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Chaos Isles glitched image/desync

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kainis.9475


This is the first I’m trying to post this, I’m surprised that nobody else is experiencing it. When the fight starts, sometimes the boss’s graphic stays where it is but the boss is moving around. This is especially annoying with the mechanic that you have to stack the boss on the lit floor to make him vulnerable. If I cast lich form, when I leave lich form my lich form self remains and I’m invisible moving around on the map (I can’t see myself). Party members have also experienced the same. It seems to have started on 8/9. I did Mai Trin on that day and she also glitched in this fashion during cannon phases, which other group members experienced. Some group members do not experience this bug, so I don’t know what the triggers are, but whatever they are I have them 100% of the time.

Mai Trin

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kainis.9475


Starting with the 8/9 patch, another party member had Mai Trin become invisible during the fight. After 5 minutes or so, her game locked up. Then it started happening randomly to every member of the party.

Suggestion - Guild Raid Bosses

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kainis.9475


One thing I’d like to see is an option for guilds to summon/put raid bosses in walled off sections of the guild hall where the raid boss does all of their mechanics but doesn’t do very much damage. This would allow training on boss mechanics in a faster, low-risk environment. Make it kind of like the holodeck in star trek, all the adventure, none of the risk (or reward).

Scorched Earth needs a change

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kainis.9475


If they do change it, they should relax the dps check on goreseval as it’s only reasonable because of the dps that burnzerks bring to the encounter.

Option Reset Bug

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kainis.9475


After the last build, a bug developed where some players’ options were resetting. I know in my case, my “auto-loot” option went away, and my choice to not show the Personal Story reset to show the story by default. Nothing major, but a bit noticeable. (In another case, someone got to the end of a jumping puzzle and learned that the double-tap reactivated on his account and he fell to an untimely and messy death. )

Anyway, we wanted you to know that a fix for this issue , is being tested right now , and once it passes all the necessary checks and validations, we’ll be rolling out this fix to make sure your settings stay set.

Given the state of what seems to be making it live, I find it necessary to question what testing might entail.

Gold fractal box random?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kainis.9475


better than me, mine was a trident on a warrior. Not only an underwater weapon, but the one underwater weapon a warrior can’t use. Arenanet makes me think their RNG deliberately hates me. Frequently.

Ad Infinitum (Legendary backpiece)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kainis.9475


I’m extremely disappointed that it was possible to get Unbound before it was possible to craft Ad Infinitum, and even further disappointed that the fractal patch did not add the Gift of Infinity and the Gift of the Fractals. There’s not even any word on what would be needed to craft these items so that I could start working on those.

Will I get banned for this?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kainis.9475


This is faster doing it this way, even when you factor in the long setup time required to make it work. That said, you short yourself at least 50 silver and 40 tokens by doing it this way, so it isn’t a one-sided exploit.

Please fix fractal 41 - 50 tier rewards

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kainis.9475


I’ve seen LOD, ZoS, and KING’s research on all fractal reward drop rates. I read here for people bragging that they got one. No tonic appears to have dropped for anyone between August 2013 and October 2014. Then starting October 2014, at least 20 dropped in a single week, they tapered off after that with about 1 every two weeks that I could see. Then March 18th one drops and nothing since then.

My theory is that it keeps getting stealth patched out of the drop tables, I don’t know if that is intentional or unintentional. If it’s actually just a really low drop rate, then I’d have to do the 41 – 50 every day for 2 years just to have an even shot at it. That’s just stupid for what the tonic is. More likely, the drop rates are being manipulated. If it’s intentional, I don’t believe we should be kept in the dark when items are no longer dropping deliberately.

Please fix fractal 41 - 50 tier rewards

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kainis.9475


I can’t find any evidence that a fractal tonic has dropped from the 41 – 50 tier since March 18th, 2015. We’re getting close to 3 months based on that, for a time gated item that you get one shot a day at the item.

At least 50 people run this daily, I think it’s closer to at least 300 though. In 90 days, I can find no evidence that a tonic has been awarded. That drop rate is either abysmally low, or it just simply isn’t in the drop tables at all.

Fractals, you're doing it wrong.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kainis.9475


The truth is, everyone that got lucky with 19 fractal weapon skins and a tonic is going to have a massive outcry if it becomes accessible without the roll of the dice. There’s no pleasing everybody here.

Fractals are a neglected part of the game from the developers. I don’t know why that is. The worst bugs in fractals stayed in for months despite being well documented. There haven’t been any real changes to them since the dredge improvements. Guild Wars doesn’t have an endgame as defined by most online RPGs, I think fractals are the closest to a PvE endgame there is. It could be argued that the world bosses are, but those are 5 – 15 minute fights that are easy to get into and out of. Fractals are an actual grind to get the high end rewards.

Early evidence from Heart of Thorns proves out that SOMETHING is going to change about fractals, as they have their own mastery. Whatever is planned might be the reason we’re not seeing the changes we’ve so desperately wanted for so long.

Fractals, you're doing it wrong.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kainis.9475


3 tonics in 940 attempts. .00319

Fractals, you're doing it wrong.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kainis.9475


Fractals, you're doing it wrong.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kainis.9475


This big long thread and nobody mentions the tonic. I realize most people don’t care about the tonic. I’m speaking to those of us that do. It’s apparently around a .3% drop rate and only from the 41 – 50 tier. So arenanet restricts this reward to 365 attempts a year and it takes 334 attempts just to break even on the luck. Oh and the amazing randomizer of fractals seems to have better than a 25% chance of assigning grawl as the third fractal, so over 100 of those breakeven attempts are going to involve doing a grawl fractal that may cause your group to abandon the attempt.

Oh, not to mention it didn’t drop from like May 2013 through October 2014. I believe it was stealth patched back into the game after being “accidentally” removed for that period.

Reactor Fractal Bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kainis.9475


I was doing fractal 49 and completed the reactor fractal. After killing the anomaly, the group wasn’t ported to “asura heaven” where the chest was. We did get the popup to advance, we were forced to do so without our reward. Bombs and lasers also continued to go off destroying platforms and regenerating them as if Anomaly had not died.

Magic Find broken?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kainis.9475


On the achievement tab, my magic find is 149 + 8 for a total of 157. When I look on the character screen, I’m at 149. It’s not giving me credit for my magic find from achievements.