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Duels? (1vs1)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hohotask.1574


Are there any plans to implant Wow like 1 vs 1 duels?
It is a great time sink when waiting for something in-game.

This is something i would love to see in Guild Wars 2.

WvWvW Siege Tower

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hohotask.1574


Ido not get why you guys are against this idea i really dont.
This is a new way to take over towers and infiltrate a keep! It will still be faster to rush a tower and build 2-3 rams at a gate to take the tower then with the siege tower!

Then lets have it so that when the siege tower are near a tower then have the towers statues be underattack!

WvWvW Siege Tower

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hohotask.1574


And then the dominant server built 20 of them and descended upon Stonemist from all sides and destroyed the gate mechanic completely by overrunning the wall.

These siege tower are slow i mean really slow, ou need 5 people to just man one to move at the siege towers max speed.
And if you say that building 20 of these then building 20 trebs would be more efficent since they actualy deal dmg to walls etc, this idea was to have a chance at infiltrating the defender on the wall!
But this do not stop the defender from taking out the siege tower!

WvWvW Siege Tower

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hohotask.1574


As the title says!

I would love to have a siege tower in WvWvW, somthing like this

And the siege should be a 5 man siege 2 players on each side pushing the siege and 1 who controlls it (The more players who joins the siege to push it the faster it moves max 4 pushers),
the one who controlls the siege should be on top of the siege tower!

It is a slow moving siege tower and when a enemy player is in the siege range the siege tower will show up on the map as icon to balance it so it wont be to op!

And it should have stairs from bottom to top!

(edited by Hohotask.1574)

Alchemist? :S

in Engineer

Posted by: Hohotask.1574


They really needs to remake the Engineer class, just from this thread there are alot of confusion around the engineer useing alchemy!

At the very best we engineers get something when a new expansion are released!

Alchemist? :S

in Engineer

Posted by: Hohotask.1574


Engineer = Building mechanics!
Alchemist = Mixing potions!

Then why are our engineers useing alchemy, half our spells are alchemy!

I would suggest a engineer remake take away all the alchemist spells, and make a seperate class named alchemist!
And give the engineer more kits to play around with!

The alchemist class got potential if done right!

Thieves needs a nerf

in WvW

Posted by: Hohotask.1574


I agree Thiefs stealth needs a rework! They should aim towards classic stealth where you see the target if it gets to close!

Nerf Post!

in Thief

Posted by: Hohotask.1574


yea thiefs enjoy being the top Op ofc!
Ask anyone who do not play a thief and you will see!

Nerf Post!

in Thief

Posted by: Hohotask.1574


I want a nerf to theifs they are way to mobile in pvp atm!

A nice change would be to actualy remake stealth so that if you are to close to a enemy they can see u in stealth!

I never complained over any other classes, infact the other classes are fine (maybe not engineer)! theifs has been a problem ever since launch!

And the fact that they can deal damage whil in stealth and the high bursts they can do!
and then add that with the best mobility!

Thiefs in GW2 are the same as low lvl twink rogues in WoW!