Hi, hobbes. Let me introduce you to engineers. I throw 3 grenades at a time that crit for up to 1.2k each but at my downed state I am reduced to throwing 300 dmg rocks.
Considering you were downed, why should you or any class be doing high, let alone any damage?
I have mixed feelings about the downed state. I think it’s new and fresh and I don’t really mind the way it works.
My problem is the damage done by downed players. I run in a 3-5man max and we focus on bombing and taking down larger numbers, but when you jump a 25man with well placed burst etc and down 10 of them pretty fast, you’re still fighting against the odds but you have x number of downed players spamming 11111111 for like 2.5k crits, it’s a joke.
I like the mobility of some downed classes, the interupts, the ways to counter and ensure you get stomps off, but spamming a 1 skill for so much damage on players who have downed you is pretty stupid. I’m a mesmer and I personally think spamming damage + confusion is absolutely stupid and then the 3 skill to summon a phantasm who spams people in the back for 5-6k, I shouldn’t be doing that much damage while downed.
I think the mechanic should focus on more ways to return to your feet rather than killing.
People need to realise cbuffs or tricks they can use to avoid the interrupts. They also need to think on whether damage or finishing is the right move for that situation.
A lot of players try to dps through it and I watch the downed guy rally or multiple members of my server die when a quick finisher could of rallied 5 people.
It’s definitely a major kitten check that most people fail.
You do know you can buy an armour set(maybe minus the legs) with invader stats for 42k per piece.
You can also craft an emerald pendant with invader stats.
You really don’t require that many badges to get a full set of those stats if you’re smart about it.
Stormbluff Isle – Home of the Houdii.
So commanders can’t spam chat in caps over and over and over? Thank god.
You should actually be happy if an enemy mesmer uses moa on you or a group member. An enemy group backed up with a Time Warp is so deadly it’s ridiculous, we constantly wipe >5 times our numbers as a 5man by dropping a well placed TW onto a zerg.
We laugh pretty hard on vent everytime we see a moa. 10s of 1 useless enemy or 10s of your group dpsing like bosses, it’s a no brainer.
Casting while out of range, no los etc and having skills go on cooldown is an inbuilt skill check designed to punish unskilled players who just want to spam buttons. One of my fav features in gw2.
And everyone can use them and get those buffs via in game currency. Just because players choose not to use them, it doesn’t make them unbalanced.
If you use basic buff easy to make food of course it’s cheaper. Some of us can afford and will pay for higher quality food, does that somehow make it unwise?
No coincidence, I know who you are and we have a laugh each day on vent when you whinge and whine to my guildy.
I use the buffs occasionally, nowhere near all the time and I can speak from experience, they can be nice but pay2win? No chance. I’ve never beat someone because of it and I’ve never lost thinking it would of been different if I had the buffs on. If you think differently, that a 5% damage reduction, or 40hps is the reason you’re losing, then yeah I’ll call you bad because it’s laughable if you’re thinking that.
TIL: 15power is an 8-15% increase on exotic stats.
What food can you get stacks for less than 1g? :-/
The food I use costs between 8-12g per stack..
But I suppose since I pay more I’m paying to win right?
You’re honestly kidding yourself if you think these buffs are pay2win or lose a fight because someone has them, just another bad who needs an excuse for losing.
Food costs gold, so do oils and stones, are all the people using these paying to win?
But MMAC told me I must farm grubs to be wvw winnarh
All skills of all classes afaik go on cd when cast out of range. It’s a good mechanic to punish bad players for mindlessly mashing keys, it should not be changed.
What happened to all the bandwagons?
The OP is a bandwagoner, but you know how they are, always wanting more…
I dance to Goodbye Horses, Buffalo Bill style.
Maybe they’d rather the squad spots filled with players in their voice comms and guild. Why would WM give you preference over other WM?
Well unfortunately you can’t turn the orb buff off so I guess we’ll have to take advantage of it.
If you downloaded before everyone else why would you be in a queue?
It’s 5% damage against monsters. Totally gamebreaking.
Bleh posting off a phone forgive the errors.
Because they play for a scoreboard, not for WvW. If you were playing for WvW then a fully enemy coloured map is exactly what you want to come home too, hours worth of action to be had. It’s the 1"why bother we won’t win" attitude that’s killing WvW, using off peak capping as the reason is stupid.
Why would you wanna limit WvW to certain time periods a day really? Wouldn’t having 24/7 action be the greatest thing for any PvP game? Right now the fixation on the scoreboard is what’s hurting things most of all, anyone who doesn’t realise this is a moron.
Orbs are another matter and have nothing to do with this topic, their buff is a stupid mechanic and needs to be changed regardless.
Darkflop 2
If you’re coming home from work owning nothing wouldn’t it be day capping?
Have fun being a panda!
No, what’s killing WvW is fickle players who only play for a stupid scoreboard and give up when they can’t “win.”
Night capping is only a problem because players are more concerned with points than the perks of having 24/7, round the clock, WvW.
Wrong. ANet are “unwilling to do anything about night capping” because there is nothing wrong with it. They want a 24/7 wuvwuv game and that’s what they have. If you have a problem with it then I’ll suggest a solution, change your sleeping schedule.
Class is fine. You can either counter everything you complained about or other classes have skills that allow them to achieve the same end result. Stop being bad.
He might be playing.
I thought Epoch had a no whiners policy..
Fact is that JQ is an active community with a team speak dedicated to WvW, there are multiple strategy sessions every night, communication between maps, guilds and scouts is unbelievable. Our “zerg” uses our TS and listens to commanders, takes direction well and learning quickly. We use the commander pins extremely effectively. We are proud of what we have accomplished this week and it isn’t a result of any of the whining above. We played kitten hard, put in some serious hours where we knew that if we logged off we would fall behind – so we stayed on. For every push we tried to mass a counter. This has been the most I have had in WvW. Period.
You know HoD/TA did all this but were trolled for being bad the whole time. Get used to being spat on, comes with winning.
Without its king, henge never stood a chance :-(
@Cosmic Teapot
What weapon are you using? And with EA, are you wasting much dps to place fire fields in locations you can roll through? Of course that will depend on weapon.
And while you can maintain it easily and I’m not calling you a liar, it seems to require a lot of element jumping which isn’t always going to be possible etc, just wondering if you’re always at 25 or there’s a number of stacks you usually float around?
Also fully buffed what’s your attack and crit damage %
And is this spvp only?
Bulid… ok I’m in tears laughing.. OP wins!
Yes, you quit before the season was over. That’s like playing 10 games in Arena and quitting and saying we’re undefeated.
If you won 10 of those 10 games you were undefeated by definition.
It’s not how I feel, it’s just the facts.
We’ve done nothing outside the rules and what’s allowed by ANet. You not wanting to agree with it, doesn’t make it fact.
A team that quit before the season was over.
Once again you disagreeing with how we use the word doesn’t change the definition of the word.
I keep hearing about other servers catching up, still yet to see it.
@Yorda, we lost 0 games. What other word than “undefeated” would you call our track record?
All your fortress R belong to us!
TA is much more than Condemned. 1 guild leaving changes nothing.
We LIKE our militia. Why would we just abandon the community we worked so hard to build just to sate the curiosity of a stranger on the Internet? If a situation arises where we see transferring servers would benefit the alliance, we’ll consider it.
Why do we like them? well anymore at least..
I’m not going to lie and say there are a few good commanders and guilds out there on HoD who have worked very well with TA but on a whole the community is rapidly degrading to kitten the longer time passes.
We honestly(with the help of the amazing ANet transfer system) built a utopia for bads. Anyone who was hated, trolled, left out could just pack up and leave and join the “HoD militia!” and they have in the hundreds(possibly 1000s).
Whereas once players and groups worked together and actually fought now half the borderlands end up in the middle island between the spawns running backwards and forwards with multiple commanders while we lose towers and keeps in the north. It hasn’t caused a loss but it’s just dumb to see a server degrade so much and the maybe once praised “militia” are now nothing more than typical bad pugs.
One thing Ruin did right was get the gen pop to want to defeat them instead of flock to and help them.
Remove points altogether.
Swap orb buff for outmanned buff and base stat increases off % by which you’re outmanned up to max 15%(or whatever).
Still swap server pairings every week or so but base it off more than just points gained in a week as that’s obviously not working.
Controlling points for ‘x’ period of time rewards ‘y’ xp for world buffs(gathering etc)
What removing scoring achieves?
Constant WvW without the “losing” side having reasons to give up, you’re not going to lose a matchup.
Outmanned players actually have a better chance out there in the lakes.
Server pairings should be more “fair,” with more factors, active pop during timezones, server strength etc being taken into consideration.
Overstuffed servers will be more likely to transfer around and “even” out numbers across servers as who will really stick around for queues if “winning” isn’t involved. (funny because if this actually works out and evens servers you could probably reintroduce a scoring system which might even work out, but would need strict server transfer restrictions)
Omg did I just fix WvW? :0
<< Definition of classy.
Guys, JQ and HoD are going to do everything in their power to try to knock down SBI to the next tier. We knew this was going to happen, and we’re just going to have to deal with it. HoD wants the easy wins, and JQ wants the #2 spot badly. I just hope our leadership and players step it up more than what I saw tonight.
You only have yourselves to blame. Your sheer insolence in thinking you could win against us last week was unacceptable. I was disappointed after playing against SBI for so long, to find that you hadn’t learnt your place on the ladder, below us. For this infraction I award SBI -10points and exile from the top tier for at least one week. Now go sit in a corner and think about what you have done.
You know whats awesome? Almost capturing a keep while undermanned, only to have JQ be a bro and defend the HoD garrison.
But if JQ let you have the keep I’d have to come on here and cry about being 2v1’d
The thing is alot of guild groups would want the extra group slots but wouldn’t want to appear on the map for a zerg to follow around.
And there are actually some pug players out there who are willing to coordinate and work well with guilds and actually enjoying leading the pug population around the map.
I’ve seen terrible guild leaders with it, I’ve seen amazing pugs with it. The problem with the thing is there’s no kitten protection on buying it.
Isle of janthir is official oceanic. Large off peak pop.
“when the enemy charged the ramparts I was going to burn them”
I’m complaining about a 2v1? Wasn’t me who made this thread buddy..
Why would I complain anyway? It’s happened multiple times and we’ve always won, it doesn’t phase me.
And yeah it’s 100% HoD who doesn’t want competition. Not SBI who claim to be a dominant force in primetime then give up mid week and earnt <100 points through primetime on multiple days. So don’t act high n mighty n attempt to lecture me on fun when you’re server proved its stance, it’s only fun if you’re winning.
But SBI is the best wvw server with the most skilled players who can beat everyone at prime time! Surely they can handle a 2v1!
We know, and we are handling your 2v1 WAY better than those HoD qq’rs did last week when they were supposedly getting ganged up on.
But unlike us, you’re not going to come back and win are you ;-)
Typical HoD arrogance taking personal credit for a global effort.
Personal credit? I clearly said “us” ie. HoD
Wipe the tears out of your eyes you’re not seeing things clearly.
But SBI is the best wvw server with the most skilled players who can beat everyone at prime time! Surely they can handle a 2v1!
We know, and we are handling your 2v1 WAY better than those HoD qq’rs did last week when they were supposedly getting ganged up on.
But unlike us, you’re not going to come back and win are you ;-)
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