Showing Highly Rated Posts By JustTrogdor.7892:
Maybe it is just my age but most of the human female characters already look like they are on their way to a Justin Biebers concert to me.
Wait a minute. You want posts about mounts to stop yet you posted a thread about mounts. In turn it will open the debate back up about mounts. Odd…
And for the record..
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)
We are waiting to hear from our newest Mac specialist I think..
We have a new tech person on board who is — be still my beating heart — a Mac specialist! So we will be reviewing all stickies and updating them in the near future. Let’s give her a bit of time to get up and running, but we’re on the case!
But that was a month ago.
So I guess Mac users miss out on this:
Free Bank Access Express
Not like it is a mega huge free item, but we are left out either way as these free items are usually one day only.
At this point no major loss as I got the deluxe edition thankfully before this debacle
But the rest of us are out of luck. Sure it isn’t a huge item, but unlike our PC friends we don’t get one because we play on Mac. Of course they could extend the offer for a day on the grounds that Mac customers could not take advantage of it.
You will get one; it is not expiring today.
Thank you! I know it is a trivial thing. Just good to know we won’t be left out due to this bug.
OP if you get a precursor drop from some random mob not requiring much work for you to get it look me up. I wouldn’t want you to sell it on the TP for market value. So I’ll be glad to help you out by allowing you to sell it to me for much less.
I don’t like gem store RNG. I don’t like BLKs, I don’t like the idea of spending real money for a chance to get something or maybe part of something (scraps), or junk.
I do however support the gem store as long as what I am buying is guaranteed.
I’ve probably spent more real money in the gem store than 99% of all players. I don’t mind* doing it as long as I know what I am getting. This buy a box, pack, whatever for a “chance” is junk. Sell it straight out Anet. You will get more buyers.
Those dye packs with a ‘chance’ are junk to me. Not cool. Just sell the darn dyes. I bet it would sell more. Gem store RNG = Rip Off.
*I have some issues of how Anet treats Mac customers (read ignores often).
The fact that someone got kicked because people were arguing that he had an ugly face should have been a clue from the beginning.
Regardless of the specifics of the OP’s situation, I agree: the game should only allow you to treat as “friends” when both players are on each other’s friends lists.
- No information about location, APs, or logon/logoff.
- No support on the leaderboards.
“Follower” should be renamed to “Requests to be added to friends list.”
I agree. If someone asks to follow you it should have to be confirmed. If you have blocked them they should not be able to send a follow request. If they are already following you for some reason and you block them, they should be removed from the follower list. Also when you block someone it should be as if you don’t exist to them anymore. They should not be able to see you online, or if invisible what map you are on or anything.
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)
Because taking the time to make a video of myself taking some dorky video game oath isn’t worth $50.00.
Would it help if I said I included it in my report?
Report of what? ^^
Reported the OP for bumping his own thread. “Happy birthday have an infraction!”
Just spent $50 the past two weeks on gem cards too. It’s not knowing when to, how much to, and what will be the return that is the core of the mistrust I’m referring to.
I don’t know about other gem purchasers, but I have never once bought gems just in hopes of getting some bonus gift. I buy gems for things I want for upgrades, cosmetic items, fun stuff, skins and so forth. Even after the last bonus gift I didn’t keep buying gems in hope of getting another gift. I bought them because I use them on things that help me enjoy the game. I don’t really look at buying gems as some strategy to get a bonus gift.
When to: When you want something from the gem store.
How much to: However much you want to spend on store items.
Return: The items you purchased.
I got the idea for this thread from several observations. The main one being my own behavior in this forum. While I am generally a very kind person, this forum as with many I have been a part of, can bring out my smart kitten side pretty quick. When I stepped back and evaluated that, I came to the conclusion that I was being overly judgmental of others that play the game.
Yes there are a lot of posts I don’t agree with or that I think are just plain ridiculous. However, in real life if I hear someone say something in public that I think is stupid I don’t get into some debate over why I think what they said was wrong. I just go about my business and often think to myself that I hope they have a better day. I don’t care for constant complaining but it really gets too much when I find myself complaining about complaints.
So reflecting on all these posts I have been involved in and, admittedly rude at times, I started thinking about the person on the other side of the screen that I can’t see. I thought about how I felt as I purchased and downloaded the game. How excited I was once the install was complete and when I first made my first character. So then I thought about this other mysterious person living in wherever and I imagined they felt the same as I at one point. I started thinking that this is a real person that wakes up everyday just like me and they want to have a good day which in many cases means enjoying the game.
The thing about the Internet, and I found this out early during the USNET years, is that since you can’t see that person you forget that they have feelings as well. It’s easy to forget that maybe they just had a bad day and an unpleasant gaming experience later in the day was kind of the final straw leading to rage posting on the boards. It’s easy to forget that when they click the login button they want to have fun also. It’s the reason for playing a game and people like to have fun.
So where am I going with this? I thought it would be a good idea to brain storm some random acts of (kindness) in game to maybe make that random person smile for a second, maybe make their day a little better.
Here are a few things I have done:
*When I see a player that is obviously new and low level running around lost, I help them for a minute. Then later on I mail them a few coins and or maybe a piece of armor they could use. I simply write “Welcome to GW2” and attach the coin/item. I imagine as a new player something like that might give them a brief smile.
*If I see a downed player in PvE I rez them and if they are not down leveled I mail them some coin with a note that says, “Thought you could use some coin to help with your repairs.”
*I shadow obvious new players and only jump in if they get in a real dicy situation then disappear and do it again for a bit.
*I’m maxed on cooking skill so when I get low level cooking mats that don’t sell for much I’ll just mail them to some random name I see in my area with a note that says,“I bet you are hungry after all your travels.”
*I haven’t done this yet but I think once a day when I see some negative posts here I’ll just send one of those people that are unhappy some small gift. Something that has been in my bank and I will never use or sell. (Disclaimer: Please don’t start posting negative threads just to have a chance at a prize. )
Anyway, these are the main things I do but I’m looking for more and hope others will share ideas and participate. The thought isn’t to give your bank away but just some small token of (kindness) that might just make someone think, “That was nice.” even if just for a minute.
I’ve been rather rude here at times and I apologize. I’m really a pretty decent person in real life. I think most here on both sides of arguments are as well. The idea is fun and to some degree I am guessing when everyone logs in each day the idea is to add something pleasant to their day. So let’s help random people out with that.
Please share other ways myself and others might just send our own little “token” to random players as a way of saying in game, “Hope you are having a good day.”
P.S. (kindness) due to overly aggressive language filter.