Showing Posts For Jarvis.3487:

Weekend full of bugged content

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jarvis.3487


I have responded to two other posts about skrittsburgh and no devs have commented back, they really need someone to look into this or at least tell us they are looking into it because that area is unplayable.

Post 1:{Tarnished Coast Server} Skrittsburgh world quest "Skrittsburg

Post 2:Tarnished Coast needs a restart

Pre-purchased 7/31/2012 (unsubscribed SWTOR as well…)
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Tarnished Coast needs a restart :(

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jarvis.3487


I have seen a boatload of bugs on Tarnished Coast over the last week to the point where I can’t even remember them all, but I’ve reported them all IG using /bug.

Same I feel like I report at least a couple of bugs each time I log in now and play, have only had major problems in the Asura 15-25 area so far [Skrittsburgh tunnels/caves] and I hope that a developer or engineer looks into this soon, it is getting quite annoying not being able to complete that area because we cannot access that content because it is bugged.

Pre-purchased 7/31/2012 (unsubscribed SWTOR as well…)
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{Tarnished Coast Server} Skrittsburgh world quest "Skrittsburgh Center" can't be complete

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jarvis.3487


This area still has a problem, i hope that developers are looking into this problem, I cannot move on in this area.

The Skrittsburgh tunnels/caves is the largest bug I have ran into in the game, along with that entire area. Needs some serious re-coding and fixing

Pre-purchased 7/31/2012 (unsubscribed SWTOR as well…)
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Phase Retreat teleporting into a wall

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jarvis.3487


Happened to me twice tonight, reported bug both times. I ended up in the floor below and there was water, and was able to swim around a little bit but it was very small, could not jump out, had to use waypoint to get out of there

Pre-purchased 7/31/2012 (unsubscribed SWTOR as well…)
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Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jarvis.3487


Tonight I accepted a new guild request and was not able to represent the guild or any of the other guilds that I am apart of.

Was wondering if this is a bug other people are having not being able to switch which guild you represent or something else is going on?

Pre-purchased 7/31/2012 (unsubscribed SWTOR as well…)
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Cannot represent guild

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jarvis.3487


Thanks for the response

Pre-purchased 7/31/2012 (unsubscribed SWTOR as well…)
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Cannot represent guild

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jarvis.3487


Tonight I accepted a new guild request and was not able to represent the guild or any of the other guilds that I am apart of.

Was wondering if this is a bug other people are having not being able to switch which guild you represent or something else is going on?

Pre-purchased 7/31/2012 (unsubscribed SWTOR as well…)
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Elementalist and Extreme difficulty in story areas.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jarvis.3487


I agree I am at level 17 with my elementalist and I am loving everything except a few story quests. Some of them can be too difficult and even with your NPC allies it is still hard, I just cannot do enough damage to make progress. I find myself constantly fighting to survive and revive myself.

For now I try and stun everything and use push backs combo’d with the utility that gives you 5 criticals for the next 5 attacks which does help. What other utility would be best for these lower levels pre-20 to help my character out in these story modes?

Pre-purchased 7/31/2012 (unsubscribed SWTOR as well…)
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WvWvW - Please increase server capacity.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jarvis.3487


- Increase the WvWvW population limit.
- Allow us to queue into multiple WvWvW servers. (Not sure if this is already allowed, if it is then ignore)
- Allow me to make a group and then queue as a group so we can all get in at the same time. (Although this wouldn’t solve the insane queue times)

Yes!! they have been saying they are increasing server capacities in the update notes but this does not seem to increase the WvWvW games.

Pre-purchased 7/31/2012 (unsubscribed SWTOR as well…)
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A good way to eliminate hacking.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jarvis.3487


We need a mobile authenticator like I use for Blizzard games… the dial-in ones have proven to be troublesome.

I do love the e-mail notices you get to approve or deny IP address when someone tries to log in.

Good point, they said they were going to make a mobile app to be able to do auction house trades and such from your phone while you are away from the game. I am hoping that when this comes out they put some extra security for logging in.

My only problem with this is once you set up the application on your phone is it easy to switch phones? swtor had a similar app if you lost your phone/deleted the app/or got a new phone you had to call customer service to remove the extra security so you could log in and you could not use the app ever again. So if they do I hope it is easy to do this or you could do it over email if you do not have your phone when you sit down to play/ just make it easier to do the extra security by sending an email code or text message?

Pre-purchased 7/31/2012 (unsubscribed SWTOR as well…)
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I don't like how consuming dye works

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jarvis.3487


It would be amazing if dyes were accountbound instead of soulbound once you consume them.

Agreed, wish they were slightly more common drops as I am only getting them about every 3-5 levels now or maybe I am just not playing the right content to get them more often

Pre-purchased 7/31/2012 (unsubscribed SWTOR as well…)
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Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jarvis.3487


Great video very help as an elementalist being very vulnerable with only light armor. Thanks for the info

Pre-purchased 7/31/2012 (unsubscribed SWTOR as well…)
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