Showing Posts For Hybrid D.6085:
Just like old times <3
The ex LUNA traitors strike again. Roaming our Vabbi border. You truly are gone
Good. Very good.Hybrid it’s a game not a soap opera
I just love the drama baby girl
Also when I have a point to make I tend to keep at it. It’s how I roll.
The ex LUNA traitors strike again. Roaming our Vabbi border. You truly are gone
Good. Very good.
LUNA are now a Fissure of Woe guild. If spotted on Vabbi they are spies for FoW. Watch out.
What about that time you came back to FoW and started upgrades in keeps that were under attack?
I was drunk when I did that. When I woke up in the morning I Emailed ANET and got a transfer back. Didn’t go back into wvw for FoW. Same reason why I transferd seems to have happened again. Kira convinced them while drunk. Typical.
LUNA are now a Fissure of Woe guild. If spotted on Vabbi they are spies for FoW. Watch out.
Don’t respect anyone that joins a server to leave their own to fight agianst their old server.
HAHAHA! Who was the one that left FoW to join Vabbi?
Me because as I said. I didnt like the server.
Read in more detail
Don’t respect anyone that joins a server to leave their own to fight agianst their old server. Means they don’t like their current server. If you go. Don’t come back. Lost all respect.
Hahaha we spent ages looking for that thief, in the end we decided to hit Wsr and then SM was gone V.V
That was me XD was fun to do. You guys were dedicated trying to find me. Almost killed me a couple of times.
Good luck everyone. Back to normal match-ups now instead of leagues. Maybe less serious and more fun now.
Oh gosh that was fun. Me and 2 others managed to stall a FoW zerg with 15 at a camp for atleast 20mins. Was great fun. This is why I love going against FoW. It feels 10x better when you do stuff like them. Looking forward to some decent fair battles while roaming this week.
Just have to say I’m dissapointed with the Jd guild. Used to give them so much praise. When we used to play them they had a fairly small guild that were extremely skillful and were always on the ball. Beating groups larger than theirs. Now all they do is run in large numbers and fight against less. Shame you have a zerg guild now. Don’t see much skill or fun there.
Good luck. Nice to see the old school match-up again.
Someones gotta win. Someones gotta lose. Sorry WSR. Looks like we ended up on top When we beat people I like to take a little victory drink. So looks like I’m gonna have to take a little sip.
I have better internet now! Tell hybrid D and Jamos that I’m coming next week!
Haha. I’m awaiting your arrival Fapo! Best post on the forums.
I’d prefer the none bandwagon server to win this week. Come on Dzagonur.
Spoke to a member of the ICT guild. Seems they know whats going on. Disgraceful in my opinion. FoW can win legit and that guild cant play fair. Gives bad name for the guild. I respect the guys on fow that try to report these hackers.
Vabbi is legit sorry.Achievements are earned. Earn them.
Now the guy is in a golem hopping around the map in no time. FoW just going along with it.
He’s back inside our keep again..
A member from ICT bugged/hacked into our t3 overlook. Is this really how you have to take vabbi’s keeps. Pathetic. You have 3x our numbers and revert to cheating. Picture shows the player killing the lord from under the ground. No gates/walls down at overlook.
(edited by Hybrid D.6085)
Fissure.. What was with that attack at overlook? You ran at the north gate with alphas and an omega golem, then ran around abit dying.. Oh them plays.
On vabbi we managed to get about 2% of its health down.
T10? More like T OVER 9000. Yeah you better watchout FoW garri Haha
Judging by FoWs skills. They’re drunk.
Love how people report posts because they’re scared of the truth.
Green? FoW are always blue in my eyes. Loving holding the north supply camp with a lot of siege + Guildies. #Awesome.
From The Vabbian Dream Team [DT] who were defending the lone tower on Arbor
That was good fun, well done to WSR takin the wall down and Arbor for great tacticsA little picture to remember us by (Hybrid D took the picture)
Im the troll on the AC on the right
That shiz was cray cray! We had like 7 people mad holding that tower then a hugeeeee! WSR zerg came and we were like “Holy Moley”. They got about 4 catas down and suddenly le francais appeared out of no where with their hugeeee zerg. Diablos was there AC’ing for his 40+ bag of loot when the two servers had an insane fight in lords room when wsr almost managed just rush take it. But the AC damage we managed to get down on WSR that came in first messed their chances up.
Epic. Best match up so far. Keep it up bottom tier.
Love Hybrid D
Good to see the vabbi lot doing well. I’m missing you guys. France is awesome btw! Just got my hand on the internet today and thought i’d check things out. seems fows numbers have actually woken up and started to take controll. LOVE FOR THE TEAMSPEAKERS. Good luck with the rest of the week and next week guys
Love Hybrid da muda***** D!!!!
To be honest… I thought FoW would have put up a better fight when we helped BT wipe Bay.
Was good fun hitting that gate with FoW friends Good job slapping that gate up.