Showing Posts For Icebot.6103:

Midnight Mafia - NA WvW/GvG Guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Icebot.6103


Bump! Great guild, Noodica is very knowledable and will explain everything by yelling at encouraging everyone to do better.

[SoS] Returning Player Looking for New Home

in Looking for...

Posted by: Icebot.6103


Bump, I’m hoping you found a home.

(SoS) Looking for a Chinese Guild in SoS

in Looking for...

Posted by: Icebot.6103


We picked up several new SEA guilds to replace Dx. GAN has been doing some heavy recruiting XD

[NA/EU][SoS]Bloodthirsty Immortal Outcasts!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Icebot.6103


Bumping, hopefully you’ve been able to grow!

(SoS) Looking for a Chinese Guild in SoS

in Looking for...

Posted by: Icebot.6103


I’m hoping you found a guild? We’ve had a lot of Chinese recruits so hopefully we can get you set up.

[GH] Grindhouse Gaming - SoS NA PvX

in Looking for...

Posted by: Icebot.6103


This guild is also known as neck-beards anonymous, really fun people to run with.

DomainOfAnguish[DOA] SOS PvX guild recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Icebot.6103


Good luck with your recruiting! I haven’t seen you in game, but I’ll keep an eye out for [DOA]

[BGA] Bad Guys Anon. - LF Elite DPS Warrior!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Icebot.6103


Great group of people; go deeps for them.

Sea of Sorrows WvW Recruitment

in Looking for...

Posted by: Icebot.6103


You know who else likes Sea of Sorrows? My Mom.

[GH] Grindhouse Gaming - SoS NA PvX

in Looking for...

Posted by: Icebot.6103


Great guild! They are a big reason SoS has been hanging in T2 for so long, when the odds have been stacked against us.

PS. Don’t ever mention cats, the cat photos and .gifs never stop!

[NA/EU][SoS]Bloodthirsty Immortal Outcasts!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Icebot.6103


Best of luck with the recruitment, EU is one of our toughest timezones!

Also, if you haven’t already. Please join the SoS community site.

Sea of Sorrows WvW Recruitment

in Looking for...

Posted by: Icebot.6103


WTB: EU coverage, SEA coverage


in Looking for...

Posted by: Icebot.6103


Sea of Sorrows WvW Recruitment

in Looking for...

Posted by: Icebot.6103


Join SoS as we forcibly push ourselves back into T2, whether the other servers like it or not XD

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Icebot.6103


Need OCX/SEA (especially commanders), EUR (especially commanders), early NA (3pm PST – 5pm PST) REALLY need some god kitten defense, havoc and scouts during that time zone. Late NA (9pm PST-12am PST) would be swell as well, but I don’t want to get greedy.

T2 Bandwagon is in full effect, jump on board this thing before it crashes.

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Icebot.6103


Bumping dis.

We are looking for PvF people to hold down SoS’s reputation on the GW2WvW forums. We’re also looking for more guilds to pull Yak’s Bend out of their towers, and show them their is life in WvW outside of Towers and Keeps.

We are also looking for people looking to get into gvg or learn to drive, many guilds are looking for back-up drivers, so if you have an interest in learning to drive. This would be a great place for you.

Oh and EUR time zone guilds, lots and lots of EUR guilds.

(edited by Icebot.6103)

Sea of Sorrows, filled with tears of our foes

in Looking for...

Posted by: Icebot.6103


I hardly check these forums, but man. I did not realize people hated us so much, we are really nice, I swear. And if you are new to WvW, just send me a whisper.

12/27 SBI-SoS-YB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Icebot.6103


So I guess it wasn’t SoS that was supposed to be the 3rd T2 server. TC/FA/Mag in T2 and SBI/SoS/YB in T3 seems more logical.

Look at who is talking from the poster child of “servers keeping their position from a single time zone”!

Oh CERN actually runs at least 100 at a time so learn to count!

You can’t deny that what he says is true. TC relies on celebrity commanders (all of which are in CERN) doing overtime in order to bring out numbers during non-NA timezones.

Only part he got wrong was the unemployed part. That’s Maguuma.

Yeah, this has been a weird week for us (SoS), I am not sure it is the fairweathers, because let’s face it, you guys are terribly boring to fight. As much as I respect your ability to hold PPT, it’s just a super boring way to do WvW, I much prefer being outnumbered by Tier 1 servers, than servers that constantly run back to their 17 arrow carts they have jammed around a gate.

Or if everyone is just on vacation, who knows. We’ll see next week what happens.

Dec 13 TC - FA - SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Icebot.6103


Meow vs. Various SoS guilds put together. Meow vs. CnB(mainly) + Agg + EP + Bear tags behind the windmill.
Our core team was off, but we did manage well. And it gave a good practice for our new guys. It was an 17-18 vs. 20+. Enemy numbers were different each round.. Sadly, I wasn’t in it and we didn’t have enough people to rock up 20 Meows, as our guild is only made up of 35 members. And this is our first time going for more than 15 people in a GvG. But nonetheless, enjoy. :P
Score: 3 for Meow and 1 for SoS guilds, we wanted more fights, but sadly they had to go. >:

You already got smashed by copywrite bummerz.

Dec 13 TC - FA - SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Icebot.6103


CNB, you guys are always there. Whether or not we’re killing you, you guys have presence, and that is what makes us want to play (so thanks)

Thank you for the kind words

This has been a fun match-up, I thought for sure TC was going to catch you guys on PPT, but you’ve really pulled away.

Dec 13 TC - FA - SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Icebot.6103


Just had a fun 5 minutes chasing an SoS warrior around LLK. They were a gimmicky heal build and had the greatsword equipped to spin away and then the sword and horn to leap away and horn cured the conditions. 30 seconds after I switched to my zerk ranger they decided to spin, leap… etc into a safe spot and then waypointed.

I hope this is the new Meta of SoS WvW… It was the longest time they’d spent in our third of EB for ages :p

Oh come on, like that “meta” is unique to SoS, that is like every roaming warrior that has ever been more than 5 feet their zerg or not fighting an up-level.

So fast. So cleansing. So Pro. wow.

11/22: BG/SoS/Mag (Gold League Round 6)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Icebot.6103


Wednesday afternoon and Maguuma hasn’t declared victory yet. Maybe they’re waiting to see if they can pass SoS so they can claim some sort of victory that is measurable unlike “Our roamers are better so we are technically the winners this week”.

Props to folks on Maguuma who actually show up to fight (INC, VR, Pyro, Ark, etc).

First off, it is Tuesday, let’s not get ahead of ourselves buckaroo.

Second, Mag showed what they could do yesterday, they flipped BG’s BL and kicked the kitten out of us for the better part of NA, and reclaimed the PPT lead for second place right before NA / OCX switch.

I am not sure why you feel the need to be so antagonistic, I’ve always enjoyed fighting Mag, and I can’t wait for the match-up next week and further match-ups with Mag, FA and YB.

11/15 JQ/ SOS/ BG (Gold Season Match 5)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Icebot.6103


Well BG wins because of 2v1. I have never seen BG fight alone, JQ is always 2v1’d. Terrible win by BG. Boring match watching a BG and SoS zergs just sit there all friendly not fighting each other.

Oh my gosh.

When we logged in Monday, we noticed there was a 2k PPT difference between BG and JQ and we (my guild) decided, “Hey, we can actually make an impact in this match if we push on BG and try to even it out”. Well, we felt some sort of moral obligation to our homeland and decided to get back the North half from BG. So we start pushing on garrison and immediately draw BG and JQ. We try to disengage JQ to say, “hey we are willing to work with you guys”. But instead, JQ chose to cap our NW tower while we were fighting BG.

We wiped, took our NW tower back, wiping JQ. Pushed on Garrison again, JQ came up behind us again and engaged while we were fighting BG, wiped us and took our NW tower again. On our next push, JQ wiped and there was a big battle with BG in the area between NW tower and Garrison, that’s when JQ snuck in Watergate and capped our garrison.

So we came in on Monday ready to work with JQ to push on BG, we really wanted to make Week 7 interesting for BG, JQ and SoR. However, JQ didn’t want to play ball so we did it FFA style, so don’t whine now that it seems like you are getting 2v1’d, you decided you wanted to push on SoS instead of just trying to take PPT from BG, deal with it.

PS. That fight last night at NW camp on JQ BL was awesome, I wish you could have heard our TS when we all shifted counter-clockwise in location.

Really? You wish to know why? Try this, I got into EB on Friday start of the season.. Ran to our Commander moved out had to wheel around to fight BOTH BG and SOS off of our Spawn keep… Oddly enough, neither was fighting the other. BG broke the door down, charged in, got wiped, SoS then charged in and got wiped, BG then took their turn… Then SoS.

As the evening progressed all we got was SoS blocking our attempts at going after BG, SoS did nothing but Circle the castle, didn’t try to take it from BG, just kept us from trying to take it.

Don’t come here and complain about how JQ is treating you now that you finally decide you want to fight BG.

I am not complaining, simply addressing the accusations that we’ve been 2v1 against you the entire time. I understand the frustrations with spawn camping and stuff, but I don’t think it’s fair to look at the WvW picture from a Friday/Saturday perspective, just based on the sheer volume of non-regulars in WvW.

It’s fine though, I understand your frustrations, SoS went into this map knowing we would not win, but we had fun.

11/15 JQ/ SOS/ BG (Gold Season Match 5)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Icebot.6103


Well BG wins because of 2v1. I have never seen BG fight alone, JQ is always 2v1’d. Terrible win by BG. Boring match watching a BG and SoS zergs just sit there all friendly not fighting each other.

Oh my gosh.

When we logged in Monday, we noticed there was a 2k PPT difference between BG and JQ and we (my guild) decided, “Hey, we can actually make an impact in this match if we push on BG and try to even it out”. Well, we felt some sort of moral obligation to our homeland and decided to get back the North half from BG. So we start pushing on garrison and immediately draw BG and JQ. We try to disengage JQ to say, “hey we are willing to work with you guys”. But instead, JQ chose to cap our NW tower while we were fighting BG.

We wiped, took our NW tower back, wiping JQ. Pushed on Garrison again, JQ came up behind us again and engaged while we were fighting BG, wiped us and took our NW tower again. On our next push, JQ wiped and there was a big battle with BG in the area between NW tower and Garrison, that’s when JQ snuck in Watergate and capped our garrison.

So we came in on Monday ready to work with JQ to push on BG, we really wanted to make Week 7 interesting for BG, JQ and SoR. However, JQ didn’t want to play ball so we did it FFA style, so don’t whine now that it seems like you are getting 2v1’d, you decided you wanted to push on SoS instead of just trying to take PPT from BG, deal with it.

PS. That fight last night at NW camp on JQ BL was awesome, I wish you could have heard our TS when we all shifted counter-clockwise in location.

11/15 JQ/ SOS/ BG (Gold Season Match 5)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Icebot.6103


Did JQ give up already?

I don’t think they gave up per se, but they were playing really dumb and last night probably cost them the match. I’m not sure what their strategy was last night during late NA / OCX, but holy crap did it really put the nail in the coffin.

10/18: TC/SoS/Mag

in Match-ups

Posted by: Icebot.6103


Already to the part of the week where Mags can’t shut up about roaming.

You guys did realize that Gold League was going to have zero solo roaming and nothing less than 5, right? You might see some bored SoS folks trying it, but TC doesn’t wipe it’s bum with anything less than a 8 man team.

It is mid match and we are now progressing to the point of the match where we talk about how disappointing you both are to us. It being Gold League is irrelevant.

Aww, I thought everyone was doing a splendid job this matchup, good fights. TC runs a lot, but there are so many of them that I don’t think they all fit in the tower so they are forced to fight at times.

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Icebot.6103


SBI and SOS, please do come take your things back. Pleaseeee!! For the love of Karma and WXP.

Oh, now you are just showing off :-P

10/4/13 Mag/FA/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Icebot.6103


Who are these IoJ kids and why have they started commenting in Maguuma threads in the past few days?

pic: pls not that is not the end of the blob that is the end of my draw distance
about perspective, right?

IoJ is a server that gets beat in the open field during NA, but brags about PPT on the forums because of their overnight coverage. You’ll love them. They are like the SoS of the lower tiers.

If it is any consolation, I really want to fight them and was hoping we (SoS) would get paired up in Silver League.

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Icebot.6103


Weekly Tarnished Coast Dolyak Parade
Yes that time of the week is very near! That glorious time when players of all races come to celebrate the dolyaks and their selfless sacrifices for us! I know in the past both SoS and SoR have come out to join in large numbers, so I hope to see MANY people here this week!

For those who do not know, the Dolyak parade is a time where we get together and just have fun, and of course, parade around as dolyaks around the borderlands! Of course, you do not have to be a dolyak if you do not wish to be. In the past, everything from griffons to snowmen to elementals have flocked to our parade. So come out and celebrate the dolyaks, who sacrifice much for our endless war!


  • Where: WvW borderlands. The exact one will be chosen ~1 hr beforehand
  • When: Thursday (9/12) at 7 PM Server Time
  • Who: Anyone is willing to participate! If you come and need a tonic, just ask a friendly DOLY representative and we can give you some to join in!
  • How: If you choose to become a dolyak, there are 2 ways: a Ruminant Tonic, and a Dolyak Tincture (feel free to wiki these). Of course any other kind of tonic is welcome, or even none at all if you just want to run along!

If anyone has any questions, comments, concerns, or good dolyak jokes, feel free to send me a message!

PS: Any guild leaders/commanders that are going to have GvG’s on that day and around that time, let me know! I try to plan the parade around GvG’s as best as possible, to avoid meeting up at the same place, or the parade running through a GvG on accident. (I won’t divulge when/where the GvGs are to anyone else, I just want to try to make sure there are no cross-event mishaps!)

I leave you all with this wonderful movie made by DOLY’s amazing leader Ellie, the Holiday Yak:

Will there be a TS channel we can all join so we can bro it up together?

8/30 DB/EBay/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Icebot.6103


So yeah, this is going on right now on our BL. Just me and one from [GF] in attendance. DB to the right of me, a MASSIVE amount of SoS to the left.


The fall of IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Icebot.6103


If IoJ and SoS got paired on a regular basis, your oceanics might have more to do than pvdoor! I’m not trying to be insulting. It’s probably what happens when you get matched up with servers that don’t have any oceanic coverage.

I think our Oceanics would be ecstatic if we got paired up with IoJ, they actually liked our early mismatches when we faced SoR, TC and DB during the first few weeks of the new match pairing algorithm. Hopefully we’ll have something for them to do during their prime time, we’ve been starving them lately

The fall of IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Icebot.6103


So we got matched up with IoJ this week and we’re getting destroyed lol. Just wondering how a former T2 server who used to match with BG and SoR came all the way to down to T7. We have no where near the dedication to WvW they do…2 nights ago 4 omegas came to take our keep. Seriously? I rarely ever see more than 4 cannons being built on our side at one time. But we still have lots of fun, and the scores are usually close. But now it’s like 300k to 87k or something…so lame.

In January many guilds left IoJ, CRIT and FIST I believe were the some of the first to leave, Followed by Iron, This caused a huge amount of smaller guilds to leave, We quickly fell into a free fall and this again caused even more people to leave We stabilized at T6 (While having far less numbers then the other two servers, constantly being outmanned on every map, At this point we were a T8 Server in T6 but held our own and our loyal Oceanic guilds kept us afloat.) March we began to slowly rebuild and by June we had a solid player base again. Recently we have gotten many transfers over to IoJ and are continually recruiting more players to our ranks and getting organized guilds going again.

This week we arent any happier then you are, We were hoping to go up and test our new strength against some of the servers that stomped us in the past. I can say im sorry for you guys, I’ve been on that end of the stick before and it majorly sucks. The best you can do is hope for the best and have fun, Work hard and recruit people to your ranks. Make WvW enjoyable for those new people that come in, Its not about the PPT in the end, I stay for the community and people around me in the server, Think thats how everyone should feel.

Best of luck to your server (DR or ET) I know you both have very strong roamers and can pull out amazing numbers if need be. Keep rebuilding and growing stronger

~IoJ Commander, [AR] WvW Master, Survivor of the IoJ Exodus

I feel you, I am on SoS and we’ve had a lot of similar circumstances. We’ve been insulted and complained about on the forums because our NA is so weak and we get carried by our oceanics, however there is nothing we can do about it. We are trying our best to recruit and improve, but we have to deal with the hand we received and yes we are blessed to have an awesome Oceanic presence, but we are trying to re-build so we can support our Oceanics, like they have supported us.

I hope your recruiting and growth goes well IoJ, I think it would be fun to see you guys on the battlefield again.

Sea of Sorrows - The Comeback Kid

in Looking for...

Posted by: Icebot.6103


I guess it depends on who you ask and what side you were on

Sea of Sorrows - The Comeback Kid

in Looking for...

Posted by: Icebot.6103


I transferred to the server only a few months ago and have really enjoyed my stay. We definitely need some help during NA prime time and into the evenings when our SEA crew take over.

We have a new community board now, so please sign up and ask any questions you may have.