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season 6 mm suggestion

in PvP

Posted by: Jonesi Blitz.5263

Jonesi Blitz.5263

To me the biggest thing is still matchmaking.

So let’s address this first. I agree fully that this is a problem if the system is to remain as is with only a solo/duo queue.

If it is than my suggestions would be:

1: Locked teams, no swapping classes. And the class balancing needs to be better. There should not be two of the same class on one team, unless there are 3 in the match and than 2 on one team 1 on the other, and so forth balance from there.

2: Add a forfeit option, sometimes you can tell by team moral that it is just over early in the match. Higher penalty for forfeit, unless team is missing a person, or something along those lines to reduce attempted forfeits.

  1. Show all individual’s stats and MMR + gain/loss at the end of the match.
    —This will allow people to give fact based feedback, and see for themselves if the match making is working as intended.

This would be useful with the current solo/duo queue. There is a lot of data for anet to sift through, and while automated algorithms may find some patterns, players could see something that is not being caught by the devs.

  1. Give information on what the desired split is for bronze/silver/gold/plat/legend.
    —It would be nice to know where you stand % wise. Looking at badges that I see in the PvP lobby and around the main areas, it looks like bronze is the most populated tier.

This would be interesting to know, is it 5% legend, 10% plat and so forth?

Of course the solo/duo queue has a higher population, it gives the same rewards with a fraction of the effort. We have never had a pure 5v5 only Team Queue, it has always been mixed. Even when Solo Queue and Team Queue were separate, Team Queue was a mix of various team sizes. Anet has never provided players with any incentive for even giving Team Queue a try.

Team Queue is already working, the only difference being Anet is picking your teammates.

These go together. What really needs to change is the Team options. Some others addressed this as well so some of it is reiteration. Ranked Season PvP should be 5 man pre-made ques, and that queue should only accept 5 man pre-made teams. If you are not in a 5 man team, then you should be in unranked (the perfect place to find new team mates, it feels just the same as playing ranked but doesn’t hold a weight).

If anet wants players to be able to queue without a team for a ranked game, than it needs to be a full different format than the current game, have the 1v1 arena, 2v2, and so forth. This gives new map development a chance to explore new modes, and doesn’t cut into the game type that the 5v5 is playing.

Guild Wars 1 had the random arena, and the team arena. Random arena was typically seen as the less serious of the two, so why emulate that game mode in the second game and make it the primary focus for Ranked game play.

While this next part seems way off topic for the thread I believe it is another piece of the problem.
PvE rewards should not be part of the PvP game play. While earning a legendary backpack was interesting by playing through the season achievements. I really feel I was just dragging down some games because I was not fully serious on playing for hyper competitive play. Instead I was there for whatever achievement I had left. To still give the PvP community decent rewards, give them just skins, they get enough transmute charges through the reward tracks. And if they want PvE gear, than play PvE to earn it, draw players there as well.

PvE players queue up and put in only the minimum effort so they can get the rewards that are being offered. Personally I’d be a little salty if only the legendary PvP players could unlock a new legendary backpack, but if its just a skin, like the black lion store skins, i’m not missing out on a limited craft able weapon.


in PvP

Posted by: Jonesi Blitz.5263

Jonesi Blitz.5263

Everyone has their own way of learning, so take what you can from this.

Class is best learned through practice, take the time to read every skill description, look at what each weapon set does and then decide which way you would like to play. Tank, Support, Glass Cannon, Condi, so forth. Once you pick a build play it, over and over and over, you may get a few easy wins or you may grind through hours of losses before you see a win with a build. Not only are you learning a new build, but each match you are learning to apply that build to the group dynamic that is thrown at you. If you are new to guild wars in general, or the profession you are playing, I suggest picking a meta battle build to start from. Feel free as you are playing to do minor tweaks and changes. I also suggest getting comfortable with one single class before swapping through all the others, maybe try each out but then pick a single focus character.

Rotations, everyone has an opinion on the best rotation pattern. What I have observed and discussed a lot with guild mates is that it doesn’t matter which 2 points you go after as long as you are flexible to focus on those points as a team, and are able to swap tactics on the fly as you respond to how the enemy is playing. If you are playing unranked and play in a full party its best to have a voice com going so you can further choose tactics on the fly, if you’re in a ranked match use text chat as a tool to aid your communication. Just be sure not to be the aggressive pleb that calls everyone out when you start losing. Staying positive keeps it fun for everyone, even if you are in a bad game.

On the map, instead of remembering names for locations typically each point is detonated: home, mid, far. Home is closest to your spawn point, so its different depending on which side you start and then from there the other two make sense.

The rotation typically agreed on is a 4 mid 1 home start, if no one says anything typically the group will split in a zerg up to mid, with one person staying home. If you have someone that feels confident in their 1v1 abilities they may split far, leaving your open 1 far 3 mid 1 home. While the first split is important typically any mistakes made during the open can be recovered if the team regroups well.

Mistforged Weapons through Alt Currency

in WvW

Posted by: Jonesi Blitz.5263

Jonesi Blitz.5263

I’m fine with that. Not because I don’t think there won’t be another WvW tournement, but because Badges of Honor and WvW rewards in general are greatly lacking. Anything that makes WvW more rewarding and provides more incentives, I’m perfectly happy with.

Exactly this would love to see content use for badges that is more rewarding.

Guild Structure Suggestion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jonesi Blitz.5263

Jonesi Blitz.5263

This so much this, would love to see the Admin Lower Ranks functionality fully split apart.

Promote, Demote, Kick, Invite

Each should be their own privilege to assign.

What is the advantage of playing WVW now?

in WvW

Posted by: Jonesi Blitz.5263

Jonesi Blitz.5263

I believe most will agree the one achievement that should stay as it is is kills.

Just looking at kills aka Realm Avenger. At 250,000 kills you earn the Title ultimate Dominator and have earned 51 Achievement points.

Prior to the 250,000 kills you earn 1 AP at 1 kill, 5 more AP at 1,000 kills, 5 at 3k, 10 at 10k, and finally 10 at 50k. You don’t earn a title and you have by this point been grinding between a year – ten years depending on your dedication to that aspect of WvW.

6 Tiers of progression miles apart basically.

Should the 51 AP and a single title be all that a quarter million kills track has to offer?

Let’s compare it to the other in game kill’s track that is offered in sPvP.

Slayer as it currently stands is a total of 2,000 kills. And worth 41 achievement points. Over the progression of 37 Tiers. Each tier earning 1 AP except the final that rewards 5.
Offers the player a more interactive rewarding progression and at the end a title that can be obtained in 1-2 months of medium core play. (not to much but not to little).

The rest of the case I give carries over so on to the next quote.

Your suggestion makes the achieves far to easy, I’m hoping they keep them difficult and require years of play to complete.

The idea that you are always working towards a goal is indeed a useful progression. But as for example the kills quoted above for the difference. Maybe a concession can be made.

Alternate proposal, keep the final Unobtainable goals, but instead offer AP over the course of many more steps.

For example again the Realm Avenger:
At each 100 kills marker give the player 1 AP, but at the 1,000 marks give the player 5 AP and then if someone makes it to 250,000 give them 100 AP. It is a super long goal so it should be worth the grind.
This would total 3600 AP for the total Achievement.

People like obtainable Titles that they can show off to others, that was my whole focus in GW1 was the grind to GWAMM, first grinding out the months of kurzic and luxon and then moving on to EOTN and whatever else, that’s why I played for years at nearly 50 hours a week.

So like the quote below put in titles that show off different achievements progression, maybe 10 levels per super long Achievement.

The suggested totals required might be too low. I would support the plan of adding titles at suggested low lvls but retaining the current tiers with a new title at each of the last 2-3 tiers.

ie Apprentice Yak Slapper at 10k…….

Pro’s to longer progression with increased reward, helps retain players for longer.

Con’s still seems daunting to new players coming in that only want to play for so long before moving on to something else.

Maybe after a player has hit a high enough level in their WvW title make it so that they earn drops like they are farming in Silver Waste, fairly efficient way to make money doing something they enjoy instead of repetitive grind of a PvE zone.

(edited by Jonesi Blitz.5263)

Server transfer costs don't make sense

in WvW

Posted by: Jonesi Blitz.5263

Jonesi Blitz.5263

For the cost of transfering to a tier1 or t2 server it is cheaper to buy a new copy of the game, and make a new account.

If the game is on sale i could buy five new copies for the price of transfering to a tier1 server. Even going to the lowest tier server is still twice as expansive as GW2 on sale. And once you are on the tier1 server i can very quickly level a new character to 80 due to the dominance this server has in wvw and eotm.

Your price scheme isnt a barrier because there are other, much easier, ways to get the same thing.

You don’t need to buy a new copy for free transfer, just delete all your toons. Oh wait people like to keep their progression and still use the same account. The cost of a new account is invalid. If someone truly wants to transfer they will pay whatever fee you put in front of them. However the higher it is the more likely they will think twice.

Deleting your characters and rolling a new one are two entirely seperate things.

Argument invalidation, invalid.

Actually I was stating the cost idea. You argued its cheaper to get a new account than to pay the transfer fee. New account comes with non of the perks, no items already prestored in a bank, no gold or karma, no WvW title progression that allows you mastery over siege and other things. At that point you might as well delete your existing account if it doesn’t reset your WvW rank than you get a bonus (I have not tried it on an account that has actually WvW.) And it is free.

However people like to maintain all their items, and gold, and no trade able things that are account bound, say legendary weapons which to buy with cash alone cost more than a transfer.

Just buying a new account or my option of deleting characters would not be viable to maintain things. Therefor people will pay the transfer fee if they want to transfer bad enough.

WvW Passive Upgrade System….[DISCUSS]

in WvW

Posted by: Jonesi Blitz.5263

Jonesi Blitz.5263

White swords were for the roamers, instead of allowing everyone to zerg and just get a signal it forced players to defend, or else roamers could take out large objectives without the enemy noticing.

…instead a system which uses yaks as its resource…

I am glad someone else had the same idea though didn’t seem to read the post before them

What is the advantage of playing WVW now?

in WvW

Posted by: Jonesi Blitz.5263

Jonesi Blitz.5263

I was going to start my own topic for this, glad I looked around. So here are my proposed changes to WvW.

In sPvP you have Titles & Achievements that are obtainable in months time instead of years time. You can get a custom set of armor through playing many matches and earning the reward track. You can obtain unique finishers.

So my idea:

  • Give players finishers when they reach particular levels of WvW rank.
  • A unique armor set that can be bought for ungodly amounts of a unique currency that you can only get in WvW (not EoTM).
  • Change those god awful WvW achievements.

Suggested changes to achievements:
*Yakslapper – 1,000
On an enemy borderland that owns all their camps, you can make 3 circuits in 1 hour killing 30 yaks total (6 camps, 2 yaks, 3 times) If you farmed an hour a day and were actually able to kill 30 yaks it would take you a little over a month.

*Kills – 10,000
It is fairly easy to get large number of kills while zerging. Still this should be obtainable in a few months of play.

*Repair – 10,000
A little low i’d think but still something that would take a couple months of trying to earn, if not a year.

*Captures – 10,000
This is the you captured anything achievement and unless you are Karma Training it should take quite a while to hit this. But not out of the scope of a year.

*Escorting – 2,000
Escorting takes time per point, and could be killed easily by an enemy sneaking in and bursting. But a high number should be encouraged so players take the time to escort as needed. But still not spend their whole life doing it.

*Capture Castle – 1,000
[i] Stonemist is either flip happy or hard to cap depending on the match-up. Assuming some unlucky match-ups 1000 should take a long while, on the other hand its not out of reach for those that let it flip slightly more often.[/]

*Capture Keep – 1,000
[i] A hard objective as keeps don’t flip super often you may see 1-2 keeps flip on a good day of playing unless you are on ridiculous amounts or your enemy is not trying to hold their keep.[/]

*Capture Towers – 1000
Arguably low especially with break out events nearly securing you a free tower often, or undefended boarder lands easy to get, but this is an achievement and as such it should be obtainable. Still high for the new player coming into the game.

*Capture Camps – 2000
Camps flip a lot easier compared to other objectives. However the player is not always the one flipping the camp so still an obtainable goal for those supporting all positions

The following are the defending objectives not sure if this would fully be removed with the new upgrade system being a defend event.

*Defending – 10,000
This is the defend all things. Should be obtainable.

*Defending Stonemist – 1,000
I feel like defending Stonemist to often is not strategic to the play of some commanders so an obtainable goal is what I was aiming for.

*Defending Keeps – 2,000
Keeps are the life of your borderlands, with waypoints and large amounts of supply they open up your play quite a bit and they are massively defensible. A higher number for defending so that it encourage players to defend them.

*Defending Towers – 1,000
Towers offer useful position for siege and add to your ppt, but they are also easier to reaquire so sometimes a tower defense can be forgone, therefore just the obtainable goal. Still encourages defending towers quite a bit.

*Defending Camps – 1,000
Same argument obtainable blah blah

These changes would encourage more players to play WvW to earn the achievements and titles beyond those that just enjoy WvW. Similar to the PvP titles being changed to encourage more people to try it.

(edited by Jonesi Blitz.5263)

WvW Passive Upgrade System….[DISCUSS]

in WvW

Posted by: Jonesi Blitz.5263

Jonesi Blitz.5263

Instead of a timed upgrade it should be a number of yaks that hit the structure. And with camps it should be the number of yaks that successfully make it to their destination. Idea being that they enable troops from those places to know they need help (like the guard upgrade).

I like the auto upgrade taking away decision and cost. That alone is a stress to commanders sending new players out to upgrade that can be avoided. Instead send someone to run yaks. Its an idea that should of been enforced with the old system.

If they don’t change it you still need yaks. Supply in keeps and towers is important try holding hills with no supply for 8 hours. Possible only if you have supply elsewhere on the map, say you don’t flip camps eventually no supply anywhere and you are fresh outta luck.

Ready up

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jonesi Blitz.5263

Jonesi Blitz.5263

Ready up is generally on Friday.

Is cross-world spying against the ToS?

in WvW

Posted by: Jonesi Blitz.5263

Jonesi Blitz.5263

Match manipulation is a no-no.

I’d really like to know what defines match manipulation in a WvW setting.

I would like a TOS defined ruling on this. (Amend the TOS please).

Personally I don’t play to break the game, but I have no problem with someone deciding they want to spy on me playing, it’s a given actually, and I believe it is part of the game mode that you should prepare yourself against. My entire time outside of GW as an online player is in games that put together large number of players in a war style setting, and a key tactic is to gather enemy intelligence as many different ways as possible.

Also under this could fall the diplomacy of two servers working together to stack their tier. This I believe is also a part of the game that should be allowed even though it is in some view entirely wrong. Again I hate running into such a situation but there is a reason there are 3 teams on a map and not just 2.

To start limiting the rules of war you change the game mode. I enjoy 5v5 arena but WvW is not 5v5 arena less rules as long as you are not doing something along real illegal lines such as ddos, then anything else goes, learn from it, plan for it, and adjust your method.

Spies can be feed wrong information. 2 v 1 settings force you to think about negotiating diplomacy between your server and another.

I am sure the community can think of other things that may fall under match manipulation and I would enjoy seeing more of that. But definitely TOS should be updated, if anet is going to suddenly start banning for spying.

Server transfer costs don't make sense

in WvW

Posted by: Jonesi Blitz.5263

Jonesi Blitz.5263

For the cost of transfering to a tier1 or t2 server it is cheaper to buy a new copy of the game, and make a new account.

If the game is on sale i could buy five new copies for the price of transfering to a tier1 server. Even going to the lowest tier server is still twice as expansive as GW2 on sale. And once you are on the tier1 server i can very quickly level a new character to 80 due to the dominance this server has in wvw and eotm.

Your price scheme isnt a barrier because there are other, much easier, ways to get the same thing.

You don’t need to buy a new copy for free transfer, just delete all your toons. Oh wait people like to keep their progression and still use the same account. The cost of a new account is invalid. If someone truly wants to transfer they will pay whatever fee you put in front of them. However the higher it is the more likely they will think twice.

on hot release

in WvW

Posted by: Jonesi Blitz.5263

Jonesi Blitz.5263

At the beginning of Seasons it is common for WvW points to be refunded. So maybe with the release of the expansion but I am sure Seasons will come before HoT release.

Server transfer costs don't make sense

in WvW

Posted by: Jonesi Blitz.5263

Jonesi Blitz.5263

There definitely should be a change to the transfer costs, though I don’t think a lower price should be an option. 1800 gems is a decent price for a quick transfer, and if you don’t have the cash gold farming isn’t that hard to gather enough for 1800.

In the interest of transfers though it should be based more on rank, there should be higher costs.

My suggestion would be something in this range:

Conversion into USD
Tier 1: 4000 Gems – $50.00
Tier 2: 3600 Gems – $45.00
Tier 3: 3200 Gems – $40.00
Tier 4: 2800 Gems – $35.00
Tier 5: 2400 Gems – $30.00
Tier 6: 2100 Gems – $26.25
Tier 7: 1900 Gems – $23.75
Tier 8: 1800 Gems – $22.50

- Barrier to entering a top tier server is higher, there is already a mass of players in WvW on these servers and adding to the number should be something to really want.
- Entering a lower tier server is a little easier in comparison to higher tier, which gives incentive to switch to a lower tier if your guild is looking to move, or if you are an active WvW player looking to switch to a new home world.
-Decreases Server Stacking as frequently in the higher tier, guild on T1 moving to T2. This would make them more likely to move to T4 or lower if they are paying for their members to move.
- Also by making the lowest price still the high level price bracket it is now Anet takes no loss in transaction fees. (Which is the main reason there is a cost in the first place.)

- Cost may be an issue for some that their guild has decided to move higher up in the Tiers. Or if they joined a new guild.
- Negative views from the player base when it’s first implemented, as with every change many will not understand and will grumble.

Switching to Tier 1 when a spot is open should not be easy, and should be discouraged servers need players in the lower tiers so it should be encouraged as much as possible to move lower. Not free as stacking and switching is a major issue with WvW, but definitely something needs to be done.

Side note: I was with a guild that had gathered prior to beta to be dedicated to WvW. At release when switching was free the guild switched servers several times during the free period and the rate at which other guilds were doing the same thing is a major reason why I put the game down and walked away for over a year. Full guild switching will never be something that can be stopped completely but there should never be free range for matches to be stacked because the transfers are free.