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Could you go back to a "standard" MMO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KableZone.9137


“Standart” is not the correct word. Correct one would be “primitive” or “old”.

However, that doesn’t mean you “can’t” like a primitive game. You can like the idea “nothing without farming”, you can like the idea “oh no sleep for tonight too”, you can like the fact that there will be a rich guy who doesn’t have to work so he can play all day long and call you a noob in the game, because he has very, very OP gear because of obvious reasons.

I have to be brutally honest here. What you said was in itself very primitive and degrading. I hope you are very young and have not grown to be the man you will at one point

Mobs and Tanking - Something I've noticed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KableZone.9137


I’d love to get some insight into how “threat” works in this game aswell. Sometimes it seems to stick very hard to the one that pulled them, other times it seems to go for the heaviest nuker on the team first.

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KableZone.9137



Thank you very much for a really constructive post. I will go back and try my best at the mesmer or elementalist when i have time tonight.

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KableZone.9137


@Muthax thank you for changing your tone.
Some of the best moments i’ve had in wow where me and a few friends sitting down a friday night to 5 man old raiding content or beating the crap out of stuff we couldnt do at earlier levels. This is what i am missing with this system. In skyrim its true that you wont over level the mobs, you can however stil lvery easily become VERY powerful compared to the mobs.
At the part about grinding. The gameplay in itself isnt really that new or gamebreaking compared to other mmo’s when questing and stuff to me. So that part cant help but feel like a bit of a grind. The professions are a downright grind, they really are. If you want them up, you need to find a specifik place where mobs drop specifik items and grind them for an extended period of time. Thats just how it is. You wont find all the materials you need by just leveling and picking up the odd copper ore you come across.

I was intrigued by the non grind that this game appeared to be, but the further i get the more grindy it just feels to me :/

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KableZone.9137



I do get your point here about pvp being the ultimate end game and playing for fun. My problem here though is that i like other pvp games better. So all in all this might just not be my kind if game. I did very little pvp in WoW as i found it most of the time unbalanced because they had to balance the pve aspect of it aswell most likely. In GW2 i’m not sure. It feels to chaotic for me. I’m a big fan of MOBA style pvp games and i have played fps a lot 2. I was hoping to get into gw2 pvp but as i said it seems to chaotic for me.

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KableZone.9137


Afaik (having only played skyrim) the only part of leveling that looks like gw2 is mob scaling?
I’m not trolling, but as others have pointed out you need a different mindset to enjoy guild wars 2, and i am trying to find that mindset.
This isnt less grindy then other mmo’s btw. Tried leveling a profession?

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KableZone.9137


First off i am not demanding anything? I bought the game and i am excersising my right of free speech to come up with critisism. If YOU dont like that, deal with it or go away?
Its fine that you think the game is fine, that doesnt mean i HAVE to think so aswell or gtfo without voicing myself.
I know what rpg means and stands for. In that sense pretty much every single computer game is an rpg, as you play a role in most of them. Not getting over the completely obvious, noone today thinkgs that way of an rpg.
I do play tabletop rpg’s from time to time. I dont see what the point of that was though. In your words games like “The Sims” would be an rpg aswell.

The problem here is that there is no other word you can use to define what i think a classic rpg is, because everyone just calls them rpg’s.
The classic elements that i am talking about that MOST people(maybe not you) love about rpgs, are leveling, playing a class with certain skill sets and getting new gear.

Anyway maybe you could in your own condescenting tone tell me what it is YOU find so appealing about this game, so maybe i could open my eyes to it instead of only seing the bad stuff

I forgot to add story, story is a very important part of classic rpgs aswell. Something that mmo games have taken a bit lightly tbh. I’m at the level 49 quest in story mode i think and so far its been a decent effort in Guild wars 2. Not really epic, but decent.

(edited by KableZone.9137)

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KableZone.9137


I’m confused here, what exactly have you been playing in a single player that you call classic rpg’s? Surely the most classic of the pc rpgs(Baldurs gate, Icewind dale, Planescape torment) are not like this. You can actually out level your opponents if you find every secret and do every quest.
This is one of the LEAST rpg-like mmo’s i’ve played(remember that an mmo does not have to be an rpg, then its called an mmorpg). The fact that you dont get any new skills after level 40 just takes the whole rpg deal away from it.
So to sum up, in a single player claassic rpg, gaining levels and getting new gear is in no way an illusion of power, its real progress.

I’ve still yet to see anyone tell me what the actual appeal of this game is, what it does that others dont, thinking at the same time of the things it does not do. Obviously not getting a monthly fee compared to wow is something that draws in quite a big crowd.

I can see your point here. I’m not really sure what end game in this is like but atm. i seem to be doing the same things as in other mmo’s at my level. I grind xp, i grind profession(crafting) mats and i grind dungeons when i can. I see your point about exploring as this game actually rewards exploring(with karma and xp, random events and stuff like that). On the other hand i allready have 30% map completion so what i’m gonna do when i have 100%

I’ve jsut tried switching classes from a lvl 50 warrior(dinged today) to an engineer. The warrior god me down in dungeons as being melee seems very penalizing against bosses with aoe effects and stuff like that. And a ranged warrior seems… a bit meh.

Some things i actually like about this game so far includes: Hard to Reach vistas(these are fun doing alone, and are fun racing against your friends aswell), avoidable damage in combat(The only bad part here is that most of the stuff bosses/mobs do are hard to discern from a normal attack or whatever, and the red circles on the ground are hard to see during intense combat), Weapon versatility(being able to be both ranged and melee as pretty much any class, you should imo have made more wepons for some classes though like the engineer. And WAAAAAY more wepon skills so you wouldnt be stuck with the same 5 skills the entire game).
Overall the negative just overshadows the positive in this game for me. And yes i should just go away and play another game maybe, its just that i used some money on this and i was having high expectations, and getting dissapointed is never fun

(edited by KableZone.9137)

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KableZone.9137


Isnt the fun part of an rpg/action rpg/mmo/whatever seing your character grow powerful? Be honest now. I know the pvp part of the game is supposed to be fun, but its way to chaotic for my taste.

What is the skinner box model? I think you misunderstand what people actually do find fun in a mmo. The fact is that getting to that next carrot is what is actually fun in most mmo, and its inredibly rewarding. Finding out whats fun and doing that only works in a very very short amount of time. YOu simply get bored of doing the same thing over and over with no other reward then it being fun.

I’m really not trying to create a flame post or anything here. I’m wondering what the fun of it is to you guys then. If you say the pvp part, i guess that comes down to preference. If you say pve, i really dont get you :P Maybe you should try some other mmo’s aswell and see what their veiw on fun pve is

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KableZone.9137


Maybe that is true. I dont know how guild wars one was i never tried it as i was occupied with wow at that time. Did it have a fun dungeon system?

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KableZone.9137


I’m a semi experienced mmo player having played different mmo’s the last 10 years.

I had quite a few wow moments, and some widely spread out cheers of joy, but overall this game isnt for me.

I dont know if i’m just set in the typical mmo style, but i’m really tired of not feeling rewarded from leveling, gearing and Dungeons.

From leveling i mean i that by level 40 i basicly have all the skills i want. I wont get anything new on my character so the old RPG style of the mmo is basicly over for me. I have to go through another 40 levels to be top leveled and be able to experience the entire game, but there wont be a single reward for me by leveling the rest of the way.
Being dumbed down to nothingness everytime i go back to help my friend or do a dungeon is really really annoying to me. It removes the “feel powerful” feeling you get from leveling in most other mmo’s where you can go back some areas and feel the difference.

Gearing: I’m not really overly fond of the gearing so far in this game, but its not like i really hate it either. Its just not great, and that to me is a bit sad. ALso tied in with the fact that you cant go back and test your newly made mace on something that can really feel its destructive force rather then pound your even leveled enemy mob 0,1 second faster to the ground feels so unrewarding.

Dungeons: This is the real dealbreaker for me. I was just so… dissapointed with what i’ve seen so far. The difficulty is nice, it really is. But everything feeling like one big clusterkitten due to random aggro and hard to see aoe effects plus one shotting mobs and corpse running being an integral part of dungeoning is a real turn off for me.
Other then that i cant actually afford to dungeon. Its actually to expensive to repair for me to dungeon. Really? Come on….. If i cant go and have a blast with my friends in a new dungeon where we dont have to read up on tactics beforehand and save up several gold to complete it then whats the point? Also come on…. whats with the rewards for these dungeons. Are you kidding me giving me a white crap item for killing a really really hard cavetroll on AC explorable mode. Why would i ever want to do that again?

PVP: I dont really know what to say about this. The videoes i’ve seen on the net shows 2-3 people fighting eachother. When i enter pvp and actually find someone to fight, its suddenly a 50v50 situation that i know and HAAAAATE from the old AV in wow. Seriously why do you think they remade AV? It wasnt fun…

Where is the carrot in this game? What do you aim for? Whats the point of being level 80 when you cant feel poweful anywhere?

I know this game has a lot of fans, and i’m sure there are very good reasons for playing this. I just dont get enough out of the roll to dodge mechanic to stay here for long. I might level to 80 at some point but i dont think i’l really enjoy it

I had really hoped for more from this. I love the graphics. The combat system is a bit meh, the targetting is off and glichy and sometimes its hard figuring out where you actually need to strike on the bigger mobs to hit them as a melee char.

Thank you and Have fun

Can't seem to enjoy the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KableZone.9137


I agree with OP.

You made me realise what it is i dont like about pvp in this game.

Sadly its the same thing in the pve instances.

Its just a giant clusterkitten of chaos(excuse the curse)

Corpse rushing - Shouldn't be possible.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KableZone.9137


The most ridiculous thing about this is that its actually an incorporated feature. You are MEANT to do this.

Just another fail from this game as dungeons go.

They are so, so, so badly designed

Rewards and gear?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KableZone.9137


The drop system of this game is just lazy. Using 25 minutes to kill a hard rare spawn in AC explorable mode only to get a white underwater wep(under water being a complete joke in this game) is just so fantasticly unrewarding. Seriously. Why would you ever go back doing that again if you knew it would most likely drop absolute worthless stuff?

I’m not asking for a loot piniata. Hey give me something else, a cool dye what ever. Jsut make me feel like this thing we actually stood up and killed together rewarded us somehow.

Who did you create these dungeons for anet?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KableZone.9137


I dont understand how people can find the dungeons here easy. What have you been playing before this that was actually comparable to these dungeons?

In all seriousness i’ve raided end game content that was easier.

THe problem with these dungeons is that there is NO introduction, the abilities of the bosses are way to hard to grasp unless you are being walked through them or know them allready. The guys saying oh lolz this is easy, not its not. Its hard, uts unrewarding and its ruining the fun of the game. YOu alrleady know the dungeon, ehck you most likely found the best spec for your class online and then went on to study every single pull in videos on the net. Well thats not fun nor rewarding in any way, thats just doing it.

Make a vid of you doing a dungeon you dont allready know at the difficulty of AC explorable mode with a class you havent read up on online before doing it.

This content REEKS of wow end game raiding. You have to study before playing for fun.

Everyone needs to run around with the same build to be able to survive. You cant make your own character the way you want because that just doesnt fit the meta of wow mmo’s.

The dungeon system in any mmo is make it or break it for me. This broken thing just…. broke it for me and my friends. We went away from wow because we where tired of raiding. We dont want to continue that here. And pvp is boring :/