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Dragon Bash Experience achievement bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Irishdragon.6430


This is an aggravating issue, but at least they lowered it from 10 to 8 regarding the Dragonball achievements. Currently right now it’s still tracking 10 not 8, but a GM has posted on it a few hours ago on another forum they are aware and working on it. I’m not going to say be patient, but it’s a huge improvement from waiting 3 mo for a major story fix. They’re responding better and better, and busting butts it looks like to me to get things done. I am still reserving my own opinions, but overall.. I’m glad to see they’re trying and getting better at it.

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Irishdragon.6430



Using the same card i’ve always used. And even entered manually. This is my third try to get ANY response from Customer Support. This is very frustrating not being able to get a hold of anyone when issues arise.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Irishdragon.6430


That won’t work, because you won’t be on the same story step, so you won’t have the option to accept their progress.

Alright, thanks for fast response so I didn’t end up wasting any ones time. I remember joining a friend awhile back for a Hylek quest even though we weren’t both in Vigil/Priory but we both got credit for completion. I suppose at that point it didn’t matter that we weren’t same same faction but we had chosen the same step despite it.

But might be something worth thinking about adding :P

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Irishdragon.6430


Someone was commenting on this bug in map chat one day and another player responded with a possible “duh” solution to this issue that may be a workaround. Of course couple more days until fixed but for anyone antsy, here’s what was proposed. Maybe ask around and try it people.

This particular quest that’s broken had another path. Attacking the Centaurs i do believe? So maybe find someone who took that path on your server, and run it with them and it should let you progress to the next step? Might be a pain in the butt to find someone who took this quest and hasn’t done the level 45 step yet, but worth a try. Also, if someone tries it, and it works, let us know. (Personally I don’t even want to log on the character i have that’s stuck until it’s fixed.)

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Irishdragon.6430


It’s good to finally get a thorough explanation. Now the vague “though simple it may not be so…” has been given a true answer.

My only beef is, I really don’t recall any of us saying it was simple, but I do recall many saying it’s a major bug. So the fact still remains that it should have been pushed harder than it has been. Leaving it as long as it has been has effected thousands. That’s a bug that warranted a speedier fix and been given itself a major patch if necessary. Instead it has been pushed back on top of a major patch, if we’re lucky, and to me, just screams “More major issues to come”.

Unfortunately if this is how things are going to be handled then I have little faith that this will be my next MMO addiction in life, and will just go back to getting fat watching TV.

I will say thanks, at least, for giving us the insight on what’s really going on and possibly would have resulted in a lot less angered players if done sooner.

The hatchery bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Irishdragon.6430


This has been broken for nearly 2 weeks and apparently there’s miscommunication whether this will be fixed on the 5th of November or the 15th of November. Irregardless, either is too long for a quest that is a “Show Stopper” and nearly 6 pages of complaints that not enough is being done about. Now i hate to be the one to get angry enough about this that I post it again, but I sincerely think this is being ignored and not enough is being done quickly to satisfy players. I’m tired of hearing the excuse “some bugs are more complex than it may seem” yea, other MMO’s have said same thing, and failed because of their inability to prioritize and use common sense. I don’t care about excuses, and neither do the numerous posts from players complaining about this major bug. Give us a set date, AT LEAST. And for the respect of your players howabout announcing this bug on a scale that new players or alts know this is bugged and don’t get screwed for 2+ weeks before they can move on.