Showing Posts For HxCFTW.8192:

rate the dungeon patch 1-10

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HxCFTW.8192


1/10. I don’t like being forced to do other things -.-"

hard, grindy, unfun - chose any 2, not 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HxCFTW.8192


I had no issues with it until today. Now I find that it is too grindy and unfun. The profit used to make up for it. I think all they are trying to do is to get you to buy gems and trade them for gold. It’s a clear pay to win game now.

Dungeons are so easy

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HxCFTW.8192


Kitten? SRSLY!? Why can’t you just say it is easy rather than calling it an animal?

This guy apparently doesn’t understand how forum censorship works.

How is “Easy” a censored word? What else are you going to call it which is censored?

Who isn't running dungeons for gear only?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HxCFTW.8192


I run the dungeons to get my exotic dungeon gear and for money towards my legendary.

Dungeons are so easy

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HxCFTW.8192


Kitten? SRSLY!? Why can’t you just say it is easy rather than calling it an animal?

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HxCFTW.8192


Never thought I would go back to WoW.


Need advice on condition gear

in Necromancer

Posted by: HxCFTW.8192


So I was running a Pow/Prec/Crit build and I don’t find that it helps in the slightest for PvE and WvW so I am going to respec into a condition build but I am not sure if I should go Pow/Prec/Cond or Pow/Vit/Cond. The Vit gear gives more Cond. What do you guys think?

Necro solos CoF exp, now on Arah exp

in Necromancer

Posted by: HxCFTW.8192


People aren’t complaining about necros in PvE. It is the PvP which people are complaining about because other classes have so much more damage behind them.

system requirement

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: HxCFTW.8192


You can build a decent setup for $700 – $800.

Good spec or bad spec

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: HxCFTW.8192


He could just upgrade to the AMD FX-8150 8-Core Processor which is nearly as good as the i5 2500k. The CPU is only like $200.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: HxCFTW.8192


I am in the same situation. I run about 40-50 FPS in PvE with Best Appearance Settings, 40 in WvW where no action is going on but as soon as I hit a large scale battle with Best Performance Settings (anything above 10-15 players), I’m usually at about 3-9 FPS. I think it’s only playable ‘cause I’m too stubborn to let it keep me out of WvW. Although, I’m not running high-end processors like you i5/i7 folks.

Sort of the same build for me. I have a little better CPU. I get around the same frames outside of cities and wvw but once I enter a city it drops to 15 – 25 frames and in wvw I need to avoid the zerg or I hit around 5 frames lol. I have never played a game that has so much fps issues. WoW was fine in wintergrasp and RIFT was fine in massive rift events but this game just hates any low end CPU :P

Good spec or bad spec

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: HxCFTW.8192


I’d suggest getting a 660ti for the price or if that is too much then I would suggest a 660. They are both great cards. The x50 and under are terrible. Hope this helps this link shows the the performance of the new 660 and 650 and also comparison of them with other cards.

(edited by HxCFTW.8192)

WvW armor repair

in WvW

Posted by: HxCFTW.8192


Even though i think this JemL guy is a complete troll and should be banned from this tread (if a mod can do such a thing) I do think that the repair cost is fine. I WvW every night and 4 the 5 or so hours im out there i make anywhere from 1-2 gold and I spend no more then 30 silver in repair costs.

Yeah but are you on a good WvW server? If your server is doing the roflstomping then it’s no issue but if you are the server who is constantly getting roflstomped then you won’t get any profit :P but I can still see your point.

Almost ready to give up

in Necromancer

Posted by: HxCFTW.8192


I love playing my necro but I think it needs a bit of a buff. It is underpowered and lacks the damage to compensate for it’s light armor. I would like to see it buffed up a little

WvW armor repair

in WvW

Posted by: HxCFTW.8192


WvW isnt about 1v1..i feel like beating a death horse, i rest my case. good bye going to do jump puzzle in wvw because i can.

add karma currency to repair armor if want, money and karma, with equal ammount-like, thats the only thing which is GOOD to ’’fix’’ your gold problems.

good night have dream with something good, like me which i believe you will.

We know WvW isn’t about 1v1. It’s the fact that the chances of dying is very high since you are in a high concentrated player zone. And yes, karma would be a good solution, but I would also like to see the price of repairs drop a little in WvW. I also will not dream about you as I would feel as if I violated the law by dreaming about a 13 year old playing WoW. :S

WvW armor repair

in WvW

Posted by: HxCFTW.8192


Please keep this thread constructive by posting messages that are beneficial to the discussion.

how can not be my message not constructive in anyway? just because i hurt the feelings of another guy in another part of the world? that was your excuse for erase my post? just because he knows iam right and cannot admit it?

and please dont tell me your nickname is frakov or unrelaved because iam going to do a facepalm irl

why dont you do something more useful and gather all these ‘’repair amor stuff’’ in one single topic insteand of having 10.

and last but not least, iam so right with my point.

where do these moderators come from, i wanna apply to be one.

No one want’s a moderator who can’t speak English very well. Please leave this thread as you are posting unnecessary posts irreverent to the topic.

WvW armor repair

in WvW

Posted by: HxCFTW.8192


i won, close the topic, cant discuss or give a valid reason of why repair should not be there.

You know, maybe when you don’t have anything constructive to say in a thread, the best option is to not saying anything instead of spouting /thread.

Anyway, repair fee ties into the whole reward system in wvw, which I believe anet is still tweaking and will be addressing the issue soon.

Good to see some good people are still around. I wouldn’t mind a lower repair fee.

WvW armor repair

in WvW

Posted by: HxCFTW.8192


go against my argument go…please so we can see whos the ignorant here, just make some words that will make my argument total invalid.

you cant. simple cant.

the only simple thing that could give a total 180 to my argument is to give more options to repair, like the repair guy asking you ‘’how you want to repair your crap’’ 1. money 2. karma
but karma must be a decent ammount to equal the money sink, but how would that help? your going to come and cry you dont have karma anymore too.

people who die 24/7 will always kitten

topic won already, close it.

You still haven’t explained where this kitten crap came from? WoW?
And I personally WvW to kill people. It is a little hard to not die when you are versing a zerg of 20 people who are targeting you. Btw, it is “Simply can’t” not “Simple cant”.

WvW armor repair

in WvW

Posted by: HxCFTW.8192


The only ones who think that are the kittenes which die 24/7 but they like to gain exp, karma, money and items.

How about an option for the kittenes:
remove all benefits from wvw and take away the repair cost then
stop dying and being bad

Sorry, I didn’t know 1v20 was easy to avoid -.-"

And what is this kittenes crap you speak of?..

This was a simple yes, no, or explain your reason kind of question and you decide because you sit on the internet that you can troll. If you are going to troll, please use correct grammar.

WvW armor repair

in WvW

Posted by: HxCFTW.8192


Does anyone else think that armor repairs should be removed from WvW? I personally think that armor repair in WvW gets annoying since you are more than likely to die, a lot.

A loveletter to ArenaNet..

in Necromancer

Posted by: HxCFTW.8192


I would like an AN response

I would like A response*

My most beloved Nekro was a Dissapointment. Why?

in Necromancer

Posted by: HxCFTW.8192


Alright, my view on PvP with the necromancer disagrees with the majority of you only because I think my experience in WoW arena and Starcraft 1 has made me a better player in all games.

WoW players -.-"