Showing Posts For Kalidri.5427:
I also have the living story broken at prologue right at the point where you can portal to Verdant Brink. I also did teleport to a friend, started earning levels for Masteries and sadly found that one cannot advance the glider without Torn from the Sky, which one cannot reach with this particular bug. Which makes me sad… the glider is the thing I really wanted.
Thank you everyone for attending. It was truly awe inspiring to see everyone gathered and to hear us in harmony in team speak. I think everyone has times where they doubt their community or have a bit of animosity for whatever reason. It’s easy to forget that we are all people here for a brief time and that this is a place to have fun, so Karril did one more favor by reminding us again. We did have fun, I hope the people listening to the live stream were impressed by our maturity.*
Thank you for organizing this!
*tries and fails to keep a straight face
Please support the pipes! If we have room for a bass and an undersea organ, we have room for pipes. I would favor something more like the Uilleann pipes, which are more mellow and might cause less urge to kill on the part of people intolerant of the great highlands (who I always figure never heard them under PROPER conditions).
The concept of the Mists allows a lot of latitude in guild placement. I also enjoyed the concept of neighborhoods in LotrO (they did many social things right). I see two kinds of guilds – non upkeep guilds that provide a guild hall with the features people are looking for – you build them and there are no taxes etc, they never go away and are very much like the original GW1 halls. Upkeep halls have a zone and location in the mists.
- Non upkeep guild halls would be connected to a city or other location in Tyria (I see the five main cities and the three orders being a good start). These are the basic guild halls that anyone with enough work can get and your work is never lost.
Upkeep guilds:
- Have neighborhoods in the mists each populated by maybe 10-20 guilds.
- Allow guilds to pick a pvp or pve neighborhood.
- Have a large, connected landscape between the guilds that can be explored for resources OR be a battleground between these guilds. PvE instances would have a boss scale monster requiring some effort – based on the aggregate size of the guilds in the neighborhood. PvP instances could have something to capture, a goal to reach or a kill point system. Activities in the shared zone would add rep and merits to respective guilds.
- Guild entrances will appear in the style of hall that they picked and have a neutral or defensible area around them.
- Invited guests and visitors can come fight and play with guilds in these areas.
- moving out of a neighborhood should be easy if you find you don’t mesh with it. Perhaps alliances might be possible where you get together and form an instance with them for greater profit and fun. This would allow communities by server, wvw, RP, PvE, PvP, gvg etc.
- If a guild becomes inactive in a neighborhood (hate to say it, taxes), it reverts to a non upkeep hall. This insures that an active guild can take its place and keep the neighborhood lively. It allows guilds to take a break, come back, pay up and return to a neighborhood if they want.
Cons: This would be a monster to manage sorry
I agree with the posts saying that we need to fix the issue of stale wvw – alliances and mergers are bandaids. I mainly play because I like the people I play with and I do have server pride BUT I understand that most other players won’t play for that one reason.
- More maps for BLs! Keep EB as a hub and just change the BLs each week. Just a bit of novelty will draw people in.
- better rewards and ones that reflect on contribution.
- Titles that can actually be achieved. My one ambition is to have the Yakslapper title but I know it’s not possible within my lifetime.
- Unique rewards for wvw. Well MORE of them. I know we have some but pretty please I want to earn more shinies that show I am a wvw regular.
- More guild tools. Someone mentioned having a warning system that tells you when something your guild has claimed is under attack. Something like that yellow message that used to come up whenever Scarlet was in PvE? Yeah? A guild ranking that shows the best guilds in wvw doing what they do best, per server and worldwide
I do not like that people are speaking for me when they say wvw communities are dead with the arrival of megaservers. While megaservers sure as hell did not help, my own server still has a core of original players and I would miss them deeply. Get on a voice channel with us, do a roll-call and you’ll still get 75% of players on that channel are original or early transfers from pre- T1 days.
I do play wvw for the community. I like my people, I love cooperating with them, I cannot imagine playing without them. I cannot imagine being accepted this way by another group of people who appreciate a non hardcore odd-jobs defender like me. Some of us do identify deeply with our servers and would be heartbroken to see it go.
I personally do not want something too complicated. The current system allows anyone to help and 99.999% of people who I encounter in game are good and I like my fellow players most of the time, it’s why I like GW2. I am unsure why a GM needs to be so urgently avoided since every server knows who their devoted trolls are. I can immediately name both of Tarnished Coast’s.
This is also to mention there are two kinds of siege troll. We have the professional ones that everyone knows on the server and then the “one offs” who arrive with some sort of grudge or because they are drunk/high and do stuff. The latter people typically flame out after an hour or so and to be honest, I really do not care, I don’t think they impact the match, plus they have the bonus of being reportable for trashy language, harassment etc in many cases, so it’s easy to report them… they have a category! The former though are professionals and say very little and have clean language.
As for the guy that said matches are not effected? I went to Mos.Millenium and compared our last Sunday to all the other Sundays where our esteemed troll was not active. It was a 10 or possibly 12 hour period of devoted supply draining and the effect is clear in our PPT. We have been on the verge of taking 2nd place for a large part of this week and I believe if it hadn’t been for the troll we’d be putting up an even better contention for it… as it is now we’re probably not going to recover from 3rd. There’s also the impact to morale. A lot of people don’t want to play with this kind of thing going on (on Sunday we were outnumber buffed on the map for many hours, which is not normal), so even when the troll left, it wasn’t until 3-4 hours later that we pulled our kitten together and got things moving again.
It has still been a fun match and the core of our server will just keep on keeping on but I’d just like to see these guys banned. I’ll never claim that we would have won or something if it wasn’t for these jerks BUT it sure impacted our fun and that’s what games are for.
I like the majority vote idea, too and also a refund of the supply used on the siege based on its age. That is, if the siege is minutes old, we get a larger refund. If it is over an hour old (ticked many times probably) we don’t get anything since the piece has obviously been accepted and people are just being greedy The refund would only count inside of a structure, of course. Unbuilt siege would just dest faster than normal once the vote is definitive.
I do not think commanders should have anything to do with siege actually, a lot of defending siege is done by people like me who rarely tag up. We also do havoc etc and lay down siege where appropriate.
In an ideal world though, to really give that ‘war simulation’ feeling, I’d love to just shoot characters who sabotage but I know that would get abused. How cool it would be to vote or mark someone until they become red? It would be sheer chaos but a girl can dream
I miss my Tarnished Coast. I can no longer walk in on RP, I can no longer read a conversation about wvw going on in /map where the entire TC community can add something. I don’t recognize anyone. If I want to join an RP event I have to get someone to ferry me in and it doesn’t always work. I spent a year perfecting my block list on TC and now I am reading all the little troll kittens again so I have to do that all over. I chose my server for a reason from the beginning and now I don’t feel like part of a bigger anything when I play pve… it’s just bleh. I am playing lots of wvw just to be around people I like and trust.
Please give us a way to tag or ‘weight’ ourselves according to our game play or our server affiliation etc. I know possibly a majority of players don’t care about community and for them the megaservers give them the biggest possible chance of success at various world events. However, for folks who are more social, this is just painful.
I have been on TC since Beta. I am part of the RP community as well as the WvW community. I am to all intents and purposes a casual player with average to “what the heck are you doing????!!!! Use the pointy end.” skill but the wonderful thing about TC is that they are very accepting and helpful as well. I have a certain niche in WvW that allows me to be effective as a scout and sentry while still enjoying the fun of an occasional fight.
While I will not lie – there’s some friction from time to time – TC is respectful of its militia regulars. The major guilds listen to my call outs, accept my help and welcome me in raids and zergs without being boogers about it. Awful behavior is not tolerated and the community in general discourages trolling. This is not to say we’re all grannies who never cuss (oh lord no, just join mumble at prime time), but that we respect each other enough not to go in for personal attacks. Teasing is, of course, something that happens – we all do dumb stuff like follow commanders off cliffs or attack our own gates because we forgot we were blue this week… * ahem *.
As a TC person I’ll miss having a larger chance to face the T1 servers. I might be a masochist but I enjoyed the league fights even if we did get killed and rolled a lot by T1. I do love (much love) SoS, Mag and FA but it just seems strange to have a mere 5% chance of a T1 encounter. Overall it probably is a good change and my comment is coming from a childish ‘wanting what I can’t have’ point of view.
See, I’d pay for this and honestly I have non-RPing buddies in game who would also use it just to hang around on, I think it would be an incredibly popular item!
Thanks people of JQ and SoS who joined me in bit of music, dancing and tonic abuse down in the south of TCBL just now . Sure we got rolled a couple times but it was fun Good luck on reset, I gotta get back to work
What happened to the TC roleplayers I once knew? Spent the past few hours walking around in dolyak tonic and every TC I ran across killed me with extreme prejudice.
At one time they would have joined me in my RP fun.
I wish you could see enemy speech. I found a TC disguised as a Dolyak and acted like I was escorting him to the tower. He played along just short of the point of walking into our guards. He will never know that I was lecturing him on how he should put away the balloon and concentrate on hard work like his dolyak brothers.
You must be new to WvW.
TC and Doylaks are one of the best things that happen in WvW.
I still come out and RP a bit. At the end of a match I like to get my balloon or kite and RP walk in the south of TCBL or play flute in the ruins or on the boat at water camp. Most server’s players play along – the people most lacking in humor or sport are the guys that hunt around the old ruins but overall I’ve had some fun. I did get murdered repeatedly last week but eventually Mags gave up on killing me (I imagine I was not dropping anything after awhile) and let me walk along the roads in relative peace(s).
I do see less humor and fun in wvw these days though. It used to be that a /bow or a /wave could buy me some passage on the final day but I find myself running and hiding 80% of the time. I have to be really persistent until people get bored with me just to walk a bit of the BL. The best ones are when people walk with me or transform or do funny things to me… I have been moa’d, feared off a cliff, warrior stomped but then spared etc. Oh and the thief that came out of the shadows and shot me once and ran off, so I did /sleep. “You got me!”
This is not a complaint of course. I accept that to most I am just a red tag with possible loot attached. Having been killed by a few friends on different servers now, I can say that I drop good stuff sometimes. Cannot blame anyone
(edited by Kalidri.5427)
1. I would do just about anything to have tools to manage my guild (last logged in, last repped etc) and have somewhere we could quickly meet without someone being unable to reach the location or being forced to meet somewhere obnoxiously crowded and disruptive that may have overflows.
2. RP things. More emotes. Can we have the dances from GW? A wardrobe tab where things neatly store in sets so I don’t have to one by one click on pieces that often look similar (some of us are somewhat blind…). Some of my characters have a lot of armor sets and this is not true only of RP folks.
3. Templates for builds. You know, like how GW did it? That system was fantastic and I am endlessly frustrated now trying to remember things I create.
lol.. BG… what a server. they really showed jukitten how “great” their community ikittenonight. thank you to those who wanted to participate and sorry for the otherkittenhat shame your realm.
If the actions of a few individuals speaks for the server then JQ is jukitten as bad as you make BG out to be. Try placing the blame where it should fall, on the individual playerkittenhat attacked the parade (despite doing wvw in a wvw zone). Calling out a server because of a few players makes you seem like a scorned child.
Never-mind the many BG players in attendance having fun with the rekitten of the Yak parade….
On top of this, it’s also a PvP zone. You can try and organize things like this, where players are supposed to be friendly, but that’s at your own risk. People are going to do what they want, and attack who they want to attack. There was also nothing kittenopping you from retaliating, I’m sure there were enough people there to assikitten with that.
If you do this and expect everyone that runs into you to support what you’re doing and not attack, there’s another issue here.
Jukitten on the point of “nothing kittenopping you from retaliating” , this parade was primarily Blackgate (you guys are awesome really) and TC was in the minority. Any retaliation on my part would have hit ‘friendly’ BG which i simply will not do. So I let them kill me. We reconvened in north camp and finished. I really have no hard feelings, it’kittenradition and I will continue to do it for as long akittenhere is a golden yak, my blood is a sacrifice to the greater fun and less seriousnekittenhat my life needs.
Part of the fun of the parade ikittenhe risk involved and I never blame whole servers or guilds if things get a bit violent. On my way down to the parade in wolf form, a BG player kittenepped in front of a zerg and kittenopped them from attacking me. I’ve had a great deal of fun with both serverkittenhis week – a couple times at caps a BG player or two bowed before using my body as an absorbent capping mop and there wakittenhat time a BG ele ran alongside me as I was scouting. We ended up dancing! kittenay playful my friends, remember to play, it isn’t serious but fun.
TARNISHED COAST…answer this question:
Is there a secret cache of bubble gum infused cheese hidden within your garrison?
No, we’re more into toast and cookies, sometimes beer. No gummy cheese or cheesy gum.
I will inform the School of this.
Hmmm… [RATS] scouts have informed me you DO in FACT have GUMMY CHEESE AND CHEESY GUM on TC BORDERLAND!!!!!!
My dear, I think your scouts’ acute sense of smell may have detected the sweat of TC trying and trying to keep garrison safe from the T1 hordes. OF course [RATS] is the most adorable horde ever and I am happy to be invaded as long as photo ops are allowed before I get killed and finally lose my pants. Pants loss is my measurement of how hard fought things are – T1 weeks are full pants loss events .
Also, how about if I just mail the cheese to [RATS] then we could just avoid the whole unpleasant hordes at the gates and running repair from north camp situation? Ever stopped to think how sore our little TC feet are after days of this? At least let us have a waypoint so we can rest.
Also, all of you should come to the Dolyak Parade but you can all come as adorable as you all are and who knows, maybe I can bring cheese so you don’t hurt us and we can always use an honor guard. Do consider.
Well the thought occurs… cheesy gum sweat would be disgusting. Maybe it’s the charr.
Thank you to the BG gentleman who let me finish playing the flute in ruins before fearing me off the top column. Sometimes a lonely thief has to feel the music. I would have stayed to chat but you appeared to have certain homicidal issues to work through. I always find those are worked out best alone, maybe on one of your minions.
Love always, Gos.
To the Maguuma General from [BURN] who kept Lake from us single handedly for an exasperatingly long time with one wall missing. We miss you and adore you. You can come back any night and hold Lake all over again and we might not even mind.
The doly parade was delayed but not prevented. Thank you to all attended. It was fun!
Blackgate, I am hereby citing you for gross indecent breaking and entering while drunk with golems. You ransacked our only shelter on the borderland, pursued us out of our lodgings and vandalized our siege equipment. What’s more, you interrupted me in the middle of a flute solo. I humbly request that I be allowed to complete the song before a spike is thrust so rudely into my body. Honestly, do you have no respect for the arts?
Blackgate, the defenders of Bluelake on your borderland would like you to keep it down with the trebuchet. It is after 11pm server time and under Rec. Order Special Section 1134 it specifically states that undue disturbances shall not happen at such times when rest would naturally happen.
always makes me sadfacequaggan whenever we get to play against TC and i have to miss the dolyak parade. : ((
would there happen to be a dolyak parade during SEA time?
I’d love for a late NA/SEA parade to happen if only to help TC bring up numbers during the later hours and to raise morale. After a certain hour it’s only a few dozen hearty souls that roam the BLs and keep out the howling savages from beyond the mists. I think we did well this week but yeah when I call out something on map and one guy responds saying he has to use the little wizard’s room before he can help me defend north camp… well…. (this is exaggerated for drama, there are in fact no little wizard’s rooms in TCBL)
… actually never heard any of you howl but a gal’s gotta get some purple prose in.
Also had a great time this match. I am a terrible player but it’s only through matches like these that I learn something since I refuse to enter sPvP where the lessons are a bit too abrupt for my tastes. At least in wvw I can run great distances, be useful as a supply mule and ruin caravans. Oh, and give out bags to the enemy. It’s all so much fun and I’ve enjoyed the emote battles from my hiding places in ruins or while kite dancing.
.. though I don’t understand all the people who set me on fire when I am dancing with my kite! JOIN IN! Let’s dance!
So out of curiosity, how many TC players RP while they WvW?
Well, I tend to RP in party so as not to feed the trolls or distract ‘serious’ things going on. On occasion my guild members have sentried NE or NW borderland towers just to RP. I do quip and joke around and sometimes it is in character though mostly I talk about losing my pants (a common malady as a dolyak walker). Don’t really consider the dolyak parade to be roleplaying – it’s more of a big mobile party that everyone is invited to attend.
So yeah it’s uncommon but a fun thing to do, especially when it’s quiet and of course the wvw community on TC is mostly tolerant of my shenanigans when I go streaking by blabbing about revenge or what have you (though the last time I did that, a DB warrior hammered me over a cliff… outbreaks of emotion tend to be fatal in wvw).
Please talk to me in a David Attenborough voice.
A wha?
My favorite Attenborough clip – I will now think of KN people as superb lyrebirds.
I have seen no mention of a dolyak parade this week and it’s too late. Despite my early whining, I’ve enjoyed the battles. I tend to be on at odd hours but this often means I catch other servers at their best. Love you FA and KN. Though I saw so little KN that I felt like I was birdwatching and looking for some rare species “THERE IT IS! THE LESSER SPLENDID TAILED RED KAINENG WARBLER! A magnificent sight!”
I had fun frolicking and sleeping among the FA zerg between Garri and Sunny TCBL last night. You all seemed perfectly awesome to me – you only killed me when my baby quaggan cuteness went too far and got near your guards. Oh and you had “that one guy” who always tries to kill the playful people – but we have them too – why are they almost always mesmers with twohanders? Is it the laser beams that drives them into a psychotic rage?
Until the next match up … tomorrow or never.
Thanks for the fun, TC! We had a great time, and hope you did too.
Jacked Jackal
It was fun! I think a few folks tried to make the repeated killing of the parade by quaggans into a ‘thing’ but when you all died at the gates I think we forgave CD. It is wvw and one does tend to get killed in there
Of course, there was NOTHING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING innocent about those quaggans. Lies.
-Gos, the honest to goodness RP thief from TC that likes dying in wvw TAKE MY BAGS!
What harm did we do hanging out together, being friends, drinking pretend tea and laughing about the latest fictional scandal? Was I exploiting as I explained how I like green tea bitter but not too hot? Did my description of lemon cookie consumption go far beyond the pale of decent? Inquiring minds want to know how our fun violated the fun of others and caused offense to the game’s engine.
Still happening. I guess my screen at the time was so crowded that I did not notice the warning about the item being soulbound BUT the tag on the armor I upgraded for a friend still said soulbound on use. Please at least update the item’s status to soulbound because I went nuts trying to mail this to him.
I will of course not upgrade an item for a friend again like this, I’ve learned my lesson but meh, I wonder why upgrading makes it soulbound? Does not seem to make sense and i felt that my good deed for a friend who gets to play less than I do was sternly punished.