Showing Posts For KGUN.8374:
an ANET response would be nice also, ..
Can USA / BESTBUY Gem cards be used/redeemed by an AUS player?
- I Was thinking about helping a friend with the cost of a world transfer in the future.
’ INVISIBLE GLIDER ’ – With Air Trails -
- Invisibile glider with air trails coming from the hands, legs/feet
- The idea would be like that of skydiver / cliff jumpers wingsuits
- I’d like the idea of this with the air trail effect
- I’d prefer NOT to have the wingsuit cape parts under the arms and legs,
- It would be sort of like when you glide and your arms go back just without a glider
I posted here about it initially:
" Glider idea – Suggestion / Request "
nvm I’d have to reply it into the thread i think
Just turn off your glider and you’ll go faster.
OP: There is a stickied thread for glider suggestions in the HoT forum, you’d best add yours if you wish it to be noted.
Is it possible to edit / transfer this thread to
“Glider Suggestions? Share Them Here!”
Basically Invisible Glider
- With hand and leg/feet ‘air trails’
I Just like that idea. seems like something those people who dive off cliffs and glide down close to the cliff-wall very close to the ground basically.
I Don’t know the style or sport well.
I Think They have some sort of support underarm cape thing, that’s all I Can remember.
someone must know
But the invisible glider with trails sounds good.
Oh another thing I Don’t know if anyone noticed when the game lags or takes a sec to load up and you go to glide there’s no glider no big deal but that’s kind of where I Got the idea of invisible glider from.. The way the character looks.
..reply let me know what you think.
King did they Not increase the direct healing amount by 67% of the 788 , – they Increased how healing power(stat) effects it? – This is where I’ve been lost. I Thought they directly changed the healing amount of the skill . . . .
I think I get it now, it’s the healing power effect(.6) that’s been x by 67% /… .6 + .402 = 1.002
Thanks for the help, King.
and I’m talking about in game, I know it may take time for the wiki to be changed/updated.
Detonate Orb of Light
Healing: 788 (0.6)?
-The Change-
Detonate Orb of Light: The healing contribution of this ability has been increased by 67%.
-For the change—
I’m not a math wiz(let me know if I did this correct) but shouldn’t the healing from detonate orb be like =
788 × .67 = 527.96
788 + 527.96 = 1315.96
So it should be 1315.96 base heal upon detonate the orb if I’m even doing this correctly. . . anyone confirm if it has been changed correctly also Thanks.
Not sure where to put this suggestion
-I want left alt to show health bars as well as name, maybe some sort of option to have it set to display when holding left alt.
-like a check box “Show Allies health when holding ‘key’ [X]” ..or you can sort of add it on to the already used left-alt to view allies names(as an option). – please
The trap might need to be triggered for it to work.
-Thanks for your reply.
Me: “I tried activating the trap no retal” – maybe I wasn’t clear enough or didn’t word it correctly
but I just re-tested the trait with the DH Healing (skill) Trap, – NO Retal on heal skill use, NO Retal upon Heal Trap Trigger.
I Tried, letting the enemy walk into the trap to see if it would trigger/activate the retal, – it didn’t work.
I Tried activating the heal trap on an enemy for instant trap trigger, – It (The trait)-did not work.
I think it’s from the trap, I tried activating the trap no retal,
I also tried shelter healing skill I Gained fury retal and might.
It’s because it’s a trap skill, but it is a HEALL SKILL so it should essentially work the same way for my setup.
Please check over this, thanks.
Gain retaliation when using a heal skill. = Healers Retribution.
Trait problem: Does not show up in boons(ON HEAL SKILL use), no affect.
the specific setup which I’ve tested it on, and may be the reason why it’s bugged, —>
1 :: 2 superior runes of altruism*Gain and send out might ON HEAL SKILL use*
2 :: TRAIT: Smiters boon – combined with monks focus(/fury/ affects ON HEAL SKILL use)
I Don’t know what the deal is maybe it’s bugged maybe all the on heal skill use things are canceling it out some how, someone please check this it might be because I’m using a trap heal I Don’t know. I Tried out of combat heal and in combat heal no retal with this setup.
WIKI searches for info:
Superior Rune of Altruism
Smiter’s Boon
Monk’s Focus
Healer’s Retribution
I just realized something as I Hit preview maybe the trap has to trigger for the retal to start(?..) I was hoping it would be as I HIT the heal skill b.c That’s when the heal skill is activated..
I’ll test soon.
4-stat trinkets, are they -locked- behind raid drop/ or(raid) currency-use?
I’ve been working on Wanderer’s / Ruka’s gear with the 4-stat combo
I’ve done this through transmuting
I got the recipe for exotic insignia with the Crystaline ore
I did this without having to do raids, I’m just wondering, if say I wanted to continue on into trinkets maybe doing some of them as the same stat Do I NEED to jump into trying raids?
Just as an example – " Talisman of Holt " (wiki Talisman of Holt) is an asended amulet with some of the 4 stat combos,
1. Sabetha’s Chest ((Raid Reward))
or. . . Sold by: Scholar Glenna for 250 Magnetite Shard, Which is the currency earned in raids.
== Is there another way I'm missing for obtaining the new 4-stat combo trinkets? ==
will there be some sort of transmute for ascended trinkets?
I used my computer to set everything up, I already have it installed. Sorry. Their computer isn’t even hooked up at the moment. @Tesz.
(edited by KGUN.8374)
I did all that thanks, they know the pass, we’ve tried logging in many times. no luck.
they used their serial code
they used their email
they used their made up password
EVERYTHING is set up, they Can log into their account online “my account” page, but not log into game.
I bought it for them as a gift.. and to play with them.
Hello, Thank you.
I got GW2 for a family member, and set up everything, Only thing left to do is log in through the launcher. Since I helped with doing the account I’m making sure everything gets done and I / They can log in. I Can’t log in. Do I Have to send a ticket? or is it because of maintenance. The thing at the top just said maintenance is over- But still not able to. appreciate the help..
Sound Setup:
– HDMI-OUT from Video Card to Receiver.
– Sound in-game set to the HDMI out of the video card
– When the camera is far away I don’t hear the npc voice during parts of scenes in the story leaving me to rely on the subtitles.
- when I’m in the scene view where one person stands on the left of the screen and one on the right the sound is fine. It’s just messed up when they show a different area during a scene WHILE the npc is still talking.. It’s difficult to explain.
I don’t want to spoil anything and Don’t know how to do the spoiler thing So I’ll just give my own setup example of when the surround sound goes wrong.
I’m on one side of a story map talking to an npc then suddenly the scene zooms over (while that npc is still talking) to another area where the abjective is being setup/finished, She continues to talk yet I can’t hear a word from her.
also, I should note- In regular combat the surround sound seems to work pretty well: if I’m facing the npc and they’re talking I hear it infront of me, If i turn around and walk away a little, I hear it behind me. This is good. IF i walk far away the sound of them fades, I think this is good for regular combat.
(maybe) A solution for npc voice in story mode:
- For story mode set all important npc voice to FRONT left and right sound channels please.
.. Unless you can fix the surround sound system.
Thank you for your time..