Showing Posts For JLoco.6218:

The best WvW guilds in EU

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


no good guilds in eu i guess

Rewards for Defenders in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


what you suggested is gonna backfire.

just increase loot from players and lessen loot from nps. would fix everything

Next Season?

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


TC would steamroll the other servers in T2. Would be less funny than now.

t1 comedy material

all tc’s guilds would quit the game realizing how terrible they are at the game, one after the other as they get one pushed by t2 guilds half their size

The best WvW guilds in EU

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


Who are the best WvW/GvG guilds in EU?

And which of those are speaking English, and which servers are they on?

Thank you for your answers in advance.

Eternity giveaway

in In-game Events

Posted by: JLoco.6218


hi pls ok mm

Best Guilds NA/EU

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


Depends what in what field you’re talking about. GvG and open field is very different.

I’d say KH and VR were the best in open field about a month or so back, but they are both a little inactive currently. So it would probably have to be someone else.

Gw2 Leaderboards (GvG Site and Forum)

in In-game Events

Posted by: JLoco.6218


well best of luck with it

The Major Flaw of WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218



1. buy game
2. get to level 2
3. fight in WvW
still doing number 3 and still having a blast in t2

T2 Queues for NA?

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


I remember for the past , oh say, since launch the t2 servers would hardcore and I mean severely make fun of t1 for queues. They would say enjoy sitting and waiting etc with blobs etc. Im sure most people know.

Id love to see a screenshot of T2 NA Prime queues if there are any because as most of the people here can tell you, t1 is no longer queued almost anytime besides reset.

Maybe if a few guild groups decide to group on 1 map itll have a short queue, but the only reason they all group to one BL is because the other BL has literally 0 people and they just get outnumbered. So they would split up but because of the lack of people, they queue 1 borderland to ensure they can help each other. However, its never a huge queue.

So has t2 NA queues finally be longer than t1 NA queue? if so or even if its semi close, or even if they have the same numbers during NA, doesnt this make them the ultimate hypocrits

Short answer is no.

T2 has always been intentional. T2 servers are run by guild groups who only play the game to fight other guild groups. They only care enough about PPT to stay in the tier where there are fights, which is and always has been T2.

T1 on the other hand are servers run mostly by pugs who care only for PPT. And since they are in T1, other pugs also join it because they think PPT actually matters and it is ‘the best servers, cus ppt’ which is hilarious in its own right. So in the end of the week, you’ll have massive blobs of pugs running around these T1 maps. And since other puppies join the server they get a lot of coverage as well, something T2 servers do not have to the same extend.

And then you also have T1 guilds, which is really just a group of puppies under the same tag who then start to talk as if they can actually fight lol, as if they wouldn’t get one pushed by any t2 guild.

T2 is not a coincidence, it’s a server mentality. Look at mag for instance, that server will never leave t2. If there is any chance mag will go up to T1, they will literally open all their towers and keeps for you just to sit in open field and watch you karma train it all day.

People in T1 and T2 play the game for very different reasons. T1 is nothing but ppt puppies and T2 are guilds who just want to fight other guilds.

But then of course you have the puppy T1 guilds who actually think they are good at the game, which is the best comedy material to have been produced in guild wars

And yet, I wonder how they didn’t one pushed the T1 server’s they fought in S2 to the point that the massive mindless and skilless blobs would just rage quit in face of T2 guild’s mighty, leaving them with a free path to the glorious victory.

Nine weeks, and seens that godlike gvg skills wasn’t enough to make the blob’s rage quit after the 105th consecutive defeat…

Let’s be fair, 50vs20 is always going to be very one sided

Yeah, it is. 20 people from t2 can easily take on 50 from any t1 server. The seasons are hands down when we get the most bags. We farm your pug and guilds groups alike as if it was edge of the mists.

But of course we lose all our stuff when we log off.

Also funny that you mention that we should be able to make your entire zerg rage quit when you literally have the same amount of people waiting in queue to get in!

(edited by JLoco.6218)

T2 Queues for NA?

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


Lol, don’t try to act like T2 has always “been exclusively about the fights”.

Talk about being delusional. Yes, this has always been the case. Al serious GvG guilds have always avoided T1.

T2 Queues for NA?

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


I remember for the past , oh say, since launch the t2 servers would hardcore and I mean severely make fun of t1 for queues. They would say enjoy sitting and waiting etc with blobs etc. Im sure most people know.

Id love to see a screenshot of T2 NA Prime queues if there are any because as most of the people here can tell you, t1 is no longer queued almost anytime besides reset.

Maybe if a few guild groups decide to group on 1 map itll have a short queue, but the only reason they all group to one BL is because the other BL has literally 0 people and they just get outnumbered. So they would split up but because of the lack of people, they queue 1 borderland to ensure they can help each other. However, its never a huge queue.

So has t2 NA queues finally be longer than t1 NA queue? if so or even if its semi close, or even if they have the same numbers during NA, doesnt this make them the ultimate hypocrits

Short answer is no.

T2 has always been intentional. T2 servers are run by guild groups who only play the game to fight other guild groups. They only care enough about PPT to stay in the tier where there are fights, which is and always has been T2.

T1 on the other hand are servers run mostly by pugs who care only for PPT. And since they are in T1, other pugs also join it because they think PPT actually matters and it is ‘the best servers, cus ppt’ which is hilarious in its own right. So in the end of the week, you’ll have massive blobs of pugs running around these T1 maps. And since other puppies join the server they get a lot of coverage as well, something T2 servers do not have to the same extend.

And then you also have T1 guilds, which is really just a group of puppies under the same tag who then start to talk as if they can actually fight lol, as if they wouldn’t get one pushed by any t2 guild.

T2 is not a coincidence, it’s a server mentality. Look at mag for instance, that server will never leave t2. If there is any chance mag will go up to T1, they will literally open all their towers and keeps for you just to sit in open field and watch you karma train it all day.

People in T1 and T2 play the game for very different reasons. T1 is nothing but ppt puppies and T2 are guilds who just want to fight other guilds.

But then of course you have the puppy T1 guilds who actually think they are good at the game, which is the best comedy material to have been produced in guild wars

(edited by JLoco.6218)

About WvW And map Completion

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


Well too bad.

If you can’t capture what you need in WvW, you do not deserve it. End of the story.

T2 NA bandwagoning has officially started

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


Mag has decent na, just about ok oceanic, but no eu guilds. mag could really use an eu guild. i know they have eu players, but i don’t think they have any guild. if an eu guild transfers to mag they should be able to recruit as well.

but with all the eu guilds coming to na t2, hopefully we’ll get more fights in that time zone as well

I’m not sure whether or not it is fair to laugh at this kid.

as someone from t1 you probably shouldn’t, unless you mean to be the joke

T2 NA bandwagoning has officially started

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


Mag has decent na, just about ok oceanic, but no eu guilds. mag could really use an eu guild. i know they have eu players, but i don’t think they have any guild. if an eu guild transfers to mag they should be able to recruit as well.

but with all the eu guilds coming to na t2, hopefully we’ll get more fights in that time zone as well

Wanting a Character to roam WvW solo

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


you don’t just make an engi though. you’ll get kittened on if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing

Ressing a small amount resets AFK timer

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


well. i will have you know that taking off a piece of equipment and putting it back on also reset the afk timer.

nobody needs to ress you to reset it.

T2 NA bandwagoning has officially started

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


ALL Aboard the hype train!!


Also, if you’re EU you should probably go mag. I think they have the least, so more to fight

Transferring: SoS vs FA

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


Noooooo. Don’t leave DB. DB needs more NA peeps not less.

You’ll just ruin T3 for the rest of us on other servers. We don’t want to PvD during NA and then have DB PvD during SEA.

lol bruv, if you want to wvw with guilds go to t2. you’re wasting your time in t3 and t1.

@ mag. mag could def use some eu people

Transferring: SoS vs FA

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


Please come to SOS! During NA times, we get blobbed to death by other servers. We do have a lot of talented small guilds and roamers and such, who in many cases are capable of acting quicker than blobs, however in general we could use more people, especially during NA times. Also, in my experience, the queues are very small, if even existent at all. (Again, speaking in NA times, here.)

lol @ sos getting blobbed.. by who? LOL

Transferring: SoS vs FA

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


If your are NA go Sos. If you are ocx/sea/eu go to kitten

be honest

if you are na, go na t2

if you are eu, go na t2

if you’re a ‘good’ wvw guild, na t2 is where you’ll want to be, regardless of timezone. even if you’re a smaller guild. since t2 na is the best place to be for gvgs, there are people of all time zones that you can recruit once there as well.

Transferring: SoS vs FA

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


I’m in BG right now, and as others have said above, there’s almost never a queue in T1. Also, there’s plenty of fights to have here, 24/7. I’m not at home now, but I’ve an awesome screenshot of 3 simultaneous fights with a giant blob (can’t remember if it was JQ or TC) from last night. There was 3 BG’s guilds, and the enemy blob literally splited in 3 to fight each guild separately. Was glorious, like a battlefield was meant to be.

Anyway, BG or TC would be a good choice too (JQ already has a lot of people).

lol @ someone trying to sell off a t1 server as a place good for guild fights

any t2 guild can literally 1 push any t1 guild with their eyes closed

Transferring: SoS vs FA

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


mag is never gonna leave t2.

mag is currently t3….just saying

only for 1 week. there was a 1 or so % for it to happen.

look at this

mag is actually above 2 servers in t2 atm.

we will fight them again next week for sure

Transferring: SoS vs FA

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


mag is an obvious choice. mag is never gonna leave t2. but mag doesn’t need that many more guilds, many an eu though.

fa and sos are decent choices too

but you really do not want to got anywhere but t2, t2 is where all the guilds we be again in two to three weeks time

If all the guilds go there, won’t be t2 – new t1…….

no lol. guilds have been going to t2 na since season one as mentioned above. it is still t2. the servers are ruled to to speak by guilds. they will literally stop ppting if there is a chance they’ll go up, and they will only ppt if there is a chance they’ll go down.

mag is a living proof

Transferring: SoS vs FA

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


mag is an obvious choice. mag is never gonna leave t2. but mag doesn’t need that many more guilds, many an eu though.

fa and sos are decent choices too

but you really do not want to got anywhere but t2, t2 is where all the guilds we be again in two to three weeks time

Looking for a lower ranked NA server

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


XOXO xferred to mag.

well yeah maguuma is an obvious and easy choice. it will never leave t2.

but many guilds are joining the other t2 servers too

T2 NA bandwagoning has officially started

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


well yeah i guess that is also true, t2 na has always been the place for guild fights, na or eu i hear.

my friend’s eu guild is also coming over, to stay. a lot more fights, and better too

T2 NA bandwagoning has officially started

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


Chooo choooo!

There’s nothing stopping it now haha. If you’re not in T2 NA soonish you’ll have nobody even halfly decent at the game to play with/against. all serious gvg guilds have packed and are on the hype train

if you’re an EU guild, you should probably come too.

the guild fights are coming to T2 NA, get your tickets!!!

(edited by JLoco.6218)

Looking for New Server (EU preferably)

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


All the good GvG guilds are going to T2 NA, if they are not already there.. There is no lag difference between NA or EU, so if you’re considering a new server, go to T2 NA. That’s the future of WvW.

Guild looking for new server maybe!

in Looking for...

Posted by: JLoco.6218


even though you are eu, you should come to t2 NA. this is where all the real gvg guilds are going. and there is no difference in lag between the two.

Transferring server but where?

in Looking for...

Posted by: JLoco.6218


doesn’t matter if you’re na or eu.

all real gvg guilds are going to t2 NA. that’s where the good fights will be again. and since that is where all the good gvg guilds are, that is also where the good roaming will be.

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


Maybe if Mag ppts hard enough they will end up in T1.

I don’t think TC being in T2 will make for a balanced matchup though.

mag is per definiton a t2 server. there is only 1 reason that mag will ppt and that is to not leave t2. mag doesn’t want to go up and they don’t want to go down. mag has always been a server run by gvg guilds and it still is.

if there is no chance they’ll leave t2, they’ll literally just go into EBG, cap SM and stay there for fights all day. even if it’s the last dot on the map they own. they don’t give a kitten.

that is also why all other real gvg guilds go to na t2

Guild Buying and Ethics - HELP!

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


All the gvg guilds are moving to na t2 currently, so if you’re not going to na t2 you should feel bad for missing out.

Guild Buying and Ethics - HELP!

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


Nothing wrong in helping guilds transfer to a proper tier. I hope for you that you’re transfering to T2. If you’re not I feel bad for you. But if you are, go nuts.

Is there going to be anybody left in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


well on na all guils are currently moving to t2 again

Suggestions for a WvW server

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


Whatever you do, go to a T2 server. Don’t go below or above.

Is there going to be anybody left in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


All guilds should just move to t2 and continue to enjoy fighting eachother as we have in the past.

WvW "Fix" (NA vers. guild talk)

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


Two points first:

1) WvW Guild activity is in a steady decline.
2) Anet has no plans for WvW on the horizon.

These are things we’ll just have to deal with and stop crying about. At least in this thread I hope we can do that. Instead, let’s deal with it.

I’m going to go on a limb and assume that people play WvW to fight other players and have a good time. Now in the past I know most servers had a decent amount of WvW guilds and you could have a pretty good time almost no matter what server or tier you were on. But today is not those times.

We have less guilds but we still have the same amount of servers on which they are, ultimately resulting in little to no guild fights in WvW for many servers.

We can’t magically create new guilds for all those that leave and we can’t magically make anet start focusing on WvW content.

But there are things that we CAN DO.

We can move all our WvW guilds to a single tier, such as t2 for NA. This way we can have a lot of good fights like we used to back in the day.

The same goes for EU, though I do not know much about EU. But I’ve heard that there are only few guilds left and that they are spread all across kitten and that GvG is almost not a thing anymore.

I mean, can we stop kittenting eachother up about PPT and just move our guilds to the same tier so that we can enjoy this game again?

That is all, thank you for reading.

Not Tier 1 – there is no such thing – JQ is tier one and allows BG to win by taking a week off – that’s not a Tier, that’s just ridiculous.

So, Tier 2? Ft. Aspenwood is already Tier 1.75

That leaves SoS and Mag

Both can take on Ft. Aspenwood on a good day – not so much on a bad day.

So now where does one go?

I am coming from “winning” season servers, two, and finding no fights and overwhelming numbers on Tarnished Coast – no chance of ever winning a week – moaning “it’s summer, what do you expect” when I see other servers winning their weeks during “summer” just fine, so I am looking too, many are.

I don’t want to win like JQ every week, all the time, but I don’t want to be alone on maps either. (Yes, on Tarnished Coast I have been alone on all maps including EB – figure that one out!) .



Crystal Desert

Gates of Madness

Those are the viable choices.

What’s yours?

Mag is an obvious choice. Mag has always had a t2 mentality, mostly populated by guilds as well and still is.

Any server that faces mag in t2 is also a great choice.

@ gem and transfers.

what if i told you that you can buy gems with gold. and that many servers are willing to help your guild transfering? but tbh i don’t see the problem buying a transfer with gems so that you may continue to enjoy a really great game, instead of letting it die out because you’re not doing anything about it.

(edited by JLoco.6218)

WvW "Fix" (NA vers. guild talk)

in WvW

Posted by: JLoco.6218


Two points first:

1) WvW Guild activity is in a steady decline.
2) Anet has no plans for WvW on the horizon.

These are things we’ll just have to deal with and stop crying about. At least in this thread I hope we can do that. Instead, let’s deal with it.

I’m going to go on a limb and assume that people play WvW to fight other players and have a good time. Now in the past I know most servers had a decent amount of WvW guilds and you could have a pretty good time almost no matter what server or tier you were on. But today is not those times.

We have less guilds but we still have the same amount of servers on which they are, ultimately resulting in little to no guild fights in WvW for many servers.

We can’t magically create new guilds for all those that leave and we can’t magically make anet start focusing on WvW content.

But there are things that we CAN DO.

We can move all our WvW guilds to a single tier, such as t2 for NA. This way we can have a lot of good fights like we used to back in the day.

The same goes for EU, though I do not know much about EU. But I’ve heard that there are only few guilds left and that they are spread all across kitten and that GvG is almost not a thing anymore.

I mean, can we stop kittenting eachother up about PPT and just move our guilds to the same tier so that we can enjoy this game again?

That is all, thank you for reading.