Showing Posts For Junkfist.1760:

Valid threads being deleted..?

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Junkfist.1760


It’s ok, they’ll just take it to /map chat.

"Replacing" Ellen Kiel

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Junkfist.1760


We had the politics. Can we get to the cutthroat part now?

+250 +250 +250 +250

Seriously Anet: NEVER do this again.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Junkfist.1760


Overall the Kiel supporters tend to be less shouty/annoying/loud and a bit more mature.

Let me taste those salty tears!

Do tell me more.

Evon supporters have no room to talk.

And neither has Kiel supporters.

Gosh, look at this unity. GW2 sure is achieving their mission statement of uniting a playerbase!

At the rate we’re going you’ll have a growing number of players wanting to swear allegiance to the Elder Dragons.

Seriously Anet: NEVER do this again.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Junkfist.1760


So you don’t want another content vote because you lost? How would you feel if Evon had won, and Kiel supporters wrote the same message?

Better, but there’d still be terrible fallout and a player base divided with half actually asking ANET if they can literally assassinate the new elected official.

It was inherently a bad idea to do this.

But the bigger point is there wasn’t a content vote. There was a vote between an eeeeeevil mancat and a white Mary Sue. I’m sure plenty of voters probably never even clicked the “tell me more” button, a vast number don’t even come to the forums or the website.

Kiel Won - Deal with it

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Junkfist.1760


So “apocaliptic”

I LOL at people like this, “if you dont share my point of view about what i like and dislike it means you are not allowed to vote”

PLEASE!!! show me a chart where it proves that theory i have put a lot of effort and money on this game too

Considering how you post and spell, I doubt you’d understand any chart I give you.

Seriously Anet: NEVER do this again.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Junkfist.1760


Not everyone who voted Kiel was a newbie who doesn’t know what’s going on in the game. Sometimes people who have been around since GW1 are tired of putting neutral grey/dark people in power. I voted by story, not by fractal.

Your personal voting preference doesn’t matter in majority politics.

Net result is the same.

Slim minority who spends more money on the game gets embittered and the community gets…


Let me taste those salty tears!


Disgusted at player responses to results

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Junkfist.1760


Welcome to Internet Politics.

ANET should’ve known what they were getting into.

Kiel Won - Deal with it

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Junkfist.1760


i did voted for Kiel

Spoken like a Kiel supporter.

Nobody should care about the dumb RP reasons for voting for a generic Mary Sue white woman.

They should care about the content they deliver.

And hers is crap.

The slim minority of players who spend more time and money on this game are embittered because the slim majority made a dumb decision and this will have an effect on their relationship with the game in the future.

And the game will have no choice but to deal with that.

Seriously Anet: NEVER do this again.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Junkfist.1760


Personal politics are ugly enough in the real world.

When you bring those elements into a space we’re supposed to be having fun in, it turns it ugly, especially when it’s centered around low-information “voters” who saw a pretty white Mary Sue and just tossed their tokens at that.

Now you’ll have just under half of the playerbase, the majority of which have probably been around since GW1 days and spent more money on the game, feeling robbed of interesting content and an interesting character in the mix. When that large a number of your playerbase feels cheated by a slim majority, especially when the mechanics are in question, you’re going to have a lot of negative fallout just like in an actual “election”.

We got a tease of something as monumental as witnessing THE FALL OF A GOD.

Now we’re going to get an aesthetic retread of CoE.

For Serious,

Never ever do anything like this ever again.

Lord Faren/Lady Kasmeer

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Junkfist.1760


Yo you guys should think about a T-shirt that says “Faren is my Homeboy”.

I might buy that.

PSA - Consortium Chests

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Junkfist.1760


Yeah, after blowing a lot of gold on keys during the F&F and only getting one ticket to show for it I’m going to pass.

I don’t even like the look of these weapon skins.

But I will try to get those minis on the TP.

RNG - Please stop Anet.

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Junkfist.1760


RNG, especially when applied to gemstore items, burns goodwill like nothing else.

Any short-term monetary gain you get from exploiting a person’s latent gambling addiction is dwarfed by long-term burnout and bad word of mouth (which you are getting from us).

It’s like throwing money in your fireplace instead of using it to pay your heating bill.

Warmaster Chan

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Junkfist.1760


Yeah, having tried a few times in the last couple days this quest is pretty much impossible. Even when running bunker/healing build and focusing on keeping the NPCs alive during the damage done to them takes them out in a few seconds and the numbers of mobs seems to increase drastically the more people are around.

The farthest I can get is the third encounter where the poison fields get put down by risen hands, but by then 1 or 2 deaths break morale.

I haven’t seen Anchorage WP uncontested in weeks.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Junkfist.1760


Is this some sort of social experiment in how quickly you can lose a playerbase by backtracking on promises made in a manifesto?

What’s Stage 2 going to be, you introducing an elite paid subscription model?