Showing Posts For Huryiade.1843:

A small improvement in the crafting system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Huryiade.1843


Well, as i said, it was a wish.

Also, i can very well figure out the compromise of stats for something close to what i want, BUT it isn’t what i want. Also, every time a new map is added to the game, the kitten ed grinding of the new materials in the new maps for the new combinations is annoying (Southsun, HoT maps).

Staying Alive [SA]
Ehmry Bay

(edited by Huryiade.1843)

A small improvement in the crafting system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Huryiade.1843


I wasn’t sure where to post this but then i saw some posts related to crafting, so i guess here is fine as well.

Now, i won’t go into whiny mode and tell you my 100 reasons for not liking the current game and its crafting system. Instead, i will try to give an idea about improving it a bit which could add some fun into it.

The subject :
The predefined stats system on weapons/armor/accessories/everything.

The problem :
Too many real world combinations, not enough in-game combinations. Too many names, not enough choice for each kind (zealot on everything except ascended weapons? why?).

The solution :
Remove the static stats pre-selection system, add player chosen stat system.

How does it work :
Currently, the number of stats on an item, that i know of, is 3, 4, 7. All divided into major and minor stats. Major having more points than minor.

The idea is to change insignias so that instead of predefining what type of stats will be applied to an item (ferocity, conditions…), it only adds a predetermined number of major and minor stats slots. The choice of the stats will be left to the player at craft time.

Exemple :
When the player presses the craft button, it will prompt him for a choice. The choice will be stat types for each of the slots added by the insignia (kinda like the current crafting of bags work with holding runes predefining how many slots the bag will have). The stat points will be distributed based on the weapon quality and level. It would also have a checkbox so the player can choose to apply the stats to all the following items they will craft if they are crafting in bulk.

Why is it better :
This way, players would be able to change stat configurations to their own need and character builds, without going outside the predefined limits. If allowed, they might also choose the same stat for all the slots, breaking the standard a lot, but enabling the creation of custom and special builds.

Ok, this is my 2 cents on the current crafting system, beside everything else that was already said by many others. The last part that allows players to choose the same stat on all slots is simply a wish, so you may ignore it.

Staying Alive [SA]
Ehmry Bay

HoT : Introducing the Paladin

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Huryiade.1843


Is it just me or does the rev look like a carbon copy of a paladin? The one i’m thinking about is the WoW paladin, that has a dps, a tank and a healing skill tree.

Staying Alive [SA]
Ehmry Bay

What HoT Prices SHOULD Have Been

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Huryiade.1843


What $30??

That’s too much I’m an entitled gamer and you all are white knighting Anet shame on all of you the expansion should be purchased with gems so it can be free. Also $30 with no character slot, bag slot, or new race???? Shouldn’t even cost gems should just be straight up.. wait no Anet should be paying me to play this game cause I’m super important and self absorbed I cast down my divine judgement on all of you because your not aloud to have a different opinion than me.

If only, here the expansion costs 45 euros, that is the average price of a full game.

Staying Alive [SA]
Ehmry Bay

What HoT Prices SHOULD Have Been

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Huryiade.1843


My problem with the prices is that the expansion contains many of the so much asked content for years now, the most asked for are the guild halls that were present in the first game. Despite all the hype, this expansion has very little content if we exclude all the content that should have been present at the game launch day. With that, the base price of $50 is ridiculously high.

Staying Alive [SA]
Ehmry Bay

About the Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Huryiade.1843


If they did that it would mean this game is going towards a PayToWin system which would make me abandon the game immediately.

Staying Alive [SA]
Ehmry Bay

About the Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Huryiade.1843


Hi, so i finally had time to log in to check the new Salvage-o-Matic…and can’t say i was overjoyed by it. Why? Well because of the high cost per charge.

It costs 1 silver per charge (which is obviously stated in the name), however, the only bonus for it is the infinite use. The stats it displays, 25% of rare materials and 80% chance of recovering upgrade, are the same as Master’s Salvage Kit, or Mystic Salvage Kit. The first one has 25 charges and costs 15,36 silver which makes the charge cost around 0.6 silver, and the second costs 26,24 silver plus 3 Mystic Forge Stones (obtainable trough various means) which makes the cost around 0,1 silver per charge…
Add to that that the Copper version uses 3 copper per charge but the Basic Salvage Kit (it’s non-infinite version) costs 3,52 copper per charge which it superior to the infinite version.

All this makes your infinite Salvage-o-Matic way more expensive per charge than it should be. As a casual player, i don’t have heaps of gold to afford it’s cost and will not buy it until you actually make the per charge cost more down to earth.

Now if it was concerning only me it wouldn’t be such a problem ignoring my rantings, but there are lots of casual players like me that will probably think the same, which will possibly just undermine the popularity of your newest item

Staying Alive [SA]
Ehmry Bay

(edited by Huryiade.1843)

[Bug] Live story 2 not fully tracked

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Huryiade.1843


Hello, so a few days ago i did the new live story and then began trying to get the achievements. Since there are some achievements i didn’t suspect a thing, but then it hit me : i’m missing some achievements (only 2 achievements about lost coins are present which makes it around 25 coins total out of 30), and the world map hasn’t updated with the POI/Vista/Waypoint numbers (meaning the total number of those displayed in the upper left corner of the world map is the same as the one before live story 2 was added).

I already discovered 2 vistas, 2 waypoints and all of the POI on the map (even the one in the inquest lab). I found most of the lost coins, and did some other things that i read on websites are achievements. But i only got a few achievements out of all those described on websites (the one that asks us to find and unlock 3 buried chests is not there either).

I tried finding a repair button/executable that would check the game files to see if something might be corrupted, but found none. And given that the game is over 22Gb i’d prefer not having to delete and download everything again.

Staying Alive [SA]
Ehmry Bay

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Huryiade.1843


Hello, i’ve already made a post about improvements i think would be valuable, but now i’d like to add one suggestion i’ve thought about recently, The Gem <=> Gold interface :

So yeah, it’s nice to be able to buy gems for gold, and vice versa, but, the annoying thing is that to get gems from gold, we have to enter the amount of gold we want to spend, and when buying gold from gems, we have to enter the amount of gems we want to spend. This is all fine and dandy, except for one thing, the fluctuation of the trade price. For exemple : i wanted to buy 600 gems to buy an additional bank tab of 30 slots (by the way, why 30? such an unconventional number), and i had to first enter the maximum amount of gold i took from my bank for this (12g), then narrow it down so that i don’t pay more than it’s needed for the right amount of gems. After all, i need only 600 gems, not more not less. And then i saw a problem, the price of 100 gems changing rapidly, i had to add or substract money often to try and approach the right price (unless there is a mechanism using only the right amount of money for the amount of gems displayed, i guess that’s the right way of doing this, but i haven’t heard of any such mechanism up to now). So, why not add the possiblity to enter the amount of gems we want to buy, and the price will be calculated automatically, of course we couldn’t buy the gems if we don’t have enough funds on us. Same for getting gold from gems (though i haven’t used this one yet), we could enter the amount of gold we want, and it would be calculated based on the current gem price.

If there is an easier way of doing this, i’d be glad if someone could pm it to me. But in any case, i maintain my suggestion because it’s always easier to check the amount of money needed for gems, or the amount of gems needed for the gold we want this way, than the actual way.

Staying Alive [SA]
Ehmry Bay

Frequent disconections when in group

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Huryiade.1843


Hello, i’d like to signal a bug that might come from the game being incompatible with Win 8. This bug began happening since i upgraded win 7 to Win 8 Professional (university bonus). The bug is simply frequent disconections when playing in group.
When it happened was the 2 times i was going into a dungeon since i upgraded to Win 8. First time it was so bad i was kicked out of the group, second time, tonight, it happened only twice, but i didn’t finish the dungeon because the group disbanded at Nente, AC, since we were so bad we were getting owned on almost every npc group.

The message is the same “The client lost connection to the server. Check your network connection..”. Also, outside those cases, i had a problem on character selection menu : the first time selecting a char after logging in worked fine, but if i tried to change from current char to another one, it would give me the same message and all i could do is reload the game to enter, event if i wanted to go back to the last used char.

Staying Alive [SA]
Ehmry Bay

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Huryiade.1843


Last Part (finally)

- Seeing pet skills without choosing it : here is one pointless thing : having to chose the pet, THEN and then only, being able to see it’s skills. I don’t, and probably can’t remember all pets and their skills, so being able to see pets’ skills before i choose would be nice.

I think this is all for now.

Edit : One urgent thing to add : character counter when posting, because it’s hard to divide up a post without knowing how long the actual post is.

Staying Alive [SA]
Ehmry Bay

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Huryiade.1843


Second Part of my post (yes it’s long)

- Customisable weapons : i talked about this while i was testing the beta, but it would be nice if you created more skills for weapons and made weapons customisable. Like buying those skills with SP, same as profession skills, but they can only be put on weapons. And would be nice to be able to get rid of the main/fast/condition/cc/aoe skill sequence. That way we could have one char specialised in aoe, and another in single target skills. That would also make builds more fun to build. Now, attributes do add bonuses to skills, but some do to only 1-2 skills out of the 5 depending on the weapon. With the new system, we could make builds first, then choose skills depending on the attributes, and vice versa.

- Making tabs for all crafting ingredients : what i mean is i got some destroyer shards and other similar items (destroyer silvers, piles of vile essence, glacial silvers…), and i have to keep them in the bank tab because there is no tab in the collectibles tab. Although rare, they still are ingredients for crafting, so why not put them into collectibles too?

- Salvage/Upgrade items : Though i find salvage really nice, i find it weird not being able to break down higher end ingredients to lesser ingrediens (ie Bone -> Bone shard). The same way, why can’t we, trough crafting, obtain superior ingredients from lesser ones (ie Bone shard(s) -> Bone). I know we can already do this in the mystic forge…but the price for doing this is too ridiculous, and i think doing so trough crafting is more logical than relying on magic from the forge.

- Stow Pet/switch behaviour hotkeying : i honestly don’t understand how you can hotkey every pet’s action except stowing the pet and changing his behaviour (agreessive/passive). It’s been so annoying playing the ranger when i’m in a situation where i have to use one of those buttons fast. For example the griffon rookery run : i almost went berserk on my keyboard because many times when i fell from high (usual occurence in that area), i couldn’t stow the pet fast enough to avoid combat with griffons, which in turn slowed me down so i had to redo the run. While i’m at it, please, Please, PLEASE add an option so we can choose if astowed pet comes out each time the char takes damage. It’s been annoying the hell out of me.

- More guild upgrades : First , i’m pretty sure more are being made, but i still wanted to say it. When i check the architecture tab of the upgrades, i feel it’s a waste to spend 10k on leveling up to get only one upgrade available. Even more when there are NO upgrades on the level like Architecture level 1. It’s the same for other tabs, only the WvW tab seems to have a satisfying amount of upgrades per level.

- Pet Names : if possible adding a client side file where pet names are stored. It’s a pain to rename pets each time i change them to adapt to the environment. It’s probably the reason why i see so many generic pet names (juvenile [race of the pet]).

- Minimap icons : many times when i went gathering components, i had hard time distinguishing between wood icons and the map (ie brown shades of Plains of Ashford). If possible add an option to not change the scale of the icons when zooming out/in on the minimap.

- Detaching the chat windows : i’ve taken habit of displaying multiple chat windows at once so i can follow important chans, like Guild and Party when i’m doing dungeons, or Main and Team when doing WvW. Would be nice if it was possible to detach and position separately any chat window.

- More mail slots : i think, 10 slots for mail, except npc mails, is not enough. I receive regularly spam mail from gold sellers (which i report and delete), and i also receive mails from people in my guild or my friends. Sometimes they send me items for rerolls, or items needed so i can craft them what they asked. And having to pick up all items i don’t need at the moment only to get to the mail i want, is bothersome most of the times. I don’t mean to ask for deleting the limit, but raising it would be nice.

- Cash on reception : i read the first few pages before posting this, so i know some people asked for it, and i want to reinforce the demand : having the cash on receive system would complete the trading part of the game. For example : how can someone be sure the player they crafted the item for will pay for it? Putting it in trade will just add to the price, and someone else can buy it instead of the one that asked for it. And sending it just like that, doesn’t guarantee the receiver will send money in return. Especially if it’s an expensive item. Trading post is good, but it doesn’t cover all transactions.

Staying Alive [SA]
Ehmry Bay

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Huryiade.1843


Hello, first off, i’d like to say i like GW and i like GW2. But i find the game lacking some features that could save players’ time and help them have better game experience :

- Group finding : i think this feature is basic for all MMOs. Without it, like actually in GW2, people have to get in front of dungeons/events/quests entrances or in capitals to search for groups. Would be nice if we could choose from a list of group events (champions to defeat, gathering items…), or a list of discovered dungeons (or those a player can enter), or simply descibe the event we want to do (ie : trying to complete a SP challenge too hard to do in solo, but no one’s on the map). Also, a guild grouping would be nice : having a guild groups tab, accessible only to those representing the guild, showing guild members in groups not full, or those wanting to form a group consisting only of guild members.

- Inspection window : being able to inspect the gear and attributes of friendly players (that means not those of ennemies in PvP or WvW) is essential when trying to create new builds or find better gear (one can’t know what gear someone has based on his appearance thanks to Transmutation stones).

- Saving builds : i’m essentialy doing PvE and Dungeoning, but i still changed attributes a few times (got a pet tanking build, and a dps build for my ranger). Would be nice if i didn’t have to check my excel sheet each time to see what attributes/traits i need for the build. Also, coupled with inspection, one could check someone’s build, and if they like it, save it.

- The bank stack limit : honestly, i don’t know why you keep the bank stacking limit at 250 (using chars per slot?), but i think we should be able to stack more than 250 items in the bank (not inventory, only the bank). I usually level up my char to some point before trying to level up my jobs. And by that time i usually have several piles of same wood/ore/ingredients that take up too much space in the bank. Actually, i only have ~15 stacks of those in the bank tab, but that already is taking up too much space seeing how i have only a few free slots left.

- Guild Bank Collectible tab : i put some collectibles i know i will not be using anymore in my guild’s bank so other members can use them, but with all the other items, it takes up too much space. I don’t mind if it’s a researchable upgrade, but you should add that tab to the guild bank too.

- Personalisable Jobs Sub-Tabs : what i mean by that is that when i’m leveling up my jobs, i usually do the discovery, because of obvious reasons. But then, each time i swith to crafting tab from bank/discovery tabs, the subtabs seems to be ordered randomly. So each time i have to close all the sub-tabs to find those that i want. I’d be glad if i could close the tabs that aren’t useful at that time, place the useful tabs on top, then swich to discovery, discover an item, then go back to crafting tab and i see the sub-tabs in same order/state as they were before i switched tabs (state being closed/open).

- Using the Charisma/Dignity/Ferocity trio : Truthfully, when i saw we can choose those in character creation i was thrilled, i thought the behaviour of our character will be changed by those, and the actions available, or the personnal stories will be influenced by those too. But instead, i discover it doesn’t influence anything other than dialog choices, and even then, only a few (really didn’t see much of those even though i’ve spoken to many npcs). I think you should make those 3 more important troughout the game, like the char changing his way of behaving or speaking depending on which one is dominant or not (ie a third of each means the character is balanced and is speaking politely, but Charisma being dominant, and the other 2 at same level means the character behaves like a leader loving moderately agressive justice).

- Moar Aquabreathers : i was really shocked to see that, even though there are aqua breathers vendors, there aren’t that much vendors, nor different kinds of aquabreathers. Moreover they aren’t craftable. WHY? I mean, they ARE gear, and the stats on them are used in character’s stats, so why can’t they be crafted? And since this game puts emphasis on looks, why doesn’t it have more aquabreathers skins?

Staying Alive [SA]
Ehmry Bay

A client for Linux

in Suggestions

Posted by: Huryiade.1843


I’d like to say that i support the idea of seeing GW2 on Linux. As someone using linux 90% of time, i’d be glad to be able to play GW2 on my Debian and/or Archlinux.

Staying Alive [SA]
Ehmry Bay

The lack of the "trinity" is just killing my PvE enjoyment

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Huryiade.1843


I’d just like to say that it seems to me, that aggro is dependent upon distance and not damage dealt (like in WoW for example). I’ve seen people doing next to no damage on a mob/boss and still getting targeted simply for being right on the path of the mob/boss.

Staying Alive [SA]
Ehmry Bay

Seriously WTF are these bugs in WvW

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Huryiade.1843


This is really annoying : the invulnerability. Especially when it happens when it should NOT :
Our server (me included) are attacking the main camp of the ennemy server in WvW. Some archers fire at us from a ledge a bit higher. Can’t jump up to it, but we still see them clearly. One is using a mortar. The situations is : everyone except the mortar is invulnerable. Just why are they INVULNERABLE?

Another annoying thing : i know there is a skill to pull ennemies to the caster, which is ok. So why can the caster cast it on players that aren’t visible on walls or ledges when i can’t use my bows in the same situation? Lag or bug? This gives the ennemy unfair advantage they’re more than happy to take advantage of.

Edit : the invulnerability thing happens too much even with normal mobs, even if they’re attacking me in close range.

Staying Alive [SA]
Ehmry Bay

Bot reports problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Huryiade.1843


Hi, srorry if this isn’t the right corner of the forum for this topic, but look at the different sections of the forum i couldn’t find one corresponding to what this post is about.

So, i’m doing WvW recently, and sometimes i saw ennemy chars (don’t think they’re npc since they have guild names enclosed in []). Why did i think they were bots?
– Staying in same place without moving, safe for moving once in awhile not far from their last location probably because of non activity log off system.
– Attacking in group every ennemy player passing by.
– Not moving till an ennemy player is in range, even if players are fully visible and near them.
So, after confirming all this, i tried to report them, except i couldn’t. Can’t know their name (all got the generic “(server name) invader/defender” name), and don’t have right click menu on their portrait. So, is it possible to make a right click menu on protraits so we can actually don’t have to put into friend list every spammer/botter/scammer and other nonplayers in this game?

Staying Alive [SA]
Ehmry Bay

[US : Ehmry Bay] Staying Alive is recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Huryiade.1843


Hello, Staying Alive [SA] is currently recruiting. We have guild stash and level 3 Politic Bonuses. We are a casuals friendly guild. We don’t mind people rushing on things like leveling, but we do it at our own peace.

We are organising dungeoning, PvP and WvW in guild (already fully explored some dungeons in exploration mode).

We don’t rush, but we do it right.

Joining the guild is available to everyone on Ehmry Bay, but also people from other servers (taking account of soon to be available guesting).

Also, we’ll be getting a private TS3 server soon.

Edit : if you’re interested just send me a message in game, or whisp me.

Staying Alive [SA]
Ehmry Bay

(edited by Huryiade.1843)