Showing Highly Rated Posts By Kaliny.8265:
No I want all of that stuff removed because what does PvE content have to do with Players vs Players?
In a boxing match, does a boxer get to go up to a dog and kick it to gain more points? No, they don’t, because it is a player vs player kind of match..
Poor dog…
Guys you know what the problem is? You guys want to progress… like leveling or pve.
This is what is wrong.
There is no progression on e-sports, there is just improving as a player, and ranking up as a result.
You should be stuck on the same place you are losing and winning 50% until you somehow discover a way to play better and force wins…
That is until you get stuck again… and learn something again, this is the only progression e-sports have…
people get stuck on bronze V on league of legends for years… YEARS… because they are not good enough to climb out of it.
And I’ll tell you more… ranking up is easy as kitten now. On other e-sports ruby division rules apply since the first game you play ranked.
(edited by Kaliny.8265)
This sort of thread could make Anet think we don`t know what we are talking about when we ask for buffs.
You should fair and describe both skills as they are truly used…. refuge gives 4 second per pulse, we can often easily get 10sec or more of it, what do you hope to acomplish by saying it only gives 4 second stealth?
You could compare the fact that if thiefs are taken off SR you will instantly waste a 60 seconds CD… Idk if gyro stealth resets if you manage to do the same with a Eng.
But to be balanced, should happen just the same as both skills have almost the same idea of intended usefulness.
That beeing said, Sneak Gyro is still way better than SR and it is on a class that doesn`t have stealth as one of the core mechanics and could already defend itself very well before it had it.
So, very unbalanced imo regardless of your way of trying (poorly or not) to say it.
Carry the game doesn’t mean single handely getting all 3 points.
It means beeing so good that your moves made such a huge difference that even if your teammates made bad moves you would still win.
Like per example, suppose that you go to far on the start of the match…. the rest of your team (after one capping home) got locked on a endless battle on mid and the point remainned uncapped.
Enemys start coming to try to retake their home (your far) in waves of 1 and 2…but you still somehow managed to win all those 1×1 and 1×2...
Eventually 3 guys will come to take your point… suppose you can hold that 3 guys for more than 20 seconds before you die…. or 10 seconds and still run alive to fight at mid.
you absolutely carried the game.
You only holded 1 point (far) but won on multiple attempts of retaking it and that relieved great pressure from the fight at mid.
I could provide other examples of course but I’m only explainning that “carry” doesn’t mean get all 3 points by yourself.
(edited by Kaliny.8265)
lol wtf a warrior on team is totaly not a 99% chance of a loss…
Warrior or Thief that knows to rotate points and not overcommit on battles > Player on “metabuild” that thinks he should win just because he copy/paste his build from a pro.
You see… meta is something that professionals players are using consistently, I have no idea why casual pvp players would think that they should use the same thing if they are NOT doing the same strategys or having the same progression, rotations, calls, understanding of the game and ability that a professional player supposedly would.
Professional players plan a team comp that fits a gameplan, a plan for that match that hopefuly will be good against what the other team would likely run as their plan.
They don’t pick cond Rev because is the best rev build possible… they pick because is the best for the way they play and for the plan they will try to execute.
Just to make my point more clear I would like to tell a League of Legends history as a example:
something like two years ago pros on League discovered ways they could rotate their bottom lane players to Top lane very fast without sacrificing much presence and growth, this strategy was beeing used, among other reasons, to try to ensure a 2×1 against players that picked very strong 1×1 duelist or very weak 2×1 duelists… to somehow cripple the developement of the enemy team.
This of course led to a meta when pros started picking top champions that could also 2×1 very well, at cost of 1×1 potential and/or growth potential.
Because they couldn’t risk building for 1×1 and beeing surprised with a 2×1 waiting for them… (or even 3×1 most of the times)
This prevented this bot/top fast rotations because they just weren’t worth it against champions that could deal with this 2×1 cenario.
People outside the pro scene, would just pick the same champions and argue they were the best because the pros were playing and winning with it.
But this was NOT the case, the pro would certainly want to get more 1×1 and growth potential on their top lane player if they could, but they couldn’t risk beeing screwed by this strategy…
But this strategy couldn’t and was never used on casual because it took way too much team coordenation and awareness.
So people on casual were picking meta champions that were actually bad choices… without realizing it.
I don’t know if GW2 pro choices are made on top of such complex aspects of gameplay, but I would certainly like to think they are not only picked because “they are op”.
If i’m right about this, each class and build choice on pro scene (while it is probabily a somewhat solid build regardless of a gameplan) has a reasoning behind it that doesn’t apply to us.
Without this the pick is suboptimal.
I’m tier 5 sapphire and been climbing easily (2 tiers per day) with meditrapper dh… a choice that I think is way better for solo play than a full bunker build.
Just saying all this because I realy hate this meta bs, and have reasons for it,
if you think I’m wrong the GW2 pros simply pick something ‘’because is op’’, than this game is certainly way too simple to be taken seriously as a competitive pvp rpg game. (unfortunaly could be the case)
(edited by Kaliny.8265)
I love how slick shoes nearly always guarantees immediate death.
You can shadowstep out of slick shoes. You can also make slick shoes much more difficult to land by attacking directly into scrappers less often and less predictably. This can be accomplished by using tactics like using Bound/Vault to the front or front side of the scrapper instead of directly on top of him/her, dodging backwards out of shadow shot if you suspect slick shoes is coming, etc. Basically, if you can continually put them in a position where they need to chase you to land slick shoes rather than cut off one of your attacks, you’ll have a chance to react to it. The same tactic applies to avoiding gravity well, chrono shield #5, shield bash/head butt, impact strike, etc.
So you basicaly needs to be a better player on every aspect so that you won’t get instakilled by a single spell, after that you proceed on doing less dmg than the enemy but outplaying him constantly by predicting, thus avoiding every play he can do (knowing all his spells is key here).
Fair enough… so you just need to be a significantly better player than your opponent, have some luck to don’t get killed by constant aoe pressure and you will most likely win.
WOW suddenly I understood what he realy meant.
Thiefs on pvp are totaly insane.
Because you need to be totaly insane to play thief on spvp!…. now everything makes sense.
Well now that I see what you meant I agree 100%.
Obviously because Thief is so meta people on EU won’t play because would be too meta for them. They are taking a more casual aproach to make things interesting.
is like winning and losing is only a factor that slightly improves the chances you get pips.
An Example would be:
Roll 1 d-six. If you get number 1, you lose 2 pips, 2 means you don’t get nothing for the win, 3-4-5 means you get a pip, 6 means you get 2 pips and roll another dice (that could even result in you lossing the pips again)
seriously now, I think the idea is good design the problem is the way people are manipulating it or misleading (sometimes not even on purpose) it by playing with amber/emerald guys significanly lowering the comp total “division count” (has the same value as the mmr).
The game trys to match people with similar ods of winning based on leagues and mmr, and that can already fail hard when people put a amber in the middle of a diamond premade.
But that gets even more scary when it mixes with this background system that allows unbalanced matches with customized rewards.
So… things like… Diamond+Amber fights ruby-emerald…. ruby-emerald team loses and lost 2 pips… and get angry because there was a kitten diamond on enemy side.
Yes… but that amber (he is diamond player too on a spare account) is faking the total “league count” of the system.
I also have a secret build, but mine have 100% win ratio, you guys are close to it but will never find out because is a secret build that I will never tell anyone but I assure you it has 100% win ratio, can aply 30 stacks of confusion/torment/idk, bleeds on 2.32 seconds!.
Back to topic. I think if the question is about cond pressure and nothing else, than Rev would be better, also easier to play.
But chrono has very kitten high skill ceiling… every loss or fail on role attempt could be due to l2p issues.
Well maybe a thief could deliver more DPS than other class, but then it would need to survive for at least one whole second.
So guys I was thinking about making a joke thread , because has been a while since we had a good one, but ended up making a very interesting build instead.
Trying to make a joke about we having to avoid almost every fight and beeing able only to decap free points on a bunker meta gave me this idea: A build that could be successful abusing our few remaining strengths on spvp.
Your strategy will be rotate far > home > far > home forever, making sure they have to keep at least one person to bunker far, if they don’t you will get far and home points and leave your team 4×5 and sincerely hope for the best. (I’m not kidding realy)
On lord map you can also try to open the gate if you have enough dmg to break it (feedback on this would be appreciated) , and hit lord once, only to draw enemy team atention to lord (gtfo after tho or lord will kill you) , than you get back on decapping game on far and make sure you do this as often as you can, so they will have to check lord everytime and it will relieve pressure on other points.
If your team is losing on team fights always and there is a bunker on home or far than you get to mid! is team fight time!!!…. your purpose on the team fight is to watch it very closely (use stealth if you need to).
That is until a friend of yours gets downed, thats our time to shine my friend, jump the enemy with steal (don’t fight the enemy tho because you have no dmg or interrupts) and very fast start ressing your ally, the invisibility will hopefuly be enough to prevent the stomp.
And with this runes and amulet you should be tank enough to survive the aoe spam and ress the guy. (On theory)
You can also use the refuge, if there is no Herald, Scrapper or another reveal spell it should work greatly to your team advantage… That is, unless your teammate keeps breaking stealth with his downed spell 1 and gets stomped anyways. (well at least refuge has less cd on this build)
Use strategical analysis to determine what will be your best point rotation because your function is solely making sure they will need to bunker far and/or home 100% of the time.
You pressure their team by punishing them everytime they chase or badly try to rotate points.
They will have to check lord, and they will have to repair treb every kitten time as you get there over and over while your team hopefully can survive the 4×5 for this work at your team favor.
Other possible runes would be Runes of Mercy if you are realy into ressing guys and less into bunkering for a somewhat limited time the durability runes+soldier amulet will supposedly help you.
This is only theorycraft that came from a attempt to troll, but seem pretty solid imo considering that is what we do anyways, so might as well be very good at it?
Opnions will be very welcome to try to develop this monster even further.
The Decap Seeker Thief.
You guys realize that while they lower their queue time they make the wait time of other legendary and diamond teams that are not smurfing even higher?
Also no if they are smurfs this is wrong.
1: The guys who won this match deserved 2-3 pips only got 1.
2: Trying to find lower mmr teams than the sytem would normaly provide is cheating
3: Trying to lower your queue time by manipulating the system makes the system even worst, by kitten if data feedback and/or making other people wait even longer.
4: This makes the league badges more and more easy to obtain allowing them to duel weakers teams makes diamond and legendary badges trivial, and this is detrimental to the system.
(edited by Kaliny.8265)