Showing Posts For Jonanonnn.8720:

Account Banned 4 days later.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jonanonnn.8720


I was banned for gold selling and item selling for real money, because my account was stolen and perma banned within less than a 24/hr period.

I just dont know what to do anymore, I’ve sent messages through all the modes of contact asking for a reply or timeframe, I assumed they had the weekend off so I expected a reply today, but no luck.

Account Banned 4 days later.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jonanonnn.8720


I’m not trying to be rude but I haven’t gotten a reply or an estimate or anything on the forums, the support account, or my email about being banned from the game other than an email reply to my initial ticket opening saying “We’re looking into it.”

Looking for any insight, time frame, methods to get a reply or an answer from anyone from the support team without harassing them.

I realize this is a new MMO and problems like this will happen, but my rage has been building watching all the Halloween events pass me up which I will have to wait an entire year to have a crack at again…

Compromised Account Reports [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jonanonnn.8720


I got an Email from Anet saying they were going to look into my issue but sofar nothing.

I really dont want to miss out on all the halloween events =/
I’ve regained full control of my account and email passwords, they’ve been changed ect computer scanned and cleaned, just been waiting on my perma ban to be lifted…

[Incident: 121026-003000]?

Hacked gold taken

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jonanonnn.8720


Yeah my characters were broke, if they sell all my equipment they’d be lucky to make a gold..

I’ve gotten a reply email from Anet sofar saying they are looking into it, but that was hours and hours ago

Hacked gold taken

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jonanonnn.8720


Uhh Well when I login it Says My guild wars 2 account has been perma banned for engaging in selling gold or items for RL money…

The error code at the bottom right says 45:6:3:2114

Hacked gold taken

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jonanonnn.8720


Well I went to a 2hour workshift to help out a buddy and came back with my PW changed and permabanned from the game today xD

I’m dreading logging on when I’m unbanned and seeing naked goldless characters..

Hacked account. No character reimbursement.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jonanonnn.8720


I have a question, I was recently hacked, killing time til my account is unbanned.

If I log on and my characters are naked with 0 money, Am I just screwed? I dont even know how I’d go about re-equipping them..

Foriegn IPs

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jonanonnn.8720


Is there anyway to make it so your account cannot be accessed by IP Adresses from outside your country?

I was recently hacked, and am still currently banned, so I’ve been going through my email. I never noticed because I seldom check my email but throughout my Junk and Normal Emails I’ve found 12 “Authentication Reqeust” Emails or what not like if I was tyring to access from another computer. All of them save one(Which was from KR) were from CN.

So Long story short, I have no interest in ever visiting China, or Korea, or playing Guildwars2 outside of my country, is there anyway I can make my account only accept localized IPs?

Dyes - Class based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jonanonnn.8720


I have noticed a weird theme its like certain dye characters seem to become obsessed with your character, my Warrior from Lvs1-80 has almost completed the whole spectrum of Oranges, and sofar with my Necro from Lvs 1-16 I’ve found 4 dyes, and they’ve all been variants of blue.

This is off your topic but another funny coincidence I had was when I bought 30Unidentified dyes from the trading post I went a whole week of playing without finding one as a random drop O.o

Trading Post still broken for me after a week

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jonanonnn.8720


This was a giant help thank you!!

Trading Post still broken for me after a week

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jonanonnn.8720


Windows XP Service pack3

Trading Post still broken for me after a week

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jonanonnn.8720


Yes! I have this exact problem, I have been playing for a little over 2 weeks, I have never seen what any of the tabs even look like, 24/7 overflow or not. Black Screen, endless little gold loading circle.

I too have sent in a report, never got a reply.

I got some tips from GW2 Guru forums but none of the fixes worked for me whatsoever. I have no firewalls whatsoever.

Everyone I talk to says theirs work just fine…

Serious Error blah blah

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jonanonnn.8720


Got it to work, disregard this, Apparently I had to rename the Gw2.tmp to Gw2.exe and it started working _

Serious Error blah blah

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jonanonnn.8720


And here this too..

Serious Error blah blah

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jonanonnn.8720


So I’m at wits end here, I’ve been trying to overcome this for the past 4 hours and nothing I seem to do works.
Disabled all Firewalls ect.
Updated my drivers.
Tried the new folders, taking it out of the temp, renaming the folders ect.
My computer can run the game.

I’ve followed all the instructions, tips, crazy ideas from the like 8 other threads on this problem but it simply wont work. Heeelllllllp please!