To me the biggest thing is still matchmaking.
So let’s address this first. I agree fully that this is a problem if the system is to remain as is with only a solo/duo queue.
If it is than my suggestions would be:
1: Locked teams, no swapping classes. And the class balancing needs to be better. There should not be two of the same class on one team, unless there are 3 in the match and than 2 on one team 1 on the other, and so forth balance from there.
2: Add a forfeit option, sometimes you can tell by team moral that it is just over early in the match. Higher penalty for forfeit, unless team is missing a person, or something along those lines to reduce attempted forfeits.
- Show all individual’s stats and MMR + gain/loss at the end of the match.
—This will allow people to give fact based feedback, and see for themselves if the match making is working as intended.
This would be useful with the current solo/duo queue. There is a lot of data for anet to sift through, and while automated algorithms may find some patterns, players could see something that is not being caught by the devs.
- Give information on what the desired split is for bronze/silver/gold/plat/legend.
—It would be nice to know where you stand % wise. Looking at badges that I see in the PvP lobby and around the main areas, it looks like bronze is the most populated tier.
This would be interesting to know, is it 5% legend, 10% plat and so forth?
Of course the solo/duo queue has a higher population, it gives the same rewards with a fraction of the effort. We have never had a pure 5v5 only Team Queue, it has always been mixed. Even when Solo Queue and Team Queue were separate, Team Queue was a mix of various team sizes. Anet has never provided players with any incentive for even giving Team Queue a try.
Team Queue is already working, the only difference being Anet is picking your teammates.
These go together. What really needs to change is the Team options. Some others addressed this as well so some of it is reiteration. Ranked Season PvP should be 5 man pre-made ques, and that queue should only accept 5 man pre-made teams. If you are not in a 5 man team, then you should be in unranked (the perfect place to find new team mates, it feels just the same as playing ranked but doesn’t hold a weight).
If anet wants players to be able to queue without a team for a ranked game, than it needs to be a full different format than the current game, have the 1v1 arena, 2v2, and so forth. This gives new map development a chance to explore new modes, and doesn’t cut into the game type that the 5v5 is playing.
Guild Wars 1 had the random arena, and the team arena. Random arena was typically seen as the less serious of the two, so why emulate that game mode in the second game and make it the primary focus for Ranked game play.
While this next part seems way off topic for the thread I believe it is another piece of the problem.
PvE rewards should not be part of the PvP game play. While earning a legendary backpack was interesting by playing through the season achievements. I really feel I was just dragging down some games because I was not fully serious on playing for hyper competitive play. Instead I was there for whatever achievement I had left. To still give the PvP community decent rewards, give them just skins, they get enough transmute charges through the reward tracks. And if they want PvE gear, than play PvE to earn it, draw players there as well.
PvE players queue up and put in only the minimum effort so they can get the rewards that are being offered. Personally I’d be a little salty if only the legendary PvP players could unlock a new legendary backpack, but if its just a skin, like the black lion store skins, i’m not missing out on a limited craft able weapon.