Showing Posts For JCH.4198:

Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/10/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: JCH.4198


Please keep posting Smokey, you are making the small amount of time I spend on the forums very enjoyable. Lol

Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/10/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: JCH.4198


I play roughly 2 times a week. I care more about getting you upset than the score although I use the score as a tool sometimes. Like the end of this week when SoR will lose, and you destroy your mom’s basement.

I just love when trolling backfires

You just made my day by the way. Thanks!!

My trolling has succeeded in getting you to respond to my posts three times demonstrating your overall anger towards me, and probably your whole life in general. I hope I have made you contemplate making some important life changes to better yourself as a person.
And for that my very angry friend, you are most welcome!

Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/10/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: JCH.4198


I have an idea: instead of sitting in your house posting endlessly on a game forum about who has coverage and is going to win, just play the game and I guarantee that you will get to see who wins on Friday.
Also, if you have more than 7 pages of post history, leave your computer for a bit and go outside and get some air….it’s good for you.

Ahhh speaking of post history…..

Thank you for reminding me of one of my many troll pics which are perfect for ppl like you that get supermad at a game…lol
You just made my point, thank you smokey.
Now get out of the basement for a few minutes.

Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/10/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: JCH.4198


I have an idea: instead of sitting in your house posting endlessly on a game forum about who has coverage and is going to win, just play the game and I guarantee that you will get to see who wins on Friday.
Also, if you have more than 7 pages of post history, leave your computer for a bit and go outside and get some air….it’s good for you.

Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/10/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: JCH.4198


Bags Galore is once again night capping their way to victory.

At least we had a great day today.

Odd thing to say in a 24/7 game.

The truth is an odd thing to say? Ah right, that has been BGs problem since the start.

This guy seems mad….calm down, everything will be ok. Leave your Mom’s basement for a few and realize this is a game.

Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: JCH.4198


Stormbluff Sea of Desolation of Rall?

4/26 JQ/SoR/BG

in Match-ups

Posted by: JCH.4198


JQ losing on purpose for map completion makes me LOL. Here come the excuses.

4/26 JQ/SoR/BG

in Match-ups

Posted by: JCH.4198


I never said it was cheap, you guys don’t have any RL commitments which allow you to play for 18+ hours straight.

Congrats is in order for your win, but the chest thumping is quite unnecessary.

This guy defines supermad….relax bro, take a breather if you are upset.

large guild looking to move

in WvW

Posted by: JCH.4198


JQ is so scared of losing they are trying to recruit more, lol so funny. Come to BG to take down the beast. NA prime is our only weakness

4/26 JQ/SoR/BG

in Match-ups

Posted by: JCH.4198


Hello from MERC & ND inside SoR’s garrison, its nice and cosy!

And this is what the map looks like…

Gee, PvDooring such a test of great skill, it seems that you even surprised yourself.
At times like these, don’t be afraid to do some Arah chain events, those NPC’s might actually fight back.

You know SoR is losing when all the PvDoor talk starts lol, it’s tier 1… Go cry to
someone else.

It is a fact when a server ticks at 50 ppt it is because there are no players so there is no accomplishment there… Also shows the type of character of some players chest thumping in those circumstances where there is nothing to be proud of.

No one is arguing that PvDoor doesn’t happen, it does, but it’s tier 1 so get over it. Lol you act like SoR has never posted a map when they PvDoored a keep….like I said go cry to someone else.

but you don’t see people from SoR bragging about it… kitten /p>

Wow really? This made me lol…..go check the matchup thread from 2-3 weeks ago. You SoR are so funny. It’s a shame you’ll be in T2 in a few weeks.

4/26 JQ/SoR/BG

in Match-ups

Posted by: JCH.4198


Is anyone not mad?

Well played, I like you….you can be not mad

4/26 JQ/SoR/BG

in Match-ups

Posted by: JCH.4198


again, score update please!

Is the score ever really different? JQ is in the lead, likely going to win again because they’ve got the coverage. SoR is about 4k points ahead of BG and BG is about 4k points behind SoR.
Not much is going to really change, besides the gaps getting bigger and occasionally
BG will pull 48 hour shifts.

Do you still think this is true? I mean when Blackgate was losing, a majority of SoR
players were talking trash on Blackgate. Now that Blackgate’s winning SoR starts to QQ on the forums.

That’s pretty poor sportsmanship SoR; ever think maybe that’s the reason why you don’t get transfers? :/

heh, every week prior to reset we have a server wide meeting on teamspeak and there is one single mantra spoken every week. SOR does not pay gold for server transfers. Believe me, many have offered. Enjoy those 8pct gathering buffs in victory, ;D

We love those gathering buffs, maybe you can have them too after you drop to T2…try not to be as mad down there.

Heh, I’ll be playing TESO by then. With beta invites already started, should be released
mid year. Am expecting a huge exodus of gamers from GW2 as well regardless of Tiers and/or server ranks.

See ya there!

Heh, I’ll be there trolling you out of that game as well….

OUch, sucks to be you… TOS message brought to you by Anet. You just made yourself an easy target. thanks for admitting your true nature on these boards.

Accounts made with the sole intent to “troll” will be terminated (Thank you Anet!)

You think I’m worried about getting terminated, this is a game which is why it’s so worth it to see you guys so mad…. Lol After I’m terminated, you will still be mad.

Can I have your stuff?

Sure, I’ll leave it with FA or TC down in T2, you can pick it up later.

4/26 JQ/SoR/BG

in Match-ups

Posted by: JCH.4198


again, score update please!

Is the score ever really different? JQ is in the lead, likely going to win again because they’ve got the coverage. SoR is about 4k points ahead of BG and BG is about 4k points behind SoR.

Not much is going to really change, besides the gaps getting bigger and occasionally BG will pull 48 hour shifts.

Do you still think this is true? I mean when Blackgate was losing, a majority of SoR players were talking trash on Blackgate. Now that Blackgate’s winning SoR starts to QQ on the forums.

That’s pretty poor sportsmanship SoR; ever think maybe that’s the reason why you don’t get transfers? :/

heh, every week prior to reset we have a server wide meeting on teamspeak and there is one single mantra spoken every week. SOR does not pay gold for server transfers. Believe me, many have offered. Enjoy those 8pct gathering buffs in victory, ;D

We love those gathering buffs, maybe you can have them too after you drop to T2…try not to be as mad down there.

4/26 JQ/SoR/BG

in Match-ups

Posted by: JCH.4198


Hello from MERC & ND inside SoR’s garrison, its nice and cosy!

And this is what the map looks like…

Gee, PvDooring such a test of great skill, it seems that you even surprised yourself.
At times like these, don’t be afraid to do some Arah chain events, those NPC’s might actually fight back.

You know SoR is losing when all the PvDoor talk starts lol, it’s tier 1… Go cry to
someone else.

What exactly is SOR losing? enjoy your 7pct mining bonus, heh

My bad, I forgot SoR only plays for the fights……….only when they are losing

u mad bro?

Not at all, you seem to be tho sir. Lol

4/26 JQ/SoR/BG

in Match-ups

Posted by: JCH.4198


Hello from MERC & ND inside SoR’s garrison, its nice and cosy!

And this is what the map looks like…

Gee, PvDooring such a test of great skill, it seems that you even surprised yourself.
At times like these, don’t be afraid to do some Arah chain events, those NPC’s might actually fight back.

You know SoR is losing when all the PvDoor talk starts lol, it’s tier 1… Go cry to
someone else.

It is a fact when a server ticks at 50 ppt it is because there are no players so there is no accomplishment there… Also shows the type of character of some players chest thumping in those circumstances where there is nothing to be proud of.

No one is arguing that PvDoor doesn’t happen, it does, but it’s tier 1 so get over it. Lol you act like SoR has never posted a map when they PvDoored a keep….like I said go cry to someone else.

Actually none of SoR and JQ players tried to imply they were fighting 80 mans zergs or… Gee what is going on…
Honestly you guys are embarrassing your server like I said chest thumping when PvD isn’t anything to be proud of.

This makes me lol….Really tho, you seem upset. Maybe you should take a break.

4/26 JQ/SoR/BG

in Match-ups

Posted by: JCH.4198


Hello from MERC & ND inside SoR’s garrison, its nice and cosy!

And this is what the map looks like…

Gee, PvDooring such a test of great skill, it seems that you even surprised yourself.
At times like these, don’t be afraid to do some Arah chain events, those NPC’s might actually fight back.

You know SoR is losing when all the PvDoor talk starts lol, it’s tier 1… Go cry to
someone else.

It is a fact when a server ticks at 50 ppt it is because there are no players so there is no accomplishment there… Also shows the type of character of some players chest thumping in those circumstances where there is nothing to be proud of.

No one is arguing that PvDoor doesn’t happen, it does, but it’s tier 1 so get over it. Lol you act like SoR has never posted a map when they PvDoored a keep….like I said go cry to someone else.

Incoming WvW class nerfs

in WvW

Posted by: JCH.4198


I personally hope they just fix the bug that allows you to /party with enemies… Getting so sick of enraged children and manboys paging me about how much I suck because I either beat them, or they beat me…

Umm don’t accept the invite lol….problem solved

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: JCH.4198


The weekend is over and BG is winning….


3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: JCH.4198


So this is like the 16th time the trolls predicted BG was dead and imploding and the 16th time they were wrong.

Just cause your no lifes stayed up and played WvW for the last 2 days while others visited family and other Easter things, doesn’t mean BG isn’t about to implode. Youve PVDoored for almost 2 days now, and youre barely in the lead, seems like you should be higher.

Last week’s match BG had almost no one logging on for some reason and doomsday prophets predicted the end of the server. But now, no one is predicting the end of SoR or JQ

JQ and SOR didn’t lose 2 or 3 guilds as well as 2 of their most notable commanders, BG did.


3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: JCH.4198


I know for a fact that most of the larger wvw guilds are not overplaying at all, but whatever you need to tell yourself is fine with us.

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: JCH.4198


You know SoR is is losing to BG by 20k+ when the SoR trolls start creeping onto the forums talking about how bad the BG community is…. LOL