Ok it is much to late and 90% of what is up there probably does not make sense or does not mean anything but i just thought let’s be a little creative and show it to ppl and let them figure out if anything and what it means… ^^

I don’t think the Pale Tree can be an elder dragon since in one of of sylvari’s personal story, we encountered a sylvari from another pale tree.

She’s not the elder dragon itself but she is probably one of its minion, as i posted before:
“The seed which sprouted the Pale Tree was found in a cave containing many others like it, guarded by powerful plant creatures”
The powerful plant creatures could be minions of the jungle dragon too, which is highly probable

Scarlet's Secret Lair *Major Spoilers*

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Hesperon.9687


I think that Scarlett is gone mad for her possible discovery of the pale tree being one of Mordremoth’s minion.
The history of pale tree is an hint itself: “The seed which sprouted the Pale Tree was found in a cave containing many others like it, guarded by powerful plant creatures.”
It’s pure speculation but what if the pale tree is an evil being just waiting for Mordremoth to wake up from its slumber? (Keep your friends close and your enemies closer could be the meaning of the alliance with other races to defeat zhitan)
We know it’s possible for sylvari to rebel to the pale tree (nightmare court is an example).
The death of the pale tree could give to each sylvaris an unique “mind” and i think this is what Scarlett is trying to achieve.
It’s highly probable that i’m wrong but i would like this kind of story!