Showing Posts For Jetshroom.5790:

Please balance PvP ; Please address hacking

in PvP

Posted by: Jetshroom.5790


I’ve been accused of doing 60k damage with 2 abilities. Trust me, you’re probably imagining more damage than is actually happening.
FTR, Warriors can do some sort of enrage thing where they beef themselves up and then a flurry of attacks that do a lot of damage add to that increased crit chance and increased crit damage and you’re toast.. I’ve been effectively oneshot by warriors a bunch.

PvP combat scorecard & a small request...

in PvP

Posted by: Jetshroom.5790


Agree that we don’t get enough time to check the stats out. Even just keeping the window up when we’re back in the mists so we can peruse at our leisure would be great.

Guild Recruitment Video Opportunity

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jetshroom.5790


Here is my video I made today! I was so excited and it was fun to make! I know I probably won’t be picked but I really enjoyed doing this! <3

Okay this has got to be the best video!! I loved it…. I have a couple guilds like that :-)

Thank you so much <3

I loved it too! Struck very close to my heart.

Burning Stacks

in PvP

Posted by: Jetshroom.5790


Yeah it seems like it’s about cleansing at the right time rather than panicking the second a flame hits you. The initial burst of fire hits hard but it’s easy enough to escape. After that, you’ve got a pretty soft enemy to take down.
My burn guard crumples if someone plays smart and hits me hard.

Screen locked during "Match Ready" prompt

in PvP

Posted by: Jetshroom.5790


It’s new, I noticed it last night. It’s only while waiting for everyone to accept.

CTF Gamemode

in PvP

Posted by: Jetshroom.5790


I’d be behind any game type that wasn’t just another conquest.

I’d like a King of the Hill match too. Most of the conquest maps degenerate into a KOTH anyway so just embrace it.

What's up with the Lvl 1 characters?

in PvP

Posted by: Jetshroom.5790


Can confirm from my experience that flaming the level 1 player for being low level is something that happens more frequently in the lower brackets (so far).

Some voices not playing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jetshroom.5790


Is anyone else getting some conversations from Personal Story not playing? I thought it was just because I was getting over level 40, so they hadn’t all been finished, but I’ve gone back to the start and not all the voices are playing in the early cut scenes either. (sylvari)

Colorless cultural armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: Jetshroom.5790


I agree, the background colour doesn’t look right unless you specifically colour your armor to make it look right.
If its going to be the same as your skin colour, get rid of it completely so we can see the glowy bits. (My ranger’s glow is all covered up.)