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Buggy Duneons need Priority

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jokael.4168


I don’t know about you folks but this is becoming ridiculous waiting to hopefully have a dungeon entrance open for business, then after they do a group member gets bugged and can’t enter the same instance as the group.

I spent an hour trying different groups today to try and get my alt into AC and it is leaving me rethinking my desire to continue to play this game. I enjoy the PvP but I also really like running dungeons with friends.

We have a small guild that was about 24 people, but are now down to 7 active members as the others decided instead of waiting for the PvE content to be fixed properly they would rather play with Pandas, Borderlands2 or Torchlight2.

The dungeons risk vs reward really needs an overhaul as well. Why are most dungeons’ trash tougher then the bosses in many circumstances? Why do most trash hit like freight trains and bosses hit like girl scouts?
The loot is horrible in 99.9% of the instances. Yeah i may get a yellow to break down into a glob, yeah. I could spend 1 hour farming mobs and get enough silver to buy 5 globs and get something really good made.

Fix your buggy zones for PvE Anet or you will see your player base dwindle just like every other game that has been released in the 5 years. Your profits are tied to your micro transactions, if people aren’t here you make no money.

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jokael.4168


Seriously, I transferred through every server, I been trying to get this map completed for 2 weeks and can not get it done because of this BS bug.

Horrible support thus far on this topic. Forget MAC nd get this crap fixed.

WvWvW with Dragons to Balance 1 Server Control

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jokael.4168


I think this should not be limited to a dragon but any type of monster.

This monster should:

  • only spawn randomly if one server controls 66%+ for 72hrs straight.
  • could actually be a group of monsters laying siege to multiple control points at the same time.
  • will despawn 5 minutes or so after the map is balanced again, if it is currently engaged and taking decent damage relative to it’s challange setting.
  • should not be a pushover for a zerg group, so it should have raid style scripting, thus requiring even more skill to kill. It should require siege weapons, be able to move out of range of siege weapons, or target and destroy siege weapons.
  • for anyone to be able to stand against this mob, they should have at the least an exotic set of gear and weapons to deal damage to it.
  • it should go to each minor control point(tower) first destroying it, including walls/gates/siege weapons/guards/etc… Then move onto the next in line until the leading server is more in line with the other 2 servers.
  • drop loot according to it’s challenge, so it could drop a piece of exotic/legendary, cash, karma and badges.
  • this mob could be a developer/gm ran event after they see things are out of hand for a particularn zone.

These should be so tough and unique that the reward should reflect that. This will create even a more competitive enviroment for top end players on servers.
This will require alot of play testing and should not go live until servers are pay to xfer.

(edited by Jokael.4168)

Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Jokael.4168


@Logan – I was talking to some of my guildmates the other day about this. Tabula Rasa use to have many dynamic events centered around such issues. Even NPC quest hubs would be regularly attacked and taken over until people manned up and took them back.

But instead of no reward as stated I think it should be an extremely tough monster, and it would give tokens and loot. The mob should have scripting like a raid mob, but on a grander scale, thus requiring things like siege weapons, orbs, and full skilled players to remove. Zerg groups should not be able to just barrel roll this mob.

The mob should go from area to area tearing it up until it is either killed or puts the lead server back at 1/3 the map. this monster should be no push over for a zerg, and if it is killed should drop some cash, an exotic/legendary piece of gear and/or tokens. But it should be worth the pain it will bring.

The mob should only spawn randomly during a 72hr+ window after a server has 66% of the board controlled. This would create an even more competative enviroment.

My Suggestions for WvWvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Jokael.4168


7.)Condittion Stacking – This is really becoming annoying having nearly 20 stacks of stuns/roots. As a guardian I have a ton of condition removal, but not being able to react after expelling all my resources seems a little odd.
If anyone removes a root/stun in most games they become immune to those effects for 2-3 secs, effectively removing any other stacks on them.

8.)NPC Keep Guards – Depending on the size of the zerg attacking a keep/tower/etc… I feel the guards should either be beefed up or have the keep send more to the front line. this would also calculate how many PCs there are in the keep area. (this sin’t too important)