Showing Posts For KalenDarkmoon.1069:

Crashes during world boss, no loot

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: KalenDarkmoon.1069


This seems to be a long lingering issue for many people. Myself included.

Weird Sound Glitch/Bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KalenDarkmoon.1069


I have this happen a lot too, and earlier it started causing instantaneous crashes. It always happens to me during a large, multi-person chain event or boss fight event.

I have this exact issue as well. It happens during large chain events and boss battles – but it seems to only happen to me if I am zoomed most or all of the way out from my character.

(edited by KalenDarkmoon.1069)

Crash Fest Dragons/Bosses/WvW.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KalenDarkmoon.1069


I am getting crashes now too during boss battles. If I am zoomed all of the way out during the battle it is guaranteed to crash me. However if I stay zoomed in, it doesn’t crash.

Windows 7 x64
Nvidia 660 TI 2GB video card
Intel i7 860
12GB DDR3-1600
Creative X-Fi Titanium Fatality pro
2x OCZ Vertex 4 128GB SSDs in RAID 0 (Intel on board RAID ICH10R)
OS and game is installed on the two Vertex 4s
1050W Cooler Master Silent Pro Hybrid PSU

I have tried both the 008 and 009 drivers from Creative and have tried Nvidia graphics driver versions 310.90, 313.96, 314.07 and 314.21. And issue persists.

I have had temperature and voltage monitors running to ensure that nothing is overheating and voltages remain consistent.

Why not give tokens in story mode ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KalenDarkmoon.1069


The problem is they are continually increasing the difficulties of Explorable mode to the point they are shutting out casual players and PUGs and then at the same time telling people that if its too hard then do story mode. So apparently only the hardcore are meant to be able to get the necessary tokens for the dungeon gear. Because getting 1800 tokens at 6 to 9 per run in story mode is utterly laughable to expect of the casual players. I guess we are just meant to be shut out of the dungeons.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 2/26

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KalenDarkmoon.1069


Part of the problem with ANs defense of “well we can do it ourselves so you should be able to” is that THEY have experience playing together with the same people when they do these for testing and thus have been able to develop strategies that can only be developed in teams that have played together for long periods of time. Unfortunately those of us that relied more on PUGs where such does not exist apparently are of no concern. Only the hardcore teams that have spent countless hours developing team strategies together are supposed to be able to play in the Explorable mode of dungeons.

Dungeons from a Midday player's opinion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KalenDarkmoon.1069


Agreed and that is the greatest travesty of this increase in dungeon difficulty. It pretty much discourages PUGs that some of us relied on because we aren’t hardcore enough of players. They have essentially stated that you need great teamwork in order to do these now which is very difficult to achieve when you get into groups of players that have never run dungeons together before.

AC impossible for PUG's

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KalenDarkmoon.1069


Yeah but you won’t get a response you’ll like from AN on this. They have already posted many times that essentially THEY can beat it and if we can’t then we suck and need to practice a lot more. It is clear that they are intending for these dungeons to be directed at the hardcore players who are STILL complaining that its too easy. Apparently us casual players who don’t have the uber-reflexes and all level 80 exotic gear are not worth their concern. Their only other response I’ve seen here has been to suggest that we play story mode instead which is easier. Apparently we aren’t supposed to be able to get exotic dungeon gear unless we are hardcore players.

I tried running this with a group of guildies last night and we were levels 35 – 80 and no exotic gear. We picked up an extra non-guildie b/c we needed 1 more. After getting wiped SEVERAL times by the insane spiderlings that all fired at a single person taking them out in 1 or 2 salvos at a time before doing the same to the next target, the extra guy said this was impossible and left. He was a level 80. I was still learning the old way to fight through this but after that it was extremely demoralizing to find that we can’t even get passed the first spider boss because of the insane ranged poison attacks of all of the spiderlings.

(edited by KalenDarkmoon.1069)