Sorrow’s Furnace
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]
(edited by JerekLo.5893)
A little something to kill time while we all await the coming patch. Don’t expect deep commentary… I’m silly. :P
(edited by JerekLo.5893)
Well if they’re going to extend Halloween a week, then I’m going to take advantage and post something that I should have posted last week! :X
I will name my bristleback “pokey”.
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]
great work everyone
Proposal Overview
Guild auto queuing system for upgrades
Goal of Proposal
The goal of this proposal is to improve the lives of guild managers by making it easier to plan long term repeatable building queues for things like Karma/Drop Boots, Guild Missions, Etc.
Proposal Functionality
Along with the standard queuing function, there should be an additional box dedicated to an “auto queue” where a guild can assign upgrades that can be activated immediately after their build queue is finished. These upgrades would not have to be manually activated upon completion and would run until their maximum number of built upgrades are achieved or the guild runs out of resources during the building process.
Associated Risks
Accidental building of guild upgrades that people have forgotten to remove from auto queue? Lazy guild leaders? Human Error!
There is no shame in liking the most excellent back and forth between Bashir and Garek!
Canach and Anise already best “couple.” Must have more.
Not king, Kahn Ur!
Also, I want this to be the reason for UW to return soooo bad. :x
This was a pretty good episode, it’s definitely a part 1 though. Seeing it and Part 2 together will really seal the deal on it, imo.
I actually thought using the world events to tell the story was a clever use of resources. If they hadn’t done that this episode would have been a lot of standing and talking, which would have been a little weak. The transition into game proper was rough, but like anything Anet tries they’ll learn from it.
Is Rytlock in UW? Because we totally need to go there and “rescue” him…yeah…
First reply was kitten! No apologies! Swing for the moon!
Since we’re leaving Dry Top for the next living story episode, I thought a little send off was in order.
I’d rather it be a running gag personally…
“If only we could make the tengu and quaggon form an alliance! We could defeat Mordremoth easily!”
“Excuse me?”
“Nothing…carry on!”
Haven’t done one of these in a while, but behold rapid fire editing and swollen craniums!
I’m really hoping for a painted desert style look to contrast the more classical Crystal Desert. Need me some badlands to go with my bandits! And some cowboy hats, please. :x
This was definitely a concept being figured out as they went along, but I think by the final updates they found their footing. It had lots of promise but a lot of stumbling trying to get it all working together. If they mix the story telling aspects from Tower of Nightmares on with standalone events like Bazaar of the Four Winds, New Dungeons, World Bosses, etc. and keep the arcs more focused and developed like the last half of the living story has been, they could have a winner on their hands.
So I look forward to Season 2 to see how things will develop from here on out.
The Tengu merchant wasn’t born in the Dominion, that’s why he’s considered a “lasped” Tengu. Even though he’s a Tengu he’s an outsider, so no Dominion for him!
The charr the kid talks to is the one that only has an hour to live after meeting with the lionguard healer… went to confirm after I saw the pic they posted on their twitter.
Ruin is Guild Wars lore. If having the drill coming that close to the old fountain has ellicited this level of reaction from you, then they’re doing their job. This is a company that designed the starter area in gw1 last, so it was the prettiest, then burned it to the ground. I think many people forget that under all the pretty in these games we’ve always been on the precipice of doom. The living story setup gives us a chance to experience it as it happens instead of as a historical event. Several years game time passed between pre and post searing. We’ll get to experience that gap this time if they hold true to their course.
That’s the kind of lore they’re working on now it seems. Very player centric “I was there” kind of stories. Stories where we win, but maybe not without the damage of our foes actions there to remind us. They really need a good in game codex/library set up to keep this kind of experience in line though. It would help the new players understand where people are coming from when they are told these kind of stories and see the depth of actions in perspective.
The real world can change a lot in 250 years. We had a beautiful terminal station in my hometown that was demolished about 30 years ago. No one who has recently moved here would have known it even existed if not for the pictures and stories of the locals. That’s the kind of thing I think they’re shooting for.
(edited by JerekLo.5893)
Decided to throw an update out there after I saw this posted on reddit.
It seems that they did some work on the Sorrow’s Embrace armor to make the tail work better. It still clips the underskirt a bit but the leggings now have a “tail armor” that covers the top of the offending area. It’s hard to get a good screenshot since it moves with the tail wagging. :P
Now if they can get this working with capes, I’d be a happy boy.
(edited by JerekLo.5893)
You are the doom-iest doomsayers that ever doomed a doom….
Doom! :x
Okay out of my system. I don’t think Wildstar is the golden child for Ncsoft just yet. GW2 from that report is still it’s second biggest seller and it hasn’t even reached China yet. And the best seller is Lineage, which subsists more on the crazy amounts of money players have invested in it than anything else. We really won’t know the full picture until GW2 hits China and the rest of Asia, IMO.
Also most reports from the coming competition have been lukewarm. People seem to be liking the more traditional Wildstar, but ESO seemed to be taking a hit by walking to close to the WoW formula. I’m not saying numbers are going to shift, but I think you’ll see people return. I’m just not feeling the hype levels.
Anet’s working a weird angle with this living story set up, so NCsoft straight-up calling it an expansion is a mistake. They learned that from last year. There are other projects in the works, two “big ones.” I’m guessing we won’t hear anything until the season is over and the big feature patch drops. Maybe not even until the Chinese release.
(edited by JerekLo.5893)
Southsun City, sounds kinda cool actually.
Take me down to the Southsun City
Where the Karka are mean
And the girls are pretty
Oh, won’t you please take me home? Yeah, yeah!
The main content for halloween and wintersday are instanced in the mad realm and tixx’s blimp. They would need to move npcs and add some decoration to other cities, but it is doable. Infact, wintersday may be the easiest to move of the two, they did the traveling blimp gimmick for the first wintersday.
The Mad King could almost stay in the charred remains of LA, it kind of suits him really. I can see him walking through the wreckage cackling, telling jokes to the newly raised spirits of those who died during the attack.
Yeah Zhaitan is one of the biggest models in the game. I think in the making of book they talked about the difficulties of animating it. It’s the whole flying aspect of the fight that makes it hard to really grasp his scale.
I really hope they get a chance to redo that battle. :x
I’ve enjoyed it. It’s cool to watch how the process has developed and grown since fixing signs in Wayfarer Foothills. You can see how it shifted from “lets see if this will work” to “and away we go!”
I hope they’ve learned a lot from working on this for the last year and that Season 2 really let’s this concept take off.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: JerekLo.5893
Hell yeah I want this! Turmoil is part of Guild Wars! Countries are destroyed, plagues turn the people into afflicted monsters, evil gods rise from realms of torment. The entire continent of Tyria was changed by the rise of the Elder Dragons.
The big difference between gw1 and gw2 was that most of these things happened in the gw2 lore, but we didn’t get to see it first hand. This is our chance to see what these evil forces can do.
I’ll be sad to see LA go, but when it rises from the ashes again, it will be more the better for it. Instead of learning about how it survived, we’ll be part of it.
At least I hope so. :x
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: JerekLo.5893
Scarlet made their prophet, in her own way. The Krait there were willing to fight for the monstrosity thinking it was what they had been promised. Probably given more time, they would have realized the depth of her trickery.
But we killed it. Fanatics don’t tend to forget those types of transgressions.
The bandits and Caudicus seem to be a bit under-represented in the grand scheme of things when dealing with the living story. I’d like to see a little more of the political intrigue those guys could offer. Will we get to see them receive more development as time moves on?
And since this is about characters… Ya know Mhenlo…he got around. I’m still waiting on my answers!
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: JerekLo.5893
The nightmare court wants to make people cry, or something…
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: JerekLo.5893
Well, at first they were being conned. Then we came in there all hero-time, broke all their toys, foiled all their plans and killed their prophet. Now instead of following Scarlet, I’m pretty sure they just hate our guts more than they hate hers.
I approve of the new John Carpenter inspired Living Story! We better have some psycho in a bad Logan Thackeray mask come Halloween.
Gasp! She’s going to drink our milkshake!
I was a Kodan last night. I asked for coke from all who crossed my path. It was a good night…
It’s a fun place to run around and knock heads in and the look of the place is spectacular. I hope they keep to their plans and some of the things they’ve added to that map will find their way into the normal wvw maps. Actual mechanics for claiming/lords/sentries are so nice. As is throwing mobs of people off cliffs. :x
(edited by JerekLo.5893)
I think it has more to do with the nature of the last few updates. They’re story focused and most of the pertinent info is in the videos. Even the interviews they’ve done have been a bit spartan due to that. They could talk about boss mechanics, but that’s about it.
You could do a page on EOTM, but it’s been talked about/previewed so much, I don’t know if it would be worth it.
We probably won’t see a real preview of stuff to come until season 1 is over. Maybe this big feature update thing will have something that takes it’s place.
He’s no Kormir. 250 years later, I’m still bitter. :X
I don’t hate him that much really, he’s just a bit too dry and pops out of nowhere if you aren’t a sylvari. If he was going to be our buddy, I think he needed to show up earlier, maybe someone often referred to by the orders for Zhaitan info. I don’t really know how I’d do it.
He does seem to have some game for a twiggy bookworm. All those lady friends of his…. I can’t hate on that. He ain’t no Mhenlo though…
It had to be done… and someone already did the GW2 Attack on Titan Parody!
Anything that promotes the deliciousness of ham is alright in my book!
Forget Rox, his home town being enslaved and all that other stuff! Bro-ham need his Ham!
Well I’m going with the we’re all related to Mhenlo theory anyway! Howdy cousins!
1.) Tengu! It has to happen! My warrior slot awaits patiently for Tengu…
2.) Dredge! You people think I’m crazy, but can you imagine all the crazy soviet era maddness you could cook up for the dredge? Chairman Mole would be pleased.
I don’t know about 3. Kodan would be kitten, but they just don’t have many options look wise. Largo is a good bet eventually. Hell, skritt! Shiney!
Edit: Okay I’m selling myself on Largos: Dune. Underwater. It could be amazing. :x
(edited by JerekLo.5893)
I don’t know if Eotn is a good example, it was going to be an entire campaign instead of an expansion at first. Then it was parted into an expansion once the GW2 ball started rolling. People tend to forget the dungeons shared a lot of resources between them, re-skinned armors, etc. it was a fun game but learning it’s origin in retrospect kind of explains a lot of the decisions behind it. I don’t think the people on this forum today would be happy with an expansion like Eotn. That’s just my observation.
It was also kind of a capper on the GW1 storyline as well. It had several years of happy, fuzzy memories behind it as a send off. Much like the bonus mission packs and the Guild Wars Beyond content that followed. They didn’t need to build on the world like GW2 needs to be built on.
I’m not saying the LS has been perfect either, but both fall into an odd category of “reworked content.” The LS is a weird experimental concept starting to get its legs under itself and Eotn was an attempt to bridge 250 years of lore with content from a cancelled game. I enjoyed both, but I knew one was the end of something and the other I hope is the start of something larger in the making.
Yay for positive affirmation! You are not alone in enjoying the game, I promise!
GW2 has tons of positives marred by people’s past experiences clouding the things they do right with the game. The fact ascended gear is an issue in a game that can be beaten in rares makes my head hurt on levels I can’t properly express, for an example. It creates a contentious environment, especially when you add the internet ’s perchance for hyperbole to the mix.
It’s a fine game that needs a solid punch to really take it up a notch. I hope all the stuff they’ve been doing in the background will be that punch.
Stuff like this reminds me of all the “guild wars is dying” posts from the guild wars 1 days. If your game is “dying” for seven years, it might not be dying. That’s all I’m saying.
I’m sure the game may not live up to everyone’s expectations, but it’ll be around for a long time on the fact it’s buy to play alone. It hasn’t even reached the Asian markets yet.
Me personally? I’m enjoying it. It needs more skills and something really big to galvanize what they’re shooting for execution wise, but I’m having fun with it.
I sure hope so! I need my red lightsaber. :X
SAB is a great event and I hope that a lot of the things they learn while making it can be reapplied to the game proper. Those moving platforms give me hope for airships >.>
It is said if the tooth is ever destroyed all norn will march on Jormag. Making the first Norn army ever….
I hope when that time comes Ogden’s there, standing on a hill over looking them.
“Finally, kitten it!”
Hi All,
Here is the proposal I believe we are making, please discuss and let me know if anything should be added or removed. Note many of us have read the thread internally and thus there has already been valuable impact.
Our Horizontal Progression Proposal
The Reward and Associated Journey
— Sociopolitical Diversification: Player housing (Customizable from rewards gained in the open world), Guild Halls (Customizable from mass play rewards) and Map Wide Meta events unlocked through Faction progression (Leading to both individual and group rewards such as titles and skins)
— Role Diversification: ‘Grail Quest’ (Personal rights of passage) style adventures through the open world (testing the player in combat, discovery, and puzzle solving) which others can engage in once the activities are activated which could reward the Hero with New skills/traits, new weapons, access to inaccessible existing weapons, and infusions.
— Hero Recognition (Reward) is a by product of the above two types of Horizontal Progression leading to Unique Skins, Titles, Rewards, followers and NPC reactions/opportunities based on the players individual feats in the world of Tyria regardless of how he/she chooses to play the game.
Global Rule Proposal governing the above:
- Where possible use the above design paradigm to reinforce and evolve the existing world.
- Players should be able to have multiple methods of achieving ‘Grail Quests’, rather than a section of the journey being based on Jumping Puzzles and that alone for example.
-A reworked (cleaner) version of Signet of Capture would work very well for Role Diversification.
- Sub-classes will be discussed again in a CDI once Arena finishes its current balance work in regard to roles.
- QOL features such as a wardrobe should support this global design.Once we have discussed the proposal and the thread reaches conclusion we will sticky it and move onto CDI Process Evolution Phase 2.
Thank you all so much for your hard work and your passion toward making GW2 awesome. This has been a really good CDI and I want to thank you on behalf of Arena for caring so much about the world we love.
I’m good with all that!
1. I wanna know what’s up with Mhenlo! That man had too much game to fade from history. Are we all related to him ala Genghis Kahn?
2. Menzies, he’s not technically a God or at least not one of the big six. We see creatures escape from the underworld in gods lost, will we ever see an area where his minions roam in some form?
3. How does Joko rate on the dictator scale? Miserable despot or that strange Dr. Doom-like loved but feared? Has it been so long that most of his transgressions are forgotten?
4. Are we going to see The Consortium’s headquarters eventually? I really want to turn in a job application.
5. Are we going to learn exactly how Rytlock got Rurick’s sword and will we see the ascalon ghost story progress in the future?
I’ll throw in my hat for enjoying the stories on the website! I liked that they gave some insight you couldn’t really do in game without doing some kind of flashback instance, etc.
Maybe if you bring them back you could add a few npcs that support them. Seeing a few of scarlet’s trainers in game was a nice touch in the last update. You don’t have to put the entire thing in there, just enough to push the story forward then people can hop on the site if they want the more indepth explanation.
Thanks for answering our questions!
Everything has begun with Primordus, so everything will also end with him being beaten last.
There is a possibility that there is a sort of Queen dragon that layed the eggs of the elder dragons. I would think that should be the last dragon. Also I would hate to see how powerful that dragon is.
What do you think the moon is?
Another dragon egg lol.
Gw3 (or GW2 expansion) : Fight space dragons in Asura spaceships/fighters.
If this went down like Asura’s Wrath, my brain would melt….
My money is on LA getting nuked. It’s gotten off pretty easy the last year, time to do some damage!
So I went a little crazy and said to myself “Jerek, you should do A Christmas Carol!”
And this is the result.
Merry Christmas People!
Background: Seasonal Gift Exchange is our guild’s yearly chisma-hauhna-kawnzika that we do at the end of December. I don’t want no jibba jabba. :P
(edited by JerekLo.5893)
The whole “nightmare cycle” had good pacing, good characters and it brought most of the cast together. It felt like an enhanced version of the foundation you set with Flame and Frost but with a years worth of experience behind it. If this is a sign of things to come, I think you guys have it sorted out execution/content wise. If the story improves at the pace it has, you will need a cookie.
The only thing i think is missing are a few outliner achievements for those who want a little more challenge. It’s just a little something that a few of my guildies would like to keep the content more challenging.
Also Braham getting shutdown by Marjory was great. Edge 2.0 is coming along nicely…
My latest video for the Rock the Nightmare Contest! Enjoy! :X
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