Showing Posts For Jester.3928:

Show yer norns!

in Norn

Posted by: Jester.3928


My Guardian with primeval armor and t3 helm


Anyone have a Norn Guardian AND Warrior?

in Norn

Posted by: Jester.3928


I got both but mainly play the guardian, tbh i prefer the norn storyline which is why i played the same race twice.

Sporting primeval armor with the t3 helm at mo


Talk about elitism

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jester.3928


Just sharing an experience I had. I have 3 level 80 toons, 2 of them are at FOTM scale 39+. I’ve also earned the Dungeon Master title and do daily random dungeon runs mostly with my guild but sometimes with a pug party. I’d like to think I’m not an elitist MOST of the time and in all my daily runs I’ve only ever initiated a kick once and it was not due to gear issues or “noob” behavior but simply because the player went afk at a crucial time (at the arm seals in a 30+ fractal) without any logical explanation.

So today I went with my fairly new but fully zerk-geared mesmer to my first COF p1 speed run with a pug group. I’ve done COF p1 countless times before, most of them with my guildmates. And yesterday I joined a “casual” speed farming pug group with my mesmer (had 1 ele and later 1 guard, not full zerk) that did well (did 1 run in an average of 15min). But the group I joined today was one of those elitist groups that wanted 4 zerk warriors and 1 zerk mesmer and demanded that we ping our gears. We finished 1 run in about 10min. I THOUGHT I did everything right including blink-porting them through the boulders (on my first try). Then after the run I got kicked. I asked two of them why. Only one of them was kind enough to reply and tell me what I should have done. He said I “didn’t pull the slave driver into the wall and didn’t time-warp fast enough”. Also I cast feedback late at the turrets (apparently they didn’t notice I cast Phantasmal warden before casting feedback). Other than that I did everything right, he said.

I am astonished at the level of elitism in the GW2 community now. And especially because from what I was told I only made minor errors that I could have easily changed. I’ve tolerated much worse mistakes from other players without raging or kicking. Wouldn’t it have been easier to tell me what I did wrong than risk getting a less experienced mesmer on the next run? Or is it really just easier to initiate a kick?

Stopped reading after you called non guild mates as the degrading name “pugs”, pot meet kettle

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jester.3928


SFR has been taken over by a load of useless pugs. We are sorting this out internally. We hope we can sort this out sooner rather than later.

We are still a strong server, and won’t fold over a little problem, We will work this problem out. Watch out VZ

(We are not afraid to take drastic measures to sort this problem out,If any guild or player, joins our server, we will treat them like hostiles unless they make a decent effort to join our community)

Unfortunately this attitude has been getting worse from the larger guilds recently, ppl asking for players to move from maps cos they can’t get all their members in might be ok when it’s not prime-time but when there’s massive ques for all maps asking ppl to move just isn’t fair, they paid for the game the same as everyone else.

I’ve been on sfr since the game launch and wvw every day, just because the guild I show loyalty to isn’t wvw focused I get classed as a useless pug by ppl from bigger wvw focused guilds, many of whom bandwagoned to them from smaller guilds just for the glory

Sfr wvw used to be all about the community as a whole, after all we’re all fighting for the same cause regardless of skill levels, now it’s becoming an elitist part of the game where players with less skills or from smaller, less wvw focused guilds aren’t welcome

Would you like a flail

in Guardian

Posted by: Jester.3928


No. If they’re going to introduce new weapon skills, I’d rather have them added to existing weapons and have the option to choose the five I want.


5 weapon skills out of a possible 10 would give a lot more variety

You know you've played guardian too long when

in Guardian

Posted by: Jester.3928


When you see a hammer and think “Who summoned that?”

When you draw a Signet of Mercy on yourself when you have a cold

When you’re at the doctors and think “If I shout ‘Save Yourselves’ will i cure everyone in the room?”

Music for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jester.3928


Condition damage. How much?

in Thief

Posted by: Jester.3928


Nice one, thanks guys

Condition damage. How much?

in Thief

Posted by: Jester.3928


Hi, just finished my thief and was wondering what is a decent amount of condition damage (going p/d as a preference), haven’t got an exotic set for it yet but was thinking carrion armor and weps with knights trinkets. I really don’t want to go full out carrion as I think some toughness might be needed too.


Only a WvW player...

in WvW

Posted by: Jester.3928


Only a WvW player would pull an all nighter for those extra points.

Only a WvW player would bow to his enemy or sleep next to his corpse.

Only a WvW player has not seen Zhaitan.

Is Zhaitan a new film?

Incoming AoE nerf and rezzing in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jester.3928


Alpha Team 1. “Ok guys we all seem to be playing thief, how can we make it better?”
Alpha Team 2. " Give it almost perma stealth and high single target damage, then tell the community to use AoE’s to kill em, lol"

few months later……….

AT1 “Ok we need to nerf AoEs i keep getting killed by some big red circle on the floor”
AT2 “How will we tell players to kill thieves after the nerf?”
AT1 “Who cares”

Re-visiting World vs World

in WvW

Posted by: Jester.3928


And who decides which servers get closed to fill up other servers? Some players actually have loyalty to the servers the are on, to punish them for glory seekers/server hoppers (delete the applicable) doesn’t seem fair to me