Showing Posts For JackWolfsong.2690:

Fractals of The Mist loot

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JackWolfsong.2690


Seemed like moving the window out of sight was enough… Hasn’t any of you thought about it?

Skill Point Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JackWolfsong.2690


Aurora Glade > Sparkfly Fen > Stone of Hazaan > Shark Skill Point

Very minor suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: JackWolfsong.2690


Hey, small thing:
Please make useable items such as food and potions available via hotkeys.

Tier 0 cultural armor/weapons

in Suggestions

Posted by: JackWolfsong.2690


Big Yes for this idea.

Please don't ever, EVER simplify this game

in Suggestions

Posted by: JackWolfsong.2690


I thouroughly agree, I made a topic about it myself suggesting certain things I think some of you may find interesting stuff inside. Not much of bumping, I don’t like doing that but some ideas may need emphasis.

For example I’m sick of possibility of constructing my own Golem as an Asura and summon it in battle.

Exploring locations in order to find sacred places to commune with the spirits of Tyria in order to better understand the nature and get its blessing being a Sylvari? That could be cool.

Mantras and Confounding Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: JackWolfsong.2690


I absolutely agree with all that you said. 2. and 3. go along with my full-agreement.

I’m also a mantra mesmer and these things need to change.

how to make old zones more interesting again

in Suggestions

Posted by: JackWolfsong.2690


I agree it would be good. 1-5 skill points, 1-5 mystic coins, 1-5 jugs of karma and 2-20 silver would be just enough though.

Cool and feasible enhancements of the game

in Suggestions

Posted by: JackWolfsong.2690


Hello everybody,
I’d like to share with you my ideas how to make the entire game more complex and interesting, going from basic stuff I will put a little more detail into my thoughts making these notions more udnerstandable, there we go:
1. Develop racial skills further A couple of skills added to each class regardless which one it is, isn’t enough. Possible enhancements are infinite e.g.
- Asuran Technology: Upgradeable golems, device to manipulate time, portable portals, reduced fees etc.
- Sylvan connection with the nature: Sylvari being in the great danger (downed, rallied but with red downed penalty) call up the help depending on the region they fight in e.g. Mount Maelstrom – they summon 2 mortars nearby. Make a feature out of it, fully upgradeable, decreasing cooldown, restriction (to yellow downed penalty), summoning monster instead of mortars or getting special protection.
- Charr war technology – Charr are skilled with war technology and are surely able to develop different and amazing weapons for all purposes.
- Norn toughness – Norn have chance to ignore downed penalty, get on their feet quicker and/or start with more health.
- Human faywaring – Human tend to find more resources while gathering. Make the whole feature out of it
- Extended Traits: 1 master trait of each type linking race with the class giving the possibility of greater customization e.g. Domination (Sylvari): stun has 25% chance to entangle enemy causing 2 seconds of immobilization and 2 stacks of 4 seconds of vulnerability or Air Magic (Charr): gain bonus to toughness for each % of movement increased or Deadly Arts (Sylvari): each posion stack has the chance to inflict additional condition similar to Grenth’s statue, works so long as any poison does, expired makes the enemy invulnerable for it for 60 seconds, perhaps Arms (Human): makes all bleeding stacks that you inflict last shorter but proportinally more powerful (25% should be ok), or maybe Beastmastery (Norn): Your pet takes the special form out of Bear, Snow Leopar, Wolf or Raven depending on its type getting compeletelly new skills, this trait can be activated and disabled with the cooldown and duration just like the utilities (or whatever).

C’mon it’s just 240 new traits. You can make it! ^^

Idea behind this: class is not just appearance + story + mainly useless utility skills. Let us immerse the races we play, they are different I don’t want to force that Asuran warriors should be less resilient than Charr ones but cultural (not visual) differences and assets of every race are indisputible.

2. More conditions – Since you’ve added Agony and karka’s conditions I know that you noticed how important conditions are. The number of them and complexity in their relations limit the game’s mechanics. To name but a few new proposals: vulnerability to certain type of damage, stat reduction, decaptivating blow (no down), boons weakening (5% for each stack up to 10), mind blurr (cooldown recharge pace reduced for all skills but 1) etc. as well as new boons: damage mirror, stat raised etc.

3. One more even more unique trait line for every class – I guess I have an idea for most of the classes:
- Mesmer – Extend shaterr abilities as well as phantoms.
- Engineer – I’m not an expert about engineers
- Warrior – The idea behind this one is simple: static fighter. The more benefits warrior gains the less he moves from the place that he stands, he might get either defensive or really efficiently retaliating.
- Elementalist – No idea.
- Thief – Backstabbing and vital points studies making critical hits more deadly.
- Ranger – No idea.
- Necromancer – Usage of corpses.
- Guardian – Summoning the transcendent aiding allies and fighting the enemies. (I may be too inventive with this one ^^)

Thanks for your time, hope it helps making this awesome game even better.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 11/15

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JackWolfsong.2690


It’s not only the dungeons’ issue the thing that you say about MF. For me it’s a big fun spoiler. Sincerely, I’m not an individual that enjoys all kinds of mini-games GW2 has to offer. I don’t like map completion chests from home locations, I don’t like jumping puzzles, I don’t care about the achievements at all but cmon guys, rack your brains to make these things enjoyable cause now they aren’t (for me at least). Grinding gamers ought to feel a little bit pressed to do other things than simple gold farming, rough gold farming is what makes your game shallow. Somebody must have suggested it before me cause it’s not my thought basicaly but I would turn Magic Find into atribute gained for some (or all) of the following:
1. Achievements (only completed ones).
2. Map Completion.
3. Opened chests during the week time.
Number of other things which don’t really make sense for my taste since would require too much counting.

If you decide to remove MF from the eq (which I hope will happen) don’t forget about compensating it to players with free-to-change-once-and-for-good-piece-of-equipement.

Well, it’s just a suggestion though ;P