Showing Posts For Kaoss.3186:

Post here if you GAVE UP on the Clocktower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


As far as I’m concerned, this wasn’t a test of skill, but rather a test of patience. It has so much to do with skill as it does with patience to try it over and over again and, ultimately, luck. Gave up on it after 2 minutes of trying. I intend to play this game for fun, and even do challenging things. But to be frustrated continuously for something that’s simply not worth the time?

Yeah, no thanks. I’ll just skip content similar to this altogether.

Lost 50+ levels of storyline

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


That was the fix Anet applied to that 30→48 bug. Or, rather, to be more accurate, it was to fix people’s storylines, so they could get back to playing.

Rich (ore name) Vein??

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


Indeed, you only get 3 ores from each node at a time, but the rich nodes allow you to harvest several times before becoming unusable.

Mini Disappears from my Inventory

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


Have you and your friend tried looking on your bank, on the Materials and such tab? Because when you do ‘deposit all materials’ and such, the minipets are considered part of it, as they have a pane for themselves in that section of the bank. Just thought you might as well look for them there.

Going from a level 30 Story Quest to a level 48 ( skipping the story line!! )

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


Unless I’m misunderstanding, it sounds like every single person who has been bitten by this bug was grouped with another player at the time, on the exact same quest, and completing it at the exact same time in the same instance.

Is that correct? Or is there anyone who has run into this problem simply by being on this quest while in a group? For example, can two characters who are grouped but not on the same story mission, but playing together through one another’s stories, run into this problem?

Yes, I am fairly sure this is the case. In fact, most of us who were affected were people playing with significant others, which is where the whole ‘playing along in the same exact missions’ matter the most. Hopefully, this can be fixed soon..

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


Still waiting for some kind of update on this situation. This is getting seriously frustrating now.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


I agree. This has been long overdue. We tried to be patient and give all of the information to the staff so they could fix the issue. But it has been far too long, and far too long without any word on progress, issue or general information. The staff needs to give us an update, now. And a meaningful one, not just some ’we’re looking into it’ crap. I’m appalled by the quality of support coming from Anet, specially after being a GW1 player for so long.

Voices sometimes missinG

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


Indeed, this happened to me too. The NPC it happens to changes, as well. Nothing too bad, but it gets a bit annoying.

Going from a level 30 Story Quest to a level 48 ( skipping the story line!! )

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


Indeed. While it is good Anet seems to be working on it, an update would be more than welcome. It has been more than a week for me and, in all honesty, I’ve pretty much stopped playing the game. Between this bug and others, the game is nigh unplayable. So, a quick solution for this would be great. I really like the game, but this wait is killing me.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


World – Tarnished Coast
Maps – all
Party – 2

That old bug is back. We haven’t had trouble in days and days, and now this again.

Anytime we get any distance apart, our portrait and toon vanish. We have to get right on top of one another in order to see each other. We can’t join instances together. We can’t see heart progress for one another.

Sometimes zoning back and forth to other zones/the Mists worked, but didn’t tonight. Very disappointing to see this pop back up – it really destroys the entire game day for us.

Same thing happening to me, in Ehmry Bay, in a party of 2. The map doesn’t make a difference, either. Really frustrating and completely gamebreaking. Had happened before, but was apparently fixed. It’s back now, and as annoying as ever.

Party problem / instance

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


Same thing happening with me and my girlfriend. Ehmry Bay server. It happened before and then it was fixed. Now it’s back, as of yesterday.

Pet stow away doesn't work

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


There are other classes that can use a bow, though, such as the Warrior and Thief. Pets are a Ranger’s cornerstone, so if you don’t want pets, then you’re probably better off with one of those.

Regardless, pets don’t need to be revived anymore. You either switch them out and they come with full life next time you switch them in, or they just revive after battle. Take that as you will.

Missing Story for Norn Thief ?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


You guys should probably post on the ‘Did Part of Your Story Get Skipped or Changed? Post here!’ thread that’s stickied.

Going from a level 30 Story Quest to a level 48 ( skipping the story line!! )

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


it has been said before, you took the time to give second chances to cheaters and exploiters, why do those people that attempted to “break” your game deserve more attention than those of us that played it legit? seriously?

This still boggles my mind to this day. Why they would chose to put those people over us is just incredibly unfair.

Unable to load nes skill into #0 slot (open)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


Yes, I have skill “6” confirmed.

The “0” slot is for elite skills, the last one that appear on the Slot Skills page. They each cost 10 skill points and have two tiers. Have you unlocked any yet? Because you can’t put any skill there other than an Elite.

Going from a level 30 Story Quest to a level 48 ( skipping the story line!! )

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


Did anyone see the pattern here? I would recommend that you NOT share story lines with people of the same race until the problem is solved.

Every single person reporting is the the same race as their party member….

In fact, I would go further. Don’t share story lines at all. It’s not worth the risk.

Going from a level 30 Story Quest to a level 48 ( skipping the story line!! )

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


The issue is a player should be able to see their character’s personal story evolve while understanding the lore behind every instance. This coupled with the enjoyment of completing it with a friend makes for a complete gaming experience.

Some people posted about item rewards but this is a non-issue because it’s foolish to hear someone say they would remake an entire character for a few silver and armors. Focus on restoring the players sense of indulgence in the story and ignore the players demanding rewards if it hampers the process of reverting the old instance.

I’d have to disagree. Mission rewards are, more often than not, items that are extremely useful for the character in question. Are they particularly hard to get, or expensive? Possibly not. But, again, every other character gets it. Why should people affected by a bug have to be at a disadvantage or have to work extra hard to get what other people get for free, as they were INTENDED to?

But more importantly – the experience. Like you said, people enjoy playing with others. Now, imagine playing with a friend and doing everything, in terms of gameplay, with that friend. This bug happens and, suddenly, you find yourself unable to do missions. Missions which are extremely rewarding in terms of experience, giving about 6000 experience and up. This now means you will have to go grind on your own, killing random mobs that give you 30-50 experience or hunt for uncertain events for God knows how long, until you find enough. Does that sound fair to you?

Does it necessarily point towards remaking the character? No. No one said they’d remake the character over experience or items. They said they’d remake it over the gameplay being ruined, and missing out on possibly around ten missions. That does not mean, however, not getting the experience and rewards isn’t frustrating and, ultimately, extremely unfair. Just because you don’t care about a particular point of the issue does not mean others don’t and shouldn’t have their claims answered.

(edited by Kaoss.3186)

Going from a level 30 Story Quest to a level 48 ( skipping the story line!! )

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


I thought so, but my norn did enter the instance alone and by herself.

That is definitely weird, then, and unheard of among the reports here. At least those I read, and it was most of them. Did you do the previous missions alone too, or were you then accompanied?

Going from a level 30 Story Quest to a level 48 ( skipping the story line!! )

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


I just discovered that my female norn ranger (30) has the same problem in lions arch!!! Same part of storyline (after she met her friend) and is now directed to Forewarned is Forearmed (48). She received the mail from Fergal for this storyline part.

Well, my bf did not once have a problem with that kind of bug, maybe it’s account-based?

Hmm.. Did you join your boyfriend’s instance both the times? Because this bug only seems to affect people who aren’t the owners of the respective instances. So, if that’s the case, maybe that’s why he wasn’t affected while you were, twice?

Going from a level 30 Story Quest to a level 48 ( skipping the story line!! )

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


For those who have been affected by the issue, can I please get the following information:

  • Group composition:
    • Race, Profession, Level of Characters, etc.
    • Story choices for each character in the group (Blackout, Vigil, etc.)
  • Who owned the Kellach’s Attack instance (which character created the instance in which others joined)?
  • Which characters progressed on to the Level 48 quest?
  • For those who did not progress on to the Level 48 quest, what quest were they directed to instead?

It’s not Kellach’s Attack for everybody. It’s broken during different Lvl 30 (or thereabouts) quest.

  • Group composition:
    • 2x Norn, Guardian (42) and Ranger (42).
    • We both joined the Order of Whispers.
  • It wasn’t Kellach’s Attack, but rather “Down the Hatch”. It was owned by me, the Guardian (42). My gf played as the Ranger (42).
  • My gf, on the Ranger, went to quest Level 48. I’ve attached her story progression. “Down the Hatch” doesn’t even show in the log!
  • The quest after “Down the Hatch” should have been “Thrown Off Guard”.

This is the exact same thing that happened to me and hira.8420 . Her log shows up like that, as well. Stealing Secrets and, then, Suspicious Activity with nothing in between.

Going from a level 30 Story Quest to a level 48 ( skipping the story line!! )

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


For those who have been affected by the issue, can I please get the following information:

  • Group composition:
    • Race, Profession, Level of Characters, etc.
    • Story choices for each character in the group (Blackout, Vigil, etc.)
  • Who owned the Kellach’s Attack instance (which character created the instance in which others joined)?
  • Which characters progressed on to the Level 48 quest?
  • For those who did not progress on to the Level 48 quest, what quest were they directed to instead?

If possible, I’m going to give you the information belonging to my girlfriend, the one affected by this, seeing as she can’t right now. Her account is hira.8420.

Our group was composed of me, Khrael Chromeward, Human Guardian level 29~ish and her, Kira Lorelle, Human Elementalist of the same level. we were playing along and were given the choice of joining one of the groups. We both selected the Order of Whispers, to keep our stories the same and, thus, do the same missions. We were given, then, the quest ‘Stealing Secrets’, and we both had it on our mission log. Our issue did not happen in the Kellach Attack mission but, rather, during the Stealing Secrets mission or after it. If it did happen like many other users report, while visiting Lion’s Arch, we do not know.

Later when we logged on again, we found out that while I, the owner of the previous instance, now had Down the Hatch as my mission, a level 33 one, my girlfriend who had joined me in the previous one, has the Suspicious Activity, level 48, as her mission. We tried doing the mission to see if she could somehow get the bug to disappear like that but, alas, she didn’t even get the dialog to ‘Advance’ and complete her mission like she was supposed to and had all along. Thus, she was stuck until now.

(edited by Kaoss.3186)

Going from a level 30 Story Quest to a level 48 ( skipping the story line!! )

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


Yep. I make your words mine. And obviously, by the latest posts, it is NOT fixed yet. If they don’t at least give the rewards and experience to the people affected by it, they can at the very least expect two refund request, for me and my girlfriend will not want to keep this game anymore.

I feel exactly the same way. The issue didn’t occur for me, but my gf. We play together and if they cannot fix this, then I also want a refund.

I’ve been a champion of GW2. I’ve been waiting for and following it for 5 years. I played GW1 aggressively with 50/50 HoM, but this is a deal-breaker.

Fix it for existing characters or my gf and I want our money back…

While I did not get 50/50, but only 30/50 on GW1, I do share the same views. I, too, wasn’t affected by it, but my girlfriend. As I said before, I waited for this game for years, eagerly, and converted as many friends as I could to get this game as well. Ultimately, however, I bought the game not only to play with them, but mostly to play with my significant other. And if I can’t do that, I’d rather not play at all. It’s as simple as that.

Remaking the character isn’t an option, either. Too much effort went into the creation and progression of these ones to just scrap them over a mistake Anet does not want to fix. If they can’t rollback characters, then that’s already poor strategy on their part. But, there are other options. Simply shrugging and saying ‘nothing we can do’ is not a valid answer for someone who paid $60 on their game. We’re customers, and we needed to be treated as such.

Going from a level 30 Story Quest to a level 48 ( skipping the story line!! )

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


Hey everyone! Thank you all for reporting this issue, especially to those who provided so much detail about this bug!

This issue should be fixed as of the latest build of the game, and while we will unfortunately not be able to reset characters which have already skipped the level 30-48 story steps, any new characters should not run in to this issue.

If you DO run into this issue again, please let us know everything you can about the issue as soon as possible – what character you’re playing, what race they are, etc. – and we’ll take another look at it!

Thanks, again, and good hunting! =)

Sorry, but this is unacceptable. Surely you can do some integrity check to fix this. So you are telling me that you guys cannot get the “choices” made by a character and where the issue occurred (ie where the next step in the story is skipped) and roll back the story to that point?

Your excuses for not fixing it for existing characters that is already affected by this “bug” is weak.

You claimed to have fixed this bug before, and yet it is clearly still not fixed. So you are now telling us to start a new character and hope and pray that you did actually fix it.
What about people that have already invested many hours in the game, including crafting levels and materials? You are simply showing them the finger…

You bend backwards to allow exploiters back in the game, but yet you are not prepared to investigate a fix for this? Great customer support sarcasm.

This is absolutely pathetic!

Yep. I make your words mine. And obviously, by the latest posts, it is NOT fixed yet. If they don’t at least give the rewards and experience to the people affected by it, they can at the very least expect two refund request, for me and my girlfriend will not want to keep this game anymore.

Story quest skipping to L48 quest not fixed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


Yeah, I’m a little upset that I’m missing out on the rewards and experience for my story quests. I think it’s a little odd that they say there is nothing they can do about it.

We need a response, because this issue clearly hasn’t been fixed, and it’s not really acceptable to say there is nothing to be done.

Agreed. Furthermore, they haven’t answered ANY of the topics done on this matter, and this is the fourth i’ve seen in two days. This happened to me an my girlfriend and we stopped playing the game due to this aggravating issue. More aggravating than that, even, is the fact that we’re getting no word on this, no fix, nothing. If they truly can do nothing to fix the quest, they need to at least reward those affected with the rewards and experience they would get otherwise by completing the quests they missed on.

Do they seriously expect people to grind 18 levels, when one of the most advertised thing about this game is the no-grind factor? Huge disappointment to me, a day-one Anet fan.

Going from a level 30 Story Quest to a level 48 ( skipping the story line!! )

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


mine bugged when i grouped with 1 other person

I don’t think I’ve seen anyone complain this happened to them in solo. The bug is clearly happening only to people who play in duos or with bigger parties. Why it only started now, however, i have no idea.

Is this happening on all races though, or only on specific ones, like human? It would be nice to have that feedback I guess, while we wait for any official say on this matter.

Going from a level 30 Story Quest to a level 48 ( skipping the story line!! )

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


what happens if it happens to your new character too?

That’s a scary thought, my advice is do the personal story individually.

Not an option, as far as I’m concerned. I bought this game to play with my girlfriend. I’d faster stop playing the game altogether than avoid doing personal missions with her just so some bug doesn’t ruin my gameplay. This needs to be fixed and the people need to be rolledback or at least given the rewards and experience they would gain from the missions.

Going from a level 30 Story Quest to a level 48 ( skipping the story line!! )

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


This didnt happen to me last night, just happened to me now. And this is very upsetting that no one from arena net is commenting for helping. I have tried going back into Lions Arch like it suggests, and even logged to go back into Lions Arch and it will not reset itself, like the Arena Net post said. This is a serious issue, and TOO many people are having this issue. If we are not able to be reset in the story line, we should atleast get a chest full of stuff we will be missing out on, with experience included, to keep it even with our partners who still have the correct quests.

Exactly. I find it quite ridiculous people who got banned for abusing the game got all the help they needed to get back into the game, that people who get hacked left and right because they can’t have the common sense to keep their computer and account information safe hog all the human resources and us, people who PAID for the game and are abiding by the rules instated by Anet are being thoroughly ignored and screwed over. This has, honestly, robbed me of any and all will to continue playing this game.

Will we have to remake characters to fix story issues?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


I too would like to know an answer to this. It boggles my mind that something as crucial as the personal missions and story would be this badly bugged. This makes the game unplayable, as it does not let us progress properly. Anet needs to find a way to fix this, or rollback the characters, or something.

Going from a level 30 Story Quest to a level 48 ( skipping the story line!! )

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaoss.3186


Agreed. While this did not happen to me, it happened to my girlfriend. Now, she’s stuck on a level 48 mission, while being level 32. Sure, she can experience the questline by tagging along with me, but she will have to do so without getting ANY reward or experience. That’s ridiculous, as we’ll end up having our gameplay severely disrupted and played in a way the game was NOT meant to be played.

People are right, we did pay for this game. And as such, if Arenanet has the right to ban people who use bugs for their own advantage, they also have the duty to make the game playable. Rollback the character, fix the journals.. Do this individually if you need to, Arenanet. If you can devote your time into forgiving people who abused the game and got banned over it, by checking each character individually to make sure they deleted the items, you surely can also make sure your customers who have been playing FAIRLY don’t get screwed over.