Showing Posts For KansasFF.9410:

PrIcy Runestones, an outdated item?

in Crafting

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


Personally i think they should leave em in. This game really has no system to remove gold from the economy other that this and repairing broken gear but thats such a small amount. Thus why the economy in this game is so freakin out of whack.

What? How about 15% on every TP transaction, waypointing, mystic forge…… plenty of gold sinks.

Yesterdays Maintenance has broken my game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


sigh… half of my guild is constantly disconnecting and lagging now. We can’t even finish a dungeon.

What Is Up With Increasing Prices?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


And it is driving me crazy. I only need 100 more!

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


lettuce brings up a valid point. Maybe this system will create more teams. I still believe in the long term a solo queue is important.

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


I think it is fine for an initial implementation. The fact is the players want a soloQ. I hope it is in the plans. Mixing ‘teams’ and ‘solo’ or ‘partial’ into the same rating… and more important RANKING system, will have major flaws. Ranking will essentially mean nothing in this system.

Updated World Ratings (Dec. 21)

in WvW

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


Are we getting any updated ones? I am curious how close we (SBI) are to dropping Friday.

What would you add to a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


Does anyone know if Anet is working to improve the ones that are already there but obviously fall well behind the Twilights of the world?

What would you add to a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


It is pretty obvious that some legendary weapons are way more awesome looking and obvious than others. I have no clue if ANet plans on upgrading the effects on some, but I had a few simple ideas myself, and was wondering if you guys did too!

The Dreamer (shortbow) – Rainbow footstep trails.
Meteorlogicus (scepter) – shoot star trail behind weapon.
The Flameseeker Prophecies (shield) – pages fall off when you walk/run.
Quip (pistol) – confetti trail when you walk/run
The Bifrost (staff) – Increase trail of light when swung. Have unique sound.

Here is all of the legendary weapons that we know of:

Balance - better or worse in this patch?

in PvP

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


So I disagree with selected answer. I think ELE is UP if you consider the ‘skill’ to play the class (maybe a bit OP on some D/D specs). I think Ranger is now very powerful, but haven’t seen enough to call them OP. All I know is in paids I sure see a lot of rangers now. I also think Necro is pretty insane because of DS regen being so damn high.

"We want the Warrior to have a sturdy body"

in PvP

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


So I agree Shadow Refuge is OP

"We want the Warrior to have a sturdy body"

in PvP

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


So sorrow I’m not sure if you have played thief or not, but not many people use that trait when going glassy… and that AOE stealth is better as something to stop a stomp or stomp someone, than it is in a heal (basically kitten healing).

Endless Toymaker's Tonic

in Wintersday

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


I saw this on the BLT, but there was nothing on the wiki about it. Do we have any details? What can you turn into? Where does it drop? I’m hoping it is like the Unbreakable Choir Bell and drops out of gift boxes. Thanks!

Holy ranger

in PvP

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


Completely serious now. It’s pretty impressive. Between the Mesmer’s clones being broken and the buffs to Ranger, they are really really good.

Holy ranger

in PvP

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


Man… they might be the best class now. SB1 is stupid damage and doesn’t miss ever now… pet damage is HUGE, and the traps/quickness/heals is just….


NA Paid tourn queue Dec14th 1hr after Reset

in PvP

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


I’ll see if we can get our guys together. We ventured into paids for the first time a few days ago. We lost all 4 entries, but it was fun. It is nice to see you pay for mistakes you make, and be able to get rid of the lazy errors you can get away with in Free.

how does chill affect skill recharge exactly?

in PvP

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


Do we know that chill doesn’t affect initiative regen? It very well might, I have never thought to check.

5vs5 games should be at top

in PvP

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


I agree there needs to be a better implementation to easily join a 5v5.

What do you hope for with the Dec. 14 patch?

in PvP

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


I hope they will separate tPvP solo queue and premades.
I dont care about anything else atm.

I just wish they’d get rid of paid/free and have one queue with rating… then add a single game ladder we can actually use.

PvP Gear Stacks in Lockers

in PvP

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


You should be salvaging it all……

SotG Stance on ranked queues.

in PvP

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


Single map ladder is really what we need. Like everyone else said…

Serious about sPvP? Prove it.

in PvP

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


I love the writeup and agree. For me they have to start getting the community growing with ladders. Until there is skill based matchmaking sPVP won’t grow in popularity. It sounds simple, but it is so essential.

New rez timers, opinion from top tier player

in PvP

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


This change essentially doubles your spawn time (if you consider a 10s average in the 20s window). I just would love to hear from Mr. Sharp as to why this change was implemented.

EDIT: on this note I saw many times late last night people leaving when they were downed (and knew they were dying) and re-joining because you get a fresh spawn time. Thus, you basically spawn as fast as you can load.

Which brings up another point …. can you leave before the stop and save the 5 points by leaving to the mists and reloading into the game?

(edited by KansasFF.9410)

New rez timers, opinion from top tier player

in PvP

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


I tend to agree… no one likes to sit around for 20s. On top of that the strategy of waiting on a stomp/kill to trigger longer spawn timers was something even my team worked at utilizing. I wish we could get a developer response for this change….

I can't for the life of me figure out how to make

in Crafting

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


a Embellished Brilliant Coral Jewel. I have what I think are all the mats
1 Glob of Ectoplasm
5 Coral Tentacle
1 Mithril Filigree

But I can’t even see the ecto on the crafting station and I can’t see the filigree at the mystic forge. Can someone help?

paid tournament chests

in PvP

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


What do you get as far as Gems for rewards?

A simple fix for 8v8 games

in PvP

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


So I think a common theme here is seeing how some things are balanced better in 5v5 vs 8v8. A lot of this to me relates to seeing a bunch of one class in a public game.

I believe that in an 8v8 game, there should be allowed no more than 2 of a specific class type per side. To me, this fixes a lot of the ‘balance’ issues that we see in 8v8 games that aren’t present in 5v5 games.


Stomping and Quitting

in PvP

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


Stealth stomping is a way for those classes that don’t have stability skills to actually get a stomp off. In tPVP it is hard enough against a well coordinated team to get a stomp off.

My "QQ" Haste Thread

in Suggestions

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


Mmh, I have to agree with you on this. Cause in all honesty most of the complaints about HB/PW even HS are based around the fact that they took “advantage” of quickness to just a degree short of idiotically stupid.

HB + Quickness = 2s to kill someone
PW + Quickness = 4s to kill someone (Double use of Pistol Whip)
HS + Quickness = Xs to kill (Just a spamable targeted nuclear missile)

Without Quickness they were all quite balanced I’d have to say.

There are plenty of counters to this. 1) build with toughness. 2) Slot sigils/traits that activate at X% of health that do cool things to stop it. Also, teamwork.

I agree its annoying in pubs, but even with quickness its not nearly close to OP in tPVP.

Same Sigil on Dual Weapons?

in PvP

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


You always want to wear different sigils when dual wielding. The effects do not stack.

Downed State....again

in PvP

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


“It also takes ages to respawn. 15 seconds downed state + 20 seconds respawn timer….are not fun (only happens sometimes).”

Spawns are every 20s (on the game clock). It’s completely independent of your actual death time. Pay attention to the clock, and you can make the correct decision on trying to stay alive vs dying. It’s also useful to make an opponent have a full 20s respawn, if you leave them up just a few seconds longer.

As Farzo said, its great in tPVP, and adds to the teamplay mechanic.

Portaling issues on Khylo tPVP

in PvP

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


This topic applies to tPVP only.

A lot of the tougher matches we have on Khylo center around teams running two mesmers and portaling their mates around the map for very insane responsiveness.

Are others seeing this as an issue? The initial portal stays down for 1m (15s on the 2nd portal I believe), and what we have is Mesmers (already a very strong class) portaling eachother and mates to points, and then portaling back, for some pretty amazing results.

I don’t know what the solution is. Destroyable portals? Shorter life on the initial portal (15s instead of 60s)?

I also find the portaling pretty crazy to repair trebs, but I’m not sure how imbalanced that really is.

In the end, maybe there is a counter to all of this, but as of right now I find it very difficult to overcome when facing competent teams. Thoughts? Thanks in advance.

I think thieves are OP in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


I think if you limit the amount of crazy damage the low initiative attack Heartseeker does, then the thief is much more balanced. Pistol whip is much more expensive and requires the player to stand (float) in one place for the duration of the attack.

I play thief, and won’t play dagger dagger, because I don’t think it will make me a better player in the long run. That said, I agree with the poster above who said thief isn’t that imbalanced in tournaments…. most people can see and dodge a heartseeker thief.