Showing Posts For Jackospades.4802:

Gift of Souls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


It’s really simple. The Gift of Souls is only used in “The Crossing”. That item is a regular exotic weapon and it’s unique skin is the only reason to obtain it. With the changes to the transmutation system, there is only a need to get one per account. The market is saturated from this change and there are better options to invest in.

I don’t know if I would call a supply of 270-ish saturated but I get your point. Once you have it you wont need another. Look at what happened to the price of Wintersday booze once most of the people chasing Winter’s Presence unlocked the skin.

Reduced Damage with last patch?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


I actually ran a golem test on my reaper the other night and noticed a drop in DPS. I chalked it up to being a bit rusty/unlucky with crits.

I tried again this morning and had similar results. I’m starting to wonder myself.

Gem Store request

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


You might want to post that in this thread. It’s the one the Devs actually read.

hidden nerf by tonic change

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


well who cares about open world, im saying fotm and dungeons of course.

Like I said, I haven’t tried it elsewhere in ages. I don’t run dungeons and I have no problem with minion aggro in high level fractals mostly because i rarely use a minion heavy build. Lich form 95% of the time and that’s it. There are exceptions of course.

hidden nerf by tonic change

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


Halloween foods that transform you will still work. At least in the open world anyway. I haven’t tested them elsewhere in a long time though.

ohh that may be a nice fix but it makes the expensive food go away, so no…

Yea, it’s a double edged sword kinda thing that way. I would only use it in an emergency situation. Which is pretty much never in the open world. Then again, I almost never use expensive food in the open world either.

I was mainly just throwing it out there as an option for people who weren’t aware that it worked.

hidden nerf by tonic change

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


Halloween foods that transform you will still work. At least in the open world anyway. I haven’t tested them elsewhere in a long time though.

No Christmas sale?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


Wasn’t there a New Years sale last year? It seems like character slots were on sale if I remember right.

"Offering to Koda"

in Living World

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


I’m curious if there is any visual effect with this item. It wouldn’t make sense to get a +15% karma booster this way when you can just get one with laurels.

Mad Memoires! Please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


How about those Deathly Mantle skins though…

One example

Anniversary Sales (What do you want?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


A real character slot sale would be enough for me.

I’m not trying to be rude but the last one with a level 30 booster thrown in did nothing for me. I simply have more than enough of those already so there was zero draw for me.

I’ve been sitting on my gems for quite awhile now waiting for character slots to be discounted. The longer they make me wait the longer it will be until I actually buy more gems for other stuff.

I love listening to Asura as they scream >:)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


I too enjoy the screams of the innocent (or not so innocent.)

PVE Condi Reaper questions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


You can absolutely use some sinister accessory pieces to fill out the set until you get the rest. Content was cleared with a set like that. It might not be the absolute best but it is certainly good enough for raid and high end fractals.

Check out the section on Sinister Accessory Variant.

Best of luck

The Rarest Weapon in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


It’s fairly easy to make but i don’t know if I have ever seen anyone actually use one.

Unlock Sinister Trinkets, it's been 2 years!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


You can definitely solo those achievements. I have been working on them myself. I am only missing one piece currently.

The only one that is giving me problems is It’s All About Timing and that one also seems doable. It’s frustrating but seems within reach.

Just watch some guides and keep at it. They aren’t even close to impossible.

10k drinks [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


We want a dev response! We want a dev response! Or how does the chant go?

Maybe if we ask for a response 10k times we will get one

When does Wintersday begin ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


They twittered out new hair styles today as well

They also tweeted that there was some issues with the TP so I wouldn’t be surprised if that also held things up.

SW Sinster Trinkets not appearing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


You have to do the related achievements to unlock sinister trinkets. After you can buy them at will but not before.

New nightfury like shoulders this Wintersday

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


I have no problem doing the activities multiple times.

BUT if one of the components is tied to the jumping puzzle I am SOL. Platforming is definitely my weakest link.

Help With Selling On Tp

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


As others have said patience is the key in most cases unless something changed that made an item take a nose dive. For example, sometimes a patch can do drastic things to an items value. It works both ways though.

If I am testing the waters on new (to me) items I will sometimes post them for sale right before I log off for the day. That way I won’t be checking the market constantly. You will be surprised how much of it has moved when you check again the next day. The market might have been all over the place while you were asleep. Just an idea.

Tequatl Whirlpools.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


I try to do teq every day if I can. I still see the pools quite often even when I am doing it at reset time. It’s kinda luck of the draw.

That being said, I wouldn’t sweat it. Just keep showing up to the event and you will (literally) stumble into one of the whirlpools naturally haha

Client Newsfeed Not Loading [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


Add me to the list. The high ping is making gliding a game of russian roulette. Will the glider save me or will I go splat?

Got 100% map completion on VB, no reward [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


Add me to the list.

Deadly Strength + Flesh of the Master

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


I just noticed this myself and am also wondering if this is intended or a bug? Does anyone have any official word on it?

State of Ascended Gear / Drop is Unacceptable

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


Everything is fine.

Everything is just as it should be…


Oola's Lab is broke

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


I finally got an Energy Crystal to open up Oola’s Lab and the escort mission just froze up.

I have been trying to get into the lab for days to get part of the Dark Harvest collection and it won’t complete. That was a big waste of time. This is a serious bummer.

Any info on this?

solo build to play through HoT?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


Would I be able to use a soldier set to get me through HoT alone? I ask because I already have a full set of exotics in my bank from a year or so ago. It would certainly save me some money.

Also, I have Reaper fully unlocked if that helps.

P.S. I haven’t even touched my reaper spec yet so don’t be afraid to state something that might be obvious to others. I am just coming back after a year away from the game.

Thanks in advance

Dagger skin: Reaper of Souls?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


This was actually mentioned way back when people were hunting for Final Rest. It seemed to get lost in the shadow of the staff hunt.

I figured it wasn’t actually in game and someone had just data mined the file.
Then I noticed that it’s in the wardrobe. Let the hunt begin haha

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


I’m also wanting to buy a Grenth Hood.

A lot of people have been preaching that it is a season item. Well, so is the Mad King’s outfit and the Wintersday costume. That didn’t stop them. Bring it on!

Crimson Mask and Wardrobe?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


Thats a solid question. I’m considering buying it myself but would like to know the answer first.

Necro: Dhuumfire dead...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


Unyielding Blast makes Life blast piece (Trait VI in Soul Reaping.) So, Dhuumfire could potentially hit multiple targets with a single shot. I could see that being used. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens I guess.

Best exotic staff for condition damage necro?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


Bramblethorn is good for Rabid builds and less than 3g. I hate the skin on it though. You could also consider a Giver’s Staff if extra Condition Duration is important to you. I keep both on hand.

Where to get MORE gifts?

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


The mysterious presents are back in the open maps. I have only seen one so far though and that was in Kessix Hills.

[TTS] Go to 4 info

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


I would also like an invite please.

Songs on the Bell Choir mini game

in Wintersday

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


I thought this might be fun. What songs can you play on the bell choir mini game?

First thing I started messing with was the Song of Storms from Zelda Ocarina of Time. 1, 3, 6, 1, 3, 6, 8, 7,… and thats as far as I got. But it took all of 45 seconds to figure out haha. With some thought there might be some potential there. So what do you guys have up your sleeves?

Just my two cents

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jackospades.4802


Disclaimer: Let me just say this this is just my own personal opinion. I am not speaking for any large group of people/guild/etc. I am not looking for a rally to get behind me. I just need to vent because this QQ is driving me nuts. If the devs decide to kill this post I won’t get butthurt. Just sayin.’

Anywho, I think the team here at Arenanet has been doing a pretty kitten good job. The support is speedy and the staff is friendly. This game is fun as hell. Are there problems with certain things? Yes, yes there is. There is no denying that.

My current problem is that it seems like if people cry enough the devs bow and change things to make people happy. Sometimes this is justified and sometimes people just want things handed to them.

We all know the state of the game and it’s elements. I am just worried that this will become a trend. Complain about something enough and BOOM they change it to make the masses happy. You know what that sounds like to me? Giving a toddler his pacifier to make him stop crying even though you need to ween them off it. Sometimes you just have to say no. This is how it is and how it’s going to be.

Current examples obviously include the Halloween event. People complain about the skins and they made them easier to get in various ways. People complained about the drop rates from the BLCs. That was modified as well. Still wasn’t good enough. No, these things don’t guarantee you get one but would you really want the stuff if everyone had one? Maybe yes, maybe no but I’m willing to bet that not nearly as many would care about the cosmetics if they were common. These pieces aren’t game changers. Now the new villain is the event jumping puzzle. Hell yea that thing is hard. I still haven’t completed it either and I probably won’t because I suck at jumping puzzles. But, eventually you just have to say no. Enough. Same with the weapon skins. Do I want one? Yes I do. But if I don’t get one on a drop or farm the mats it’s not a game killer.

The moral of the story is stop riding the devs so hard over trivial crap. You aren’t going to lose a boss fight because you don’t have some achievement or some sexy skin on your weapon. You’ll lose because you did it wrong. It’s not complicated.