Although I don’t enjoy PvP already, I found that in order to continue to work on the achievement of 100% exploration I began from level 1, I am forced to go into them. You know what I find? One server controls every single point on every single battlefield save for 3. That being shocking enough, I try to go ahead and work on reaching those points in order to quickly realize that the winning server outnumbers my allies at least 3:1. No matter where I go, no matter how fast I move, I find myself running into them absolutely everywhere. They also receive massive boons for controlling all the points.
I accept that my goal will require that I die a lot. I figure I’ll just dash to my goals and hope for the best. But I quickly find that even making suicide runs, I still can’t reach some of those points of interest— and vistas that require I not be in combat? Yeah— not going to happen. But, hey— I figure this is PvP, right? So death should be no big deal. My illusion of that wkittentered when I found my chest armor disappear for the first time ever in this game.
Of course, I realize what the “solution” to this dilemma is— log out, switch to the winning server, log back in and then enter the WvW queue. But… is that what the designers want? Somehow I don’t think so.
Here are my suggestions on what to do to make this aspect a bit more palatable.
1) Engagement in the battlegrounds should not be a requirement for world exploration. Don’t put people who don’t care for PvP through this ringer to get the reward they have been doing PvE from level 1 to achieve.
2) Players on losing teams need to receive boons in order to keep them active. Whether it is triggered by being outnumbered, whether is is triggered by having very points left to defend… I don’t know the system that should be used. But once one server is absolutely curb-stomping the other two, something needs to kick in so that all players on the losing servers don’t just throw up their hands and log out of it.
3) PCs should do no damage to armor when they kill other players. Since the only place players will be killing other players is in battlegrounds, there really isn’t a way this will be abused outside of it. This is a massive disincentive to continue to even make an effort in the battlegrounds when your team is losing. It also does not affect all classes equally, as some classes have very little trouble killing enemies without putting themselves in any direct harm while others need to get up close and draw a lot of fire on themselves in order to participate at all.
4) Similar with #2, give good PvP players a decent incentive to join servers with weak PvP teams— other than just a short queue to join a battleground where they’ll get repeatedly killed without having any chance of recourse. There should be some sort of achievement or reward or special item, gear or other bonus that one can receive (or receive faster) for continually fighting against larger numbers of better equipped players. It needs to be good enough to get players from worlds with very strong PvP teams to want to jump onto servers with weaker ones to be the best players on those servers.